Comparing Source and Target Definitions

This chapter includes an overview and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding the Compare Process

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to compare the contents of the database to which you are signed on (or project within) with the target database or an exported project file. It enables you to view the status of each definition in each location so you can then decide which definitions to keep.

There are two ways to compare definitions:

When performing comparisons between source and target definitions, PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing All Definitions by Type

PeopleSoft Application Designer performs comparisons on one definition type at a time. For each definition type that you select, the system removes any existing definitions of that type from the current project and repopulates the project based on the comparison results. For this reason, be careful when performing a database comparison on a predefined project.

For example, suppose that your project includes several record, page, and menu definitions and you perform a database comparison on pages only. All of the page definitions that were originally in the project are removed and replaced by any page definitions that were found in the Compare process. However, the record and menu definitions in the project are not affected.

Performing a database comparison overwrites custom upgrade settings with the defaults for the specified target orientation.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Definitions by Project

If you manually inserted definitions into the project and you want to see how those definitions differ from the same definitions in another database, perform a project comparison. This method compares only the definitions in the project and does not repopulate the project—except in record and field comparisons. Upgrade settings are never modified when you perform a project comparison.

When records are compared—during a database or project comparison—differences that are found in record fields are written into the project. For example, suppose that Record A in the source database contains record fields 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, and Record A in the target database contains fields 2, 4, 6, and 7. Before the comparison, the project contains only Record A. After the comparison, the project contains Record A and record fields 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7.

Similarly, when field definitions are compared, differences that are found in the field labels are inserted into the project as new field definitions. For example, suppose that you are comparing the source with the target, and both databases have the same field definitions. However, the field label for one of those field definitions is different. The source field definition is labeled Employee ID, but in the target, it is labeled Staff ID. The Compare process creates a new field definition that is labeled Staff ID. After the comparison, the project contains both an Employee ID field and a Staff ID field.

Note. These are the only situations where a project comparison repopulates a project.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSynchronizing Databases When Comparing Record Definitions

The Upgrade Copy process synchronizes databases when performing an upgrade compare and copy for record definitions. During the upgrade copy (CopyProp only) of a table, subrecord, or temporary table, the system reorders the indexes (_, 0 through 9) to follow the source index order. The target order matches the source order after the copy.

For example, suppose that the source record, Z, is a table with fields B, A, C, G, H and the target record, Z, is a table with fields A, B, F, G, C, H where all of these conditions are true:

In this example, the upgrade compare produces project items for this record:



src status

tgt status

upgrade action

take action


Not applicable (NA)











* Unless the F record field is deleted, an upgrade copy and compare always shows this project item.

The result of an upgrade copy on this record changes record fields A, B, F, G, C, and H in the target database to B, F, A, G, C, and H, without moving the nonkey fields. Another upgrade compare would produce the same project items.

Likewise, during an upgrade copy of a view or dynamic view, the target order is reordered to match the source when a record field project item is copied and the source order does not match the target order.

For example, suppose that the source record, Z, is a view with fields B, A, C, and the target record, Z, is a view with fields A, B, F, C where all of these conditions are true:

In this example, the upgrade compare produces project items for these record fields:



src status

tgt status

upgrade action

take action

























* Unless record field F is deleted, an upgrade copy and compare always shows this project item.

The result of an upgrade copy changes A, B, F, C in the target database to B, F, A, C.

Another project compare would produce these project items:



src status

tgt status

upgrade action

take action



















* Unless F is deleted, an upgrade copy and compare always shows this project item.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Compare Reports

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRunning a Compare Report

To perform a comparison:

  1. Save any changes to objects and close all windows before starting the Compare process.

    This ensures that all generated reports are saved during the Compare process. Once the process is complete, you can open the reports from a file and view them online.

  2. Lock all of the PeopleSoft Application Designer definitions in the target database.

    If you perform a full comparison, it might take several days for you to review all of the comparison reports and set the upgrade settings accordingly. Locking the PeopleSoft Application Designer definitions in the target database ensures that those definitions cannot be changed between the comparison and the time that you perform the copy.

