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Oracle® Fusion Middleware Developer's Guide for Oracle WebCenter
11g Release 1 (
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21 Performing Advanced Oracle Composer Configurations

This chapter describes how to perform certain advanced Oracle Composer configurations to enhance the end user experience. It contains the following sections:

21.1 Enabling Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Component by Using Facets

You can use the Show Detail Frame component's facets to define and display custom actions on Show Detail Frame components. For example, if your Show Detail Frame contains a list of services provided in your application, you can add a custom action, Show Detailed Information, which opens up a task flow containing details about the various services.

For information about the facets supported by Show Detail Frame components, see Section B.1.5, "Show Detail Frame Component."

Oracle JDeveloper displays all facets available to the Show Detail Frame component in the Structure window, however, only those that contain UI components appear activated.

To add a Show Detail Frame facet, perform the following steps:

  1. Right-click a Show Detail Frame component in the Structure window, and select Facets - Show Detail Frame.

  2. Click the arrow to the right of this option.

  3. From the list of supported facets, select the facet you want to add.


    A check mark next to a facet name means the facet is already inserted in the Show Detail Frame component. Selecting that facet name again would result in the facet getting deleted from the page.

    The f:facet element for that facet is inserted in the page.

  4. Add components in the facet according to your design requirements.

    For an end-to-end example of creating and using Show Detail Frame facets, see Section 21.2, "Enabling Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Component By Using Facets: Example."

21.2 Enabling Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Component By Using Facets: Example

Assume a JSPX page, Page1, with a Panel Customizable component. Inside the Panel Customizable is a Show Detail Frame component (showDetailFrame1). Inside the Show Detail Frame is an ADF task flow. The Panel Customizable has two other Show Detail Frame components, one above and the other below showDetailFrame1. The task flow displays two Output Text components on the page.

You can configure an Additional Actions facet on the Show Detail Frame component to display a Customize action on the Actions menu along with the Move Up and Move Down actions. At runtime, the Customize action enables users to customize the text in the Output Text components. This section describes the steps you take to achieve this effect. It contains the following subsections:

21.2.1 How to Create an ADF Task Flow

To create an ADF task flow:

  1. From the File menu, select New.

  2. In the New dialog, select JSF under Web Tier node, and select ADF Task Flow under Items.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the Create Task Flow dialog, click OK to create a task flow definition file by accepting the default values.

  5. From the ADF Task Flow tag library in the Component Palette, drop two view elements, view1 and view2, onto the task flow definition file.

  6. Drop a Control Flow Case from view1 to view2.

  7. Click the first view element and then click the second view element to draw the control flow line.

    Name this control flow case next.

  8. Similarly, drop a Control Flow Case from view2 back to view1 and name it prev.

  9. Create a backing bean called to contain values for two variables view1 and view2.

    view1 and view2 are initialized with initialValue1 and initialValue2 respectively. Ensure that the code of the bean is as show in the following example:

    package view;
    public class BackingBean {
        public BackingBean() {
        private String view2 ="initial Value1";
        private String view1 = "initial Value2";
        public void setView2(String view2) {
            this.view2 = view2;
        public String getView2() {
            return view2;
        public void setView1(String view1) {
            this.view1 = view1;
        public String getView1() {
            return view1;
  10. In the task flow definition file, double-click view1 to create the page fragment (view1.jsff) for that element.

  11. Add a Panel Group Layout and two Output Text components to view1.jsff.

  12. Specify the Value for the first Output Text component to be #{backingBean.view1}, and specify the Value for the second Output Text component to be #{backingBean.view2}.

  13. Save view1.jsff, and close it.

  14. In the task flow definition file, double-click view2 to create the page fragment (view2.jsff) for that element.

  15. Add just one Output Text component to view2.jsff, and specify Value to be #{backingBean.view2}.

  16. Save view2.jsff, and close it.

21.2.2 How to Include an Additional Actions Facet

To include an Additional Actions facet:

  1. Create a JSPX page, Page1.jspx, with a Panel Customizable component and a nested Show Detail Frame component.

  2. Add two more Show Detail Frame components, above and below the existing Show Detail Frame component.

    The purpose of adding three Show Detail Frame components is to enable the display of Move Up and Move Down actions along with the additional action on the first Show Detail Frame component, showDetailFrame1.

  3. Add the task flow definition file that you created in the previous step inside showDetailFrame1.

  4. Right-click the first Show Detail Frame in the Structure window, and select Facets - Show Detail Frame.

  5. Click the arrow to the right of this option, and from the list of supported facets, select Additional Actions.

    The f:facet-additionalActions element for that facet is inserted in the page.

  6. Add a Panel Group Layout inside the Additional Actions facet, and add a Button component inside the Panel Group Layout component.

  7. Set the Text attribute for the Button to Customize, and specify customize as the Action value.

    The page in the structure navigator should appear as shown in Figure 21-1.

    Figure 21-1 Page1.jspx in Structure Navigator

    Description of Figure 21-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 21-1 Page1.jspx in Structure Navigator"

  8. Save the page.

21.2.3 How to Create a Redirection Page

To create the redirection page:

  1. Create a JSPX page called Page2.jspx, and add two Input Text components and a Button component.

  2. Specify the Value for the first Input Text component to #{backingBean.view2}, and set the Value attribute for the second Input Text component to #{backingBean.view1}.

    The purpose of adding Input Text components with references to the backing bean is to enable the passing of a user's input to the bean so that it can be reflected in the Output Text components on Page1.jspx.

  3. On the Button component, set the Text attribute to OK and specify back as the Action value.

  4. Save the page.

    You can now enable switching between the two pages by defining navigation rules.

