SQR Command Reference

This chapter describes and demonstrates each command in the SQR lexicon.


Click to jump to parent topicSQR Command Overview

The commands in this section follow the conventions listed in the section SQR Syntax Conventions in the previous chapter and use the abbreviations described in the following table:

Warning! If you are copying code directly from the examples in the PDF file, make sure that you change the slanted quotes to regular quotes or you will receive an error message.





Text column retrievable from a database.



Numeric column retrievable from a database.



Date or datetime column retrievable from a database.



String variable defined in a program.



Numeric variable defined in a program.



A variable explicitly defined as a date variable.



A literal of any type.

'abc' 12


A variable of any type.

$string #number $date


A column of any type.

&string &number &date


Text literal defined in a program.

'Company Confidential'


Numeric literal defined in a program.



Integer literal defined in a program.



Integer literal used as an argument to a command.



The position qualifier, which consists of the line, column, and length specification. The minimum position, (), means to use the current line and column position on the page for the length of the field being printed.


Click to jump to parent topicSQR Commands

The following sections discuss the SQR commands in alphabetical order.

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ADD{src_num_lit | _var | _col} TO dst_num_var [ROUND=nn]


Adds one number to another.

The source value is added to the destination variable and the result is placed in the destination. The source is always first and the destination is always second.

When dealing with money-related values, use decimal variables rather than float variables . Float variables are stored as double precision floating point numbers , and small inaccuracies can occur when a program is adding many numbers in succession. These inaccuracies can appear due to the way floating point numbers are represented by different hardware and software implementations and also due to inaccuracies that can be introduced when a program is converting between floating point and decimal.


src_num_lit | _var | _col

Source number literal, variable, or column.


A numeric destination variable that contains the result after execution.


Rounds the result to the specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For float variables, this value can be from 0 to 15. For decimal variables, this value can be from 0 to the precision of the variable. For integer variables, this argument is not appropriate.


To add 10 to #counter:

add #counter to #new_count add &price to #total round=2

See Also

The LET command for information about complex arithmetic expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicALTER-COLOR-MAP


ALTER-COLOR-MAP NAME = {color_name_lit | _var | _col} VALUE = ({color_name_lit | _var | _col} | {rgb})


Dynamically alters a defined color.

The ALTER-COLOR-MAP command is allowed wherever the PRINT command is allowed. This command enables you to dynamically alter a defined color. You cannot use this command to define a new color.



Defines the name of the color that you want to alter. For example, light blue.


Defines the RGB value of the color that you want to alter, for example, (193, 233, 230).

{color_name_lit | _var | _col}

The color_name is composed of alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9), the underscore (_) character, and the hyphen (-) character. It must start with an alpha (A–Z) character and is not case-sensitive. The name 'none' is reserved and cannot be assigned a value. A name in the format (RGBredgreenblue) cannot be assigned a value. The name 'default' is reserved and can be assigned a value. 'Default' is used during execution when a referenced color is not defined in the runtime environment.


red_lit | _var | _col, green_lit | _var | _col, blue_lit | _var | _col where each component is a value in the range of 000 to 255. In the BEGIN-SETUP section, only literal values are allowed.

The default colors implicitly installed with SQR include:


The following example illustrates the ALTER-COLOR-MAP command:

begin-setup declare-color-map light_blue = (193, 222, 229) end-declare end-setup begin-program alter-color-map name = 'light_blue' value = (193, 233, 230) print 'Yellow Submarine' () foreground = ('yellow') background = ('light_blue') get-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) set-color print-text-foreground = ('purple') print 'Barney' (+1,1) set-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) end-program

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicALTER-LOCALE




Selects a locale or changes locale parameters used for printing date, numeric, and money data and for data accepted by the INPUT command. A locale is a set of preferences for language, currency, and presentation of charts and numbers.

The SYSTEM locale represents the behavior of older versions of SQR prior to Version 4.0. When you install SQR for PeopleSoft Version 4.0 or later, the default locale is set to SYSTEM. This provides upwards compatibility for older SQR programs. This table describes the SYSTEM locale settings:




The PRINT command prints two digits to the right of the decimal point and left-justifies the number in the field. The MOVE, SHOW, and DISPLAY commands format the number with six digits to the right of the decimal point and left-justify the number.


SQR uses the same default as the NUMBER-EDIT-MASK keyword.


SQR uses the default database date format. See the Date Time section for more details.


