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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle Service Bus
11g Release 1 (
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37 DSP and Oracle Data Service Integrator Transport


The DSP transport is being deprecated and will be removed in future releases.

For information on supported Oracle Service Bus interoperability with Oracle Data Service Integrator, see the "Oracle Fusion Middleware Supported System Configurations" at

Oracle Data Service Integrator can be accessed through an Oracle Service Bus transport. In this way Oracle Service Bus can make full use of data services. This approach also allows a more efficient and flexible approach to accessing data services as compared with exposing such services as Web services.

Note: The Oracle name for AquaLogic Data Services Platform (ALDSP) Oracle Data Service Integrator. The new product name is used in this document unless procedural accuracy requires using ALDSP terminology. The name of the Oracle Service Bus transport remains "DSP."

For more information about Oracle Data Service Integrator, see the documentation at

This section contains the following topics:

37.1 Enabling Data Services for Oracle Service Bus

To make an Oracle Data Service Integrator data service available to an Oracle Service Bus client you need to:

After you have completed these tasks, you can invoke data services through Oracle Service Bus.

Figure 37-1 shows a client accessing a data source through Oracle Service Bus and Oracle data Service Integrator.

Figure 37-1 From Data Source to Web Service Client

Description of Figure 37-1 follows
Description of "Figure 37-1 From Data Source to Web Service Client"

37.2 Using the DSP Transport

The example in this section illustrates use of a data service in Oracle Service Bus.

37.2.1 Actions Needed Within Oracle Data Service Integrator

Perform the following steps in Oracle Data Service Integrator. Step 1. Start Your Server

Start the Oracle Data Service Integrator server if it is not already running. (For the purpose of this discussion, the sample RetailDataspace provided with Oracle Data Service Integrator is used.) Step 2. Generate a WSDL from the Data Service

You can generate a WSDL from your data service in two ways.

  • Option A: Generating a WSDL file using Data Services Studio – For detailed instructions, see "How To Generate a Web Service Map and WSDL from a Data Service" at

  • Option B: Export a WSDL Through the Oracle Data Service Integrator Console.

    If a WS file is available, you can use the Oracle Data Service Integrator Console to generate a WSDL file.

    1. Launch the Oracle Data Service Integrator Console (http://host:port/dspconsole).

    2. Log in. The sample uses weblogic as both the username and password.

    3. Click Service Explorer.

    4. Navigate to the Web service map (example: corresponding to the data service for which you want to create the WSDL file.

    5. Click View WSDL Definition in the General tab. The Oracle Data Service Integrator Console opens a new window and displays the WSDL definition.

    6. Using a text editor, copy and paste the WSDL definition into a new text document and save the WSDL file.

      See "Getting Started with Oracle Data Service Integrator Administration" at

    7. If you have not already done so, build your data service application (deployment is automatic with a build). A deployed application is needed in order for a client processes to access data through your data services. Step 3: Obtaining the Web Service Address

The URL address to the WSDL is needed. To obtain this address in Data Services Studio:

  1. Right-click on the WS file (example:

  2. Select Test Web Service.

  3. When the Test Client opens, save the URL address. Following is the address for the OrderService example:


37.2.2 Actions Needed Within Oracle Service Bus

Perform the following steps in Oracle Service Bus. Step 4: Import the Data Service WSDL into Oracle Service Bus

The following generally describes the steps needed to import a WSDL generated in Oracle Data Service Integrator into Oracle Service Bus.

  1. Start the Oracle Service Bus server if it is not already running. For the purposes of this example, the Oracle Service Bus example server and the Default project is used.

  2. Launch the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console (http://host:port/sbconsole).

  3. Log in. The default user name and password is weblogic).

  4. Click Project Explorer.

  5. Enter a new project name (example: dataServiceTest).

  6. Click on the name of your new project.

  7. In the Project Explorer, bulk import the WSDL and schema resources.


    You can also import the resources into the Oracle Service Bus IDE, as described in Section 2.1.14, "Importing Resources." Step 5: Create the Business Service

Create a business service from a WSDL imported from Oracle Data Service Integrator. Use the following guidance to configure the business service:

  • Select WSDL Web Service for the Service Type, browse to the imported WSDL, and select the appropriate port or binding; for example, OrderServiceSoapBinding.

  • Select the dsp transport.

    For details on configuring the DSP transport, see Section 3.1.2, "DSP Transport Configuration Page (Business Services)."

  • For the Endpoint URI, enter the URI to the Oracle Data Service Integrator project; for example, t3://localhost:7001/RetailDataspace.

For more information on creating business services, see Section 2.2.1, "Creating Business Services." Step 6: Create the Proxy Service

Generate a proxy service from the business service, as described in Section, "Generating a Proxy Service from an Existing Service" or Section 2.3.1, "Creating Proxy Services."

In practice you would most likely identify the encryption key, digital signature key, and SSL client authentication key. However, for the example, none of these need to be identified.

The DSP transport uses the character set provided by the proxy service. Therefore if the default character set needs to be changed prior to invoking a data service transport, the conversion encoding needs to be handled within the proxy service itself. Step 7: Test Your Setup

The following steps allow you to test access to the Oracle Data Service Integrator data service through the proxy generated in the above steps.

  1. In the Oracle Service Bus Administration Console, activate your session.

  2. In the Project Explorer locate the created proxy service (example: orderService).

  3. Select the Launch Test Console icon under Actions. The Proxy Service Test Console appears.

  4. From the Available Operations list, select your data service operation (example: getOrderByCustID).

  5. Modify the Payload with the information needed by the data service (example: CUSTOMER3).

    <ord:getOrderByCustID xmlns:ord="ld:RetailApplication/OrderManagement/">
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <ord:custID>CUSTOMER3</ord:custID>
  6. Click Execute. The data appears in the response document, as shown in Figure 37-2.

Figure 37-2 Request and Response from the Oracle Service Bus Test Console

Description of Figure 37-2 follows
Description of "Figure 37-2 Request and Response from the Oracle Service Bus Test Console"