Using the PSSQR.INI File and the PSSQR Command Line

This chapter discusses the:

Click to jump to parent topicInstalling PSSQR.INI

The pssqr.ini file is the initialization file for SQR for PeopleSoft . SQR uses the settings and parameters in this file during the compile and execution phases.

The installation process installs a default initialization file called pssqr.ini, which is located in the SQR directory under the <PS_CFG_HOME> directory. The installation process also installs files named pssqr<language_cd>.ini, which are used to create language-specific configurations.

Microsoft Windows Platforms

In Microsoft Windows, SQR looks for the initialization file in the following locations in this order:

  1. The file name specified by the -ZIF{file} command-line flag.

  2. The directory in which the executable image resides.

  3. The Microsoft Windows system directory.


In z/OS, SQRINI is required during initialization. You must specify the dataset member &PSHLQ..SQRSRC(PSSQRINI) in the JCL to start the SQR process.

All Other Platforms

In all other platforms, SQR looks for the initialization file in the following locations in this order:

  1. The file name specified by the -ZIF{file} command-line flag.

  2. The current working directory.

  3. The directory specified using the SQRDIR environment variable.

    SQR automatically sets up SQRDIR.

You can make changes or additions to the pssqr.ini file.

This example shows the format of the pssqr.ini file:

; Comments are lines that start with a semicolon. The semicolon ; must be the first character of the line and therefore cannot be ; part of another line. ; ; Leading and trailing space characters are ignored. To preserve ; the space characters you must surround the value with either ; single (') or double (") quote characters. SQR will remove ; them when the entry is processed. ; [Section_Name] Entry = Value . . [Another_Section_Name] Entry = Value . .

Click to jump to parent topicDefault Settings Section

This table describes the SQR default settings:




ForceSpaceAfterComma=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default setting is FALSE.

DB2 only: Forces a space after every comma not in a literal value to support the DECIMAL=COMMA setting on the OS390.

ShowDBWarnings=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default setting is FALSE.

DB2 only: If set to TRUE, SQR displays database warnings in the SQR output file.

AllowDateAsChar=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default setting is FALSE.

By default, SQR produces an error when a dynamic column specification does not match the database definition of the column. That is, character equals character, date equals date, and numeric equals numeric.

When this value is set to TRUE, SQR allows character to be equal to either character or date columns.

When a date column is type cast to be a character, SQR creates the string according to the following rules:

  • For DATETIME columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting. If this is not set, SQR uses the first database-dependent format listed in the table showing default database formats in the Edit section under the PRINT command.

  • For DATE columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT setting. If this is not set, SQR uses the format listed in the table showing default database formats in the Edit section under the PRINT command.

  • For TIME columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT setting. If this is not set, SQR uses the format listed in the table showing the TIME column formats in the Edit section under the PRINT command.

In the following example, AllowDateAsChar=True. This setting allows $Col1 to be either date or text.

Begin-Select [$Col1] &col1=Text [$Col2] &col2=Date [$Col3] &col3=Number from MyTable End-Select



Specifies the file name convention used for HTML output. SHORT specifies DOS style (8.3) and LONG specifies UNIX\Linux style (non 8.3). The default is LONG. This setting is ignored on 16-bit platforms. The DECLARE-TOC and -BURST commands force Output-File-Mode = LONG.

The following <noun> represents the file formats for UNIX\Linux, DOS, and Windows.

SQR and SQRT: {Program} is the name of the SQR/SQRT file without the extension.





For Output-File-Mode = SHORT, SQR-generated file names are limited to a DOS 8.3 format.

  • Output file = {program}.lis for first, and {program}.lnn for multi-reports

  • SPF file = {program}.spf for first, and {program}.snn for multi-reports

  • PDF file = {program}.pdf for first; and {program}.pnn for multi-reports

  • HTM file = {program}.htm for “frame, and {program}.hbb for report bodies

  • GIF file={program}.gxx for all reports

bb ranges from 00 to 99 and represents the report number.

nn ranges from 01 to 99 and represents the report number.

xx ranges from 00 to ZZ and represents the graphic number.





For Output-File-Mode = LONG, SQR-generated file names are not constrained to a DOS 8.3 format. {output}={program} of first report and {program}_nn for multi-reports.

