Using Command Line Parameters

This chapter provides an overview of PeopleSoft Application Designer command line parameters and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters

PeopleSoft Application Designer offers a variety of command line parameters that you can use to control the database to which it connects. By using these parameters, you can automatically navigate to the part of the system that you need.

Use the values from the following tables to specify certain parameters.


The following command line syntax applies to all actions identified in this chapter:

PSIDE [-parameter value [-parameter value . . .]]

You can include as many or as few parameters as you need.

Each parameter starts with a hyphen (-) or a forward slash (/). The value for each parameter follows the hyphen or slash, separated by zero or more spaces. In general, the value does not need to have quotation marks around it, even if it has internal spaces: the system treats all text following the parameter as part of the value, up to the next parameter or the end of the command line.

Note. You must enclose a value in quotation marks only when it includes a hyphen or forward slash, or to include leading or trailing spaces. If the value itself includes a quotation mark character, precede the double quote with a backslash (\).

See Also

Using the PeopleSoft Data Mover Command-Line Interface

Click to jump to parent topicStarting the PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Interface

Use the command line syntax and available parameters to start PeopleSoft Application Designer.

Command Line Syntax

Use the command line syntax described previously to start PeopleSoft Application Designer.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Available Parameters

The available parameters for PSIDE.EXE fall into two general categories:

This table lists all of the available parameters:





Database type

Enter the type of database to which you are connecting. Valid values are ORACLE, INFORMIX, SYBASE, MICROSFT, DB2ODBC, and DB2 UDB for Linux, UNIX, and Microsoft (note the spelling of MICROSFT).


Server name

Enter the name of the database server for the database to which you are connecting. This setting is required for some database types.


Database name

Enter the name of the database to which you are connecting as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.


User ID

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID you log in with.



Enter the password for the specified user ID. If you omit this parameter the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box appears and prompts the user for the password.


Connect ID

Enter the ID that is used to connect to the database server.



Enter the password for the specified connect ID.



Use to suppress the display of the PeopleSoft splash screen. Any other value causes the splash screen to appear.



Use to suppress the sound that plays when you sign in to the PeopleSoft system. Any other value causes the sound to play.



Use to run in quiet mode so that no message boxes appear. The system writes messages to the log file or trace file, depending on whether you also use the -LF parameter. Quiet mode is recommended for use with processes that require no human interaction.



Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface.


Log file path name

Path to the log file when used in conjunction with the -QUIET parameter. If used, the system writes any messages generated during processing to the log file.



(PeopleSoft Data Mover only) Enter the name of the Data Mover script to run.


This command line statement starts PeopleSoft Application Designer and signs in to the DEP7TST database:


Click to jump to parent topicBuilding Projects

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to build a project.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for the project build to:

Before running the build command line, verify that:

Available Parameters

This table lists all of the available parameters for the project build statement:



Error Handling


Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface. Always use this parameter when performing a command line Copy process.

Required for all project command line processes.


Database type.

Enter the type of the database to which you are connecting (MICROSFT, ORACLE, SYBASE, and so on).

Required. If you omit this parameter, the last database type is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file.


Server name.

Enter the name of the source database server for the database to which you are connecting.

Required for some database types. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file.


Database name.

Enter the name of the source database to which you are connecting, as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file.


User ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID that is needed to sign in to the source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the last database type is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file.


User password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for the source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box appears and prompts the user for the password. If the password fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Project name.

Enter the name of the project to be built. This project should be available in the database before starting the command line project build.

Required. This is the main parameter and is used internally to decide whether the user can build a project. If you omit this parameter and if you supply all of the source database login parameters, the program only starts the application.


For this example, assume that the:

For this example, you would enter the following at the command line:


Click to jump to parent topicCopying Definitions

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to copy definitions.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for Upgrade Copy processes to:

Available Parameters

The following table lists all available parameters for the upgrade copy statement:



Error Handling


Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface. Always use this parameter when performing a command line Copy process.

Required for all project command line processes.


Source database type.

Enter the type of source database to which you are connecting (for example, ORACLE, SYBASE, and so on).

Required. If the process stops, error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source server name.

Enter the name of the source database server for the database to which you are connecting.

Required for some database types. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source database name.

Enter the name of the source database to which you are connecting as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stop and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the user ID is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box appears and prompts the user for the password. If the password fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target server name.

Enter the name of the target database server for the database to which you are connecting.

Required for some database types and for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target database name.

Enter the name of the target database to which you are connecting as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Required for a database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the target database.

Required for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for the target database.

Required for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Log file name.

Enter the name of the file in which error messages are logged during the command line Upgrade Copy process.

Not required. If you omit this parameter, a file is created with the specified path and name, and all of the processing and error messages are written to that file.


Source project name.

Enter the name of the project that is to be copied from the source database to the target database. This project should be available in the source database before starting the command line Upgrade Copy process to target database.

Required for a Database Copy process. This is the main parameter that is used internally by the executable file to identify an Upgrade Copy process. If you omit this parameter and if you supply all of the source database login parameters, the executable file starts the application.