21.2.4 How to Create Navigation Rules Between Pages

To define navigation rules between the pages:

  1. In the Application Navigator, under the project's WEB-INF folder, double-click the faces-config.xml file to open it.

  2. Click the Overview tab to view the file in Overview mode.

  3. Click the Add button in the Managed Bean section.

  4. In the Create Managed Bean dialog, specify backingBean as the name.

  5. For the Class Name field, click the Browse button adjacent to it and browse to the BackingBean Java class that you created earlier. Click OK.

  6. Click OK.

  7. From the Scope list, select session and click OK.

  8. Select the Navigation Rules tab on the page.

  9. In the From Views table, select Page1.jspx.

  10. Under Navigation Cases, select Page2.jspx in the To View ID column, customize in the From Outcome column, and true in the Redirect column.

  11. In the From Views table, select Page2.jspx.

  12. Under Navigation Cases, select Page1.jspx in the To View ID column, back in the From Outcome column, and true in the Redirect column.

    In Source view, these entries appear as follows:

  13. Save the file.

21.2.5 What Happens at Runtime

In JDeveloper, run Page1.jspx. The Actions menu on the showDetailFrame1 component displays the Customize action, as shown in Figure 21-2.

Figure 21-2 Customize Action on the Actions Menu

Description of Figure 21-2 follows
Description of "Figure 21-2 Customize Action on the Actions Menu "

Clicking Customize takes you to Page2.jspx (Figure 21-4), where you can update the values for Label1 and Label2.

Figure 21-3 Page with Option to Edit Text

Description of Figure 21-3 follows
Description of "Figure 21-3 Page with Option to Edit Text"

Clicking OK takes you back to Page1.jspx, which reflects the recent text changes, as shown in Figure 21-4.

Figure 21-4 Page1 with Updated text

Description of Figure 21-4 follows
Description of "Figure 21-4 Page1 with Updated text"

21.3 Enabling Custom Actions on a Task Flow

You can customize a task flow by including it in a Show Detail Frame component. The Show Detail Frame component provides certain default actions to rearrange, show, and hide components. Further, you can define custom actions to trigger the desired navigational flow within the task flow at runtime. There are two ways in which you can enable custom actions on a task flow:

This section describes both approaches. It includes the following subsections:

21.3.1 How to Enable Custom Actions Directly on a Task Flow

Perform the steps in this section if you want the task flow to be self-contained, without the need to inherit global custom actions defined at the application level. You can define custom actions on a task flow by configuring a <customComps-config> section with a nested <customActions> element in the adf-settings.xml file. The additional custom actions specified in the adf-settings.xml file are displayed on the Show Detail Frame component that surrounds this task flow.

Typically, task flows are packaged and deployed as ADF libraries. When you create an adf-settings.xml file containing custom actions for a task flow, this file is also packaged in the ADF library.

To enable custom actions on a task flow:

  1. If it does not already exist, create the adf-settings.xml file in the META-INF directory under the project's Web context root (for example, in the APPLICATION_ROOT/Portal/src/META-INF directory):

    1. From the File menu, select New.

    2. In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select XML, then XML Document.

    3. Click OK.

    Name the file adf-settings.xml.

  2. Add a <custComps-config> section in the file, with a nested <customActions> element.

  3. Add one <customAction> element for each internal task flow action that you want to display as a custom action on the Show Detail Frame Actions menu.

    You can add any number of custom actions under the <customActions> element.

    Example 21-1 shows the code of the adf-settings.xml file with a <customAction> entry.

    Example 21-1 The custComps-config Section in an adf-settings.xml File

    <cust:custComps-config xmlns="">
       <customAction action="next" location="chrome"
        <customAction action="prev" location="chrome"

    Custom action definitions are similar at the task flow-level and application-level, except for the taskFlowId attribute that is used in the task flow-level setting. This attribute is used to identify the task flow on which the custom action must be defined. As an ADF library may have multiple task flows, this attribute helps identify the task flow that must render the custom action.


    • If you are defining an icon for the custom action, you must ensure that the image you specify is available in the project root folder.

    • You can define custom actions for the internal actions defined in all task flows on your page; however, at runtime, the Show Detail Frame displays only those custom actions that correspond to the ADFc outcomes of the current view of the task flow.

  4. Save the adf-settings.xml file.

21.3.2 How to Enable Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow

You can define custom actions for a task flow on the enclosing Show Detail Frame component. When these actions are invoked at runtime, they trigger the desired navigational flow in the task flow. For example, you can define a custom action on a Show Detail Frame that specifies that the target task flow fragment opens in a separate browser window rather than inside the Show Detail Frame.

You can specify custom actions on Show Detail Frame components by adding Custom Action components as children of a Show Detail Frame component on the page. Custom actions defined in this way would be available only on the Show Detail Frame instance, which has the custom action as its child. Alternatively, you can specify custom actions in the application's adf-config.xml file. Custom actions defined in this way are available on all Show Detail Frame instances in the application.

This section provides information about defining custom actions on a Show Detail Frame. It includes the following subsections: Defining Custom Actions at the Instance Level

Define custom actions on a particular Show Detail Frame component instance using the Custom Action component. You can find the Custom Action component in the Oracle Composer tag library. Custom actions are stored in the JSPX page definition file of the page that contains the Show Detail Frame.

To define custom actions at the instance level:

  1. From the Component Palette, select Oracle Composer.

  2. Drag a Custom Action and drop it on the page inside the Show Detail Frame component, below the af:region element.

    Add one Custom Action component for each internal task flow action you want to display as a custom action on the Show Detail Frame Actions menu.


    Add Custom Action components below the af:region element. You may face problems if the region is not the first child component of the Show Detail Frame.

  3. Define attributes for the Custom Action by referring to Table B-9 in Section B.1, "Oracle Composer Component Properties."

    Ensure that you populate the Action attribute of each Custom Action with the correct ADFc outcomes of the associated task flow. The code should be similar to the one shown in Example 21-2.

