Copying Projects and Definitions

This section contains an overview and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicReviewing Upgrade Settings

After your project is populated with definitions and has been compared (if applicable), review it and check the upgrade settings before copying it. To reduce the number of definitions through which you must search, filter out the information that you don't need to see by setting your view options. Afterwards, you can adjust the default upgrade settings.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting View Options

Filter your view of the upgrade definition window by selecting one of the options in the View, Filtering menu. These same options are available in the upgrade pop-up menu in the Filtering menu. The options are:

No Filtering

Select to display all definitions.

Tagged for Upgrade

Select to display only definitions with the Upgrade check box selected.

Not Tagged for Upgrade

Select to display only definitions with the Upgrade check box cleared.


Select to display only definitions with the Done check box selected.

Not Done

Select to display only definitions with the Done check box cleared.

Custom Filtering

Select to open a dialog box in which you can specify which definition status combinations to display.

When you apply a filter, the filter type appears in the bar above the upgrade columns.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSelecting Custom View Settings

Select View, Filtering, Custom Filtering to access the Custom Filtering dialog box, which includes a matrix that is similar to that found on the Report Filters tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

Custom Filtering

Select the definition status combinations to display in the upgrade definition window.

Report Filter

Click to set these options to be the same as your settings on the Report Filter tab in the Project Properties dialog box.

Show objects which are identical in source and target

Select to display definitions with a status combination of Same and Same. This status combination is possible only if you performed a project comparison and if definitions in the project were defined the same way in the source and target. You can never have a Same and Same status combination for definition types on which you performed a database comparison.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOverriding Upgrade Defaults

After reviewing your project and its compare reports, you can override the default upgrade column values for any definitions by changing the Upgrade and Action values.

For example, to preserve a definition that PeopleSoft Application Designer plans to delete from the target (Action is Delete and the Upgrade check box is selected) change the Upgrade value. You can also remove a definition from the project. This does not delete the definition from the database.

Overriding defaults helps if you want to propagate deletions from one database to another.

This section discusses how to:

Specifying Whether Action is Taken on a Single Definition

To specify whether action is taken on a single definition, select or clear the definition’s Upgrade check box.

When the Upgrade check box is selected, the displayed action is performed when you copy the project. If the check box is cleared, no action is taken.

Specifying Whether Action is Taken on a Group of Definitions

To specify whether an action is taken on a group of definitions:

  1. Select a group of definitions.

    Use the Ctrl and Shift keys, or select all definitions in the upgrade definition window by clicking the top, left-hand cell of the grid.

  2. Right-click one of the definitions and select one of these options:

Specifying Which Action is Performed on a Definition During a Copy

To specify which action is performed on a definition during a copy:

  1. Click the Action cell of the definition.

    This activates a drop-down list box in the cell.

  2. Select Copy or Delete from the drop-down list box.

Remove a Definition From a Project

To remove a definition from a project, select the definition and press Del.

Selecting and Tagging Definitions for Copying or Deleting

To select and tag definitions for copying or deleting:

  1. Select the definition rows.

  2. Right-click one of the definitions and select Set Action.

  3. Select Copy or Delete.

    Your selected definition reflects this change in the Action column. When you upgrade the project, it is copied or deleted from the target database.

    You can also select Set Action for Project to tag all of the definitions in a project for a selected action.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicRecording Upgrade Settings

After you change the default upgrade settings, save the project. You might also want to print a hard-copy record of the project in its current state. You can rerun the Compare process (as a project compare) to regenerate new upgrade reports, or you can print the contents of the upgrade definition window to save a high-level view of the project.

This section discusses how to:

Regenerating Upgrade Reports

To regenerate upgrade reports:

  1. Set up the reporting filter.

  2. Perform a project comparison.

    A project comparison compares only the definitions in the project, not the action and upgrade settings. Your project contents are not altered unless record fields have changed in the target database, in which case the corresponding changes are made in the project.

    This comparison generates new upgrade reports that reflect the configured action and upgrade settings.

Printing the Contents of the Upgrade Definition Window

To print the contents of the upgrade definition window:

  1. Open the upgrade definition with the appropriate definition type displayed.

    To do this, select the appropriate folder in the upgrade view.