Copy Project To File project name.

Enter the name of the project to be copied from the source database to the file.

Required for a Copy To File process. Do not include the file path to the project with this parameter. Use -FP to specify the file path.


Copy Project From File project name.

Enter the name of the project to be copied from the file into the source database.

Required for a Copy From File process. Do not include the file path to the project with this parameter. Use -FP to specify the file path.


Project file path.

Enter the path to the project for a Copy to File or Copy From File process.

Required for a Copy To File or Copy From File process (but not for a Database Copy process). For the Copy From File process, the directory must exist. For the Copy To File process, any project with the same name is overwritten unless you use the -OVW parameter. A directory specification is created if it does not exist. Do not include the name of the project in the file path. Use -PJTF or -PJFF to specify the project name.


Override dependencies (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to override the checks for unapplied dependency incidents during the Copy From File process and to perform the copy even if dependency incidents for the project have not been applied to the source database.

Not required, and not applicable for processes other than the Copy From File process. The default is 0. When you enter the default and if the project's dependency incidents have not been applied to the source database, an error message is written to the log file listing which incidents need to be applied. The Copy From File process also stops. When you enter 1, a warning message is written to the log for unapplied incidents and processing continues.


Commit limit.

Enter the Commit limit (a number greater than 0) for the number of objects to be copied or compared before a commit is issued. Example: -CL 150

Not required. The default is 50 if the user does not set this parameter.


Audit flags on records (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to keep the target audit flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -AF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Data definition language (DDL) on records and indexes (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to keep the target database DDL flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -DDL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Portal registry structures permission list references.

Enter 1 to keep the target portal registry permission list references as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database.

Not required. The default is 1.


Export project definition (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to export the project definition to the target database when using the Database Copy process. Not applicable for Copy Project to File process.

Not required. The default is 1. Any project with the same name is overwritten with the new project definition.


Object types to copy

List the object types as numbers with commas as delimiters. For example, if you choose records and indexes alone for copying, use the appropriate numbers for records and indexes from the Definition Type Selection table. For records, the number is 0, and for the indexes, the number is 1. Example: -OBJ 0,1

Not required. If you omit this parameter, then all of the objects are copied by default.


Reset done flags (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to reset the done flags before initiating the Copy process. Enter 0 to not reset them. Example: -RST 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Overwrite existing project (0 or 1). Enter 1 to overwrite any existing projects with the same name in the specified path during the Copy Project To File process, or in the database in the Copy Project From File process. Enter 0 to not overwrite existing projects. This parameter applies to the Copy Project To and From File processes only.

Not required. The default is 1.


Copy languages.

List the language codes with commas as delimiters or enter ALL to select all available languages. For new languages that are not listed in the Language Selection table, use the xlat short name from the LANGUAGE_CD field in the translate table. For example, if you choose English and Spanish for copying, enter the appropriate codes for English and Spanish from the Language Selection table. For English, the code is ENG, and for Spanish, the code is ESP. Example: -LNG ENG,ESP

Not required. If you omit this parameter, then the languages that are already set in the project are used as the default. The COMMON language code refers to nonlanguage attributes that are not translated. Translated attributes can be copied separately from nontranslated attributes. If you do not specify the COMMON code when using -LNG, you copy only the translated language attributes.

Changing languages on the command line changes the values that are stored with the project definition. Subsequent Copy and Compare processes on the modified project use the new values unless they are explicitly changed again in the upgrade options.


Keep Target ChartField PageField Display Size.

(Number 1 or 0). This parameter indicates whether or not the target chartfield page field display size attributes are to be kept, or whether they should be set from source during copy. See Upgrade Options for more information.

Enter 1 to keep the target chartfield page field display size attributes.

Enter 0 to set these attributes from the source values.

Not required. Default is 1


Keep Target ChartField Field Format.

(Number 1 or 0) This parameter indicates whether or not the target chartfield field format attributes are to be kept, or whether they should be set from the source during Copy. See Upgrade Options for more information.

Enter 1 to keep the target chartfield field format attributes.

Enter 0 to set these attributes from the source values.

Not required. Default is 1

Example: Database Copy Process

These are some command line statements for the Database Copy process:

This is a command line statement that performs the preceding list of tasks.


Example: Copy To File Process

These are some command line statements for the Copy to File process:

This is a command line statement that performs the preceding list of tasks.


Example: Copy From File Process

These are some command line statements for the Copy From File process.

This is a command line statement that performs the preceding list of tasks.


Click to jump to parent topicComparing Definitions for Upgrade Using the Command Line

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to compare definitions.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for an Upgrade Compare process to:

Available Parameters

This table lists all of the available parameters for the upgrade compare statement:



Error Handling


Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface. Always use this parameter when performing a command line Compare process.

Required for all project command line processes.


Source database type.

Enter the type of source database to which you are connecting (for example, ORACLE, SYBASE, and so on). Choose from the Database Type Selection table.

Required. If the process stops, error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source server name.

Enter the name of the source database server for the database to which you are connecting.

Required for some database types. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source database name.

