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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


Package oracle.odi.setup

Provides classes for ODI master and work repository related operations.


Interface Summary
IMasterRepositorySetup This interface defines methods to create and upgrade an ODI Master Repository.
IRepositoryUpgradeService Repository upgrade service allows to easily upgrade a master repository and it's attached work repositories.
IWorkRepositorySetup This interface defines methods to create and upgrade an ODI Work Repository.


Class Summary
AuthenticationConfiguration AuthenticationConfiguration represent the configuration related to authentication used when creating a master repository.
AuthenticationConfiguration.OPSSAuthenticationConfiguration Represents an ODI OPSS Authentication Configuration.
AuthenticationConfiguration.StandaloneAuthenticationConfiguration Represents an ODI Standalone Authentication Configuration.
JdbcProperties Represents the JdbcProperties URL, Driver class name, Username and Password.
RepositoryUpgradeReport Implementation of IRepositoryUpgradeCallback that builds a report from the events.
SwitchAuthenticationService This class is used to switch between external authentication and standalone authentication.
SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService This class should be used to switch a repository from standalone authentication to external authentication.
SwitchToExternalAuthenticationService.SwitchStatistics Statistical information resulting from a switch.
SwitchToStandaloneAuthenticationService This class should be used to switch a repository from external authentication to standalone authentication.


Enum Summary
IRepositoryUpgradeCallback.UpgradeStatus Upgrade status information
TechnologyName Enumeration that defines all the available database technology names for an ODI repository.


Exception Summary
AuthenticationConfigurationSwitchingException Exception raised when there is a configuration problem encountered preventing the AuthenticationConfiguration to be switched.
InvalidJdbcPropertiesException Exception raised if the JdbcProperties is not valid.
RepositoryScriptsNotFoundException Thrown to indicate the SQL/DDL scripts were not found.
RepositorySetupException Exception used to report an error during a repository setup like the creation or the upgrade of an ODI repository.


Package oracle.odi.setup Description

Provides classes for ODI master and work repository related operations.


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Oracle® Data Integrator Java API Reference
11g Release 1 (


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