    Example 21-2 Custom Action Code

    <cust:showDetailFrame text="showDetailFrame 1" id="sdf1">
      <af:region value="#{bindings.taskflowdefinition1.regionModel}"
      <cust:customAction action="navigatefromview1" id="ca1"
                         location="both" icon="/Logo1.JPG"
                         text="View1 Action"
                         shortDesc="Custom View1 Action"/>
      <cust:customAction action="navigatefromview2"
                         location="both" id="ca2"
                         icon="/Logo2.JPG" text="View2 Action"
                         shortDesc="Custom View2 Action"/>


    You can add custom actions for all of the task flow's ADFc outcomes, but depending on the task flow view that is displayed, several or none of the custom actions are available at runtime.

    If you define a custom action without a corresponding task flow action, then the custom action is not rendered on the Show Detail Frame header at runtime.

    See Also:

    "Creating a Task Flow" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework

  4. Save and run the page.

At runtime, when you select an action from the Show Detail Frame's Actions menu, the associated control flow rule is triggered and the target task flow fragment is rendered. Defining Custom Actions at the Global Level

Defining custom actions at the global level means making those custom actions available for all Show Detail Frame instances in an application. Though global-level custom actions are available for all Show Detail Frame components in an application, at runtime the header of any Show Detail Frame displays only those custom actions that correspond to the ADFc outcomes of the current view of the task flow.

Define global-level custom actions in your application's adf-config.xml file.

To define custom actions at the global level:

  1. Open the application's adf-config.xml file, located in the ADF META-INF folder under Descriptors in the Application Resources panel.

  2. Define custom actions using the <customActions> element with nested <customAction> tags for each action, as shown in Example 21-3.


    To render a custom action only in page Edit mode, you can set the rendered attribute on the <customAction> tag to #{composerContext.inEditMode}. This returns a value of true if the page is in Edit mode.

    Example 21-3 Custom Actions Definitions in the adf-config.xml File

    <cust:adf-config-child xmlns="">
      <enableSecurity value="true" />
        <cust:customAction action="forward" displayName="Move Forward"
                           location="menu" rendered="true"
        <cust:customAction action="backward" tooltip="Move Backward" 
                           location="chrome" rendered="true"


    • If you implemented restrictions on the Show Detail Frame component's actions by performing the steps in Section 23.5, "Applying Action-Level Restrictions on Panel Customizable and Show Detail Component Actions," you already have a cust:customizableComponentsSecurity section in the adf-config.xml file. You can define custom actions in that section itself instead of the cust:adf-config-child section shown in Example 21-3.

    • If you are defining an icon for the custom action, you must ensure that the image you specify is available in the project root folder.

    • You can define custom actions for the internal actions defined in all task flows on your page; however, at runtime, the header of any Show Detail Frame displays only those custom actions that correspond to the ADFc outcomes of the current view of the task flow.

  3. Save the adf-config.xml file.

For additional information about defining custom actions, see Section 21.3.4, "How to Enable Custom Actions On a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow: Example."

Resolving Conflicts Between Global-Level and Instance-Level Custom Actions

Each custom action is uniquely identified by the value of its action attribute. If you have defined custom actions with the same action attribute value at the global and instance levels, then there may be conflicts in how these custom actions are invoked at runtime, depending on other attribute values. At such times, the inheritGlobalActions attribute of the Show Detail Frame defines the behavior of other custom action attributes (other than the action attribute) as follows:


Regardless of the inheritGlobalActions setting (true or false) on the Show Detail Frame component:
  • The rendered attribute is not inherited even if it is not specified at the instance level.

  • The location attribute at the global or instance level should be set to the same value at both the global and instance levels.

  • If inheritGlobalActions=true, or you have not specified a value for inheritGlobalActions (defaults to false), the behavior of custom action attributes is as follows:

    • If you defined a custom action attribute at the global and instance levels, then the attribute value specified at the instance level is used.

    • If you defined a custom action attribute only at the instance level, then that attribute value is used.

    • If you defined a custom action attribute only at the global level, then that value is ignored and the default value is used.

  • If inheritGlobalActions=true, the behavior of custom action attributes is as follows:

    • If you defined a custom action attribute at the instance level, then its value is used regardless of whether the same attribute is specified at the global level.

    • If you defined a custom action attribute only at the global level, then that value is used.

    • If you have not defined a custom action attribute at the global or instance levels, then the attribute's default value is used.

After you have designed your application pages, you must deploy the application to the production environment. For more information, see Chapter 68, "Deploying and Testing Your WebCenter Portal Application."


Runtime customizations that you perform on the page in the development environment are not carried over when you deploy the application to a target server. Configuring Custom Actions that Display Task Flow Views in a Separate Browser Window

Custom actions typically display the target task flow views in place, inside the Show Detail Frame component. However, you can define a custom action to display a task flow view in a separate browser window.

To display a task flow view in a separate browser window, the control flow rule to that view must be prefixed with dialog: in the task flow definition file and in the action attribute of the custom action corresponding to that view. The following example shows an action attribute definition:

<cust:customAction action="dialog:Next" id="ca1"
                   location="both" icon="/move_forward.png"
                   text="Next Action"
                   shortDesc="Next Action"/>

Setting Properties on the Popup Window

For a command component inside a task flow region, you can specify the default behavior using the useWindow, windowEmbedStyle, windowHeight, windowWidth, and returnListener attributes. The command component may have other such attributes that you can use. If you specify a return listener, on closing the dialog a particular action event is called to decide on the next navigation outcome. By default, without this setting, a dummy Rich Command Link component is created to trigger the task flow action.

When you define a listener on a command component, you must also configure the custom action to call the action event on this component. The actionComponent attribute on a custom action definition (global- and instance-level) enables you to specify the ID of the command component that must be queued for the action event. When the actionComponent attribute is specified, the Show Detail Frame component queues the action event on this component. Since this command component is inside your task flow, you change its attribute values at any time.


