Configuring PeopleSoft MCF for Third-Party Routing Systems

In previous releases, PeopleSoft CTI required a third-party middleware in the form of the Genesys CTI Framework, a Cisco ICM system, or CTI middleware that implements PSMCAPI.

Beginning with PeopleTools 8.48, PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework (MCF) uses third-party multichannel routing systems to offer a wide range of communication channels to empower PeopleSoft applications like CRM. In the third-party system, the queue is the logical storage unit for representing a work item, and no difference exists between a logical and physical queue. The third party develops the universal routing system to route email, voice, chat, and generic tasks.

PeopleSoft customers may choose either the pre-8.48 features of queue server and CTI or the new third-party routing system to use email, chat, voice, and generic channels.

This chapter provides an overview of third-party routing systems and discusses how to:

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Third-Party Routing Systems

PSMCAPI provides an interface to the third-party routing system that enables communication between various PeopleSoft components and the third party. An event, like an incoming task from the third-party routing system, is received by PSMCAPI and pushed to JSMCAPI (MCF console) using the REN server. Similarly, a request from MCF console or JSMCAPI is sent to PSMCAPI using the REN server and is eventually passed on to the third-party routing system. The REN server routes requests and events internally to the PeopleSoft system, including an agent desktop or browser.

The following diagrams illustrate how PSMCAPI acts as an interface to the third-party routing system and communicates with JSMCAPI through the REN server:

PSMCAPI interface with PeopleSoft MCF

Interaction of PSNCAPI with third-party and JSMCAPI

PSMCAPI and JSMCAPI support multiple channels of communication, queue, and agent statistics information that enable the leverage of third-party routing systems.

The following diagram illustrates how the third-party routing system interacts with PeopleSoft MCF:

Third-party routing system with PeopleSoft MCF

The third-party routing system connects to all kinds of media servers, and routes the task to the agent based on routing rules. The third-party routing system connects to the REN server through HTTP or HTTPS using PSMCAPI. All requests sent by the agents to third-party system such as login, logout, accept incoming call, and forward email use the above connection. All media requests sent by PeopleCode built-in functions to the REN server such as InitChat or Enqueue also use the above connection. All events from the routing system such as assignment, broadcast, and statistics, go to the agent or the supervisor through this connection.

In the third-party routing system, the queue server acts as an overflow or escalation adapter that writes the overflow or escalated tasks from the third-party routing system to the PeopleSoft Database. When using a third-party routing system for escalated and overflowed task, the queue server is used for task insertions to the database. The third-party routing system processes and maintains task properties and timers. On a task time-out, the routing system sends an event to the queue server to insert the task in the database. The routing system creates the events to remove the task from the agents and recalculates their workload.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Third-Party Routing System Requirements

In general, the third-party router:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Third-Party Routing Rules

Third-party routing rules are based on:

The agents or supervisors must have the capabilities to:

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring PeopleSoft MCF for a Third Party

This section lists the basic steps to configure PeopleSoft MCF for a third party. Subsequent sections of this PeopleBook describe each step in detail.

You complete these steps to configure PeopleSoft MCF for a third party:

  1. Define the third-party flag.

    See Defining the Third-Party Flag.

  2. Define PeopleSoft MCF clusters for a third party.

    See Defining the PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Page for a Third Party.

  3. Tune PeopleSoft MCF clusters for a third party.

    See Tuning PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Parameters for a Third Party.

  4. Notify PeopleSoft MCF of changed parameters for a third party.

    See Notifying PeopleSoft MCF Clusters of Changed Parameters for a Third Party.

  5. Define PeopleSoft MCF queues for a third party.

    See Defining PeopleSoft MCF Queues for a Third Party.

  6. Define PeopleSoft MCF agents for a third party.

    See Defining PeopleSoft MCF Agents for a Third Party.

  7. Configure PeopleSoft MCF tasks for a third party.

    See Configuring PeopleSoft MCF Tasks for a Third Party.

  8. Configure CTI.

    See Configuring CTI for a Third Party.

  9. View event logs.

    See Viewing Event Logs for a Third Party.

  10. View broadcast logs.

    See Viewing Broadcast Logs for a Third Party.

  11. Work with third-party sample pages.

    See Working with Third-Party Sample Pages.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the Third-Party Flag

This section discusses how to define the third-party flag.

To define the third-party flag, use the Third-party Flag (MCF_TP_FLAG_CMP) component.

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Definition Name



Third-Party Flag


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Third-Party Flag

Select this flag to use the third-party routing system to configure MCF.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the Third-Party Flag

Access the Third Party Flag page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Third-Party Flag

The default value of the third-party flag is False. If the flag is set to False, the queue server routes chat, generic, and email and uses PeopleSoft CTI to route voice. If the flag is set to True, all events, chat, generic, email, and voice are routed by the third-party routing system, and you can configure MCF using third-party pages only. The queue server:

Separate database tables are created for queue server and third-party routing server that combine all fields from MCF and CTI. When the third-party flag is set to True, all pages using queue server are disabled and grayed out. When the third-party flag is set to False, all pages using third-party routing system are disabled and grayed out.

Note. Whenever you change the value of this flag, you must reboot the queue server and MCF Log server.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining the PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Page for a Third Party

This section discusses how to define the PeopleSoft MCF Cluster page for the third party. To view the Cluster page, use the Cluster (MCF_TP_RENCFG_CMP) component.

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Page Name

Definition Name





PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster

View information about third-party clusters.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining the PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Page for a Third Party

The Cluster page displays the associated PeopleSoft MCF cluster URLs and log server details for the selected cluster.

Access the Cluster page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster

Cluster ID

Displays the cluster ID of the cluster containing the queue server and log server.

Configuration ID

Displays the configuration ID.

Note. This value is required only for CTI configuration. To select the configuration ID from lookup, define the configuration ID when you are configuring CTI.

See Configuring CTI Console Type.

Cluster URL

Displays the URL for the REN server that serves this cluster.

Note. The Cluster URL is defined on the REN Server Definitions page.

See Defining REN Servers.

Browser URL

Displays the browser URL.

Note. The browser URL may be different from the cluster URL, which should not have to go through any firewall, reverse proxy server, or other outward-facing security barrier.

The browser URL is same as defined on the REN Server Definitions page.

See Defining REN Servers.

Log Server

A cluster consists of a primary log server and any number of backup servers. Each cluster requires a minimum of one log server and one queue server. The primary log server is the first log server started and the remaining log servers are backups. If the primary log server fails, the system determines the subsequent primary log server among the backups.

Note. You can save a cluster without creating a log server or a queue server. But, for MCF to run, you need at least one log server and one queue server.

You can add a log server to a cluster by adding a new row. Before removing a log server, ensure that it is not the master, then shut down its domain. Then click Delete (the minus sign).

Log Server ID

Enter a unique identifier for each log server to identify its entries in the log cluster table.

The queue server process paired with this log server uses this same ID to identify its entry in the database table.

Application Server Domain

Enter the application server domain of which this log server is a member.

Host Machine

Enter the name of the application server host machine.


Enter the description of the host machine.

Click to jump to parent topicTuning PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Parameters for a Third Party

This section discusses how to tune PeopleSoft MCF cluster parameters for a third party. Tuning cluster parameters may give you better performance. To tune cluster parameters, use the Cluster Tuning (MCF_TP_SYS_NV_CMP) component.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Cluster Tuning


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster Tuning

Modify cluster parameters to tune performance.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTuning PeopleSoft MCF Cluster Parameters for a Third Party

Access the Cluster Tuning page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster Tuning

Use the Cluster Tuning page to set MCF cluster parameters to optimize performance or enable logging for a cluster.

If you make changes to a cluster parameter, you must use the third-party Notify Cluster page to propagate the changes.

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters.

The following table lists the cluster tuning parameters you can modify and describes the default values and usage of each:


Default value




Select Yes if you want PSMCFLOG to log REN server event notifications resulting from bcastinterval broadcasts.

Only the event is logged, not its contents.

This is a logging parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Logging Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters, Viewing Event Logs.



Select Yes to log the statistics returned by the queue server for the onStat1 user and group events to the database.

This is a logging parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Logging Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters, Using and Demonstrating JSMCAPI.



Select Yes to turn on logging of the broadcast messages that are sent.

This is a logging parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Logging Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters, Viewing Broadcast Logs.



Select Yes to turn on logging of the contents of chat sessions.

This is a logging parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Logging Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters, Viewing Chat Logs.



Interval, in seconds, after which a cluster master updates its timestamp in its cluster tables. Slave clusters check the timestamp to determine that the master cluster is still running.

A lower value enables rapid discovery of a failed master server, but increases log server overhead. A higher value reduces log server overhead, but delays discovery of a failed master server.

If a only one log server is configured for an MCF cluster, this value can be large.

The masterinterval value also acts as a heartbeat interval for the master log server connection to user consoles.

This is a timing parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Timing Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter.

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters.



Interval, in seconds, after which the database is checked for any pending enqueued tasks. The third party will be notified if any enqueued task is pending in the database.

This is a timing parameter. If you change the value of this parameter you must use the Refresh Timing Parameters button on the third-party Cluster Notify page to notify clusters of the changed parameter.

See Notifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters.

Click to jump to parent topicNotifying PeopleSoft MCF Clusters of Changed Parameters for a Third Party

This section describes how to notify PeopleSoft MCF clusters of changed parameters for a third party. To notify clusters of changed parameters, use the Cluster Notify (MCF_TP_NOTIFY_CMP) component.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Notify Cluster



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster Notify

Notify a cluster of changes to parameters or a configuration, or of a shutdown.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNotifying Third-Party Clusters of Changed Parameters

Use the Notify Cluster page to notify a cluster of certain changes to its parameters, constituent queues, or that its application servers are being shut down.

Access the Notify Cluster page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Cluster Notify

Notify cluster of imminent shutdown

Click to send a message to every agent logged on to the selected cluster that they have been logged off.

Send this notification if the cluster's application servers are being shut down.

Refresh task properties

Click to load task properties that have been changed on the Tasks page for the selected cluster.

Refresh timing parameters

Click to reload parameters, other than logging parameters, changed on the Cluster Tuning page for the selected cluster.

Refresh logging parameters

Click to reload logging parameters changed on the Cluster Tuning page for the selected cluster.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft MCF Queues for a Third Party

To define PeopleSoft MCF queues for the third-party routing system, use the third-party queue (MCF_TP_Q_CFG_CMP) component. This section discusses how to:

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Page Name

Definition Name





PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue

Add a queue or view the details of an existing queue.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue, Message

Define messages that every agent can use.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue, URLs

Define URLs that each agent can push to a client.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft MCF Queues for a Third Party

Access the Queue page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue

Queue ID

Queue IDs must be alphanumeric, but they may include underscore characters.

Configuration ID

Displays the configuration ID.

Note. This value is required only for CTI configuration. To select the configuration ID from lookup, define the configuration ID when you are configuring CTI.

See Configuring CTI Console Type.

Delete Queue

Click to remove this queue.

Deleting a queue means that no work or agents can be assigned to the queue and the queue is removed from all agents' available queues.

Cluster ID

The Cluster ID field identifies the cluster that services this queue.


Select Active or Inactive from the drop-down list box.

The queue server does not send new tasks to an inactive queue. Agents and existing tasks remain on an inactive queue. To receive new queued tasks, the queue must be active.

Active and inactive statuses support “follow-the-sun” practices. For example, SALES1 could be supported in the London office, and SALES2 could be supported in the San Francisco office when the London office is closed by activating and inactivating the appropriate queues.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canned Queue Messages

Access the Message page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue, Message

Contact Type

Select one of the following contact types:

  • Chat

  • Email

Response Name

The response name appears in the agent's Template Messages drop-down list box for all agents who belong to this queue.

All messages are downloaded when the agent launches the agent chat console by accepting a customer chat. Template messages are not available in collaborative chat.

Response Text

The specified message appears in the client chat window when selected by the agent.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Canned Queue URLs

Access the URL page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Queue, URL

Canned queue URLs enable the agent to push a predefined URL to the customer, which appears in a pop-up window for the customer. The agent can edit these URLs in the chat window after selecting them.

URL Name

Enter the name of the URL.

The URL name appears in the agent's URL drop-down list box for all agents that belong to this queue.

URL Description

Enter a description of the URL.

This description appears only on this page to further describe this URL or, for example, its reason for inclusion.


Enter the URL. The URL must include the protocol (http://) and any required parameters.

All canned queue URLs defined for the queue are downloaded when the agent launches the agent chat console by accepting a customer chat. These URLs are not available in collaborative chat.

If you send a canned queue URL that is a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture URL, be sure that the recipient has permissions to access that portal, node, or page.

Click to jump to parent topicDefining PeopleSoft MCF Agents for a Third Party

To define PeopleSoft MCF agents for a third party, use the (MCF_TP_AGENT_CMP) component. This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Define PeopleSoft MCF Agents for a Third Party

Page Name

Definition Name





PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent

Enter name, skill level, maximum workload, and queues for each agent.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Buddy

Enter a list of other agents.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Customization

Configure the specified agent's window.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Messages

Enter agent-specific messages, in addition to available system messages.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, URL

Enter agent-specific URLs in addition to canned queue URLs.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Presence

Enter an agent's presence options.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Media

Enter an agent's capabilities.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Languages

Enter the languages that an agent is qualified to use. Enter at least one language.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Miscellaneous

Enter miscellaneous behaviors.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating PeopleSoft MCF Agents for a Third Party

Access the Agent page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent

Agent ID

Specifies the agent ID.


Enter the full name of this agent in (lastname,firstname) format. The agent name appears in other agents' buddy lists.

Nick Name

Enter a short name for this agent. The agent nickname identifies this agent in chat sessions and logs.

CTI Agent ID

Enter a CTI agent ID for a CTI agent.

Agent Password

Enter a password for the agent.

Queue ID

Enter the ID of a queue to which this agent is assigned. Each agent may be assigned to more than one queue. An agent can log on to only one queue at a time from the MultiChannel Console.


Select the skill level of this agent for the tasks assigned for this queue. This field is required.

This option is used by third parties for task assignment. Third parties define skill levels based on business needs, requirements, policy, and so on.

Maximum Workload

Select the maximum load that this agent can be assigned before tasks are held or assigned to other agents. This field is required.

This option is used by third parties for task assignment. Third parties define maximum workload based on business needs, requirements, policy, and so on.

Note. Do not delete a queue from an agent's list unless that agent has no open accepted tasks on that queue.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSetting Up Buddy Lists

Access the Buddy page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Buddy

The agent's buddy list facilitates collaborative chat and chat conferencing.

Agent Buddy

Select another agent with whom this agent can have a chat session or can ask to conference onto another chat.


Displays the buddy agent's nickname. The name appears in the buddy list on the MultiChannel Console or agent chat window.

An agent's presence as shown in the buddy list on the MultiChannel Console or on the Invite Agent list on the chat console indicates the agent's availability for chat or conference.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCustomizing Windows

Access the Customization page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Customization

Set the initial agent window placement and size by specifying parameters on this page. An agent may resize and move the windows.


Select the window to which the specified configuration applies.

Select from:

  • Agent to Agent Chat

  • Agent to Customer Chat

  • E-mail

  • Generic Alert

  • Grab URL

  • MultiChannel Console

Top and Left

Enter the distance in pixels from the top and left edge of the screen when the window first appears.

Width and Height

Enter the width and height, in pixels, of the window when it first appears.

Popup Mode

Select from:

Automatic: The window appears automatically. For customer-initiated chat or tasks initiated from the EnQueue built-in function, the task is automatically accepted as well. For agent-initiated chat, the agent can elect not to accept the task; in effect, the agent can preview the task. If this is the desired behavior, select Manual from the Accept Mode drop-down list box. If you want agent-to-agent tasks to function like customer-initiated tasks, select Automatic from the Accept Mode drop-down list box.

Manual: The window does not appear until the agent clicks the task on the agent MultiChannel Console. For customer-initiated chat or tasks initiated from the EnQueue() built-in function, clicking the task means that the task is automatically accepted as well. For agent-initiated chat, the behavior depends on the setting for the Accept Mode field.

Accept Mode

Select from:

Automatic: Agent-to-agent chats are automatically accepted without requiring the agent to click the icon.

Manual: Agent-to-agent chats require the agent to click the icon.

Accept mode affects only collaborative chat.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Messages

Access the Messages page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Messages

An agent can create personalized responses in addition to the system responses defined for each queue.

Response ID

Responses, except those identified as Other, are linked to specific events. These responses, except for those identified Other, are always sent on these events from this agent. If an agent does not have a customized response for a specific event, it is read from a default response set in the Message Catalog. The response text set here overrides the default text set in the Message Catalog.

Select from:

  • Abandon: A chat is abandoned when a chat initiator closes the chat window before the chat is accepted by an agent. This response appears when the agent accepts the abandoned chat.

  • Accept: This response is automatically sent to the chat initiator when an agent accepts a chat in response to a chat request that does not include a question. If the chat request includes a question, the agent's Answer Question text is sent in response instead of the Accept response.

  • Answer Question: This response is automatically sent to the chat initiator when an agent accepts a chat in response to a chat request that includes a question.

  • Deny: Only applies to collaborative chat. If an agent elects not to accept a chat, this response is automatically sent to the chat initiator.

  • End: If either party exits a chat after the chat is accepted, this response is displayed from the agent.

  • Forward: If the agent forwards a chat session to another queue, this response is sent to the customer.

  • Other: These responses are never automatically sent in a chat session. Their message names appear in the Template Messages drop-down list box on the agent chat page. These messages are appended to the template messages (chat responses) defined for the queue.

Response Name

This name appears in the agent's template response drop-down list box.

Response Text

Enter the response text to appear in the chat window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Agent-Specific URLs

This page defines URLs that this agent can send to a client browser. Access the URL page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, URL

URL Name

The URL name appears in the agent's URL drop-down list box.

URL Description

This description appears only on this page, to further describe this URL or, for example, its reason for inclusion.


Enter the URL. The URL must include the protocol (http://) and any required parameters.

All URLs defined for the agent are downloaded when the agent launches the agent chat console by accepting a customer chat. These URLs are not available in collaborative chat.

If you send a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture URL, be sure that the recipient has permissions to access that portal, node, or page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDefining Agent's Presence

Each agent can customize the presence description displayed when the agent is available or unavailable. The queue server only understands the presence state, available or unavailable, but you can enter more specific presence descriptions when displaying or logging an agent's presence. If you do not enter presence descriptions, default values are used.

Access the Presence page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Presence

Presence State

Select Available or Unavailable.

Presence Description

Enter a description for each agent state. The description appears in logs of agent activity and when agent presence is displayed.

Note. An available state has only one presence description, Available. For an unavailable state, you can enter any presence description, such as tea break, coffee break, lunch, and so on.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying the Media

The media page defines the capability of each agent to perform a task. Access the Media page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Media


Select this check box if the agent has a capability to chat.


Select this check box if the agent has a capability to email.


Select this check box if the agent has a capability to perform a generic task.


Select this check box if the agent has a capability to perform a voice task.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Languages That an Agent Supports

Access the Languages page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Languages

Enter the languages that each agent is qualified to support.

The agent is assigned only tasks that have been enqueued with a language code in the agent's language list. For the EnQueue built-in function, the language code is specified as a parameter. For the InitChat built-in function, the language code is determined by the user profile of the initiator.

If you do not enter a language code for a new agent, the default value is English.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Miscellaneous Parameters

Access the Miscellaneous page using the following navigation path:

PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third Party Configuration, Agent, Miscellaneous

When task is unassigned

Select from the following options the action that occurs when a task assigned to an agent is unassigned:

  • Prompt whether to close window (default).

  • Close the task window.

  • Do not close the task window.


Trace Level

Select from the following log trace levels:

  • 0 - None

  • 1 - Information

  • 2 - Debug

    Note. If a value other than 0 is selected, a tracer window appears to display activities and events on the chat or MultiChannel Console for debugging purposes.

Limit debug tracer log size

This check box is enabled when the value entered for Trace Level is not 0. Select this check box to enable the agent to clear the tracer log based on Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow.

If the check box is cleared, the tracer log will not be cleared and the Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow fields will be disabled.

Number of log messages to save when cleared

Specify the minimum number of recent tracer log messages that should be maintained in the tracer window.

Maximum number of log messages to allow

Specify the maximum number of tracer log messages that will be maintained in the tracer window.

Note. Number of log messages to save when cleared and Maximum number of log messages to allow fields are required if the Limit debug tracer log size check box is selected.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring PeopleSoft MCF Tasks for a Third Party

This section discusses how to configure tasks. To configure tasks, use the MCF Task (MCF_TP_TASKCFG_CMP) component.

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Page Name

Definition Name



Task Configuration


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Task

Configure tasks such as chat, email, voice, and generic alerts.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicConfiguring PeopleSoft MCF Task for a Third Party

See Configuring Tasks.

Click to jump to parent topicConfiguring CTI for a Third Party

This section discusses how to configure CTI using third-party routing system. To configure CTI, use the MCF_TP_CTI_CONFIG component.

See Configuring PeopleSoft CTI.

Click to jump to parent topicCommunicating with Customers and Agents Using Chat

This section discusses how to use the Agent Chat window.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Third-Party Chat Window

When you accept a chat task, a chat window opens.

The format of the agent chat window and the contents of its right pane are delivered as part of PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework. The content of the left pane is determined by application developers, and is passed as a parameter to the InitChat() built-in function.

The following example shows an third-party agent chat window:

Conversation History

Lists progress of the chat, line by line.

If chat logging is enabled, the conversation is recorded in the database chat log by the MCF log server. View the chat log on the Chat Log page.

If accessibility features are not turned off in the My Personalizations component, an additional text box appears below the conversation history. The most recent customer input appears in the secondary text box, which can be read by screen reading software.

Template Messages

Send the customer a standard message by selecting one from the list.

The message text appears in the Input Text text box. Click Send to send the message.

Edit template messages for each queue on the queue Chat Responses page.

Input Text

To respond to the customer, enter text, and then click Send or press Enter.

The maximum size of the text that can be sent at one time is 4096 bytes (4 kilobytes).


Click to send the contents of the Input Text text box.

Exit Dialog

Click to end the chat.

The chat window remains open, enabling you to return to the page for follow-up work after the customer exits the dialog.

Static URL and Push

To send a static URL to the customer, select a URL name, then click Push.

When a URL is pushed to a customer, a browser window for that URL is launched on the customer's workstation.


Displays static and grabbed URLs.


Click to launch an application page, from which a URL can be returned to populate the URL field.

The format of the URL wizard page that appears when you click Grab is defined by application developers. PeopleSoft supplies a sample URL wizard page.

See Using the URL Wizard.

Forward to Queue

To forward the current chat to another queue, select the queue.


Click to get the history for the chat conversation.


Click to write wrapup comments for the chat.

Wrapup comments are stored in PS_MCFCHATLOG.

Forward to Agent

To forward the current chat to another agent, select the queue and click Go.

Invite Agent into Conference

To request that another agent join the chat, select the agent and click Go.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Customer Chat Window

When a customer initiates a chat, a chat window appears:

The format and content of the customer chat window is delivered as part of PeopleSoft MultiChannel Framework. The customer chat window includes a conversation history text box, input text box, and Send and Exit Dialog buttons.

If accessibility features are not turned off in the My Personalizations component, an additional text box appears below the conversation history. The most recent agent input appears in the secondary text box, which can be read by screen reading software.

Input Text

The customer enters text here.

The maximum size of the text that can be sent at one time is 4096 bytes (4 kilobytes).


Click to send the input text to the agent.

Exit Dialog

Click to end the chat and close the chat window.

Note. The agent collaborative chat window is substantially the same as the customer chat window.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Event Logs for a Third Party

This section discusses how to view event logs. To view event logs, use the (MCF_TP_EVNTLOG_CMP) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Event Logs for a Third Party

Page Name

Definition Name



Event Log


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Event Log

Displays the details of any event.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Event Logs for a Third Party

Select any event from the Event Log page to display the details of any event.

Click to jump to parent topicViewing Broadcast Logs for a Third Party

To view the broadcast log, access the broadcast log (MCF_TP_BCASTLG_CMP) component.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPage Used to View Broadcast Logs for a Third Party

Page Name

Definition Name



Broadcast Log


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Broadcast Log

View broadcast logs.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicViewing Broadcast Logs for a Third Party

See Viewing Broadcast Logs.

Click to jump to parent topicWorking with Third-Party Sample Pages

To demonstrate tools and functionality, use the Sample Pages (MCF_TP_DEMO_CMP) component. These sample pages demonstrate how JSMCAPI can be used with the PeopleCode behind it. The third party may develop their own interface, which may look significantly different from the sample pages included in the section.

This section discusses how to:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPages Used to Work with Third-Party Sample Pages

Page Name

Definition Name



Customer Chat Page


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, Customer Chat Page

Send a customer chat session and use built-in functions.

Generic Page


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, Generic Page

Send a generic event notification and use built-in functions.

Email Page


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, Email Page

Send an email and use built-in functions and application package classes.

Sample Console Page


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, Sample Console Page

Launch a sample MultiChannel Console generated using JSMCAPI and perform all tasks.



PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, JSMCAPI Page

Send a broadcast message using JSMCAPI.

PCodeBroadcast Page


PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, PCodeBroadcast Page

Send a broadcast message using PeopleCode.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Customer Chat Sample Page

See Using the Customer Chat Sample Page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Generic Event Sample Page

See Using the Generic Event Sample Page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Email Sample Page

See Using the Email Sample Page.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the Sample Console Page

Access the Sample Console page using the navigation path: PeopleTools, MultiChannel Framework, Third-Party Configuration, Sample Pages, Sample Console Page. Click the lookup button and select the REN cluster.

MCF Sample Console

Click to initiate the sample console.

Note. To demonstrate the MCF sample console, you must have an MCF cluster running and communicating with the specified REN server cluster.

After clicking MCF Sample Console, a new browser window displaying the sample console appears along with a tracer window. The Sample Console contains the following group boxes, which are detailed in the following topics:

Note. To enable the new browser window to appear, disable any pop-up blocking software for your browser.

Before accessing the Open/Close Session group box, enable the third-party routing server.

Open/Close Session

Access the Open/Close Session group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

MCS Session Id

Displays the session ID of the MultiChannel server.


Displays the state of the session.

Note. If the state is ST_FAILED, check the third-party routing server. It must be up and running.

Register User to Session

Access the Register User to Session group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Register a user to the session in the Register User to Session group box.

User Id

Enter user ID of the agent.

Agent Id

Enter agent's ID.

Note. Because a CTI agent can have an agent ID different from the agent's user ID, both values are required. If the agent has a password, the password is also required.


Enter the name of the agent.


Enter the password if the agent has a password.


Select the language.

The language field is reserved for future use. The default language is English.


Displays the agent statistics.

Register Group, Login User to Group, and User-Group States

Access the Register Group, Login User to Group, and User-Group States group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Group Id

Enter the name of the group to which the agent will be registered. The group ID is the same as the name of the queue to which the agent is logged in.

To register the agent with the specified group, click the Go button next to the Register field.

Note. After you click Go, the field value changes to Unregister.


Click the Go button to log in if Login appears in the drop-down list box.

Click the Go button to log out if Logout appears in the drop-down list box.

Note. After you log in to the group, a new pop-up window opens, prompting you for reason code data. If you register to an invalid group, a pop-up window opens showing the error messages.

See Understanding JSMCAPI.


Enter a presence description to associate with the state selected in the drop-down list box.

This presence value is different from any presence values predefined in the agent configuration. The agent cannot select from the predefined values.


Select an agent state from the following options:

  • Ready

  • Not Ready

  • Work Ready

  • Work Not Ready

Each state value has an associated state code that appears in the State field. To enable incoming calls, select Ready from the drop-down list box and click the Go button.


Displays the group statistics.

Address Operations

Access the Address Operations group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Task Info (task information)

Displays task information.

User Data

Displays user data.


Displays task statistics.

Register Extension to Session and Extension Operations

Access the Register Extension to Session, and Extension Operations group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).


Enter a valid telephone extension number.

Phone Number

Enter a valid telephone number for use in subsequent operations, such as dial, forward, or do-not-disturb (DND).


Select to mute the call.

Note. Mute is enabled only when the agent is on the call.


Select to forward incoming calls to the specified number.

DND (do not disturb)

Select to put the selected extension in do-not-disturb status.

Line 1 or Line 2

Displays a name or value for each line.

On the sample console, the value will either be 1 or 2.

DTMF Info (Dual Tone Multi-Frequency information)

Select to send DTMF digits on the line.


Select to set call result on the line.


Select to set reschedule time on the line.


Select to set reschedule type on the line.

User Data

Enter name-value pairs representing user data to be attached to a call.

Call Data

Enter any call data to be attached to the call.

Call data includes:

  • ANI

  • DNIS




Access the Buddies group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

User Id

Enter the user ID of the buddy with whom you want to chat.


Displays the state of the buddy.

Click to initiate an agent-to-buddy chat session.

Buddies Bulk Registration

Access the Buddies bulk registration group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Number of registrations per bulk request

Enter the number of registrations per bulk request.

Interval between bulk registration requests(milliseconds)

Enter the interval between bulk registration requests in milliseconds.

Number of buddies to register

Enter the number of buddies to add and click the Add button. Edit boxes for Buddy Id will appear.


Click to register the buddies. An Unregister button will appear next to each Group Id. You can use this button to unregister a specific group.

Unregister(One by One)

Click to unregister groups one by one.

Groups Bulk Registration

Access the Groups bulk registration group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Number of registrations per bulk request

Enter the number of registrations per bulk request.

Interval between bulk registration requests(milliseconds)

Enter the interval between bulk registration requests in milliseconds.

Number of groups to register

Enter the number of groups to add and click the Add button. Edit boxes for Group Id will appear.


Click to register the buddies. An Unregister button will appear next to each Buddy ID. You can use this button to unregister a specific buddy.

Unregister(One by One)

Click to unregister buddies one by one.

Error Messages/Information

Access the Error Messages/Information group box (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

Any error messages associated with the process appear here.


Click the button to clear a displayed error message.

Server State and Broadcasts

Access the Server State and Broadcasts group box. (Select PeopleTools, MultiChannel framework, Third-party Configuration, Sample Pages. Enter the MCF Cluster ID and click the Sample Console button).

MCS State

Displays the MultiChannel server's state.

Routed From Topic

Displays the machine name from where the broadcast message was sent.

Name Value Pairs

Displays the name value pair string.

REN State

Displays the status of the REN server.

Broadcast Message

Displays the supervisor's broadcast message.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the MCF Broadcast Page

This section discusses how to use the JSMCAPI Broadcast page for the third party.

MCF Cluster ID

Select the REN server cluster on which to test the MCF Supervisor console.

Note. The MCF Supervisor console is specific to the REN cluster Id selected.

MCF Supervisor Console

Click to initiate the supervisor console.

Note. To demonstrate the MCF Supervisor console, you must have MCF servers, both queue and log servers, running and communicating with the specified REN server cluster.

After you click MCF Supervisor Console, a new browser window appears that displays the sample supervisor console.

Note. To enable the new browser window to appear, disable any pop-up blocking software for your browser.

See Also

Using JSMCAPI Broadcast with MCF Supervisor Console

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUsing the PCodeBroadcast Page

This section discusses how to use the PCodeBroadcast page.

See Using PeopleCode Broadcast.