  • Output file = {output}..lis

  • SPF file = {output}..spf

  • PDF file = {output}..pdf

  • GIF file = {output}_zz..spf

  • HTM files = {output}..htm, {output}_bb..htm, {output}_frm..htm, {output}_toc./htm, {output}_nav.htm

bb ranges from 01 to ZHJOZI and represents the bursted page group number.

nn ranges from 01 to 99 and represents the report number.

zz ranges from 00 to ZHJOZI and represent the graphic number.





SQRP: {file name} is the name of the SPF file without the extension

For Output-File-Mode = SHORT, SQR-generated file names are limited to a DOS 8.3 format.

  • Output file = {file name}.lis

  • GIF file = {file name}.gxx

  • PDF file = {file name}.pdf

  • HTM file = .htm and {file name}.h00

xx ranges from 00 to ZZ and represents the graphic number.





For Output-File-Mode = LONG, SQR-generated file names are not limited to a DOS 8.3 format.

  • Output file = {file name}.lis

  • PDF file = {file name}.pdf

  • GIF file = {file name}_zz.spf

  • HTM files = {file name}.htm, {file name}_bb.htm, {file name}_frm.HTM, {file name}_toc.htm {file name}_nav.htm

bb ranges from 01 to ZHJOZI and represents the bursted page group number.

zz ranges from 00 to ZHJOZI and represents the graphic number.


Name of a locale defined in the sqr.ini file or the name SYSTEM.

Specifies the initial locale that SQR loads when the program starts. The value of SYSTEM is used to reference the default locale.




Specifies the default numeric type for variables. The command line flag -DNT overrides this setting. Similarly, the DECLARE-VARIABLE command overrides this setting.


OutputFormFeedWithDashD=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default value is FALSE.

When set to TRUE, the -Dnn command line flag outputs the Form-Feed character that denotes a page break.

OutputTwoDigitYearWarningMsg=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default value is TRUE.

When set to TRUE, SQR generates a warning message (sent to the warning file) when a YY or RR date edit mask is encountered during a program run. This setting affects only SQR code that is processed.

UseY2kCenturyAlgorithm=⇒ {TRUE|FALSE}


The default value is FALSE.

When set to TRUE, SQR treats the YY date edit mask as though it is an RR edit mask. See the RR edit mask.

Note. Use the setting V30 to process numbers in the same manner as in previous (before V4.0) releases. Specifically, all numeric variables and literals are declared as FLOAT, including integer literals.

Click to jump to parent topicProcessing-Limits Section

Use the Processing-Limits section to define the sizes and limitations of some of the internal structures used by SQR; these definitions directly affect memory requirements. The entries are the same as those used in the file specified with the -MFILE command-line flag. If the -MFILE command-line flag is used, the Processing-Limits section of the file is not processed.

This table describes some of the internal structures used by SQR:


Default Value

Maximum Value

Entry Size






Number of BREAK arguments allowed for each EVALUATE or IF command.





Maximum number of dynamic SQL arguments.





Maximum length, in bytes, of temporary string storage used during LET operations.





Maximum number of column forward references.





Maximum buffer size to transfer text and image data in bytes.





Maximum number of ON-BREAK LEVEL=values per SET.





Maximum number of placement parameters, for example, (10,5,30).





Maximum number of arguments for all program lines. This value is generally 3 or 4 times the value set for PROGLINES.





Maximum number of program lines (SQR commands).





Maximum number of BEGIN-SQL and BEGIN-SELECT paragraphs. This value is database dependent and can vary. This size is a close approximation.





Maximum number of arguments (bind variables) for all SQL or SELECT statements. The number of arguments required is one more than the number used in your report file.





Maximum length of an SQL statement in characters.





Maximum size of string space for program line arguments, in bytes.





Maximum number of runtime substitution variables.





Maximum number of variables (string, float, integer, decimal), literal values, and database columns. Add 4 to the entry size for Informix.





Maximum number of WHEN arguments allowed for each EVALUATE command.

The maximum value refers to the number of entries allowed, as shown in the previous table; however, limits are lower for 32-bit machines. In either case, SQR indicates the limit if you exceed it.