SQR uses a default date edit mask with the INPUT command. See the Sample Date Edit Masks table for a listing of the date edit mask.


























('Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday')


('Sun', 'Mon', 'Tue', 'Wed', 'Thu', 'Fri', 'Sat')




('January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May', 'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October', 'November', 'December')


('Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec')


The following table lists and describes the parameters:

Note. Many of the settings can have a value of DEFAULT or SYSTEM . For a given setting, specifying DEFAULT retrieves the value from the corresponding setting of the default locale as identified in the Default-Settings section of the sqr.ini file. Similarly, specifying SYSTEM retrieves the value from the corresponding setting of the system locale. You can alter the system locale using the ALTER-LOCALE command; however, you cannot define it in the sqr.ini file.


Specifies the name of the locale to use. This name must be defined in the sqr.ini file. If this field is omitted, then the current locale is used. The locale name is not case-sensitive and is limited to the following character set: A–Z, 0–9, underscore, and hyphen. The current locale can be determined by printing the reserved variable $sqr-locale.


Specifies the numeric edit mask to use with the keyword NUMBER in a PRINT, MOVE, SHOW, or DISPLAY command.


Specifies the numeric edit mask to use with the keyword MONEY in a PRINT, MOVE, SHOW, or DISPLAY command.


The default date edit mask to use with the keyword DATE in the PRINT, MOVE, SHOW, or DISPLAY command, or the LET function datetostr() or strtodate().


The default date format to use with the INPUT command when TYPE=DATE is specified with the command or the input variable is a date variable. For information about edit masks, see PRINT.


Specifies the characters that replace the $ or other currency symbol used in edit masks.


Specifies where to place the MONEY-SIGN characters. Valid values are LEFT and RIGHT.


Specifies the character to replace the ',' edit character.


Specifies the character to replace the '.' edit character.


Specifies the character to replace the '/' character.


Specifies the character to replace the ':' character.


Specifies the characters to use with the 'na' option.


Specifies the characters to replace 'AM'.


Specifies the characters to replace 'PM'.


Specifies the characters to replace 'BC'.


Specifies the characters to replace 'AD'.


Specifies how the case for the DAY-OF-WEEK-FULL or DAY-OF-WEEK-SHORT entries is affected when used with the format codes 'DAY' or 'DY'. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, EDIT, and NO-CHANGE. UPPER and LOWER force the output to either all uppercase or lowercase, ignoring the case of the format code in the edit mask. Use EDIT to follow the case specified with the format code in the edit mask. Use NO-CHANGE to ignore the case of the format code and output the day of week explicitly listed in the DAY-OF-WEEK-FULL or DAY-OF-WEEK-SHORT entries.


Specifies the full names for the days of the week. SQR considers the first day of the week to be Sunday. You must specify all seven days.


Specifies the abbreviated names for the days of the week. SQR considers the first day of the week to be Sunday. You must specify all seven abbreviations.


Specifies how the case for the MONTHS-FULL or MONTHS-SHORT entries is affected when used with the format code 'MONTH' or 'MON'. Valid values are UPPER, LOWER, EDIT, and NO-CHANGE. UPPER and LOWER force the output to either all uppercase or lowercase, ignoring the case of the format code in the edit mask. Use EDIT to follow the case specified with the format code in the edit mask. Use NO-CHANGE to ignore the case of the format code and format the month explicitly listed in the MONTHS-FULL or MONTHS-SHORT entries.


Specifies the full names for the months of the year. SQR for PeopleSoft considers the first month of the year to be January. You must specify all 12 months.


Specifies the abbreviated names for the months of the year. SQR for PeopleSoft considers the first month of the year to be January. You must specify all 12 abbreviations.


The following example illustrates the ALTER-LOCALE command:

! ! The following program segments will illustrate the various ! ALTER-LOCALE features. ! begin-setup declare-variable date $date $date1 $date2 $date3 end-declare end-setup ! ! Set default masks ! alter-locale number-edit-mask = '9,999,999.99' money-edit-mask = '$999,999,999.99' date-edit-mask = 'Mon DD, YYYY' let #value = 123456 let $edit = 'Mon DD YYYY HH:MI:SS' let $date = strtodate('Jan 01 2004 11:22:33', $edit) show 'With NUMBER option #Value = ' #value number show 'With MONEY option #Value = ' #value money show 'Without NUMBER option #Value = ' #value show 'With DATE option $Date = ' $date date show 'Without DATE option $Date = ' $date

