13 Creating Custom Metadata

If an organization has unique needs for metadata fields for retention categories or record folders, the system software can be customized to include the fields. Depending on the field characteristics, the new custom fields are displayed on the Create Category, Create Folder page, or Create Physical Page (if Physical Content Management is enabled). These fields are also displayed on the edit and information pages for those retention schedule objects. See Chapter 10, "Setting Up a Retention Schedule" for details.

The order in which the custom metadata fields appear depends on the order indicated in the custom metadata fields box. The fields can be arranged using the arrows near the custom metadata box.

Custom fields can be added to existing tables already in use in the repository. These fields supplement the fields uses with retention category pages, record folder pages, and physical items pages.

Auxiliary metadata sets can also be created. These are subsets of metadata that can be attached to objects in the repository. This type of metadata is associated with specific properties of an item, such as image size, the character encoding of a document, or other property that must be tracked for specific items. When creating auxiliary metadata, the database table in which the metadata is stored is also created, with a name given to the table and fields added to it. Note that in order to search for auxiliary metadata, Oracle Text Search (full-text searching) must be used.

The process is the same for creating both types of metadata, either complete auxiliary sets or additional fields with the standard metadata sets. The main difference lies in the creation of the table to store the auxiliary metadata set.


Using auxiliary metadata sets can slow the search times when using Oracle Text Search because additional tables must be accessed and evaluated.

This chapter covers the following topics:

13.1 Managing Custom Metadata

The following tasks are used when managing custom metadata:

13.1.1 Creating or Editing Custom Metadata Fields

The following information is a general navigational procedure for adding metadata fields regardless of type (standard metadata or auxiliary metadata).


Users must have the Records Administrator role or the PCM Administrator role in order to perform this action. The user must also have administrative permissions.
  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Metadata then Metadata Sets.

    The Metadata List Page opens.

  2. To create a new auxiliary metadata set, choose Create Auxiliary Metadata from the Page menu.

    The Create or Edit Auxiliary Metadata Set Page opens. Enter the auxiliary metadata set name, display name, name of the new table being created to house the metadata set, and column prefix for that table.

    To add fields to an existing metadata set, either auxiliary or standard set (Retention Categories, Record Folders, or Physical), choose Update Fields from the auxiliary set's individual Actions menu on the Metadata List Page. The Create or Edit Standard Metadata Field Page opens.

  3. Add the field information for the new metadata field.

    • Name: Name for the field in the database. Maximum of 30 characters is allowed. Do not use special characters (question mark, punctuation, and so on).

    • Caption: Caption for the field that will appear in the user interface. Maximum of 30 characters allowed.

    • Type: The data type for the field. Options include:

      • Text (default): Text field, 30 characters maximum.

      • Long Text: Text field, 100 characters maximum.

      • Integer: An integer value ranging from -231 to 2 31 (-2 billion to +2 billion). Decimal values and commas not permitted.

      • Memo: Text field, 1000 characters maximum.

      • Date: A date field according to the date format specified in system settings. Selecting this type puts the Calendar component icon next to the date field.

    • Default Value: Default value for an option list, Text, or Long Text field. Maximum characters allowed: 30.

    • Usage: Select a checkbox to enable usage. Options include:

      • Required: If selected the column will be required.

      • Enabled: If selected, the field is enabled on pages.

      • Searchable: If selected, the field is added to those fields that are searchable.

    • Option List Key: The field used for the option list. Click Choose to select a key from a list. Note that an option list must be created and populated before it can be used.

    • Option List Type: The kind of option list to use, selectable from a list.

  4. Click Add (a plus sign) to add the field to the Field list. Click Delete (an X) to delete a field from the list. To change the order of fields, highlight a field and move it up or down in the list by clicking the Up or Down arrow.

  5. Click Apply after adding or editing all the fields.

13.1.2 Viewing Custom Metadata Field Information

Use this procedure to view information about the custom fields added to metadata sets:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Metadata then Metadata Sets.

    The Metadata List Page opens.

  2. Choose Fields Information from the Actions menu of the metadata set to view.

    The Fields for Metadata Page opens showing the specific fields created for that metadata set.

13.1.3 Deleting a Custom Metadata Field


The Admin.RecordManager right or PCM.Admin.Manager right (when using PCM) is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator and the PCM Administrator roles. The user must also have administrative permissions.

To delete a custom metadata field, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Metadata then Metadata Sets.

    The Metadata List Page opens.

  2. Choose Update Fields from the set's individual Actions menu on the Metadata List Page. The Create or Edit Auxiliary Metadata Set Page opens.

  3. Select the field name in the Field list and click Delete (an X).

  4. Click Apply after deleting the fields.

13.2 Example: Creating a Custom Category Metadata Field

This example creates a custom retention category metadata field that is an optional text box in which you enter an integer value for a SKU (Stock Keeping Unit).


The Admin.RecordManager right is required to perform this action. This right is assigned by default to the Records Administrator role.

To create a custom retention category metadata field, complete the following steps:

  1. Choose Records then Configure from the Top menu. Choose Metadata then Metadata Sets.

    The Metadata List Page opens.

  2. Choose Update Fields in the Actions menu for Retention Categories. The Create or Edit Standard Metadata Field Page opens.

  3. Complete the metadata fields as follows:

    1. Enter DeptSKU as the Name.

    2. In the Type list, select Integer.

    3. Enter Department SKU as the Caption.

    4. Select Enabled.

    5. Select Searchable.

  4. Click Add (the plus symbol).

  5. Click Apply. To view the new field, browse content, and choose Create Retention Category from the Actions menu. The new custom metadata field is displayed.

The Department SKU field is added to the Create Retention Category page.