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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Interface IMasterOdiEntity

All Superinterfaces:
IOdiEntity, IRepositoryEntity
All Known Implementing Classes:
OdiContext, OdiContextualAgentMapping, OdiContextualSchemaMapping, OdiDataServer, OdiDataType, OdiEnterpriseScheduler, OdiFlexField, OdiIndexType, OdiLogicalAgent, OdiLogicalSchema, OdiMasterRepositoryInfo, OdiPhysicalAgent, OdiPhysicalAgentDataSource, OdiPhysicalSchema, OdiRepositoryServer, OdiTechnology, OdiUser, OdiWorkRepositoryInfo

public interface IMasterOdiEntity
extends IOdiEntity

Marker interface for entities that resides in the ODI Master Repository.


Method Summary


Methods inherited from interface oracle.odi.domain.IOdiEntity
getFirstDate, getFirstUser, getLastDate, getLastUser, getName, isInstanceLevelSecurityNeeded


Methods inherited from interface oracle.odi.domain.IRepositoryEntity
getInternalId, getSecurityContainer


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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