  3. Turn off all tracing.

  4. Select Tools, Compare and Report, and select one of these options:

  5. On the Compare and Report dialog box, select the types of definitions to compare from the Definition list.

  6. Click Options to access the Upgrade Options dialog box.

    Set all upgrade options including comparison report filters.

  7. Select the appropriate Project Item Status / Insert Child Definitions option (if enabled it allows you to preserve the original project).

  8. Click Compare to perform the comparison.

    The system creates online reports for the definitions that you are comparing. Upgrade Compare reports are saved to the location you specify in the Report Output Directory field in Tools, Options on the General tab.

Note. You can also compare definitions using command line syntax.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with the Compare and Report Dialog Box

Access the Compare and Report dialog box.

Note. Depending on whether you are comparing to a database or from a file, the dialog box name changes accordingly.


Identifies the file or database name, the application release, and the service pack level of the source file or database.


Identifies the database name, the application release, and the service pack level of the target database.

Update Item Status/Child Definitions

Deselect the Update Project Item and Child Definitions option to preserve the status of the items in your upgrade project and the child definitions when running a compare. Child definitions apply only to records and fields in which fields are the child definitions of the record, and field labels are the child definitions of record fields.

When running a compare report, the system compares the definitions in an another database or file to the database to which you are currently signed on. Based on the compare results, the system updates the status of the project items in your upgrade project in the definition window. For example, after running the compare, the system inserts the status of the Source and Target (Absent, Changed, Unchanged, and so on), the Action to take (None, Copy, CopyProp, and so on).

Regarding child definitions with the case of records, if a record is the same version in both places, the system removes the fields. With the case of fields, if a field is the same version in both places the system removes the field labels from the upgrade project definition.

When a child item is found to be different between the two places, then that item is inserted into the project so the child item can then be copied as a unique item. When this option is deselected, no child items are deleted nor inserted into the project.

In some cases, as in when you want to compare the same upgrade project to multiple sources, for example a demo database, a production database, and a project file, you may decide to deselect this option so that the source upgrade project remains unchanged. When deselected, the project item status and child definitions information only appears in the generated compare report, not online in the PeopleSoft Application Designer project definition.

Note. By default, this setting is selected, which should accommodate most situations.

Note. This option applies only when performing project compares, and is not applicable when performing a full database compare (Compare Type is set to Database on the Compare Options tab in the Upgrade Options dialog box). A full database compare should start with an empty upgrade project and insert the different items into the upgrade project.

Note. When performing a compare from file, if the option is turned off, the resulting project definition after the compare will have the same status settings and project items as in the file project definition. The compare reports will still reflect the status settings and differences in any child items. When the option is left on, the compare will change the project definition based on the compare results, changing the status settings, and inserting or deleting child items as needed.


Displays the current set of definitions being compared. The system only compares the definitions in the list that are highlighted.


Executes the compare process.


Cancels the compare process.


Opens the Upgrade Options dialog box.

See Setting Upgrade Options.

Select All/Deselect All

Selects all the definitions in the Definition list, or deselects all.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking With Workspace Reports

PeopleSoft provides online comparison reports in PeopleSoft Application Designer. These reports appear in the project workspace area after you run a compare report.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing Reports

To access reports:

  1. Select Tools, Compare and Report from the PeopleSoft Application Designer toolbar.

  2. Sign in to the target database.

    The system automatically displays a comparison report for each definition that you selected to be copied. If the current definition type has a PeopleSoft Application Designer based editor, you can double-click the definition name in the report to open it. If the comparison report is large, you can search for specific definition names.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Definitions in Reports

For long compare reports, it is useful to perform a search to locate specific items. The Find in Report feature searches by column. To search for an object in a comparison report highlight or place your cursor in the column that you want to search and select Edit, Find in Report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrinting the Report

This section provides an overview of a report and discusses how to:

Printing the Comparison Report

This is a print preview of the comparison report:

To print the comparison report select File, Print. The standard Print dialog box appears, enabling you to select the printer, number of copies, and so on.

Printing a Comparison Report From a File

To print a comparison report from a file:

  1. To print a saved comparison report, select File, Report from File.

  2. Select Print Preview, Print, or View Report.

    These options require that you specify the report name and its location in a standard Open dialog box. View Reportdisplays the specified report in the project workspace.

