
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in This Guide for Release

Part I Introduction

1 Overview of Creating Oracle CEP Applications

2 Overview of Oracle CEP Events

Part II Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse

3 Overview of the Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse

4 Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse Projects

5 Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse and Oracle CEP Servers

6 Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse and the Event Processing Network

Part III Building the Oracle CEP Event Processing Network

7 Configuring JMS Adapters

8 Configuring HTTP Publish-Subscribe Server Adapters

9 Configuring Channels

10 Configuring Oracle CQL Processors

11 Configuring EPL Processors

12 Configuring Caching

13 Configuring Event Record and Playback

Part IV Extending the Oracle CEP Event Processing Network

14 Configuring Custom Adapters

15 Configuring Custom Event Beans

16 Configuring Custom Spring Beans

17 Configuring Web Services

18 Configuring Applications With Data Cartridges

19 Extending Component Configuration

Part V Developing Applications for High Availability

20 Understanding High Availability

21 Configuring High Availability

Part VI Developing Applications for Scalability

22 Understanding Scalability

23 Configuring Scalability

Part VII Assembly, Deployment, and Testing

24 Assembling and Deploying Oracle CEP Applications

25 Testing Applications With the Load Generator and csvgen Adapter

26 Testing Applications With the Event Inspector

27 Performance Tuning

Part VIII Oracle CEP Reference

A Additional Information about Spring and OSGi

B Oracle CEP Schemas

C Schema Reference: EPN Assembly spring-wlevs-v11_1_1_6.xsd

D Schema Reference: Component Configuration wlevs_application_config.xsd

E Schema Reference: Deployment deployment.xsd

F Schema Reference: Server Configuration wlevs_server_config.xsd

G Schema Reference: Message Catalog msgcat.dtd

H Schema Reference: Locale Message Catalog l10n_msgcat.dtd

I Oracle CEP Metadata Annotation Reference

J Oracle CEP IDE for Eclipse Tutorial