In addition to increasing the sizes, you may also decrease them to decrease the amount of memory used. Decreasing them might be advantageous, for example, for certain applications running in the PC environment, where memory is limited.

Click to jump to parent topicEnvironment Sections

The Environment sections { Common | Oracle | Informix | ODBC | DB2 | RDB | Sybase ] } define the environment variables used by SQR. You can define an environment variable in multiple environment sections; however, a definition in a database-specific environment section takes precedence over an assignment in the Environment:Common section.

You can set these environment variables: SQRDIR, SQRFLAGS, and DSQUERY. In Microsoft Windows systems, SQRDIR is required and is automatically defined in the appropriate database-specific environment section during the SQR installation. The other environment variables are optional. SQRFLAGS specifies the default command-line flags for all invocations of SQR. DSQUERY (Sybase only) identifies the default Sybase server to use.

In Microsoft Windows systems only, the SQR Extension section defines DLLs containing new user functions (UFUNC) and user calls (UCALL). UFUNC and UCALL reside inside SQREXT.DLL and other DLLs, or in one or the other.

When SQRW.DLL and SQRWT.DLL are being loaded, they look for SQREXT.DLL in the same directory and for any DLLs specified in the SQR Extension section in sqr.ini, such as:

[SQR Extension] c:\sqrexts\sqrext1.dll= c:\sqrexts\sqrext2.dll= c:\sqrexts\sqrext3.dll=

Any new extension DLLs containing new user functions must be listed in the SQR Extension section in sqr.ini.

See Using Interoperability Features.

For Oracle on Windows, SQR uses dynamic binding of Oracle routines. When SQR attempts to access an Oracle database, it searches for the Oracle DLL as follows:

This table describes SQRParseSQLEnable:






The default setting is FALSE. If SQRParseSQLEnable=TRUE is added to the PSSQR.INI file (in the Common or Oracle stanza), SQR performs SQL parsing.

Note. The function required to perform this parsing is not supported by Oracle 8.X, but it does appear to function. If a customer wants to assume the risk of using a feature that might not be fixed if a problem is found, then they can turn on this parameter. Oracle 9.X customers can use this feature without any problem, although it has a performance hit of between 2-10 percent.

Click to jump to parent topicLocale Section

This section specifies the default settings for the locale identified by locale-name (which can consist of letters from A to Z, numbers from 0 to 9, a hyphen, and an underscore). A number of locales are predefined in the pssqr.ini file. Depending on your application, you may have to alter the settings for these locales or add new locales. You can reference or alter a locale at runtime using the ALTER-LOCALE command. The following table describes the entries for a locale section.

Note. The SYSTEM locale is provided for your reference but is commented out. The settings for the SYSTEM locale, if set, are ignored. Use the ALTER-LOCALE command to change the SYSTEM locale settings at runtime.

See Avoiding Older SQR Commands.




Specifies the default numeric edit mask format when the keyword NUMBER accompanies the DISPLAY, MOVE, PRINT, or SHOW command.


Specifies the default numeric edit mask format when the keyword MONEY accompanies the DISPLAY, MOVE, PRINT, or SHOW command.


Specifies the default date edit mask format when the keyword DATE accompanies the DISPLAY, MOVE, PRINT, or SHOW command, or the LET datetostr() or strtodate() functions.


Specifies the default date format to use with the INPUT command when TYPE=DATE is specified with the command or the input variable is a DATE variable.


Specifies the characters to replace the ($) edit character.


Specifies the location of the MONEY-SIGN character. Valid values are LEFT and RIGHT.


Specifies the character to replace the comma (,) edit character.


Specifies the character to replace the period (.) edit character.


Specifies the character to replace the slash (/) character.


Specifies the character to replace the colon (:) character.


Specifies the characters to replace the NA option.


Specifies the characters to replace AM


Specifies the characters to replace PM.


Specifies the characters to replace AD.


Specifies the characters to replace BC.


Specifies how the case for the DAY-OF-WEEK-FULL or DAY-OF-WEEK-SHORT entries are affected when used with the format codes DAY or DY. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, EDIT, and NO-CHANGE.

Use UPPER and LOWER to force the output to either all uppercase or lowercase, ignoring the case of the format code in the edit mask.

Use EDIT to follow the case as specified with the format code in the edit mask.

Use NO-CHANGE to ignore the case of the format code and output the day of week as explicitly listed in the DAY-OF-WEEK-FULL or DAY-OF-WEEK-SHORT entries.


Specifies the full names of the days of the week. SQR considers the first day of the week to be Sunday. You must specify all seven days.


Specifies the abbreviated names for the days of the week. SQR considers the first day of the week to be Sunday. You msut specify all seven abbreviations.


Specifies how the case for the MONTHS-FULL or MONTHS-SHORT entries is affected when used with the format codes MONTH or MON. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, EDIT, and NO-CHANGE.

Use UPPER and LOWER to force the output to either all uppercase or lowercase, ignoring the case of the format code in the edit mask.

Use EDIT to follow the case as specified with the format code in the edit mask.

Use NO-CHANGE to ignore the case of the format code and output the month as explicitly listed in the MONTHS-FULL or MONTHS-SHORT entries.


Specifies the full names for the months of the year. SQR considers the first month of the year to be January. You must specify all 12 months.


Specifies the abbreviated names for the months of the year. SQR considers the first month of the year to be January. You must specify all 12 abbreviations.

Click to jump to parent topicFonts Section

The Fonts section lists the fonts available to SQR when printing on Microsoft Windows printer devices (using the -PRINTER:WP command-line flag), viewing SPF output using SPF Viewer on Microsoft Windows (SQRWV), and creating style sheet for Enhanced HTML output. This section does not apply to PostScript or HP LaserJet printer types.

This section provides an overview of fonts available to SQR and discusses how to:

See DECLARE-PRINTER, Avoiding Older SQR Commands.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicAdding Fonts Entries

The Fonts section contains a number of predefined font entries. You can add entries by using the font numbers 900 through 999. Each entry consists of a font name, a font style (fixed or proportional), and a bold indicator, all of which are associated with a font number, for example:

4=Arial,proportional or 300=Courier New,fixed,bold

Note. A proportional font style is assumed if the second parameter starts with a P. Bold is assumed if a third parameter is supplied.

Using the font number, commands such as ALTER-PRINTER and DECLARE-PRINTER can reference a particular font style.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSpecifying Character Sets in Windows

In Microsoft Windows, you can use the CharacterSet entry either to determine the Microsoft Windows default character set or to specify a character set. The CharacterSet entry enables you to print any standard character set to a Windows printer (-PRINTER:WP) or to view an SPF file that displays the appropriate character set.

The syntax is:


The arguments are:

Click to jump to parent topicHTML-Images Section

The HTML-Images section defines the parameters that SQR uses when generating HTML report output files. This table describes the parameters SQR uses when generating HTML report output files:








Specifies the NAME of the graphic image file that accesses the first page of the report. The HEIGHT and WIDTH values are specified in pixels.




Specifies the NAME of the graphic image file that accesses the previous page of the report. The HEIGHT and WIDTH values are specified in pixels.




Specifies the NAME of the graphic image file that accesses the next page of the report. The HEIGHT and WIDTH values are specified in pixels.




Specifies the NAME of the graphic image file that accesses the last page of the report. The HEIGHT and WIDTH values are specified in pixels.




Specifies the NAME of the graphic image file used as the background image for the report.

Navbar Background



Specifies the background image of the navigation bar.

Note. SQR does not validate any of the graphic image file names provided. The user is responsible for ensuring that the graphic image files are in a location that the browser can access.

Click to jump to parent topicPDF Fonts Section

The PDF Fonts section lists the available fonts for SQR when printing using the -PRINTER:PD command-line flag. Fonts specified are case sensitive.

Unlike the Fonts section, the PDF Fonts section uses a list of fonts mapped to a single font number. You can specify up to 10 fonts for a single font number. Depending on the character to print, SQR determines the font to use from the list. The following is the syntax of this font list:

Font Number=Font1, Font2, Font3 ...

The list is ordered by priority from the left. If Font1 has a glyph (an image of a character) for the character you want to print, then t is used; but if Font1 does not have a glyph, then Font2 is checked and used if it has a glyph for that character.

Font Number is a decimal number that specifies fonts in the SQR program using statements like DEFINE-PRINTER or ALTER-PRINTER.

Font numbers that are multiples of 100 (300, 3200, and so on) are recognized as a bold version of the base font. For example, font 300 is the bold version of Font3.

Font numbers 30 to 39 are recognized as italic fonts, and multiples of 30 to 39 (3000, 3100, and so on) are bold italic versions of the font. If you assign nonbold fonts for a font number recognized as bold, such as 600, the text is printed in bold.

Font1, Font2, and Font3 represent the font name. You can use Adobe Reader core fonts, Adobe Reader Asian Font Pack fonts, or TrueType fonts.

Adobe Reader core fonts are the fonts that Adobe Reader natively supports. The core fonts are:

Adobe Reader Asian Font Pack fonts are the font packages Adobe provides as an add-on to Adobe Reader for the purpose of viewing Asian text. You can download these fonts from the Adobe website or, if you use Adobe Reader 6, the Asian Font Pack automatically downloads when you open a PDF file that contains a font from the Asian Font Pack. Alternatively, you can use the Adobe Reader localized to any of the Japanese, Chinese, or Korean languages. These localized versions come with the same fonts that are included in the Asian Font Pack. These Asian Font Pack fonts are used with SQR:

In addition, you can use TrueType/OpenType fonts that exist on the machine where you run SQR. If you use TrueType fonts for PDF output, they will be always embedded as subset of the original font. To use TrueType fonts for PDF output, you need to specify the mapping between the font name and the font file path in the [TrueType Fonts] section, and then include the font name in the font list under the [PDF Fonts] section. More information about TrueType fonts is included in a later section in this chapter.

See TrueType Font Section.

Click to jump to parent topicPDF Fonts: Exclusion Ranges Section

The PDF Fonts: Exclusion Ranges section defines character ranges you want to exclude from the range a font covers. Without an exclusion range, SQR uses all of the character ranges a font covers, and then checks the font listed in the next priority only when it does not cover a character. By specifying an exclusion range, you can use a font in a lower priority for a specific character or a range of characters. This mechanism allows users to control which font to use down to a single character level.

The syntax in this section is as follows:

Font Number=Font1 Exclusion Range, Font2 Exclusion Range, ...

Exclusion ranges apply to the list of fonts defined in the PDF Fonts section. For example, if you have a PDF Fonts section like the following:


In addition, if you define the PDF Fonts: Exclusion Ranges section like this


then you are defining that Euro currency symbol (0x20AC in Unicode) is rendered using the Cumberland font, even though Courier has it. In addition, Greek characters (from 0x3070 to 0x30FF in Unicode) are rendered using HeiseiKakuGo-W5 font, even though Cumberland has them.

Each Exclusion range is specified using Unicode (UCS-2) codepoint, in decimal or in hexadecimal, in the following ways:

0x20AC (single character)

160-255 (range)

0x20AC|0x00A0-0x00FF (multiple characters and ranges)

Hexadecimal numbers need to be preceded by 0x; otherwise, they are recognized as decimal.

Click to jump to parent topicTrueType Font Section

The TrueType Font section defines the mapping of font name, which is an alias SQR uses internally to look up a font and physical font file name. You need to specify the font in the full path, unless you have placed fonts in a directory specified in the Font Path parameter or in a Windows font folder if you are running SQR on Windows.

The syntax is:

font name=fontfile path

For example, if you have the font courier.ttf in the c:\user\fonts directory, you set the following in this section:


Font name can be any string that is convenient for you to identify the font, and it does not need to correspond to the internal name of the font. You should not use the same font name that is used for Adobe core fonts or for Asian Font Pack fonts. If you set the same name for any of Adobe core fonts or Asian Font Pack fonts, then the TrueType font is used.

Note. TrueType font embedding is now supported by SQR running on z/OS. However, the Font Path parameter under the TrueType Font section is not supported for z/OS. If you are on z/OS, you need to specify the full path to each entry.

If you have a TrueType Collection (TTC) file, you will also need to specify the font number to access the specific font included in the collection. For example, if MS P Mincho is included in the TrueType Collection file msmincho.ttc, then you will need to specify:


The font number within the TrueType collection starts at 0. msmincho.ttc contains MS Mincho and MS P Mincho in this order; thus the number 0 represents MS Mincho and 1 represents MS P Mincho. If you do not specify a font number, SQR uses font with font number 0 from the TrueType Collection file.