Moving Print Files

You might want to move the comparison report files to another directory or send them as email attachments. Each comparison report file is saved as two files with the following format:

Both files (filename.prt and filename.idx) are required to view or print the report.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSaving Reports as Text Files

While the report is open in the workspace, you can save the workspace report as a text file. This enables you to import the report results into applications of your choice, such as Microsoft Excel.

To save the workspace report as a text file:

  1. Select File, Save Report As.

  2. On the Save Report As dialog box insert a file name into the File Name edit box, and select a file type from the Save as type drop-down list.

    You can select Tab Delimited (.txt) or Comma Delimited (.csv).

  3. Click Save.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Browser Reports

This section provides an overview and discuses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Browser Reports

Browser reports enable you to view compare results using your browser.

You use the Compare Report Viewer to view and navigate within the results. The Compare Report Viewer is a client-based HTML program through which you view the compare results, which are stored in XML. Having the compare results in HTML and XML enables you to:

By setting the Generate Browser Reports option, when you run the Compare and Report process, the system generates browser reports in addition to the workspace reports that automatically appear in the PeopleSoft Application Designer workspace.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAccessing and Sharing Browser Reports

This section discusses how to:

Accessing Browser Reports

To access a browser report double-click on the line in the output window containing "Browser Compare Report Created.”

The Viewer menu contains menu options related to navigating within the report. The Definition Types menu enables you to dill down into the compare data for each definition type compared. The Definition Types menu only contains the definitions compared.

Sharing Browser Reports

PeopleSoft Application Designer writes the browser reports to a subdirectory named after the project name within the Report Output Directory specified on the General tab on the Options dialog. For example, if the Report Output Directory is c:\psreports and the project name is “PROJECT,” then the browser reports exist in c:\psreports\PROJECT. To view the compare results, double-click CompareViewer.html and then select the desired project name.

For each type of definition you compare, there is a subdirectory containing XML files storing the compare data for that definition type. For example, if you compared pages, the XML file containing compare data for the page compare exists in c:\psreports\PROJECT\Pages. These files can be used as source data for custom displays of the compare data. The PeopleSoft Compare Report Viewer uses these XML files along with various HTML and XSL files to present your compare data.

To share the browser reports, PeopleSoft recommends:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting a Project

If you've run multiple compare reports on the same workstation, the PeopleSoft Compare Report Viewer enables you to switch between them easily.

To select a project:

  1. Click Select Project.

  2. Select the appropriate project in the Project Name list.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSearching for Definitions

You can search for specific definitions within the compare data.

To search for definitions:

  1. Select Search.

  2. From the Definition Type list, specify the appropriate definition type, such as Records.

  3. In the Search Text edit box, enter the name or part the name of the definition you want to view.

    Note. You must enter at least three characters.

    Note. The search returns the parent and child definitions. For example, if you enter 'RecordA' that contains FieldB and Field C, the search returns RecordA, RecordA.FieldB, and RecordA.FieldC. Also, the search returns all definitions beginning with the search string entered.

  4. Click Search.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Report Details

Click Report Details to view information related to the databases and/or files compared.

Project Name

The name of the project in the primary database.

PeopleTools Release

The PeopleTools release number on which the primary database runs.

Source Database/Source File

The name of the primary database or file depending on which compare option you selected.

Source Date

The date the primary database was last updated.

Target Database

The name of the secondary database.

Target Date

The date the secondary database was last updated.

Compare By

Displays the Comparison options selected on the Compare Options dialog box either the release or date.

See Setting Upgrade Options.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Status Summary

To view the status summary, click Status Summary.

The status summary is a high-level view of the compare results showing the definitions compared and the occurrence of differences. The summary table indicates whether the difference occurred because of additions, modifications, or deletions that were the result of activity at your site, or whether the difference occurred as a result of an addition or modification made by PeopleSoft. This summary can be useful for managers and executives who are scoping and budgeting for an upgrade.

Each of the columns in the status summary indicate the number of items found to differ by definition type. The columns represent the "Source" and "Target" status values set during the compare process. You can click on any of the cell values to view the items filtered for each particular status result. You can also click the value in the Definition Type column to view further status information.