  2. Select File, Print.

    The print job is automatically in landscape format.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Projects

This section provides an overview of project copy options and discusses how to:

Note. When upgrading from one database to another some migrated images may not display in a browser. To remedy this situation manually clear the cache files in your browser after the project is copied. For more information about clearing the browser cache, refer to the documentation for your internet browser version.

The Copy Project from File and Copy to Project to File menu items are available only to users who have upgrade security or read-only access to the database. If these menu items are not available to you, contact your system administrator to update your security profile.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Project Copy Options

There are two ways to copy projects to another database:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying Projects to a Target Database

Follow this procedure to copy a project to a target database.

To copy a project:

  1. (Optional) Lock target database definitions.

    Before PeopleSoft Application Designer replaces or deletes a definition in the target database, it checks to determine whether the definition has a change control lock applied. If so, PeopleSoft Application Designer takes action on that definition if it has been locked by the same user ID that is performing the copy. Consequently, the speed of a copy might be slow because every definition to be deleted or replaced in the target must be checked.

    You can avoid the performance degradation by locking all of the database definitions in the target database by using the Change Control Administrator dialog box. This sets a flag telling PeopleSoft Application Designer not to check the lock status of every definition. When all target definitions are locked, the copy is faster.

  2. Deactivate all system tracing.

  3. Select Tools, Copy Project, To Database from the PeopleSoft Application Designer toolbar.

    The Target Signon dialog box appears, prompting you to sign in to a target database.

  4. Sign in to the target database as you do with any PeopleSoft database.

    The Copy dialog box appears.

  5. In the Copy dialog box, specify the types of definitions to copy and start the Copy process.

  6. (Optional) Select the Reset Done Flags check box.

    Any definition with a selected Done check box is not copied. The first time that you copy a project, all Done check boxes are cleared. When you're repeating a copy due to problems found the first time, however, you might want to clear the Done check boxes of definitions that were copied incorrectly. Clear all project Done check boxes from the Copy dialog box by selecting Reset Done Flags. This option is selected by default.

  7. (Optional) Select the Copy Project Definition check box.

    If you select this check box, the project definition is copied to the target database.

  8. Select the definition types to copy.

    Only the definition types that exist in the project are displayed in the Object Type(s) list. To select all types, click Select All. You can also copy one definition type at a time (repeat this procedure each time).

    Note. If you copy definition types individually, copy them in the order in which they’re presented in the dialog box. For instance, start with records, then indexes, and so on.

  9. Click Copy.

    As the Copy process runs, a progress indicator appears on the status bar of the dialog box, displaying the definition type, the total number of definitions to copy, and the number copied so far.

  10. After the copy completes, check for messages.

    If you find any problems, correct them and repeat the copy.

  11. Stamp the database.

    To track the history of the configuration upgrades, PeopleSoft recommends that you stamp the target database after each copy.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Project to Multiple Databases

When copying a project to multiple databases, or multiple PeopleSoft systems, use one of the techniques described in this section to ensure that version numbers remain in the correct sequence.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Project to a File

To copy a project to a file:

  1. Open the project that you want to copy.

  2. Select Tools, Copy Project, To File.

    The Copy File dialog box appears.

  3. Select the objects that you want to copy, and enter the output directory.

  4. Click Copy.

    If the file already exists, a confirmation dialog box appears asking if you want to overwrite the existing project. Select Yes to continue and overwrite project or No to cancel the Copy process.

    The Progress dialog box shows the progress of the Copy process as it copies each definition in the project to the specified directory. If you click the Cancel button, the system cancels the Copy process. Any files that were created by the Copy process are removed from the specified directory. To continue copying a project, restart the Copy process if it was canceled.

    When the Copy process completes successfully, a directory with the same name as the current project is created under the specified export directory. This directory contains the PeopleTools definitions and project definition in XML file format.

    Note. Index key fields are not copied to the project file in certain cases when the session language set in Configuration Manager does not match the base language for your installation. For best results, set your session language to match the base language before performing a project copy to file.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCopying a Project From a File

The Copy Project From File command in the Tools menu imports PeopleTools definitions and the project definition from a file that was previously copied by using the Copy To File feature.

