7 Managing Content Folios

Content Folios is an optional component that is automatically installed with Oracle WebCenter Content Server. When enabled, it provides a quick and effective way to assemble, track, and access logical groupings of multiple content items from within the secure environment of Oracle WebCenter Content Server.

For example, you can assemble all items relevant to an upcoming brochure, such as images, logos, legal disclosures, and ad copy, and send them through a workflow process. After approval, you can download all associated content and send it for print.

This chapter contains the following topics:

7.1 Using Content Folios

A content folio is an XML file checked in to the repository that uses elements to define a hierarchical structure of nodes, slots, and specified content items. In practice, a content folio is a logical grouping, or a framework in which to structure content. Simple folios are a flat container, while advanced folios can nest content in a hierarchy within folders. With an advanced folio, you can establish the hierarchy before, during, or after you assemble the content items.

You can add content to existing folios or lock them so changes cannot be made. You can add content items folio by searching the repository. You can add content items to an advanced folio by checking new items into the repository or by searching for existing content. An advanced folio can also contain hyperlinks to outside resources such as Web sites or shared network drives.

Content Folios adds the following functionality:

  • Organize content into a simple, flat folio structure

  • Organize content into an advanced hierarchical folio structure

  • Create pre-structured templates for selection when creating folios

  • Modify folio structure dynamically

  • Lock folio structure to prevent it from being modified dynamically

  • Lock content folios to prevent additions

  • Unlock folios to allow additions

  • Modify folios without tracking revisions

  • Take a snapshot of a folio to track revisions

  • Download renditions of folio content in .zip, .ppt, .pdf, or XML format

  • Create multiple unstructured content baskets for use in collecting content items

Several changes are made to Oracle WebCenter Content Server during installation of Content Folios:

  • Additional metadata fields: The following metadata fields are added to record the current state of a folio or template:

    • CpdIsTemplateEnabled

    • CpdIsLocked

  • Additional views: The following views are added and are used on the Folio Edit page to communicate Content Folios tables to JavaScript:

    • NodPropertyView

    • LinkPropertyView

    • NodeRemovalTypeView

    • CpdTreeDisplayFunctionMapView

    • CpdPopupEditActionsView

    • ItemPropertyView

    • PneDocProfileView

  • Additional Relations: The GenericUserProfileRelation is used by PneDocProfileView.

  • Additional Tables: The following tables record the links that folios and content baskets have against content in the system:

    • CpdLinks

    • CpdArchiveLinks

    • CpdBasketLinks

    • CpdEditHistory

Changes made to Oracle WebCenter Content Server remain even if Folios is disabled.

7.2 Managing Content Folios

You can base the structure of a folio on a pre-defined template when you create the folio and you can optionally modify the structure of the folio when you create or edit it.

This section covers the following topics:

7.2.1 Creating and Editing Folio Templates

Folio templates are a predefined organization of nodes, subnodes, slots, and any content items required when creating a folio. You can select a folio template when you create an advanced folio. Folio templates are XML files checked in to and managed by Oracle WebCenter Content Server, that you can edit and revise at any time. Revisions to a template are not applied retroactively to existing folios based on that template, but only apply to new folios created based on the template's new revision.

To create folio templates, you must have administration rights. Creating a Folio Template

Follow these steps to create a folio template:

  1. Choose Administration then Folio Administration from the Main menu. Choose Create Folio Template.

    The Create/Edit Folio Template Page opens.

  2. First save the folio template and check in the folio. Select Save template from the page Actions menu. Choose the profile to use with the template and click Next. Enter the necessary check-in information, including a descriptive title for the template. Click Check In.

  3. Add structure or content to the template on the Create/Edit Folio Template Page and define the template properties.

    The Structure tab of the Create/Edit Folio Template Page is divided into three sections:

    • Folio Structure Pane: Shows the nodes, slots, and items that comprise the folio hierarchy. Right click within the folio structure area to display the following options on a contextual menu. Unless noted otherwise, the options are available for nodes, items, and slots:

      • Insert Selected Source Item: Inserts a selected item from the Source Items Pane in a slot. If the slot contains an item, it is replaced.

      • Insert Item by Search: Opens a search window to find an item to add to the folio in the selected node or slot. If the slot contains an item, it is replaced.

      • Insert Item by Checkin: Opens a check-in form used to add an item to be used n the selected node or slot. If the slot contains an item, it is replaced.

      • Remove Content Item: Removes content from a slot. It does not remove the slot. (items only)

      • Insert hypertext: Creates a new item in the structure that can establish a hypertext link to the specified URL.

      • Create Node or Slot: Creates a node or slot at the specified location.

      • Cut, Copy, Paste: Cuts or copies an item for later pasting if needed.

      • Delete: Deletes an item from the structure.

    • Element Info Pane: When a node, slot, or item is selected in the Folio Structure Pane, information about the selection is displayed and optionally modified. Modified information is written back to the XML file that is checked in. Unless noted otherwise, the following fields are available for nodes, items, and slots:

      • Name: Name of the object.

      • Description: Description of the object.

      • Attributes (items and slots): The uses and limitations of the object. Default attributes include the following:

        Allow empty: The object can be left empty.

        Lock content: You cannot delete items from the slot.

        Removable: You can delete the object.

        Allow external: You can specify an external link.

        Restrict formats: Limits allowable content item formats through a comma-delimited list that maps formats to file extensions. For more information see Section 2.3.3, "Associating File Types with Conversion Programs."

        Allow folio: You can specify a folio in the slot.

        Content profile: The content profile used when adding an item by search or check in.

        Clone item: The associated item is cloned. A cloned item is copied and checked in as a new item when a folio based on the template is created. If an item is not cloned, the original content item is associated with any folio created using the template.

      • Attributes (nodes): Default attributes include the following:

        Removable: You can delete the node.

        Children movable: You can move items and slots within the hierarchy.

        Allow item creation: You can create items within the node.

        Allow node creation: You can create subnodes within the node.

        Maximum items, Maximum nodes: Specifies the total number of items that you can create in the node.

        Content profile: The content profile used when adding an item by search or check in.

      • Content ID: (items and slots). The ID of the item.

      • Create Date: (items and slots). The date a content item was created.

      • Last modified: (items and slots). The last date changes were made.

      • Link: (hyperlinks only): The URL of a hyperlink.

    • Source Items Pane: Used to collect items to be used in the folio.

  4. Click Finish when done.

7.2.2 Adding Custom Viewers and Renderers

Oracle WebCenter Content Server ships with a default viewer that mimics the structure of the Create/Edit Folios page, and the following rendition options:

  • Zip

  • PDF

  • XML

You can create custom viewers and renderers, but such development requires an understanding of the following:

  • the structure of the folio XML

  • the folio Idoc Script functions and their proper usage

  • the Iterator/Renderer architecture

  • the method for using a component to modify/add to the list of viewers and renderers

To add custom viewers and renderers, contact Oracle Consulting at http://www.oracle.com/consulting/index.html.