The following table shows how each column in the status summary table equates to the status in the source and target locations.

Customer Added

Source: Absent

Target: *Changed or *Unchanged

Customer Modified

Source: Changed or Unchanged

Target: *Changed or *Unchanged

Customer Deleted

Source: Absent

Target: Changed or Unchanged

PeopleSoft Added

Source: Any

Target: Absent

PeopleSoft Modified

Source: Changed or Unchanged

Target: Changed or Unchanged

Note. If you have generated composite reports, two tabs appear for the status summary: Compare Report and Composite Report.

Note. The compare report values reflect the assumption that the source is the delivered PeopleSoft demonstration database and the target is a customer's production copy of a database.

See Also

Working with Definition Status

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Compare Results by Definition Type

The Definition Types menu displays a menu item for each type of definition you compared. Click the link for a particular definition type to view the comparison results for each definition of that type.

Each definition compared appears in a grid containing identification information relevant to that definition type as well as the status of the definition in each location, the action, and the upgrade flag. The identification columns are links enabling you to drill down into the compare results of that definition so you can compare source and target values.

Expand All

Expands all definitions in the grid to reveal all associated attributes and child definitions.

Collapse All

Collapses the expanded grid so that only the list of definitions appear.

Show All Attributes

Click to show all attributes within a definition in Expand All mode after hiding an attribute or hiding all attributes.

Hide this/all Attribute

Hides the values of a specific attribute, or hides all attributes of a specific type.

Next, Previous, First, Last

Enables you to navigate between pages in a report containing multiple pages.

Items Per Page

Shows the number of items appearing on a single, current page, and the total number of items in the project.

Note. If you have generated a composite report, two tabs appear: Compare Report and Composite Report.

See Working with Definition Status.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Composite Reports

This section provides an overview and discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Composite Reports

When performing a PeopleSoft application upgrade, part of the process involves identifying the customizations made on your previous database and ensuring that all customizations are reflected in the upgraded database. During the development of a new PeopleSoft application release, many changes are made to the underlying meta data of the PeopleSoft application. If your application database is highly customized, it's likely that you've customized at least some of the definitions that PeopleSoft has modified in the new release. You identify your customizations and PeopleSoft modifications by running compare reports.

For example, suppose you are performing an upgrade from PeopleSoft 8.1x applications to PeopleSoft 8.4x applications. To identify your customizations, you run compare reports between your current 8.1x production database and the delivered 8.1x DEMO database. Then, to view your customizations and the PeopleSoft modifications after your 8.1x database has been upgraded to the 8.4x version, you run compare reports between your upgraded database and the delivered DEMO version of the 8.4x database.

Generating composite reports during this process greatly enhances your ability to identify the definitions that both you have customized and that PeopleSoft has modified. Composite reports compare your previous compare reports to the target database. The information in the previous compare reports is considered a subset of the composite reports. That is, all data appearing in the previous compare reports also appears on the composite reports, and those attributes that were updated by your organization and PeopleSoft will be highlighted.

The report output displays the changed attributes of the definitions so that you can determine the level and granularity of your customizations and how much effort will be involved in reapplying your customizations during the upgrade. This information can assist the decision making process when assessing the upgrade project scope.

Note. Composite reports are not a comprehensive record of all changes in the system. They only reflect definitions that have been changed by PeopleSoft and by a customer implementation.

Note. Composite reports do not replace compare reports. Rather, a composite report provides an alternate display of the information in compare reports, showing information appearing in both old release and new release compare reports.

Note. Composite reports are generated only for definitions that exist within both databases. For example, Analytic Model definitions used for the PeopleSoft Analytic Calculation Engine do not exist in a PeopleTools 8.1x application database. If comparing between a PeopleTools 8.1x application database and a PeopleTools 8.47 application database, a composite report for Analytic Model definitions will not be generated, as those definitions do not exist within a PeopleTools 8.1x database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGenerating Composite Reports

Before generating composite reports, consider the following:

To generate a composite report:

  1. Make sure that the compare reports generated from your previous release exist and reside in an accessible directory.

  2. Launch Application Designer and sign on to the delivered PeopleSoft demonstration database.

  3. Select Tools, Compare and Report, To Database.

  4. On the Compare and Report dialog box, select Options.

  5. On the Upgrade Options dialog box, select the Report Options tab.

  6. Select the Generate Composite Reports check box, which activates the Old Release Report Output Directory and Old Release Source Database Name edit boxes.