This section discusses how to:

Tracking Fixed Incidents

When PeopleSoft delivers a software update, it is in the form of a change project file. This project file usually includes enhancements or updates that fix incidents. You can view incident IDs and their dependencies before you copy the file to the target database.

To view incident IDs that were included in the project file:

  1. Open the maintenance project that you are planning to copy to the database.

  2. Click the Project Properties button.

  3. Select the Update IDs tab.

    This tab contains a list of update IDs that were fixed and applied to the software.

  4. Select the Pre-Requisites tab.

    This tab contains a list of update IDs that are dependent on other fixes that are being applied. These are validated against the target database when you copy the project. If a fix in the Pre-Requisites list has not been applied, a message appears, indicating that the target database is missing a dependency. The only way to have the system allow you to copy projects that have dependencies that are not applied is to select the Override Pre-Requisites check box.

    Note. We can track applied update ID fixes only through the Copy Project From File command in the Tools menu. Therefore, every update ID fix that PeopleSoft delivers is in a change project that must be copied to your database.

See Working with Change Packages.

Copying From a File a Project That Does Not Exist in the Database

To copy a project from a file:

  1. Select Tools, Copy Project, From File.

    The Copy From File: Select Project dialog box appears.

  2. Browse to locate the project file or select the file from the Projects list.

    Note. You can use the Open button to open folders while browsing. It does not open the project file and begin the copy process.

    You can copy only one project from a file at a time.

  3. Select the project from the projects list by clicking Select or double clicking the project name.

    The Copy From File dialog box appears.

  4. Select whether to use the project definition from the file or the database, and click OK.

  5. Select the definition types to copy.

    The Definition Type(s) list shows the definition types that have been exported and are available to be copied into the database.

  6. Select the Override Pre-Requisites check box if required.

    You can select the Override Pre-Requisites check box if you want the system not to check for project prerequisites and apply the project regardless of prerequisites that have not been applied.

  7. Click Copy.

    There are two phases to the Import process: content on the XML file is written to the system cache directory (as specified in the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager) under a stage directory for the current database. Then the cache is copied to the database. When the import is complete, the cache files are deleted.

    The Progress dialog box shows the progress of the Copy process as it copies each definition from the export directory into the attached database. When the Copy from File process successfully completes, the system creates a new project definition from the PeopleTools definitions in the current database.

    If you click the Cancel button before copying the project, the project becomes invalid and the system deletes the project reference from the database.

Note. When copying application packages and Portal Registry Structures, the Progress dialog box may display unexpected counting behavior, making it appear that definitions are being processed more than once. This behavior is expected.

Copying From a File a Project That Does Exist in the Database

The process for copying a project from a file when a project of the same name exists in the database is slightly different. After selecting Tools, Copy Project, From File and a project of the same name already exists in the database to which you are currently signed on, the following dialog box appears.

This prompt enables you to specify which project definition to use, the one stored in the database to which you are signed on or the one stored in the file from which you intend to copy. Keep in mind that the project definition is the metadata of the project and determines which definitions (pages, fields, records, and so on) are members of the project.


Select this option if you intend to copy the project stored in the file regardless of any Upgrade Action or Take Action settings in the database.

Note. By selecting this option, you overwrite the project definition of the same name that previously existed in the database.

Important! After selecting File and clicking OK, the second Copy From File dialog box appears where you can view source and target information, select Definition Types, select copy options, and so on. If you select Cancel from this dialog box, the project file does not get copied into the database, however, the existing project definition will be deleted from the database.


Select this option if you intend to maintain control of the upgrade project definition stored in the database and manually override any Upgrade Action or Take Action settings.

Click to jump to parent topicCopying Definitions for Upgrade Using the Command Line

Use the same command line syntax as identified previously to copy definitions.

See Understanding PeopleSoft Application Designer Command Line Parameters.

Use the command line statement for Upgrade Copy processes to:

Available Parameters

The following table lists all available parameters for the upgrade copy statement:



Error Handling


Use to hide the PeopleSoft Application Designer interface. Always use this parameter when performing a command line Copy process.

Required for all project command line processes.


Source database type.

Enter the type of source database to which you are connecting (for example, ORACLE, SYBASE, and so on).

Required. If the process stops, error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source server name.

Enter the name of the source database server for the database to which you’re connecting.

Required for some database types. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source database name.

