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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

Interface IConditionalStatements

All Superinterfaces:

public interface IConditionalStatements
extends IStatement

Defines the body for condition and otherwise statements.

Nested Class Summary


Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface oracle.wcps.conductor.scenario.syntax.IStatement


Method Summary
 void addConditionalStatement(IConditionalStatement statement)
          Adds a compound statement to execute, but only if the supplied expression evaluates to true.
 java.util.List<IConditionalStatement> getConditionalStatements()
          Returns the collection of conditional statements.
 ICompoundStatement getOtherwiseStatement()
          Returns the otherwise statement.
 void setOtherwiseStatement(ICompoundStatement statementToExecute)
          Adds a compound statement to execute, but only if the provided conditional statements evaluate to false.


Methods inherited from interface oracle.wcps.conductor.scenario.syntax.IStatement
getComments, getContainerScenarioName, getErrorLevel, getErrorMessage, getId, getLabel, getParentStatement, raiseError, setComments, setId, setLabel


Method Detail


void addConditionalStatement(IConditionalStatement statement)
Adds a compound statement to execute, but only if the supplied expression evaluates to true.
conditionalExpression - The expression to evaluate.
statementToExecute - The block of statement(s) to execute if the provided conditionalExpression evaluates to true.


java.util.List<IConditionalStatement> getConditionalStatements()
Returns the collection of conditional statements.


void setOtherwiseStatement(ICompoundStatement statementToExecute)
Adds a compound statement to execute, but only if the provided conditional statements evaluate to false.
statementToExecute - The block of statement(s) to execute if none of the specified conditionalExpression statements evaluate to true.


ICompoundStatement getOtherwiseStatement()
Returns the otherwise statement.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle WebCenter Portal
11g Release 1 (

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