  7. In the Old Release Report Output Directory edit box, enter the directory where the compare reports generated from your previous database reside.

  8. In the Old Release Source Database Name edit box, enter the name of your original, source database (which is typically the PeopleSoft demonstration database from the previous release), and click OK.

    At this point, the process is identical to running a typical compare report. When the report completes, Application Designer displays both reports: the regular compare report and the composite report for each type of definition compared.

Note. The naming convention for composite reports is similar to compare reports, only the prefix for composite report file names is "Cmp". For example, the naming convention for composite reports is Cmp<number><definition>, as in Cmp05Pages.prt and Cmp05Pages.idx.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking With Composite Report Output

Generate a composite report.

Old Release

Previous release source data value. In a PeopleSoft upgrade, this is the source value from the DEMO database in the previous release.

New Release

New release source data value. In a PeopleSoft upgrade, this is the source value from the DEMO database in the new release, which reflects the modification performed by PeopleSoft development teams. If no modification has been made by PeopleSoft for a particular attribute, the value "<same>" appears in the New Release column.

Note. Changes represented here are not necessarily performed by PeopleSoft. If the compare reports were ran against your development environment, the modification was made in-house, not by PeopleSoft.


New release's copy of the production target value. In a PeopleSoft upgrade, this is the target value from the copy of the production database against which all upgrade scripts have been run.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicExample: Creating a Composite Report

To illustrate how the system compiles and displays composite report information, this section provides a simple example. Keep in mind that this example only displays information for one definition. A typical composite report can contain information pertaining to hundreds of definitions. This example shows:

Compare Report Results Between a PeopleSoft 8.1 Demonstration Database and PeopleSoft 8.1 Customer Production Database

This compare report shows customizations. For the field, FLD1, the following customizations were made:

With these customizations, the compare report results would appear as follows:

Definition Name

Source Status

Target Status


Source Value

Target Value




Field Length








Owner ID



Compare Report Results Between a PeopleSoft 8.4 Demonstration Database and PeopleSoft 8.4 Customer Production Database

This report shows customizations and PeopleSoft modifications.

For the field, FLD1, the following customizations were made:

For the field, FLD1, PeopleSoft made the following modifications:

With these customizations, the compare report results would appear as follows:

Definition Name

Source Status

Target Status


Source Value

Target Value





Field Length



PeopleSoft modification + Customization





Customization Only


Owner ID



Customization Only





PeopleSoft modification only


Field Type

Long Char


PeopleSoft modification only

Composite Report Result Based on the Previous Compare Report Results

The following table is a sample composite report only showing the attributes from the previous compare reports that were changed by both PeopleSoft and a customer.

Definition Name


Old Release

New Release



Field Length














Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Definition Status

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDetermining Definition Status

PeopleSoft Application Designer defines the status of a definition in the source and the target database.


Definition has not been compared. This is the default status for all definitions inserted manually into a project and the permanent status of all non-comparison definitions.


The definition was found in the other database, but not in this one. When upgrading to a new PeopleSoft release, all new PeopleSoft definitions should have Absent status in the target database and all of your custom definitions should have Absent in the source database.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is greater than the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that PeopleSoft modified the definition since the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is less than or equal to the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that PeopleSoft modified the definition prior to the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is not PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is greater than the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that a customer modified the definition since the comparison release.


The definition has been compared, the LASTUPDOPRID value is not PPLSOFT, and the LASTUPDDTM value is less than or equal to the date/time stamp of the comparison release database. This indicates that a customer modified the definition prior to the comparison release.


The definition has been compared and is defined the same in both databases. When a definition in one database has this status its counterpart in the other database will have the equivalent status. This status can be seen when performing a project comparison because with a project comparison the definitions are static; the project is not repopulated based on the comparison results. This status is not seen in a database comparison, because when doing so the project is populated only with definitions defined differently.