Consider an example where you have included a task flow inside a Show Detail Frame component and defined a Simple Edit custom action corresponding to the task flow's navigation outcomes. A Command Button component inside the task flow is configured to launch a modal inline popup of size 300x200 on clicking the Simple Edit custom action. A return listener is configured on the command component so that it is called whenever the popup is closed.

The source code of the Command Button component inside the region is as follows:

<af:commandButton text="dialog:simpleEditPoup"
                  action="dialog:simpleEditPoup" useWindow="true"
                  windowEmbedStyle="inlineDocument" windowWidth="300"

Example 21-4 shows how you can specify a global custom action corresponding to the task flow outcome by defining the custom action in the adf-config.xml file. The ID of the Command Button component is specified against the actionComponent attribute on the custom action.

Example 21-4 Global Custom Action Defined in the adf-config.xml File

<customizableComponentsSecurity xmlns="">
  <enableSecurity value="true"/>
     <customAction action="dialog:simpleEditPoup"
                   text="Simple Edit"
                   shortDesc="Simple Edit"

Example 21-5 shows how you can specify an instance-level custom action corresponding to the task flow outcome by adding a Custom Action component from the Oracle Composer tag library to the JSPX page. The ID of the Command Button component is specified against the actionComponent attribute on the custom action.

Example 21-5 Instance-Level Custom Action Defined in the JSPX Page

<cust:showDetailFrame id="sdf_for_RecentPagesTF1"
                      text="Recent Pages" stretchContent="false"
  <af:region id="RecentPagesTF1"
  <cust:customAction action="dialog:simpleEditPoup"
                     text="My Simple Edit"
                     shortDesc="Simple Edit"


A custom action that is launched in a popup dialog is sent as a new request to server. If you are using an Oracle Composer sandbox and are in Edit mode of a page, ensure that this request is launched in View mode by adding code in your servlet filter so that a new sandbox is not created for this page.

21.3.3 What Happens at Runtime

Custom actions configured in the adf-settings.xml file are merged with the custom actions configured in the adf-config.xml file and all actions relevant to the current view of the selected task flow are displayed on the parent Show Detail Frame component's Actions menu.

If you enabled custom actions at a global level, then the header of any Show Detail Frame displays these custom actions if they correspond to the navigation outcomes of the current view of the child task flow.

If you prefixed the action attribute value with dialog:, then the target view of the task flow opens in a separate browser window.

21.3.4 How to Enable Custom Actions On a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow: Example

In this example, assume that your application contains a task flow, customactions, residing inside a Show Detail Frame. The task flow includes three view elements, view_gadget, edit_settings, and about_gadget, and three associated control flow rules, ViewGadget, EditSettings, and AboutGadget. Your object is to define custom actions so that the control flow rules are available as actions on the Actions menu of the Show Detail Frame component.

In this example, the control flow rules are added in such a way that users can navigate back and forth between the three views. Each view element has an associated page fragment of the same name:

  • The view_gadget.jsff fragment has a Panel Stretch Layout component. The center facet of this component is populated with an Active Output Text component whose Value attribute is set to View Gadget.

  • The edit_settings.jsff fragment has a Panel Stretch Layout component. The center facet of this component is populated with an Active Output Text component whose Value attribute is set to Edit Gadget Settings.

  • The about_gadget.jsff fragment has a Panel Stretch Layout component. The center facet of this component is populated with an Active Output Text component whose Value attribute is set to About This Gadget.

To enable custom actions on the task flow:

  1. Place the customactions task flow inside a Show Detail Frame component on a customizable page, MyPage.jspx.

    For information about creating a customizable page, see Section 19.1.1, "How to Create a Customizable Page."

  2. Add a Custom Action component from the Oracle Composer tag library as a child of the Show Detail Frame component, and set the Action and Text attributes to ViewGadget and View Gadget respectively.

  3. Add two more Custom Action components to the Show Detail Frame:

    • Set the Action and Text attributes for the first component to EditSettings and Edit Settings respectively.

    • Set the Action and Text attributes for the second component to AboutGadget and About Gadget respectively.

  4. Save and run MyPage.jspx.

    The view_gadget page fragment is rendered in the Show Detail Frame component (named My Gadget) on the page. The Actions menu displays the About Gadget and Edit Settings options. Click About Gadget to navigate to the about_gadget fragment. Note that the Actions menu now displays the navigation rules for the other two fragments (Figure 21-5).

    Figure 21-5 Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow

    Description of Figure 21-5 follows
    Description of "Figure 21-5 Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow"

To see this in action, look at the sample application, CustomActions.jws, on the Oracle WebCenter Suite 11g Demonstrations and Samples page on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN):

21.4 Enabling Custom Actions that Display on Task Flows in the Component Navigator

The component navigator in Oracle Composer Source view provides an option to zoom into a task flow and display the components on its page or fragment, as shown in Figure 21-6.

Figure 21-6 Edit Action on a Task Flow Instance

Description of Figure 21-6 follows
Description of "Figure 21-6 Edit Action on a Task Flow Instance"

Users can zoom in, edit the page or fragment, and zoom out of the task flow to navigate back to the page containing the task flow. In addition to the Edit Task Flow and Close links displayed next to a task flow name, you can configure your application to also display custom actions next to a task flow name, as shown in Figure 21-7.

Figure 21-7 Custom Action on a Task Flow Instance

Description of Figure 21-7 follows
Description of "Figure 21-7 Custom Action on a Task Flow Instance"

This section describes the procedure to enable custom actions on task flows in the component navigator. It contains the following sections:

21.4.1 How to Configure Custom Actions in the Component Navigator

To display custom actions against a task flow in the component navigator, you must create a Java bean that defines the custom action behavior and call this bean from the application page containing the task flow. This section describes the steps to do so in detail. It contains the following subsections: Defining the Logic for the Custom Action

To begin with, you must decide on the custom action you want to provide to users and create a Java bean with the logic to be implemented when a user selects the custom action. This section describes the steps to implement simple logic to display a message to users on clicking the custom action. The sample bean also contains the code to display the Close/Edit Task Flow links along with the custom link.