Enter the name of the source database to which you're connecting, as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Login dialog box.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the process stop and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the source database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the user ID is taken from the registry. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Source user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for source database.

Required. If you do not supply this parameter, the PeopleSoft Login dialog box prompts the user to give the valid password. If it fails, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target server name.

Enter the name of the target database server for the database to which you’re connecting.

Required for some database types and for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target database name.

Enter the name of the target database to which you're connecting, as you would enter it into the PeopleSoft Login dialog box.

Required for a database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target user ID.

Enter the PeopleSoft user ID to use to sign in to the target database.

Required for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Target user password.

Enter the password for the specified user ID for the target database.

Required for a Database Copy process (but not used for a Copy To File or Copy From File process). If you do not supply this parameter, the process stops and error messages are written to the log file (if the log file name parameter is specified).


Log file name.

Enter the name of the file in which error messages are logged during the command line Upgrade Copy process.

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, a file is created with the specified path and name, and all of the processing and error messages are written to that file.


Source project name.

Enter the name of the project that is to be copied from the source database to the target database. This project should be available in the source database before starting the command line Upgrade Copy process to target database.

Required for a Database Copy process. This is the main parameter that is used internally by the executable file to identify an Upgrade Copy process. If you do not supply this parameter and if you supply all of the source database login parameters, the executable file starts the application.


Copy Project To File project name.

Enter the name of the project to be copied from the source database to the file.

Required for a Copy To File process. Do not include the file path to the project with this parameter. Use -FP to specify the file path.


Copy Project From File project name.

Enter the name of the project to be copied from the file into the source database.

Required for a Copy From File process. Do not include the file path to the project with this parameter. Use -FP to specify the file path.


Project file path.

Enter the path to the project for a Copy to File or Copy From File process.

Required for a Copy To File or Copy From File process (but not for a Database Copy process). For the Copy From File process, the directory must exist. For the Copy To File process, any project with the same name is overwritten unless you use the -OVW parameter. A directory specification is created if it does not exist. Do not include the name of the project in the file path. Use -PJTF or -PJFF to specify the project name.


Override dependencies (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to override the checks for unapplied dependency incidents during the Copy From File process and to perform the copy even if the project's dependency incidents have not been applied to the source database.

Not required, and not applicable for processes other than the Copy From File process. The default is 0. When you enter the default and if the project's dependency incidents have not been applied to the source database, an error message is written to the log file listing which incidents need to be applied. The Copy From File process also stops. When you enter 1, a warning message is written to the log for unapplied incidents and processing continues.


Commit limit.

Enter the Commit limit (a number greater than 0) for the number of objects to be copied or compared before a commit is issued. Example: -CL 150

Not required. The default is 50 if the user does not set this parameter.


Audit flags on records (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to keep the target audit flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -AF 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Data definition language (DDL) on records and indexes (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to keep the target database DDL flags as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database. Example: -DDL 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Portal registry structures permission list references.

Enter 1 to keep the target portal registry permission list references as is. Enter 0 to take them from the source database.

Not required. The default is 1.


Export project definition (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to export the project definition to the target database when using the Database Copy process. Not applicable for Copy Project to File process.

Not required. The default is 1. Any project with the same name is overwritten with the new project definition.


Object types to copy

List the object types as numbers with commas as delimiters. For example, if you choose records and indexes alone for copying, use the appropriate numbers for records and indexes from the Definition Type Selection table. For records, the number is 0, and for the indexes, the number is 1. Example: -OBJ 0,1

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, then all of the objects are copied by default.


Reset done flags (0 or 1).

Enter 1 to reset the done flags before initiating the Copy process. Enter 0 to not reset them. Example: -RST 0

Not required. The default is 1.


Overwrite existing project (0 or 1). Enter 1 to overwrite any existing projects with the same name in the specified path during the Copy Project To File process, or in the database in the Copy Project From File process. Enter 0 to not overwrite existing projects. This applies to the Copy Project To and From File processes only.

Not required. The default is 1.


Copy languages.