Note. Compare by release date is determined by finding the highest release label in common between the source and target databases. PSRELASE.RELEASELABEL column is searched on both source and target to find the latest common value between the two. Then PSRELEASE.PSRELEASEDTTM for that label is used for compare by release date for the source and target, respectively. You can override this value to set a different release label, or specific compare by date, on the Upgrade Options interface. Only common release labels (found on both source and target PSRELEASE table) can be used.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing Source Status to Target Status

The following table summarizes the possible status, action, and upgrade values that could be applied to a single definition during the comparison process.

Source Status

Target Status


Other Action

PeopleSoft Vanilla

Keep Customizations


Changed or Unchanged






*Changed or *Unchanged












Changed or Unchanged






*Changed or *Unchanged
























*Changed or *Unchanged












Changed or Unchanged






*Changed or *Unchanged












Changed or Unchanged



































The Action, Other Action, PeopleSoft Vanilla, and Keep Customizations are described in the following sections.


Describes the upgrade action set for an item.


(DEL) The item will be deleted from the target database during the copy.


The item will be copied to the target database during the copy.

Other Action

Describes the action when the system finds differences in record or field definitions.

Note. Used for record and field definitions only.


Copy properties of the item only. That is, for records, only copy the record definition, and not record fields. For fields, copy field definition only, and not the field labels.


Use the default action instead (DELETE or COPY).

PeopleSoft Vanilla

Describes the setting of the Upgrade flag for the project item when performing the Vanilla Compare type (set on Upgrade Options).


Upgrade flag is ON.


Upgrade flag is OFF. You must override this value in order to have Copy perform the action set in the Action column.

Keep Customization

Describes the setting of the Upgrade flag for the project item when performing the Keep Customizations Compare type (set on Upgrade Options).


Upgrade flag is ON.


Upgrade flag is OFF. You must override this value in order to have Copy perform the action set in the Action column.

Click to jump to parent topicComparing and Merging Page Definitions

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicComparing and Merging Page Definitions

To compare and merge page definitions in the Upgrade view:

  1. Open the upgrade project, and make sure that you are in the Upgrade view.

  2. Open the Pages window within the upgrade project.

  3. Select the page(s) that you want to compare.

  4. Right-click on the Pages window to display the context menu.

  5. Select Diff / Merge Page, and then select one of these options:

To compare and merge page definitions from the Development view:

  1. Open the page definition that you want to compare.

  2. Select Diff / Merge Page, and then select one of these options:

Note. For the compare to work, the name of the page in the external database or project file must have the same name (the same key value) as the page in the current database.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWorking with the Page Compare Results

This section discusses how to:

Using the Diff / Merge for Pages Interface

After successfully connecting to the database or file, the interface appears similar to the following example.

The PeopleSoft Application Designer displays a Property Value panel to show details about every difference or each changed page control. To the right, each page is displayed side-by-side enabling the visual comparison.

Note. The pages appear in a read-only state. You cannot make any changes to either page definition from the Visual Compare interface.

Determining Differences between Page Definitions

When there are differences between source and target page definitions, the system illustrates this in the Layout tab by surrounding the page field with a red box with a red 'X' at the top, left-hand corner. The field in which you have placed your cursor has a dotted line surrounding it.

On the Order tab, page controls that have differences are highlighted in red. Also, if you select a page control, you can see easily if its order is different as the highlighted areas do not match.

Use the Previous Difference and Next Difference toolbar buttons to navigate quickly between the differences flagged within the active window.

Using the Properties Panel

The Properties panel enables you to view the details regarding the differences between the source and target page controls. You can move the panel and dock it to the desired locations.

By placing your cursor into each page control surrounded by a red box, the differences in properties between the source and target definition for that particular page control appear on the Properties panel. You can also use the TAB key to move from field to field. For page controls that are identical between the source and target, nothing appears in the Properties panel.

Page fields are identified in the Property Value panel by the field ID value displayed on the Order tab.


Displays the list of properties associated with a particular page field or control.

Note. The properties appearing for different page fields and controls may differ. Many of the properties are only used internally by PeopleTools for page display and position.