To create a Java bean:

  1. From the File menu, choose New.

  2. In the New Gallery dialog, expand General, select Java, then Java Class, and click OK.

  3. In the Create Java Class dialog, enter BackingBean in the Name field and click OK.

    The file displays in Source view.

  4. Import the required libraries as follows:

    import javax.faces.application.FacesMessage;
    import javax.faces.context.FacesContext;
    import javax.faces.event.ActionEvent;
  5. Add the following code:

    public class BackingBean {
      public BackingBean() {
      public void action(ActionEvent actionEvent) {
          FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                             new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO, "Sample message to test whether the custom action works.",
      public boolean isRendered() {
          return ComponentInfo.isRegion();
      public String getZoomText() {
          return ComponentInfo.isRootNode() ? "Close" : "Edit Task Flow";

    With this logic, the sample message you defined is displayed when a user clicks the custom action link against a task flow region.

    Use the isRegion() API to ensure that the custom action link is displayed only against task flow regions on the page. Use the isRootNode() API to ensure that the Edit Task Flow or Close link is displayed against the root component of the task flow.

  6. Save the bean. Creating a JSPX Page Containing the Custom Action

This section describes the procedure to create a JSPX page containing the custom action that you want to display to users in Oracle Composer.

To create the JSPX page:

  1. In your WebCenter application project, create a JSPX file called customList.jspx:

    1. From the File menu, select New.

    2. In the New Gallery dialog, expand Web Tier, select JSF, then JSF Page.

    3. Enter a name for the page and click OK.

  2. Design the custom action UI using components like Output Text and Command Link, as shown in the following sample page:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
      <af:componentDef var="attrs" componentVar="component">
        <af:panelGroupLayout id="dc_pgl1" rendered="#{backingBean.rendered}">
          <af:outputText value="[" id="dc_ot1"/>
          <af:commandLink text="Test" id="dc_cl1"
          <af:outputText value="]" id="dc_ot2"/>

    This sample creates a custom action called Test. The actionListener and binding attributes on this action are bound to BackingBean, which you created earlier.

  3. To ensure that the default Edit Task Flow/Close options are also displayed next to the task flow, you must define a facet called zoom, as shown in the following example:

      <component xmlns="">
  4. Include the zoom facet in the page content as shown in the following example:

    <af:outputText value="[" id="dc_ot3"/>
    <af:facetRef facetName="zoom"/>
    <af:outputText value="]" id="dc_ot4"/>

    The source of the customLink.jspx page is as follows:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
      < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
      <af:componentDef var="attrs" componentVar="component">
        <af:panelGroupLayout id="dc_pgl1" rendered="#{backingBean.rendered}">
          <af:outputText value="[" id="dc_ot1"/>
          <af:commandLink text="Test" id="dc_cl1"
          <af:outputText value="]" id="dc_ot2"/>
          <af:outputText value="[" id="dc_ot3"/>
          <af:facetRef facetName="zoom"/>
          <af:outputText value="]" id="dc_ot4"/>
            <component xmlns="">
  5. Save the JSPX page. Calling the JSPX Page from the Application Page Containing the Task Flow

Let us assume that you have a simple JSPX page, MyPage.jspx, containing a task flow. The source of the page is as shown in the following example:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
  < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1">
      <af:form id="f1">
        <af:panelStretchLayout topHeight="50px" id="psl1">
          <f:facet name="top">
            <pe:changeModeLink id="cml1"/>
          <f:facet name="center">
            <!-- id="af_one_column_header_stretched"  -->
            <pe:pageCustomizable id="pageCustomizable1">
              <cust:panelCustomizable id="panelCustomizable1" layout="scroll">
                <af:region value="#{bindings.taskflowdefinition1.regionModel}"
              <f:facet name="editor">
                <pe:pageEditorPanel id="pep1"/>

The task flow, taskflowdefinition1, contains the following view.jsff fragment:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
  <af:panelGroupLayout layout="scroll" id="pgl1">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1" id="cb1"/>
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 2" id="cb2"/>

To display the custom action that you created, you must ensure that the customLink.jspx page is called from within Oracle Composer. Use the sourceViewNodeAction attribute on the Page Customizable component to reference the JSPX page containing the custom action.

The Page Customizable tag appears as follows in the page source:

<pe:pageCustomizable id="pageCustomizable1"

The sourceViewNodeAction attribute can take the name of a JSPX file or an EL value that evaluates to a JSPX file name.

21.4.2 What Happens at Runtime

When you run MyPage.jspx to the browser and open the page in Oracle Composer Source view, the component navigator displays a Test link and an Edit Task Flow link next to each task flow instance on the page. Figure 21-8 shows MyPage.jspx in the component navigator, with the Test link highlighted. Clicking the Test link displays a sample message to the user.

Figure 21-8 Custom Action Displayed Against a Task Flow in the Component Navigator

Description of Figure 21-8 follows
Description of "Figure 21-8 Custom Action Displayed Against a Task Flow in the Component Navigator"

21.5 Configuring a Keyboard Shortcut to Access Oracle Composer

Typically, users enter page Edit mode by clicking the Edit link or button on the page. You can now configure your application to enable users to enter page Edit mode using keyboard shortcuts. Further, you can configure your application to run some other event on using the shortcut keys. This section explains how to enable a keyboard shortcut to Oracle Composer and configure an event handler for the shortcut keys. It includes the following subsections:

21.5.1 How to Enable Linkless Entry Into Edit Mode

You can configure linkless entry into page Edit mode by adding a <mode-switch-key> element to the application's adf-config.xml file. The default keyboard shortcut configured when you set the <mode-switch-key> element is ctrl+shift+E. Users can use this key sequence to toggle between page View and Edit modes. However, you can configure a key of your choice by adding a <key-sequence> property.

To add the <mode-switch-key> property:

  1. Open the application's adf-config.xml file, located in the ADF META-INF folder under Descriptors in the Application Resources panel.

  2. Add the <mode-switch-key> property and set its value to true, as shown in Example 21-6. The example shows the <key-sequence> property with the shortcut value ctrl+E.

    Example 21-6 Enabling Linkless Edit Mode Entry

    <page-editor-config xmlns="">
        <key-sequence>ctrl E</key-sequence>
    . . . 
  3. Save the file.

21.5.2 How to Configure an Event Handler for the Shortcut Key

Use the <mode-switch-handler> element to specify the event that must be triggered on using the shortcut keys, as shown in the following example:


where, handleModeSwitch uses the ModeChangeEvent method to provide the logic to toggle between two modes, as shown in the following sample:

public void handleModeSwitch(ModeChangeEvent editMode)
    // Your implementation to handle mode change goes here

21.5.3 What Happens at Runtime

Users can access the application page and enter Edit mode by using the configured shortcut.

21.6 Creating Event-Enabled Task Flows

Oracle Composer provides a means of contextually wiring task flow events. You can wire a contextual event to an action handler to enable the passing of values from a producer component to a consumer component when the event is triggered on the producer.

For events to be available at runtime, event capability must be included in the task flow at design time. When you add event-enabled task flows to your customizable page, each task flow's Component Properties dialog includes an Events tab, where much of the wiring activity takes place. For information about including event capabilities, see "Creating Contextual Events" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.

21.7 Configuring an Application Page to Display in Source View by Default

When a user invokes Oracle Composer by clicking the Edit button or link on a page, the page opens in Design view by default. If your business so requires, you can configure your application pages to display in Oracle Composer Source view by default.

21.7.1 How to Configure an Application Page to Display in Source View by Default

The Edit Mode view attribute on the Page Customizable component enables you to select either Design view or Source view as the default page view in Edit mode.

To open a page in Source view by default:

  1. Open your JSPX page in JDeveloper.

  2. Select the Page Customizable component in the Structure Navigator.

  3. In the Property Inspector, click the Edit Mode view attribute dropdown list and select source.


    To open the page in Source view for selected users only, you can specify an EL value for the Edit Mode view attribute.

  4. Save the page.

Setting the Source View Position and Size

By default, the component navigator in Source view is displayed at the top of the page, and its default height is 200 pixels. You can specify a different position or size for the component navigator using the sourceViewPosition and sourceViewSize attributes respectively on the Page Customizable component. For more information about these attributes, see Section B.1.1, "Page Customizable."

21.7.2 What Happens at Runtime

When a user clicks the Edit link or button on the page, Oracle Composer opens the page in Source view.

21.8 Disabling Source View for the Application

By default, Source view is enabled in Oracle Composer-enabled pages. You can disable Source view if you want to prevent users from being able to edit any page components other than task flows, portlets, and layout components. This section describes how. It contains the following subsections:


For information about the editing capabilities in Source view, see Section 17.5, "Editing Capabilities in Source View in Page Edit Mode."

21.8.1 How to Disable Source View

You can disable Source view by setting the enable-source-view entry to false in the application's adf-config.xml file.


For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make in adf-config.xml, see Section B.2.2, "adf-config.xml."

To disable Source view:

  1. Open the application's adf-config.xml file, located in the ADF META-INF folder under Descriptors in the Application Resources panel.

  2. Add the enable-source-view property and set its value to false, as shown in Example 21-7.

    Example 21-7 Disabling Source View in adf-config.xml

    <page-editor-config xmlns="">
  3. Save the file.

21.8.2 What Happens at Runtime

When a user switches to page Edit mode, the page is rendered in Design view and the View menu is not displayed to the user, as shown in Figure 21-9.

Figure 21-9 Design View of Page without View Menu

Description of Figure 21-9 follows
Description of "Figure 21-9 Design View of Page without View Menu"

21.9 Disabling Task Flow Zoom Capability

You can disable the capability to zoom into task flows in the application by setting the enable-zoom entry to false in the application's adf-config.xml file.


For information about the Oracle Composer-specific configurations you can make in adf-config.xml, see Section B.2.2, "adf-config.xml."

To disable task flow zoom capability:

  1. Open the adf-config.xml file, located in the ADF META-INF folder under Descriptors in the Application Resources panel.

  2. Add the enable-zoom property and set its value to false, as shown in Example 21-8.

    Example 21-8 Disabling Task Flow Zoom Capability in adf-config.xml

    <page-editor-config xmlns="">
  3. Save the file.

The ability to zoom into task flows is disabled in the entire application.

21.10 Applying Styles to Components

You can change the look and feel of Oracle Composer components by applying different styles to the component header and content using one of the following methods:

Understanding contentStyle and inlineStyle Properties

The style properties inlineStyle and contentStyle are alike in the types of attributes they support. They differ in their range of influence. While inlineStyle provides style information for the entire component, contentStyle provides style information only for component content. The contentStyle property is available to Show Detail Frame components but not to Panel Customizable components.

The inlineStyle property applies CSS to the root of the component, that is, the topmost DOM element. It does not override styles on child elements that are picking up color, font, and so on from a skin. For example, if a component header is skinned, then setting inlineStyle does not affect the component header. The contentStyle applies CSS to the DOM element that surrounds the content part of the component. In a Show Detail Frame, content refers to the area below the header.

On component content, the value specified for contentStyle takes precedence over the value specified for inlineStyle. Additionally, contentStyle on a component instance takes precedence over both inlineStyle and the contentStyle values of a parent component (such as a portlet nested in a Panel Customizable component).

