8 Managing Physical Content

This section discusses the creation and management of physical items using Physical Content Management.

It covers the following tasks:

Physical content metadata (including storage information and retention schedules, if any) can be stored in the repository. When checking in a physical content item, provide its basic metadata information and where the item is stored by selecting a location in the defined storage space. If a user has the appropriate privileges, the user can also assign a retention schedule to the item, which determines the item's life cycle.

A physical barcode on the item can be associated with an electronic bar code stored in Physical Content Management. This allows a user to track and manage physical items in an electronic fashion.

8.1 Managing Physical Items

This section discusses the following tasks in the management of physical items:

8.1.1 Creating a Physical Item

When creating a new physical item, check in its metadata, storage information, and retention schedule in the repository. This information is subsequently used to track the physical item and manage its life cycle.

You can also create a new physical item by choosing New Checkin then Electronic/Physical Checkin from the Main menu. Use that option to check in an item that is stored on another repository (such as an adapter system). The procedure is the same as that described here. Only the menu option is different.

A physical item can be created by simply checking in the item as a physical item. Other methods can also be used to create a physical item: Using the Storage Page


The PCM.Physical.Create right is required and the Record.Create right is needed in the Records system to perform this task. The PCM.Physical.Create right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles. The Record.Create right is assigned by default to the predefined Records Privileged and Records Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to create a new physical item as a record using the Exploring Storage Page. Use this option when creating a record for an item which has no electronic equivalent (such as a tape or a CD).

  1. Choose Physical then Storage from the Top menu.

    The Exploring Storage Page opens.

  2. Choose Create Physical Item from the Actions menu for the location to store the item.

    The Create or Edit Physical Item Page opens.

  3. Provide the information for the new physical item as required, including it storage and record-related information:

    • Title: Item's title. Maximum characters is 80.

    • Filer (author): Person submitting the item. The default is the current user. Administrators can select an alternative filer.

    • Security Group: Group where the item should be assigned.

    • Object Type: Select a type matching the object type of the storage location, if one is specified.

    • Media Type: Available media types depend on the object type.

    • Permanent Location, Current Location: Enter a location or click Browse to open a dialog used to browse the storage space hierarchy. Use the plus and minus symbols in front of a storage location to unfold or collapse all child locations. After selecting the desired location, click OK to return to the Create or Edit Physical Item Page. Click Clear to delete the current storage path and select a new one.

      After selecting a location, the Permanent Location field contains a reference to that location. This is the barcode for the location or if no barcode is specified, it is a 19-digit number. Below the Permanent Location field, the full hierarchical storage path to the selected location is displayed.

      If a current location isn't set, it is set to OTHER. To set the location to a user, select Set Current Location to a User. If needed, enter a comment about the current location (for example, handling instructions).

      If a permanent location isn't provided, it is set to the current location.

    • Barcode label: Label for the item. This text is printed below the barcode on the label. If not set, it is set to match the item name in all upper case letter. If content IDs are automatically generated, the barcode matches the generated ID.

    • Type: Content type of the item.

  4. Click Create to submit the information about the new physical item to the repository.

    The Physical Item Information Page for the new physical item opens. Within a Retention Schedule


The PCM.Physical.Create right and the Record.Create right is required in the Records system to perform this task. The PCM.Physical.Create right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles. The Record.Create right is assigned by default to the predefined Records Privileged and Records Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to create a new physical item as a record within the retention schedules hierarchy in the Records system. This is done by placing the item directly into a retention category or records folder.

  1. Choose Browse Content then Retention Schedules.

  2. Navigate to the records retention category or records folder in the hierarchy to store the physical item.

  3. Choose Create then Check In New Physical Item from the Actions menu of the location where the item will be stored.

    The Create or Edit Physical Item Page opens with the full retention schedule path to the current retention category at the top of the page.

  4. Provide the information for the new physical item as required. For details, see Section, "Using the Storage Page."

    The page does not contain the Life Cycle field because the physical item is automatically assigned the retention and disposition rules of the current (or inherited) retention category.

  5. Click Create to submit the information about the physical item to the repository.

    The Physical Item Information Page for the new physical item opens with the Is Record field set to Yes. Creating a Physical Item Within Another Item


The PCM.Physical.Create right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to create a new physical item within an existing physical item. This may be useful in situations to create a container physical item (for example, of object type Box) and add several content physical items within it (for example, of object type Folder).