Enter the name of the source database to which you are connecting as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the user ID is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Source user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for source database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box appears and prompts the user for the password. If the password fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target server name.

Enter the name of the target database server for the database to which you are connecting.

Required for some database types. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target database name.

Enter the name of the target database to which you are connecting as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the target database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Target user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for the target database.

Required. If you omit this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file if the log file name parameter is specified.


Log file name.

Enter the name of the file in which error messages are logged during the command line Upgrade Compare process.

Not required. If you omit this parameter, a file is created with the specified path and name, and all of the error messages are written to that file.


Source project name.

Enter the name of the project that is to be compared from the source database to the target database. This project should be available in the source database before starting the command line Upgrade Compare process to the target database.

Required. This is the main parameter that is used internally by the executable file to identify an upgrade compare. If you omit this parameter and if you supply all of the source database login parameters, this executable file starts the application.


Commit limit

Enter the Commit limit (a number greater than 0) for the number of objects to be copied or compared before a commit is issued. Example: -CL 150

Not required. The default is 50.


Audit flags on records (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target audit flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -AF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Portal registry structures permission list references.

Enter 1 to keep the target portal registry permission list references as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -PPL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


DDL on records and indexes (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database DDL flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping the target database DDL, no differences are shown on the compare report. Example: -DDL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Chartfield PageField Display Size (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database chartfield pagefield display size attributes. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping target database attributes, no differences are shown on the compare report for these attributes. Example -CFD 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Chartfield Field Format (0 or 1). Enter 1 to keep the target database chartfield field format attributes. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. When keeping target attributes, no differences are shown on the compare report for these attributes. Example: -CFF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Compare type: project (1) or database (0). Example: -CMT 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Target Orientation: PeopleSoft vanilla (0) or keep personalization (1).

Not required. The default is 0.


Comparison By:

To compare by release, enter REL, followed by the release number. To compare by date, enter DAT followed by a date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD-HH.MM.SS.sss. Release numbers are included in the Available Release Numbers list. Example: 2002-02-01-

Not required. The default is REL.


Report Output Directory.

Enter the report output directory location. Example-ROD c:\temp\upgreports

Not required. If you omit this parameter, the system uses the Report Output Directory value from the Tools, Options General tab.


Definition type to compare

List the definition types to compare as numbers with commas as delimiters, or enter All. Example: -OBJ 0,1

Not required. If you omit this parameter, then all of the definitions are compared by default. For a project comparison, this refers to all definitions in the project. For a database comparison, this includes all definitions in the database. For example, If you choose records and indexes alone for copying, use the appropriate numbers for records and indexes from the Definition Type Selection table. For records, the number is 0, and for the indexes, the number is 1.


Compare languages.

List the language codes with commas as delimiters, or enter ALL to select all available languages. For new languages that are not listed in the Language Selection table, use the xlat short name from the LANGUAGE_CD field in the translate table. For example, if you choose English and Spanish for comparing, enter the appropriate codes for English and Spanish from the Language Selection table. For English, the code is ENG, and for Spanish, the code is ESP. Example: -LNG ENG,ESP

Not required. If you omit this parameter, then the languages that are already set in the project are used as the default. The COMMON language code refers to nonlanguage attributes that are not translated. Translated attributes can be compared separately from nontranslated attributes. If you do not specify the COMMON code when using -LNG, you compare only the translated language attributes.

Changing languages on the command line changes the values that are stored with the project definition. Subsequent Copy and Compare processes on the modified project use the new values unless they are explicitly changed again in the upgrade options.


Generate browser reports (0 or 1).

This command enables you to enable the option of generating browser reports written to your report output directory. This action is equivalent to setting the Generate Browser Reports options on the Report Options tab on the Upgrade Options dialog box.

Enter 1 to enable this option, and enter 0 to disable this option.

Example: -CMXML 1

See Working with Browser Reports.

Not required. The default is 0.

-CMR [0 | 1]

Use 0 to disable, 1 to enable, the generation of the Composite Compare Reports. Parameter is only valid when used in conjunction with the -PJM option. Ignored otherwise.

Not required. If not used, then composite report disabled. Must also use –CROD and -CRDB options when using -CMR.

-CROD [directory path]

Set path for the Old Release Compare reports when generating Composite Reports (-CMR 1). Only valid when used in conjunction with the -PJM and -CMR 1 options, ignored otherwise.

If not set when generating composite reports (-CMR 1) then its an error condition, and processing should stop, and an error generated to the log file. Directory path can be a local directory, a mapped network directory, or a UNC path specification.

-CRDB [database name]

Pass the value of the Old Release Source Database name when generating Composite Reports. This value must match the Source Database name value from the Old Release Report for each definition type. This is to ensure the original old release report is valid and contains the expected data. If the old release report source database name for the current definition type does not match the passed value, then an error message is generated to the log file, but process continues for other definition types.

Not required.

Example: Running an Upgrade Compare Process

Use this example as a guide for running an Upgrade Compare process:

This is a command line statement that performs the preceding list of tasks.