Note. You can use only Microsoft type of Unicode-based TrueType/OpenType fonts with SQR. SQR requires TrueType/OpenType font to have CMAP table with Platform ID 3 (Microsoft), Encoding ID 0 (Symbol), 4 (UCS-2), or 10 (UCS-4) and table format 4 or 12. SQR does not support OpenType fonts with CFF (Postscript) outline. You can use OpenType fonts with TrueType outlines, but SQR does not make use of advanced layout features provided with OpenType font.

Click to jump to parent topicEnhanced-HTML Section

The Enhanced-HTML section is used to define various default actions that SQR takes when generating HTML output using the -EH command-line flag. This table describes the default actions that SQR takes when generating HTML output using the -EH command-line flag:






When set to ALL, the generated HTML automatically determines which browser is being used and invokes the proper browser-specific file.

When set to IE, the generated HTML is designed for Internet Explorer.

When set to NETSCAPE, the generated HTML is designed for Netscape.

The default action is to generate HTML suitable for all browsers.

Language={English|French| German| Portuguese|Spanish|Japanese| Simplified Chinese|Korean}

English|French| German| Portuguese|Spanish|Japanese| Simplified Chinese|Korean

Sets the language used for the HTML navigation bar.

The default setting is English.



When set to TRUE, HTML 3.2 is generated. When set to FALSE, HTML 3.0 is generated. The default setting is FALSE.

Click to jump to parent topicColors Section

The Colors section defines the default colors that you can use in your SQRs. Enter the default colors in this format:

[Colors] color_name = ({rgb]) color_name = ({rgb]) ... color_name = ({rgb])

The default colors implicitly installed are:

Click to jump to parent topicUsing PSSQR.EXE Command-Line Options

The PeopleSoft system provides a shell called pssqr.exe that extends SQR to handle the submission of SQR programs under Microsoft Windows and UNIX/Linux operating systems. Pssqr.exe implements a process that ensures that output is sent to the appropriate destination in a way that is consistent across platforms.

Note. PeopleSoft does not support running pssqr.exe directly from a DOS or Unix/Linux command line. Pssqr.exe is a wrapper program used by PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run SQR reports; it is not designed to run manually outside of Process Scheduler.

Pssqr.exe does not run on OS/390, however, all output formats are supported on all platforms.

Pssqr.exe provides the following features:

This table describes the command-line parameters:

Command-Line Parameter



Database type. Valid values are ORACLE, DB2, DB2390, INFORMIX, MICROSFT, and SYBASE.


Server name.


Database owner. This parameter applies to OS/390 only.


Database name.


Access ID.


Access password.


Program name.


Process instance.


Run control ID.


User ID.


Output type:

  • 2 (File)

  • 3 (Printer)

  • 4 (Window)


Output format. Column headings refer to the -OT parameter.

  • 2 (Adobe Acrobat)

  • 3 (Comma delimited)

  • 4 (HP format)

  • 5 (HTML documents)

  • 6 (Line printer)

  • 10 (Postscript)

  • 13 (SQRiBE portable)

  • 14 (Text files)

  • 15 (Windows default printer)


Output destination.


Multiple report output. Values: # (maximum 99)


Additional flags.


Additional information.


Enable trace.


Display log file.


Enter the name of a parameter file containing the parameters you want to pass to PSSQR. The system deletes the file immediately after use.


Language Code. Takes a three-letter language code used across PeopleSoft systems. This flag is used to determine which language version of the PSSQR.INI file to use. If you specify LG JPN, then pssqr.exe picks up the Japanese configuration file (PSSQRJPN.INI) instead of PSSQR.INI. This parameter takes effect only when the %LANGUAGE_CD% variable is used for specifying the PSSQR.INI file in PSSQRFLAGS entry of the Process Scheduler configuration or Configuration Manager.

-LPFLAGS "<flags>"

UNIX\Linux only: Overrides the flags passed to the lp command.


Displays command used to print the SQR report.

Note. Avoid using a hyphen (-) or @ sign in the PSSQR.EXE command line, for instance, as part of the run control ID. The hyphen (-) and @ sign characters are SQR-reserved characters.

See Also

Using Reserved Characters