Work Manager: Response Time: Configuration
Configuration Options Related Tasks Related Topics
Use this page to configure properties for the selected response time request class.
A response time request class specifies a response time goal in milliseconds. Response time goals are not applied to individual requests. Instead, WebLogic Server computes a tolerable waiting time for requests with that class by subtracting the observed average thread use time from the response time goal, and schedules schedule requests so that the average wait for requests with the class is proportional to its tolerable waiting time.
Configuration Options
Name Description Name The user-specified name of this MBean instance.
This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's
MBean Attribute:
Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.
Response time goal A response time goal in milliseconds.
You can either define a response time goal or keep the -1 default value, which acts as a placeholder for the response time goal. By doing so, you have not defined the response time goal at run time but can define one later.
MBean Attribute: