Using the Integration Broker Quick Configuration Page

This chapter discusses using the Integration Broker Quick Configuration page to set up and access PeopleSoft Integration Broker configuration properties.

Click to jump to parent topicPrerequisites for Using the Integration Broker Quick Configuration Page

Before you perform the tasks described in this chapter, install PeopleTools, and configure and start the application server. In addition, install, configure, and start the web server.

See Also

PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing the Integration Broker Quick Configuration Page

You can set up and access most PeopleSoft Integration Broker configuration properties using the Integration Broker Quick Configuration page (PTIB_ADMIN). To access the page, select PeopleTools, Integration Broker, Configuration, Quick Configuration.

The page provides access to the following configuration properties.

Gateway URL

Enter the integration gateway URL in the following form:

http://<machinename>:<port>/PSIGW/PeopleSoftListening⇒ Connector

By default the port number is 80 for HTTP and 443 for HTTPS. If using the default port number, you do not need to specify it in the URL.

For HTTPS, the URL should start with https.

The integration gateway URL is case-sensitive.

Ping Gateway

Click the button to verify that the integration gateway is responding. If active, a window appears that displays the name of the active target connector, the PeopleTools version you are running, and the status of Active.

Advanced Gateway Setup

Click the link to access the Gateways page where you load target connectors and specify their properties. Use this page to also specify nodes with which the gateway will communicate and access the file to set additional properties.

See Setting General Connection Properties.

(Domain) Status

Click Active from the drop-down list box to activate pub/sub servers on an application server domain.

You must activate the pub/sub servers on application server domains used for messaging before you can use them to successfully send and receive messages.

The drop-down list box appears only for domains that are currently inactive.

By default, there may be only one active application server domain. To activate more than one domain, you must first set the Allow Multiple Active Domains option on the Setup Monitor Options page in the Service Operations Monitor.

See Allowing Multiple Active Domains.

Domain Status

Click the link to access the Domain Status page in the Service Operations Monitor where you can set domain grace periods, set domain failover, view dispatcher status, and more.

See Managing Pub/Sub Server Domains.

Service Configuration

Click the link to access the Service Configuration page to set required services properties, such as service namespace and schema namespace.

This link also provides access to set required properties when using Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) repositories to provide and consume web services.

See Configuring PeopleSoft Integration Broker for Handling Services.

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Integration Broker Metadata