Figure 21-10 Defining Styles for contentStyle and inlineStyle in the Property Inspector

Defining styles for ContentInlineStyle and InlineStyle
Description of "Figure 21-10 Defining Styles for contentStyle and inlineStyle in the Property Inspector"

21.11 Configuring the Persistence Change Manager

To persist user and application customizations across sessions, your application must be configured to use the change persistence framework. When you add Oracle Composer components to a customizable page, Oracle Composer configures the application to use ComposerChangeManager so that changes made to a page at runtime are persisted appropriately.

The default change persistence behavior in release applications is to save Edit mode changes to MDS. View mode changes are not persisted and are available only for that session. To persist View mode changes also to MDS so that they are available across sessions, you can configure your applications to use ComposerChangeManager.

This section describes the default change manager configuration in new WebCenter applications containing Oracle Composer-enabled pages and explains how to configure existing release applications to use ComposerChangeManager. It contains the following sections:

21.11.1 Overview of the Default Change Manager Configuration

The first time you add an Oracle Composer component to your application page, Oracle Composer does the following to enable change persistence:

  • Adds the CHANGE_PERSISTENCE context parameter to the web.xml file, and sets the value to ComposerChangeManager. This context parameter registers the ChangeManager class to be used to handle persistence, as shown in the following example:

  • Sets the persistent-change-manager element in the adf-config.xml file to the MDSDocumentChangeManager. Oracle Composer configures MDSDocumentChangeManager within the adf-faces-config section as follows:

    <adf-faces-config xmlns="">

      . . . 

    The taglib-config section in the file lists component tags and attributes that are persisted by default, as shown in the following example:

    <adf-faces-config xmlns="">
          <taglib uri="">
            <tag name="showDetailFrame">
              <attribute name="expansionMode">
              <attribute name="contentStyle">
            <tag name="panelCustomizable">
          <taglib uri="">
            <tag name="layoutCustomizable">
              <attribute name="type">

    You can further enable change persistence for other tags and attributes by defining them in this section and setting the persist-changes attribute to true. For more information, see Section 23.4.1, "How to Define Change Persistence at the Component Level."

    For a list of ADF Faces components and attributes that are implicitly persisted, see the chapter titled "Allowing User Customizations at Runtime" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Fusion Developer's Guide for Oracle Application Development Framework.


A ChangeManager class is required for persisting application customizations performed by end users. ComposerChangeManager handles change persistence both within a session and across sessions (to MDS). It delegates a users changes to the appropriate change manager as follows:

  • View mode changes are routed to FilteredPersistenceChangeManager to ensure that implicit customizations, such as column resizing and header collapse, work according to the filter rules configured in the application's adf-config.xml file.

  • Edit mode changes are routed to MDSDocumentChangeManager to ensure that both implicit and explicit customizations are always persisted and available across sessions.


When you add Oracle Composer components to your application page, the option to enable customizations for the duration of the session (in the Project Properties dialog) is disabled. This is because changes in Oracle Composer-enabled application pages must be persisted across sessions, to MDS.

21.11.2 How to Configure ComposerChangeManager in Existing Applications

Release WebCenter applications containing Oracle Composer-enabled pages use MDSDocumentChangeManager for persisting Edit mode changes by default. Since Oracle Composer now provides ComposerChangeManager to persist user and application customizations, you can configure your existing applications to use ComposerChangeManager so that user customizations (in View mode) are also persisted to MDS.

This section contains the following sections: Updating CHANGE_PERSISTENCE Context Parameter in the web.xml File

You must update the CHANGE_PERSISTENCE context parameter to ComposerChangeManager.

To modify the CHANGE_PERSISTENCE parameter:

  1. Open your application's web.xml file from the Application_Root\Project_Name\public_html\WEB-INF directory.

  2. Locate org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CHANGE_PERSISTENCE and update it to the following:

  3. Save the web.xml file. Adding Relevant Entries to the adf-config.xml File

You must configure change persistence in the adf-faces-config section of your application's adf-config.xml file.

To configure change persistence in the adf-config.xml file:

  1. Open the adf-config.xml file.

    The adf-config.xml file is located in the ADF META-INF folder under Descriptors in the Application Resources panel.

  2. Add the following code under the adf-config section:

    <adf-faces-config xmlns="">
        <taglib uri="">
          <tag name="showDetailFrame">
            <attribute name="expansionMode">
            <attribute name="contentStyle">
          <tag name="panelCustomizable">
        <taglib uri="">
          <tag name="layoutCustomizable">
            <attribute name="type">

    This ensures that MDSDocumentChangeManager is used to persist View mode changes to component tags and attributes listed in the taglib-config section. By default, the following View mode changes are persisted:

    • Panel Customizable component: Rearranging of components within the container or across containers.

    • Show Detail Frame component: Expanding, collapsing, and resizing of components.

    You can enable change persistence for other tags and attributes by defining them in this section and setting the persist-changes attribute to true. For more information, see Section 23.4.1, "How to Define Change Persistence at the Component Level."

  3. Save the adf-config.xml file.


When you configure ComposerChangeManager, implicit customizations on many components may stop working in View mode as the components may not be added to adf-config.xml for the FilteredPersistenceChangeManager to pick up.

21.12 Configuring Runtime Resource String Editing

Component properties edited in Oracle Composer are available only in the current language. For example, if you add a task flow to your page, the task flow title you enter in Oracle Composer is available only in the current language. As a result, users in different locales do not see the translated values for such properties. To provide language support for component properties edited at runtime, Oracle Composer now provides users the option to edit resource strings for component display options that can take String values. This is similar to the resource string editor feature provided by ADF Faces in JDeveloper. Changes made to resource strings in Oracle Composer are saved into an override bundle, which gets translated along with other resource bundles in the application. The translated versions are then imported back into the application. This way, users are able to see the property values in their language.


