12 Configuring Time Periods

Periods define a length of time to use in retention schedules and dispositions. They are associated with retention periods for dispositions and with review periods for cycling subject-to-review content.

This chapter covers the following topics:

12.1 Using Time Periods

Three types of time periods are used in retention:

  • Custom: A custom period has a defined start date and time usually not corresponding to a fiscal or calendar year period.

  • Fiscal: A fiscal period corresponds to a fiscal year.

  • Calendar: A calendar period corresponds to the calendar year.

Built-in periods cannot be edited or deleted. A user can edit any periods that are created, and created periods can be deleted if the period is not in use.

To work with periods, the following rights are required:

  • Admin.Triggers: This right enables a user to view information about periods.

  • Admin.RecordManager: In addition to viewing information about periods, this right also enables a user to create (add), edit, and delete periods.

The following calendar periods are predefined:

  • Calendar Quarters (wwRmaCalendarQuarter)

  • Calendar Years (wwRmaCalendarYear)

  • Months (wwRmaMonth)

  • Fiscal Quarters (wwRmaFiscalQuarter)

  • Fiscal Halves (wwRmaFiscalHalves)

  • Fiscal Years (wwRmaFiscalYear)

Weeks (wwRmaWeekEnd) are defined as a built-in custom period.

12.2 Managing Time Periods

The following tasks are used when managing time periods:

12.2.1 Creating or Editing a Custom Time Period

Use this procedure to create a period in addition to the standard calendar periods already defined. For example, you may need a calendar period such as decade or century for the review cycle or retention period needs of your organization.


The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.
  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. Click Add.

    The Create or Edit Period Page opens.

  3. Enter a name for the period.

  4. Select the type of time period, either Calendar, Fiscal, or Custom. The start date of the fiscal year is defined on the Configure Retention Settings Page. The Custom option is useful for creating lengthy periods such as decades or centuries, or unusual periods such as School Year Session, or Software Development Cycle.

  5. Click the calendar icon and select or edit a custom start time.

  6. Enter an integer value for the length of the time period and choose a time unit from the Length list.

  7. Enter a label to describe the end of the period.

  8. Click Create.

    A message is displayed saying the period was created successfully, with the period information.

  9. Click OK.


    The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

To edit a time period, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. Choose Edit Period from the item's Actions menu for the period to edit.

    The Create or Edit Period Page opens.

  3. Edit the appropriate information.

  4. Click Submit Update.

    A message is displayed saying the period was updated successfully.

  5. Click OK.

12.2.2 Viewing Period Information


Either the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. The Admin.Triggers right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer roles and the Admin.RecordManager right to the Records Administrator role.
  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. Click the period to view from the Period Name list.

    The Period Information Page opens.

    The Built-in label indicates if a period was predefined. A period created by an administrator always displays No for the Built-in label. If a period is a built-in period, the Edit option is not displayed on the page because a user cannot edit a predefined period. The Actions menu is not available to any users other than those with the Admin.RecordManager right.

  3. When done, click OK.

12.2.3 Viewing Period References

Use this procedure to view references to a period (those categories, folders, and disposition rules that use the period in their definitions). Generally, period references are viewed to determine why a custom period cannot be deleted.


Either the Admin.Triggers or Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. The Admin.Triggers right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and Records Officer roles. The Admin.RecordManager right to the Records Administrator role.

To view period references, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. Click the period to view from the list.

    The Period Information Page opens.

  3. Choose References from the Page Actions menu. The Period Reference Page opens. This page shows all folders, categories, and/or category dispositions the current period is referenced by, with a link to each of the referencing items. If a link is clicked, the associated information page for the item opens.

  4. When done, click OK.

12.2.4 Deleting a Custom Period

Built-in periods cannot be deleted. Before deleting a period, make sure the period is not referenced by a retention period within a disposition rule for a category, or by a review period for an item, record folder, or retention category.


The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. It is assigned by default to Records Administrator role.
  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. Choose Delete Period from a period's Actions menu.

    A message is displayed saying the period was deleted successfully.

  3. Click OK.

12.2.5 Example: Creating a Custom Period

This example demonstrates creating a custom period with the following characteristics:

  • The custom period name is School Year 2010-2011.

  • The custom start time is September 7th, 2010, and the start time is 9:00 am. The system automatically calculates and tracks the end of the period.

  • The length of the period is nine months.

  • The end of the period label is End of School Year 2011.


    The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform the tasks in this example. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

To create a custom school period, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Retention then Periods.

    The Configure Periods Page opens.

  2. In the Period Name area, click Add. The Create or Edit Period Page opens.

  3. Enter School year 2010-2011 as the Period Name.

  4. By default, the Custom option is already selected in the Period Type list. Leave the Custom option selected.

  5. Click the calendar icon and select a custom start date of September 7, 2010. The date and default time show in the Custom Start Time box. The time defaults to 12 am (midnight) on this page, so to edit the time, you must do so directly in the Custom Start Time text box. Change 12 to 9. Make sure you specify the date according to the format used by your system locale.

  6. Enter 9 as the Length and select Months from the list.

  7. Enter End of School year 2010-2011 as the label for end of period.

  8. Click Create.

    A message is displayed saying the period was created successfully.

  9. Click OK.