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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Interface JpsUtilMigrationPolicyIfc

public interface JpsUtilMigrationPolicyIfc

Interface which will be used for migration of policy related data

Method Summary
 void migrateAllPolicyData(PolicyStore srcPs, PolicyStore dstPs, IdentityStoreService assoIDs)
          This method migrates all Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration)
          This method migrates all the policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration, java.lang.String dstAssoIdStoreCtxName, JpsConfiguration dstAssoIdStoreConfig)
          This method migrates all the Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
          This method migrates all the policies (Application as well as global), from a policy store (source) to another (destination).
 void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String appName)
          This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String appName, boolean overwrite)
          This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String srcAppName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstAppName)
          This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String srcAppName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstAppName, boolean overwrite)
          This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination).
 void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String srcAppName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstAppName, boolean procPrivRole, java.lang.String resFile, boolean overwrite)
          This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination).
 void migrateGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
          This method migrates all the Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination).
 void migrateJava2PolicyData( srcJava2PolicyFile, java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
          This method migrates all the policies , from a java2 policy file (source) to a JPS policy store (destination).
 void setConfigParameter(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)
          This api can be used to set the config parameters to be used during migration.


Method Detail


void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String appName)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination). The policy store's are addressed using JPSContext. This method is similar to the other migrateAppPolicyData, except that the name of the destination application will default to the same name as the source application name
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
appName - Name(ID) of the application whose policies are being migrated.


void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String appName,
                          boolean overwrite)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination). The policy store's are addressed using JPSContext. This method is similar to the other migrateAppPolicyData, except that the name of the destination application will default to the same name as the source application name
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
appName - Name(ID) of the application whose policies are being migrated.
overwrite - deletes the existing policies for the given application in destination store while migration.


void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String srcAppName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstAppName)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcAppName - Name(ID) of the source application whose policies are being migrated.
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstAppName - Name(ID) of the destination application.


void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String srcAppName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstAppName,
                          boolean overwrite)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcAppName - Name(ID) of the source application whose policies are being migrated.
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstAppName - Name(ID) of the destination application.
overwrite - deletes the existing policies for the given application in destination store while migration.
migrateOnlyAppPolicy - If true then migrate only application policy to destination policy store like system-jazn-data.xml/LDAP If false then migrate both Identity Store Artifacts and Application Artifacts to destination policy store like system-jazn-data.xml/LDAP


void migrateAppPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String srcAppName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstAppName,
                          boolean procPrivRole,
                          java.lang.String resFile,
                          boolean overwrite)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies defined for a given application, from a policy store (source) to another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcAppName - Name(ID) of the source application whose policies are being migrated.
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstAppName - Name(ID) of the destination application. If dstAppName is null, dstAppName is considered same as srcAppName
procPrivRole - Boolean value that indicated whether or not to process privilege roles
resFile - Absolute path of resourceType definition file. ResourceTypes for the application are read from this file and created into destination store. If resFile is null, JpsException is thrown.
overwrite - Boolean value that indicates if existing policies in the destination policy store need to be overwritten.
JpsException - This exception is thrown when an error occurs or when the required information like resFile is not provided.


void migrateGlobalPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                             java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
                             throws JpsException
This method migrates all the Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).


void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies (Application as well as global), from a policy store (source) to another (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).


void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcConfiguration - Source JPS configuartion
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstConfiguration - Destination JPS configuration


void migrateAllPolicyData(java.lang.String srcJpsCtxName,
                          JpsConfiguration srcConfiguration,
                          java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName,
                          JpsConfiguration dstConfiguration,
                          java.lang.String dstAssoIdStoreCtxName,
                          JpsConfiguration dstAssoIdStoreConfig)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all the Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the source Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
srcConfiguration - Source JPS configuartion
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).
dstConfiguration - Destination JPS configuration
dstAssoIdStoreCtxName - JPS configuration context identifier where the identity store associated with the policy store is configured.
dstAssoIdStoreConfig - JPS configuration object that contains the configuration of the identity store associated with the policy store.


void migrateJava2PolicyData( srcJava2PolicyFile,
                            java.lang.String dstJpsCtxName)
                            throws JpsException
This method migrates all the policies , from a java2 policy file (source) to a JPS policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext. The code signers in the source will be ignored by the API, java.ext.dirs macro should not appear in the source file.
srcJava2PolicyFile - source java2 policy file
dstJpsCtxName - The JPS Context which defines the destination Policy Store (defined in the jps-config.xml file).


void migrateAllPolicyData(PolicyStore srcPs,
                          PolicyStore dstPs,
                          IdentityStoreService assoIDs)
                          throws JpsException
This method migrates all Global policies, from a policy store (source) to a another policy store (destination). The policy Store is addressed using JPSContext.
srcPs - Source policy store object
dstPs - Destination policy store object
assoIDs - identity store associated with the destination policy store.
JpsException - underlying JpsException


void setConfigParameter(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> params)
This api can be used to set the config parameters to be used during migration. The available parameters are: 1. JpsUtilEnv.CONVERT_GRANT_PRINCIPALS "convertGrantPrincipals" - a parameter to enable/disable principal validation; 2. JpsUtilEnv.OPERATION_MIGRATE_ID_STORE_MAPPING "migrateIdStoreMapping" - turn on the switch for migration of only application policies then the key can be passed to turn the funtionality ON/OFF. 3. JpsUtilEnv.PRESERVE_APPROLE_GUIDS "preserveAppRoleGuids" true/fasle - a parameter to enable/disable preserving of Application Role GUID while migrating application policies containing application role definitions. 4. JpsUtilEnv.MODE "mode" - a parameter to decide if the duplicates has to be pruned and migrated without an error.
params - - config params to be used during migration

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Management Java API Reference for Oracle Platform Security Services
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


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