[A] <Signed on Database Name>

Displays the property values for a page field or control residing in the database to which you are currently signed on. In the context of merging pages, this is the "target" definition.

[B] <Database Name/Project File Name>

Displays the property values for a page field or control residing in an external database or project file. In the context of merging pages, this is the "source" definition.

Note. If needed you can access the page definition properties by selecting File, Object Properties or clicking ALT + ENTER.

Merging Attributes and Properties from Source to Target

When merging attributes of a page definition it is important to keep in mind where the two definitions you are merging reside. The database to which you are signed on is A:, or the "target," and the database or project file from which you are merging page properties is B:, or the "source."

Use the A and B buttons to control the merging of page definitions between the target and source.

Click B to merge a page field, a control, or the properties of a field, to your target database (A:).

Click A to undo any previously merged items from the B page definition. The A button is active only after you have previously merged items from the B page definition.

Note. Before using the A or B buttons, you need to place the cursor on the page field or page control that you intend to merge from one definition to the other.

Note. The only way to manipulate the page definitions during the diff / merge operation is by using the A and B buttons.

Using the Merge Output Window

After running a diff / merge for pages operation, the Merge tab appears in the output window of the Application Designer work space. The Merge tab enables you to view the status of your merge operation as it records each event, such as:

For example:

Opening Visual Merge: MYPAGE(Page)

Comparing [A(ENG,DUT)], [B(ENG,DUT)]

2 difference(s)

(5) Merge: [B](ID:5)–>[A](ID:5)

(4) Merge, Add: [B](ID:13)–>[A](ID:0)

Save [A]:MYPAGE_NEW(Page)

Saving Merged Definitions

After you have determined that all of the appropriate page fields and page controls have been merged into your target definition, save your changes. By doing so, the system renames the target definition according to the following naming convention:


Click to jump to parent topicComparing Definitions for Upgrade Using the Command Line

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to compare definitions.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for an Upgrade Compare process to:

Available Parameters

This table lists all of the available parameters for the upgrade compare statement:



Error Handling


Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface. Always use this parameter when performing a command line Compare process.

Required for all project command line processes.


Report filter.

The command line report filter options are equivalent to those displayed on the Report Filter tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box.

The syntax is:


Where each X corresponds to a specific check box on the Report Filter tab, and each set of X's corresponds to a row in the matrix on the Report Filter tab, moving left-to-right, top-to-bottom, beginning with the top, left-hand corner (Source, Absent/Target, Absent).

The value of X can be either a 0 (not selected) or 1 (selected).

For example:

-FLTR 00000 00011 00011 01111 01111

Using this example, and comparing this to the GUI on the Report Filter tab, none of the check boxes would be selected in the first row, only the check boxes in the Custom Changed and Custom Unchanged columns would be selected, and so on.

Optional. If report filter options are not submitted on the command line, the system uses the current settings on the Report Filter tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box.


Source database type.

Enter the type of source database to which you're connecting (for example, ORACLE, SYBASE, and so on). Choose from the Database Type Selection table.

Required. If the process stops, error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source server name.

Enter the name of the source database server for the database to which you’re connecting.

Required for some database types. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source database name.

Enter the name of the source database to which you are connecting, as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Login dialog box.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to source database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the user ID is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for source database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the PeopleSoft Login dialog box prompts the user to enter the valid user password. If the password fails, the process tops error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target server name.

Enter the name of the target database server for the database to which you’re connecting.

Required for some database types. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target database name.

Enter the name of the target database to which you are connecting, as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Login dialog box.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the target database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for the target database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Log file name.

Enter the name of the file in which error messages are logged during the command line Upgrade Compare process.

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, a file is created with the specified path and name, and all of the error messages are written to that file.


Source project name.

Enter the name of the project that is to be compared from the source database to the target database. This project should be available in the source database before starting the command line Upgrade Compare process to the target database.

Required. This is the main parameter that is used internally by the executable file to identify an upgrade compare. If you do not supply this parameter and if you supply all of the source database login parameters, this executable file starts the application.


Commit limit

Enter the Commit limit (a number greater than 0) for the number of objects to be copied or compared before a commit is issued. Example: -CL 150

Not required. The default is 50.