Oracle Composer supports creation of around 500 resource strings at runtime. Beyond this number, application performance slows down.

Release WebCenter applications containing Oracle Composer-enabled pages do not support editing of resource strings at runtime. You can enable resource string editing in your existing application by performing a few simple configurations. This section describes the steps to enable resource string editing in an existing release application. It contains the following sections:

21.12.1 Overview of the Resource String Editor

At runtime, for component display options that can take String values, the Edit menu next to the property field provides a Select Text Resource option. Clicking this option opens the resource string editor, which provides options to search existing resources, edit or delete resource keys, and add new resource key/value pairs. For information about editing resource strings at runtime, see Section 17.4.5, "Edit Resource Strings."

Changes made to resource strings in Oracle Composer are saved into an application override bundle. This bundle is sent for translation and the translated versions are imported back into the application. This way, users are able to see the property values in their language.

The ComposerOverrideBundle.xlf is an empty XLIFF file that is packaged with Oracle Composer libraries. This bundle becomes available to the application when you add Oracle Composer components to the page at design time. At runtime, Oracle Composer uses this bundle internally to read from and write to the application override bundle while editing resource strings.

New and updated property values are saved into the override bundle. A user must specify a key, value, and description for each string being created or modified. All resource string changes made in an application are saved in a single override bundle. To distinguish runtime changes made in different layers, the key value is prefixed with the MDS layer name and value and must be in the format, RT_<MDS Layer Name><MDS Layer Value>_Key Name. For example, RT_sitewebcenter_WELCOME_MESSAGE. For a selected property, users can search and use resource strings created in any MDS layer. However, they can edit only those resource strings that were created in the same MDS layer. In addition to searching the override bundle, users can also search for strings created and used in the JSPX page at design time. Internally, Oracle Composer searches for all resource bundles defined using c:set tags in the JSPX file.

Runtime resource string changes in English are saved to the default application override bundle. Users can change the language and create or edit a resource string in that language. A separate override bundle is created for each language in which a user writes a resource string and the file name is suffixed with the initials for that language. For example, resource strings edited in French in Application1 are saved in a bundle named Application1OverrideBundle_fr.xlf.

Current Limitations of the Resource String Editor

  • Oracle Composer supports creation of around 500 resource strings at runtime. Beyond this number, application performance slows down

  • The search criteria in the resource string editor is case-sensitive.

  • To search for the description of a resource string, the user must provide the complete string value in the search criteria.

  • The resource string editor does not display string descriptions for entries created in Properties bundle or List Resource bundle formats in JDeveloper.

  • The option to edit resource strings is disabled for properties on the Parameters and Events tabs.

    If the EL value for an ADF resource is referenced in a page definition parameter, such as page parameter, task flow parameter, or portlet parameter, then the binding EL returns an empty value. Users must avoid referencing ADF resource EL values in page definition parameters.

21.12.2 How to Enable the Resource String Editor in Your Application

To enable resource string editing in your application, you must add a resource-string-editor element in the page-editor-config section of your application's adf-config.xml file, as follows:


If you want to enable resource string selectively, based on specific criteria, such as the page being edited or the user or role, you can use an EL value for the enabled attribute.

21.12.3 How to Configure the Override Bundle

If you enable resource string editing in your application, you must configure your application to use the override bundle,, which is available in the pageeditor.jar file. This override bundle is used for reading and writing to the application override bundle when users create or edit resource strings at runtime.

To configure the override bundle:

  1. Open your application in JDeveloper.

  2. Form the Application menu, select Application Properties.

  3. Select Resource Bundles in the left panel of the Application Properties dialog (Figure 21-11).

    Figure 21-11 Application Properties Dialog

    Description of Figure 21-11 follows
    Description of "Figure 21-11 Application Properties Dialog"

  4. Click the Add button.

  5. In the File Name field in the Select Resource bundle dialog, enter, as shown in Figure 21-12, and click Open.

    Figure 21-12 Select Resource Bundle Dialog

    Description of Figure 21-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 21-12 Select Resource Bundle Dialog"

  6. In the Application Properties dialog, select the Override check box.

    This ensures that the file is available to users at runtime.

  7. Click OK.

Repeat the steps in this section to expose any of the resource bundles in your application to users at runtime.


To make a resource bundle accessible for runtime read and write operations, you must ensure that the Override option is selected for that bundle in the Application Properties dialog.

You can make properties bundles, list resource bundles, and XLIFF resource bundles accessible at runtime.

21.12.4 What Happens at Runtime

When a user clicks the Edit icon next to a property that takes a String value, the Select Text Resource option is available. Clicking this option opens the resource string editor in which the user can create, modify, or delete resource strings. For more information, see Section 17.4.5, "Edit Resource Strings."

21.13 Troubleshooting Problems with Advanced Oracle Composer Configurations

This section provides information to assist you in troubleshooting problems you may encounter on performing advanced Oracle Composer configurations.

For information about configuring logging, see "Configuring ADF Logging for Oracle Composer".


You added a global- or instance-level Custom Action. However, it neither displays on the chrome or in the Action menu on the Show Detail Frame.


Ensure the following:

For information, see Section 21.3.2, "How to Enable Custom Actions on a Show Detail Frame Enclosing a Task Flow."


Oracle Composer is not working on ADF application pages. Errors are reported in the logs when using Oracle Composer's Resource Catalog or Component Properties dialog. None of the customizations are saved. Objects are not getting added from the Resource Catalog.


Oracle Composer is compatible with the MDSDocumentChangeManager and ComposerChangeManager. You must set the CHANGE_PERSISTENCE context parameter in the web.xml file to either of these. The following example shows how to set CHANGE_PERSISTENCE to MDSDocumentChangeManager:


When you configure Oracle Composer, the value of CHANGE_PERSISTENCE is changed to