  1. Choose Physical then Storage from the Top menu.

    The Exploring Storage Page opens.

  2. Choose Create Physical Item Within from the Actions menu for the location where the item will be stored.

    The Create or Edit Physical Item Page opens.

  3. Provide the information for the new physical item as required, including it storage and record-related information.

  4. Click Create to submit the information about the new physical item to the repository.

    The Physical Item Information Page for the new physical item opens.

8.1.2 Editing a Physical Item


The PCM.Physical.Edit right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to edit the properties of a physical item.

  1. Search for the physical item.

  2. On the search results page, choose Edit then Edit External Item from the item's Actions menu.

    The Create or Edit Physical Item Page opens.

  3. Modify the physical item properties and click Submit Update when finished. Note that only users with the PCM.Physical.Move right can modify an item's permanent location (assigned to the predefined PCM Administrator role by default).

    The Physical Item Information Page opens with the updated properties.

8.1.3 Moving a Physical Item


The PCM.Physical.Move right is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to move a physical item from one location in the storage space hierarchy to another.

  1. Search for the physical item.

  2. On the search results page, choose Edit then Edit External Item in its Actions menu.

    The Create or Edit Physical Item Page opens.

  3. Modify the Current Location and/or Permanent Location fields as required, and click Submit Update when finished.

    The item's information page opens again with the updated location(s).

8.1.4 Viewing Physical Item Information

Use this procedure to view the properties of a physical item.

  1. Search for the physical item.

  2. On the search results page, choose Information then External Item Information from the item's Actions menu.

    The Physical Item Information Page opens.

This page shows the current properties of the physical item, including its basic metadata (name, title, filer, and security group), its freeze status, its object and media types, its storage location, and barcode label.

Note the following:

  • If the repository is set up to auto-generate content IDs (using the System Properties utility), the name of a physical item was generated automatically. It is typically a number, possibly preceded by a prefix (for example, ID_002319).

  • If the physical item was assigned a life cycle (retention schedule and disposition rules), the information page also includes a Retention Schedule Information section providing disposition processing and security information for the item.

  • If the physical item is currently checked out, its current location is set to the value of the deliver-to location as specified when the associated reservation request was created. If no location was provided, the current location is set to OTHER. If a location comment was specified for the associated reservation request, the Current Location Comments field shows this comment. Otherwise it contains the login name of the user who created the reservation request.

  • If the physical item is contained within another physical item, the current location and/or permanent location field includes a Container Details link, which opens the information page of the parent physical item (the container).

8.2 Adding Physical Items To A Content Basket

Use this procedure to add one or more physical items to a content basket. The content basket serves as a personal storage space for users where they can temporarily store multiple items for later processing. For example, if users want to reserve physical items for checkout, they search for all items they want to reserve, and add each of them to their content basket. After adding all items, they can open their content basket and make a reservation request for the items in the basket.


The content basket must be defined prior to use and a content basket should be designated as the active basket.

After an item is added to a content basket, a user can access the content basket from the My Content Server menu.

  1. Search for the physical item(s) to be added.

  2. On the search results page, select the checkbox of each item to add to the basket.

  3. Choose Actions then Add to Active Content Basket in the Table menu.

    The Content Basket Page opens, listing all items currently in the content basket.

8.3 Viewing Reservations for a Physical Item


The PCM.Reservation.Readright is required to perform this task. This right is assigned by default to the PCM Requestor and PCM Administrator roles.

Use this procedure to view all outstanding reservation requests for a physical item.

  1. Choose Physical then Storage from the Top menu.

  2. Navigate to the item to use. Choose Information then View Reservations in the item's Actions menu.

    The Reservation Search Results Page opens, listing all outstanding reservation request for the current physical item.

8.4 Marking a Physical Item as Reviewed

Use this procedure to mark a physical item as reviewed after receiving a notification the item was due for review (as part of a disposition instruction):

  1. Search for the physical item to mark as reviewed or select it from the review list by choosing Records then Approvals then Pending Reviews from the Top menu.

  2. On the search results page, choose the Mark Reviewed option in the item's Actions menu. Multiple items can be marked as reviewed by selecting the checkbox next to the item then choosing Set Dates then Mark Reviewed.

  3. Enter a reason for the action or leave the text box empty, and click OK. Click Cancel to abort the entire action.

View the review history of an item by choosing Information then Recent Reviews in the Page menu on that item's information page.