Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (

Interface JavaFileProvider

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseFileProvider, CachedFileProvider, JavaManager, JavaModel, ProjectFileProvider, SimpleFileProvider

public interface JavaFileProvider
extends JavaProvider

The JavaFileProvider extends the JavaProvider interface by providing methods to retrieve a JavaFile or SourceFile from a Java class or source URL.

Method Summary
 SourceFile createSourceFile( sourceURL)
          Creates a new SourceFile for the given Java source URL (*.java).
 JavaFile getFile( url)
          Fetch the JavaFile for the given URL.
 SourceFile getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer)
          Creates a new SourceFile from the input TextBuffer but NOT tied any particular Java source URL.
 SourceFile getSourceFile( sourceURL)
          Fetch the SourceFile for the given Java source URL (*.java).
Methods inherited from interface
getArrayType, getClass, getClass, getClassByVMName, getPackage, getSourceClass, getTextBuffer

Method Detail


JavaFile getFile( url)
Fetch the JavaFile for the given URL. The URL can be either a Java class file (*.class) or a Java source file (*.java). The classes contained in that file represented by the URL can be fetched from the JavaFile.

url - the URL to get the Java file for
the Java file for that URL.


SourceFile getSourceFile( sourceURL)
Fetch the SourceFile for the given Java source URL (*.java). The classes contained in the file represented by the URL can be fetched from the source file. If the URL does not represent a valid Java source file, or if the URL points to a non-existing file, then null will be returned.

sourceURL - the source URL to get the Java file for
the source file for the source URL


SourceFile createSourceFile( sourceURL)
Creates a new SourceFile for the given Java source URL (*.java). This will create a new empty file for the given URL, and return a SourceFile instance for it. If the file already exists on disk, then this will return null.

sourceURL - the source URL to create a new Java file for
the new source file for the source URL, or null if the file could not be created because it exists
Throws: - if the new file cannot be created
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the URL is not recognized as a Java source file


SourceFile getSourceFile(TextBuffer textBuffer)
Creates a new SourceFile from the input TextBuffer but NOT tied any particular Java source URL. In particular, that means that the contents of this SourceFile are NOT fetchable and therefore this SourceFile cannot be referenced by any other.

a newly created SourceFile based on the input TextBuffer.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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