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Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle TopLink
11g Release 1 (11.1.1)


Class ReportQueryFromCoherence

  extended by oracle.eclipselink.coherence.integrated.internal.querying.CoherenceRedirector
      extended by oracle.eclipselink.coherence.integrated.querying.ReportQueryFromCoherence

All Implemented Interfaces:, QueryRedirector

public class ReportQueryFromCoherence
extends CoherenceRedirector
implements QueryRedirector

Purpose: This Query Redirector should be set on any class or query where the user wants Coherence to be checked for data instead of the database and CoherenceInterceptor has been set on the Descriptor. With this Redirector set TopLink will not issue any SQL for Reads of data and aggregation unless the query can not be translated into a Coherence filter. Developers should set the Coherence Cache name that corresponds to this class in a descriptor property called "". Each class should have its own Cache unless the PK's of the instances are unique amoung all classes stored in a single cache This Redirector can be set on the class descriptor through a Session or Descriptor customizer or annotations. This Redirector may be used on a per query basis as well.

Oracle TopLink 11g (
Gordon Yorke
See Also:
setDefaultInsertQueryRedirector(QueryRedirector), QueryRedirectors, Serialized Form

Field Summary
protected static java.lang.Boolean RESULT_IGNORED


Fields inherited from class oracle.eclipselink.coherence.integrated.internal.querying.CoherenceRedirector
filterFactory, namedCache, shouldTranslatePKs, translationDelegate


Constructor Summary


Method Summary
protected  java.lang.Object buildObject(ReportQuery reportQuery, java.util.Collection results, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
 java.lang.Object buildObject(ReportQuery query, java.lang.Object[] resultRow, java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> distinctSet, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)
 java.lang.String buildResultKeyForDistinct(java.lang.Object[] resultRow)
 java.lang.Object invokeQuery(DatabaseQuery query, Record arguments, Session session)
          REQUIRED: Perform the query.
protected  java.lang.Object[] processCloning(ReportQuery query, java.lang.Object[] results, org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)


Methods inherited from class oracle.eclipselink.coherence.integrated.internal.querying.CoherenceRedirector
getFilterFactory, getNamedCache, getTranslationFailureDelegate, shouldTranslatePKs


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.Boolean RESULT_IGNORED

Constructor Detail


public ReportQueryFromCoherence()

Method Detail


public java.lang.Object invokeQuery(DatabaseQuery query,
                                    Record arguments,
                                    Session session)
Description copied from interface: QueryRedirector
REQUIRED: Perform the query. This must execute the query base on the arguments and return a valid result for the query.
Specified by:
invokeQuery in interface QueryRedirector


public java.lang.String buildResultKeyForDistinct(java.lang.Object[] resultRow)


public java.lang.Object buildObject(ReportQuery query,
                                    java.lang.Object[] resultRow,
                                    java.util.Set<java.lang.Object> distinctSet,
                                    org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)


protected java.lang.Object[] processCloning(ReportQuery query,
                                            java.lang.Object[] results,
                                            org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)


protected java.lang.Object buildObject(ReportQuery reportQuery,
                                       java.util.Collection results,
                                       org.eclipse.persistence.internal.sessions.AbstractSession session)

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