List the language codes with commas as delimiters, or enter ALL to select all available languages. For new languages that are not listed in the Language Selection table, use the xlat short name from the LANGUAGE_CD field in the translate table. For example, if you choose English and Spanish for copying, enter the appropriate codes for English and Spanish from the Language Selection table. For English, the code is ENG, and for Spanish, the code is ESP. Example: -LNG ENG,ESP

Not required. If you do not supply this parameter, then the languages that are already set in the project are used as the default. The COMMON language code refers to nonlanguage attributes that are not translated. Translated attributes can be copied separately from nontranslated attributes. If you do not specify the COMMON code when using -LNG, you copy only the translated language attributes.

Changing languages on the command line changes the values that are stored with the project definition. Subsequent Copy and Compare processes on the modified project use the new values unless they are explicitly changed again in the upgrade options.


Keep Target ChartField PageField Display Size.

(Number 1 or 0). This parameter indicates whether or not the target chartfield page field display size attributes are to be kept, or whether they should be set from source during copy. See Upgrade Options for more information.

Enter 1 to keep the target chartfield page field display size attributes.

Enter 0 to set these attributes from the source values.

Not required. Default is 1


Keep Target ChartField Field Format.

(Number 1 or 0) This parameter indicates whether or not the target chartfield field format attributes are to be kept, or whether they should be set from the source during Copy. See Upgrade Options for more information.

Enter 1 to keep the target chartfield field format attributes.

Enter 0 to set these attributes from the source values.

Not required. Default is 1

Example: Copying a Database

These are some command line statements for the Database Copy process:


Example: Copying To File

These are some command line statements for the Copy to File process:


Example: Copying From File

These are some command line statements for the Copy From File process.


Click to jump to parent topicStamping the Target Database

After successfully copying a project into the target database, "stamp" it to reflect the fact that it has changed from its previous customer release level. This helps to identify modifications that you make after this version of the database.

Note. When upgrading to a new PeopleSoft release, this step is required, except that you stamp the database with the new PeopleSoft release level, as directed by the upgrade instructions on Customer Connection.

To stamp the target database:

  1. Select Tools, Upgrade, Stamp Database.

    The Stamp Database dialog box appears.

    Use this dialog box to specify and stamp the database with a new customer release level.

  2. Enter the appropriate PeopleSoft Release description, service pack level, and customer release value.

    Do not change the service pack level unless instructed to do so during a PeopleSoft delivered release upgrade.

    The new customer release value must be greater than or equal to the previous value.

  3. Click Stamp.

See Also

Change Control Stamping

Click to jump to parent topicReusing Projects

PeopleSoft Application Designer enables you to reuse projects. To reuse a project, clear the Done check boxes for the definitions to be recopied. You might also want to validate the project integrity and delete invalid definitions. However, this is not necessary. During a copy, invalid definitions are reported and ignored.

This section discusses how to:

Validating Project Integrity

To validate project integrity:

  1. Select Tools, Options.

  2. Select the Validate tab.

    Use this tab to specify what kind of checks you want to perform during a project validation. This procedure discusses only project integrity validation.

  3. Select the Validate project integrity check box.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Select Tools, Validate.

    A message appears, asking whether you want to delete and report invalid definitions or just to report them.

    Note. An invalid definition is any definition in the project with an Add or Replace action that does not exist in the database. PeopleSoft Application Designer does not act on definitions with a Delete action, because it assumes that you want to retain such definitions in the project—regardless of whether they still exist in the database—for the purpose of deleting the same definition in a target database.

Resetting All Done Check Boxes

To reset all Done check boxes, right-click in the upgrade definition window and select Reset Done Flag. To reset them for the entire project, select the Reset Project Done Flags option. You can also select Edit, Upgrade, Reset Project Done Flags from the main menu. All Done check boxes for all definitions in the project are cleared.

Resetting Done Check Boxes for a Group of Definitions

To reset Done check boxes for a group of definitions:

  1. Select a group of definitions.

    Use the Ctrl and Shift keys, or select all definitions in the upgrade definition window by clicking the top, left-hand cell of the grid.

  2. Right-click one of the definitions and select Reset Done Flag.

You can also select Edit, Upgrade, Reset Done Flag from the main menu. This clears all Done check boxes for the selected definitions.

Resetting the Done Check Box for a Single Definition

To reset the Done check box for a single definition, clear the Done check box for the definition.

Note. You can only manually clear Done check boxes. You cannot activate these check boxes yourself; they are automatically selected after a successful copy.