Audit flags on records (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target audit flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -AF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Portal registry structures permission list references.

Enter 1 to keep the target portal registry permission list references as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -PPL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


DDL on records and indexes ( 0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database DDL flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping the target database DDL, no differences are shown on the compare report. Example: -DDL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Chartfield PageField Display Size (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database chartfield pagefield display size attributes. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping target database attributes, no differences are shown on the compare report for these attributes. Example -CFD 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Chartfield Field Format (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database chartfield field format attributes. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping target attributes, no differences are shown on the compare report for these attributes. Example: -CFF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Compare type: project (1) or database (0). Example: -CMT 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Target Orientation: PeopleSoft vanilla (0) or keep personalization (1).

Not required. The default is 0.


Comparison By:

To compare by release, enter REL, followed by the release number. To compare by date, enter DAT, followed by a date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.sss. Release numbers are included in the Available Release Numbers list. Example: 2002-02-01-

Not required. The default is REL.


Report Output Directory.

Enter the report output directory location. Example-ROD c:\temp\upgreports

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, the system uses the Report Output Directory value from the Tools, Options General tab.


Definition type to compare

List the definition types to compare as numbers with commas as delimiters, or enter All. Example: -OBJ 0,1

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, then all of the definitions are compared by default. For a project comparison, this refers to all definitions in the project. For a database comparison, this includes all definitions in the database. For example, If you choose records and indexes alone for copying, use the appropriate numbers for records and indexes from the Definition Type Selection table. For records, the number is 0, and for the indexes, the number is 1.


Compare languages.

List the language codes with commas as delimiters, or enter ALL to select all available languages. For new languages that are not listed in the Language Selection table, use the xlat short name from the LANGUAGE_CD field in the translate table. For example, if you choose English and Spanish for comparing, enter the appropriate codes for English and Spanish from the Language Selection table. For English, the code is ENG, and for Spanish, the code is ESP. Example: -LNG ENG,ESP

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, then the languages that are already set in the project are used as the default. The COMMON language code refers to nonlanguage attributes that are not translated. Translated attributes can be compared separately from nontranslated attributes. If you do not specify the COMMON code when using -LNG, you compare only the translated language attributes.

Changing languages on the command line changes the values that are stored with the project definition. Subsequent Copy and Compare processes on the modified project use the new values unless they are explicitly changed again in the upgrade options.

-CMTBL [0|1]

Select this option to write the compare output to database tables. This enables you to keep a historical record of your compares in your database, and it also provides you the flexibility of being able to design custom queries for analyzing specific definitions, attributes, and so on. Enter 1 to enable this option, and enter 0 to disable this option.

See Setting Report Options.

Not required. The default is 1.


Generate browser reports (0 or 1).

This command enables you to enable the option of generating browser reports written to your report output directory. This is equivalent to setting the Generate Browser Reports options on the Report Options tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box.

Enter 1 to enable this option, and enter 0 to disable this option.

Example: -CMXML 1

See Working with Browser Reports.

Not required. The default is 0.

-CMR [0 | 1]

Use 0 to disable, 1 to enable, the generation of the Composite Compare Reports. Parameter is only valid when used in conjunction with the -PJM option. Ignored otherwise.

Not required. If not used, then composite report disabled. Must also use –CROD and -CRDB options when using -CMR.

-CROD [directory path]

Set path for the Old Release Compare reports when generating Composite Reports (-CMR 1). Only valid when used in conjunction with the -PJM and -CMR 1 options, ignored otherwise.

If not set when generating composite reports (-CMR 1) then its an error condition, and processing should stop, and an error generated to the log file. Directory path can be a local directory, a mapped network directory, or a UNC path specification.

-CRDB [database name]

Pass the value of the Old Release Source Database name when generating Composite Reports. This value must match the Source Database name value from the Old Release Report for each definition type. This is to ensure the original old release report is valid and contains the expected data. If the old release report source database name for the current definition type does not match the passed value, then an error message is generated to the log file, but process continues for other definition types.

Not required.

Example: Running an Upgrade Compare Process

Use this example as a guide for running an Upgrade Compare process: