Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


Class JStarter

  extended by oracle.ide.runner.Starter
      extended by oracle.jdeveloper.runner.JStarter

public class JStarter
extends Starter

A class that represents a way of starting a Java process.

Field Summary
protected  JRunProcess jrunProcess
          The JRunProcess that will be or has been started by this JStarter.
protected  RunConfiguration runConfiguration
          The RunConfiguration part of the project.
protected  java.lang.String[] target
          The target items for the java command line.
Fields inherited from class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
process, runProcess, startException
Constructor Summary
protected JStarter(JRunProcess jrunProcess, java.lang.String[] target)
          This constructor initializes fields, including jrunProcess, target and runConfiguration.
Method Summary
protected static void addArrayToList(java.util.List list, java.lang.String[] a)
protected  void addBootClassPathOption(java.util.List list)
protected  void addClassPathOption(java.util.List list)
protected  void addFirstJavaCommandOptions(java.util.List list)
protected  boolean addJavaExecutableName(java.util.List list)
          Adds the Java executable name to the list of command line items.
static void addJavaOptionProvider(JavaOptionProvider javaOptionProvider)
          Adds the JavaOptionProvider to the list of JavaOptionProviders that will be called when a Java run process is started.
protected  void addJavaOptionProvidersJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
          Adds the Java options from the Java option providers to the list of command line items.
protected  void addJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
          Adds the Java options to the list of command line items.
protected  boolean addJavaVmOption(java.util.List list)
          Adds the Java VM option to the list of command line items.
protected  void addLastJavaCommandOptions(java.util.List list)
protected  void addProgramArguments(java.util.List list)
          Adds the program arguments to the list of command line items.
protected  void addProxyJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
          Adds the proxy options to the list of command line, if the RunConfiguration specifies to pass proxy options to the process.
protected  void addRunConfigurationJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
          Adds the Java options specified in the RunConfiguration to the list of command line items.
protected  java.lang.String getBootClassPath()
          Returns the boot class path.
protected  java.lang.String getClassPath()
          Returns the class path.
 java.lang.String[] getStartCommand()
          Returns the command line that will be executed to start the process.
protected  java.lang.String getVMName()
static void removeJavaOptionProvider(JavaOptionProvider javaOptionProvider)
          Removes the JavaOptionProvider from the list of JavaOptionProviders that will be called when a Java run process is started.
Methods inherited from class oracle.ide.runner.Starter
canContainRunProcesses, canStart, canTerminate, canTerminateGracefully, finished, getExitCode, getProcess, getStartDirectory, getStartEnvironmentParams, getStartException, getTerminateCommand, getTerminateEnvironmentParams, isStartOnly, mustPrepareToStart, prepareToStart, reuseLogPage, start, terminate, terminateGracefully, waitForProcess
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected JRunProcess jrunProcess
The JRunProcess that will be or has been started by this JStarter.


protected java.lang.String[] target
The target items for the java command line.


protected RunConfiguration runConfiguration
The RunConfiguration part of the project.

Constructor Detail


protected JStarter(JRunProcess jrunProcess,
                   java.lang.String[] target)
This constructor initializes fields, including jrunProcess, target and runConfiguration.

Method Detail


public static void addJavaOptionProvider(JavaOptionProvider javaOptionProvider)
Adds the JavaOptionProvider to the list of JavaOptionProviders that will be called when a Java run process is started.


public static void removeJavaOptionProvider(JavaOptionProvider javaOptionProvider)
Removes the JavaOptionProvider from the list of JavaOptionProviders that will be called when a Java run process is started.


public java.lang.String[] getStartCommand()
Description copied from class: Starter
Returns the command line that will be executed to start the process.

The default behavior is to call the RunProcess.getStartCommand() method.

getStartCommand in class Starter
the command line


protected boolean addJavaExecutableName(java.util.List list)
Adds the Java executable name to the list of command line items.

list - the command line items so far
true if the Java executable name can be determined.


protected boolean addJavaVmOption(java.util.List list)
Adds the Java VM option to the list of command line items.

The Java VM is specified by the RunConfiguration

The implementation here asks each JavaOptionProviders for the Java VM name. Any of the JavaOptionProviders are allowed to change the VM name and the last one sticks.

list - the command line items so far


protected final java.lang.String getVMName()


protected final void addFirstJavaCommandOptions(java.util.List list)


protected void addJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
Adds the Java options to the list of command line items.

The implementation here adds the Java options specified in the RunConfiguration, the Java options from JavaOptionProviders, and if the RunConfiguration specifies to pass proxy options to the process, these are also added.

list - the command line items so far


protected void addRunConfigurationJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
Adds the Java options specified in the RunConfiguration to the list of command line items.

list - the command line items so far


protected void addJavaOptionProvidersJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
Adds the Java options from the Java option providers to the list of command line items.

list - the command line items so far


protected void addProxyJavaOptions(java.util.List list)
Adds the proxy options to the list of command line, if the RunConfiguration specifies to pass proxy options to the process.

list - the command line items so far


protected final void addClassPathOption(java.util.List list)


protected java.lang.String getClassPath()
Returns the class path.


protected final void addBootClassPathOption(java.util.List list)


protected java.lang.String getBootClassPath()
Returns the boot class path.


protected final void addLastJavaCommandOptions(java.util.List list)


protected void addProgramArguments(java.util.List list)
Adds the program arguments to the list of command line items.

The implementation here adds program arguments specified in the RunConfiguration and the program arguments from JavaOptionProviders.

list - the command line items so far


protected static void addArrayToList(java.util.List list,
                                     java.lang.String[] a)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK Reference
11g Release 1 (


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