Controlling Currency Display Format

This chapter provides an overview of currency-specific settings and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Currency-Specific Settings

PeopleTools can format a currency amount that appears on a page or a report based on both your numerical format preferences and the currency that the amount represents.

Some display settings, such as the characters that are used for the thousands and decimal separators, are based on your language preference. Others, such as the currency symbol and the decimal precision, are based on the properties of the currency in which the amount appears. Those properties include:

Currency information is stored in the Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) record definition along with other information about the currencies that is used in the implementation. The CUR_SYMBOL field controls the currency symbol. The DECIMAL_POSITIONS field controls the decimal precision for a currency.

Note. The PeopleSoft Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) contains sample currency and country code data. The Currency Code table is based on ISO Standard 4217, “Codes for the representation of currencies,” and also relies on ISO country codes in the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). The navigation to the pages where you maintain currency code and country information depends on which PeopleSoft applications you are using. To access the pages for maintaining the Currency Code and Country tables, consult your application PeopleBooks for more information.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Up Currency Amount Fields When Developing Applications

To set up currency amount fields:

  1. Access Application Designer.

  2. Ensure that the record definition has an appropriate currency control field.

    The currency control field must be in the same record as the currency display field and hold a valid Currency Code value. This means that it must be a character (Char) field with a length of 3, formatted in uppercase (Upper). You can use an existing field or define a new field. The field does not need to be named CURRENCY_CD. It can have any valid PeopleSoft field name. However if the record has only one amount field, you should use the CURRENCY_CD field name for consistency with other PeopleSoft applications.

    An example of a record with two currency-controlled amount fields is the currency exchange (CURRENCY_EXCHNG) record. The two amount fields on this record are from amount (FROM_AMT) and converted amount (CONVERTED_AMT). Each has a currency control field of from currency (FROM_CUR) and to currency (TO_CUR), respectively.

  3. Ensure that the edit properties of the currency control field are set up correctly.

  4. Set the currency control field property of the currency amount record field.

    You must associate the field containing the amount with the currency control field.

    Open the Record Field Properties dialog box for the currency amount field by right-clicking the record field in the record definition and selecting Record Field Properties.

    In the Currency Control Field drop-down list box, select the appropriate currency control field for the currency amount field.

  5. Click OK to accept the property settings.

  6. Save the record definition.

Click to jump to parent topicSetting Currency Field Display Properties When Developing Applications

When you place a currency amount field on a page, you can choose whether to display the currency symbol in the amount field along with the numerical amount and whether to display a thousands separator. Regardless of whether you display the symbol in the field, it is not stored in the database. Currency field formatting is performed only if the Multi-Currency option is selected on the PeopleTools Option page.

To set currency field display properties:

  1. In Application Designer, display the field’s Page Field Properties dialog box.

    To open the Page Field Properties dialog box for the currency field, right-click the page field and select Page Field Properties.

  2. Set the currency display options.

    Select the Currency Symbol check box to display the currency symbol (as defined for the currency in the Currency Code table). Clear the check box if you don’t want to display the symbol.

    Select the 1000 Separator check box if you want the currency amount to appear with a thousands separator character. The specific character that is used as the thousands separator is determined by your international preference.

  3. Click OK to accept the dialog box settings.

  4. Save the page definition.

See Also

Setting Up Locale-Based Formatting for the PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture

Using System-Wide Multicurrency Settings

Click to jump to parent topicUsing System-Wide Multicurrency Settings

This section provides an overview if multicurrency settings and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Multicurrency Settings

The Multi-Currency check box on the PeopleTools Options page is a system-wide switch that enables:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConnecting a Currency Control Field to the Multi-Currency Check Box

To connect a currency control field to the system-wide multicurrency check box when developing applications:

  1. In Application Designer, display the field’s Page Field Properties dialog box.

    To open the Page Field Properties dialog box for the currency field, right-click the page field, and select Page Field Properties. In the Field Properties dialog box, select the Use tab.

  2. Select the Multi-Currency Field check box on the Use tab to specify that the field can appear or hide from the PeopleTools Options page.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Save the page definition.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEnabling or Disabling System-Wide Currency Settings

To enable or disable system-wide currency settings at installation:

  1. Select PeopleTools, Utilities, Administration, PeopleTools Options.

    The PeopleTools Options page appears.

  2. Select or clear the Multi-Currency check box.

    Selecting the check box activates automatic currency formatting; clearing the check box disables automatic currency formatting.

    If any page fields have the Multi-Currency Field option selected in the Page Field Properties dialog box, selecting the Multi-Currency check box displays those page fields; clearing the check box hides the page fields.

  3. Click Save.


The following examples demonstrate the different outcomes of setting the Multi-Currency Field option in a field's properties and on the PeopleTools Options page to control a field's visibility.

Click to jump to parent topicResizing Currency Fields by Using the International Field Size Utility

PeopleSoft applications are typically shipped with amount fields that are sized at 15 integer positions and 3 decimal positions. However, some older applications may be shipped with smaller field sizes, and to use a greater precision, you may need to run the International Field Size utility when you install your PeopleSoft system. If the PeopleSoft installation guide for your product requires it, use the Application Engine program Set International Field Sizes (TLSINST1) to increase the length and number of decimal position settings of field definitions. For example, you may need to do this if you process low-value currencies that require numeric fields that are longer than those that are provided in the standard application.

PeopleTools is delivered with the International Field Sizes table (PS_INTL_FLDSIZ_TBL) populated with suggested lengths for numeric fields that may require a large number of digits for certain currencies. You can edit the contents of this table to suit your own requirements, adding and deleting fields and adjusting the new field sizes and decimal positions as necessary.

Keep in mind the limitations on numeric field size and precision imposed by your database platform, and the fact that some numeric fields are used in COBOL and may require COBOL working storage changes in addition to the changes performed by this utility.

To resize international currency fields:

  1. Start the PeopleTools International Field Size utility.

    Select PeopleTools, Utilities, International, Process Field Size to display the International Field Size page. The International Field Size page shows the name of each field that will be adjusted, the current size of the field, and the proposed new size of the field (stored in the International Field Sizes table).

  2. Edit the data in the International Field Sizes table.

    Adjust the new field sizes to meet your own requirements. You can insert or delete rows from the page.

  3. Save your changes.

  4. Run the Process Request Dialog.

    To do this: click Run to open the Process Scheduler Request page. Set the report options, and then click OK to run the Set International Field Sizes process.

    The utility updates the field definitions and creates a report showing all page fields that have been affected by the changes in field size.

  5. Check all affected pages, and rearrange page fields as necessary to rectify overlaps.

    The process does not update page field information such as overlapping fields that may be caused by an increase in field length; however, the system automatically adjusts the sizes of any page fields with a size property of Average or Maximum. If the page field size is Custom, it is not adjusted. If the page field is too small, the larger amount can still be entered; however, users may have to scroll to the right to see the full amount, and the truncated amount may be misleading.

  6. Rebuild (SQL ALTER) any tables that have been affected by the changes in field sizes.

    Use the Application Designer Build feature, with the Alter Tables option, to build any tables (using SQL ALTER) that have been affected by the changes in field size. Use the Find Object References features to determine which tables have been affected, or create a query against the PSRECDEFN, PSRECFIELD, and International Field Sizes tables. For example: