Appendix: Configuring Related Content Contextual Menus to Access Oracle UPK Modules and Topics

You can configure Oracle User Productivity Kit (UPK) modules and topics as component and page-level-related content services. This appendix provides a brief overview of Oracle UPK and related content and describes how to:

Note. In this appendix, the word topic is used to represent both topics and modules unless specified otherwise.

Click to jump to parent topicUnderstanding Oracle UPK and Related Content

Oracle UPK Developer and content is an end-user training solution that provides a single-source development and customizing tool to enable rapid content creation and customization. UPK also can provide system process documentation, web-based training materials, role-based performance support, and product documentation.

PeopleSoft Related Content Framework is a set of PeopleTools definitions and processes that enable developers and subject matter experts to link application pages with contextually relevant content. The primary goal of related content services is to provide immediate access to relevant, contextual information for any PeopleSoft transaction without requiring any additional user effort. PeopleSoft Related Content Framework acts as an enterprise mashup, tying together all types of content such as Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) analytics, queries, discussion threads, documentation, and relevant non-PeopleSoft data into a single tool—PeopleSoft application pages.

You can use the related content framework to set up access to UPK modules and topics so that any UPK content is available at the page or component levels under the Related Content menu as shown here:

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPrerequisites

This table lists the necessary prerequisites for integrating UPK and related content and provides references to information about these prerequisites:



Perform all related content configurations.

See Prerequisites.

Create, deploy, and configure UPK player package to your web server.

See Oracle's PeopleSoft Enterprise Help Menu Integration

See Oracle's User Productivity Kit In-Application Support Guide

Click to jump to parent topicCreating Related Content Services That Access UPK Topics

This section discusses how to:

  1. Modify the UPK player package link.

  2. Create the UPK-based service definition

Note. Your UPK content should already be installed on the web server and available to your users.

To create related content services for UPK modules, you must obtain the link to the UPK player package from your UPK administrator.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicModifying the UPK Player Package Link

To modify the UPK player package link:

  1. Contact your UPK system administrator to obtain the player package link (URL). It should look similar to this:


  2. Change the file name toc.html to kp.html so that the URL looks similar to this:


    The kp.html file lists your UPK modules and topics. Pointing directly to the kp.html file, which is located in the player package folder, enables you to manually link to a specific mode for a topic

  3. Paste the link into your browser and access the file.

  4. Find the topic. Right-click the Concept or Do It link associated with the topic. If you are creating task-oriented related content, right-click the Do It link; otherwise, click the Concept link.

  5. From the pop-up menu, select Copy Shortcut.

    Alternately, select Properties and then copy the URL that you see on the dialog box.

    For conceptual information, the URL should look similar to this:


    For task-oriented information, the URL should look similar to this:


    Note. If you see Mode=D, the link accesses the topic in the Do It mode.

    If you see Mode=K, the link accesses the topic in the Know It mode.

    If you see Mode=T, the link accesses the topic in the Try It mode.

    If you see Mode=S, the link accesses the topic in the See It mode.

    If you see index.html, the link accesses the topic or module in the Concept mode.

  6. If you are creating multiple service definitions, you might consider creating a spreadsheet that looks something like this table::



    Process Scheduler - Concept


    Viewing Process Details - Do It


  7. For each task-oriented URL, remove the &Back at the end of the address.

  8. Save your spreadsheet.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCreating the UPK-Based Service Definition

To create the UPK-based service definition:

  1. Create a new related-content service definition.

    Choose a naming convention that makes UPK service definitions easily identifiable, for example UPK_<service_definition_name>

  2. Enter the service name and description.

  3. Select Non-PeopleSoft URL as the URL type.

  4. In the External URL field, enter the URL to your kp.html file.

    It should look similar to this:

  5. Click the Test Related Content Service link.

    The Test Related Content Service page opens.

  6. On the Test Related Content Service page, click the Test Related Content Service link.

  7. Click the Return button to go back to the Define Related Content Service page.

  8. For conceptual information, select the New Window check box to give the administrator the ability to enable the new window functionality for the user.

  9. In the Select security options group box, select the Public Access check box.

  10. Click the Save button.

    Note. UPK-based service definitions do not require additional parameters.

This completed service definition shows an external URL that accesses UPK content in Do It mode:

Note. You can use the Copy Service Definition button to clone this definition and save time creating new UPK-based service definitions.

See Also

Defining Non-PeopleSoft Related Content Services

Click to jump to parent topicAssigning UPK-Based Services to Pages and Components

To assign UPK-based services to pages and components:

Note. This section assumes that you are assigning the service to a content reference that currently has no service assignments.

  1. Access the Manage Related Content Configuration page. (Select PeopleTools, Portal, Related Content Service, Manage Related Content Service.)

  2. Click the Assign Related Content to Application Pages link.

  3. Navigate the tree and select the content reference.

  4. Select either the page or the component level.

  5. Select Service as the service type.

  6. Click the Service ID prompt and select the appropriate service.

  7. Enter the service label. Select a label that is based on the context of the service. In addition, use direct language; for example, Show me how to submit a process is appropriate for a service on the Process Scheduler page.

  8. Select the service target where you want the content to appear. Select one of these options:

  9. Click the Configure link.

    The Related Content Service - Configure page appears.

  10. In the Select Menu Type group box, select Related Content Menu.

  11. Click the OK button.

  12. Click the Save button.

  13. Select the Configure Menus tab.

  14. Configure the arrangement of links in the Related Content menu.

    See Configuring Contextual Menus.

  15. Configure the arrangement of services in the Related Content frame.

    See Configuring the Related Content Frame.

  16. Click the Save button.

    The Assign Related Content page appears.

  17. Click the content reference link to test your configuration.

The completed service assignment presented here shows the component and page-level services and the menu configuration options:

Click to jump to parent topicAccessing UPK-Based Related Content

The following procedure shows how to access UPK-based related content.

Any page that displays the Related Content menu in the upper right area of the page provides the user with access to related content.

  1. Select the Related Content menu.

    Conceptual information links should appear in the Related Content Frame section of the contextual menu.

    Task-oriented links should appear in the Open in New Window section of the contextual menu.

  2. Click a link in the Open in New Window section. The UPK player should launch in a new window (or a new tab) and the UPK topic will open in its own window.

  3. Click a link in the Related Content Frame section. The topic should open the lower frame and display the conceptual information.