Produces the following output:

With NUMBER option #Value = 123,456.00 With MONEY option #Value = $ 123,456.00 Without NUMBER option #Value = 123456.000000 With DATE option $Date = Jan 01, 2004 Without DATE option $Date = 01-JAN-04  ! ! Reset locale to SQR defaults and assign a multi-character ! money-sign. ! alter-Locale locale = 'System' money-sign = 'AU$' ! Australian dollars let #value = 123456 show #value edit '$999,999,999,999.99' show #value edit '$$$$,$$$$999,999.99'

Produces the following output:

AU$ 123,456.00 AU$123,456.00  ! ! Move the money-sign to the right side of the value. Note ! the leading space. ! alter-locale money-sign = ' AU$' ! Australian dollars money-sign-location = right let #value = 123456 show #value edit '$999,999,999,999.99' show #value edit '$$$$,$$$$999,999.99'

Produces the following output:

123,456.00 AU$ 123,456.00 AU$  ! ! Reset locale to SQR defaults and flip the thousand and ! decimal separator characters. ! alter-locale locale = 'System' thousand-separator = '.' decimal-separator = ',' let #value = 123456 show #value edit '999,999,999,999.99'

Produces the following output:

123.456,00  ! ! Reset locale to SQR defaults and change the date and time ! separators ! alter-locale locale = 'System' date-separator = '-' time-separator = '.' let $edit = 'Mon/DD/YYYY HH:MI:SS' let $date = strtodate('Jan/01/2004 11:22:33', $edit) show $date edit :$edit

Produces the following output:

Jan-01-2004 11.22.33  ! ! Reset locale to SQR defaults and change the text used with ! the edit options 'na', 'am', 'pm', 'bc, 'ad' ! alter-locale locale = 'System' edit-option-na = 'not/applicable' edit-option-am = 'a.m.' edit-option-pm = 'p.m.' edit-option-bc = 'b.c.' edit-option-ad = 'a.d.' let $value = '' let $edit = 'Mon DD YYYY HH:MI' let $date1 = strtodate('Jan 01 2004 11:59', $edit) let $date2 = strtodate('Feb 28 2004 12:01', $edit) show $value edit '999,999,999,999.99Na' show $date1 edit 'Mon DD YYYY HH:MI:SS PM' show $date2 edit 'Mon DD YYYY HH:MI:SS pm'

Produces the following output:

Not/Applicable Jan 01 2004 11:59:00 A.M. Feb 28 2004 12:01:00 p.m. ! ! Input some dates using the 'system' locale and ! output using other locales from the SQR.INI file. ! alter-locale locale = 'System' let $date1 = strtodate('Jan 01 2004', 'Mon DD YYYY') let $date2 = strtodate('Feb 28 2004', 'Mon DD YYYY') let $date3 = strtodate('Mar 15 2004', 'Mon DD YYYY') show 'System:' show show $date1 edit 'Month DD YYYY' ' is ' $date1 edit 'Day' show $date2 edit 'Month DD YYYY' ' is ' $date2 edit 'Day' show $date3 edit 'Month DD YYYY' ' is ' $date3 edit 'Day' alter-locale locale = 'German' show show 'German:' show show $date1 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' ist ' $date1 edit 'Day' show $date2 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' ist ' $date2 edit 'Day' show $date3 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' ist ' $date3 edit 'Day' alter-locale locale = 'Spanish' show show 'Spanish:' show show $date1 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' es ' $date1 edit 'Day' show $date2 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' es ' $date2 edit 'Day' show $date3 edit 'DD Month YYYY' ' es ' $date3 edit 'Day'

Produces the following output:

System: January 01 2004 is Thursday February 28 2004 is Saturday March 15 2004 is Monday German: 01 Januar 2004 ist Donnerstag 28 Februar 2004 ist Samstag 15 März 2004 ist Montag Spanish: 01 enero 2004 es jueves 28 febrero 2004 es sábado 15 marzo 2004 es lunes

See Also

Using the PSSQR.INI File and the PSSQR Command Line.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicALTER-PRINTER


ALTER-PRINTER [POINT-SIZE={point_size_num_lit|_var}] [FONT-TYPE={font_type|txt_var}] [SYMBOL-SET={symbol_set_id|txt_var}] [FONT={font_int_lit|_var}] [PITCH={pitch_num_lit|_var}]


Alters printer parameters at runtime.

You can place the ALTER-PRINTER command in any part of an SQR program except the SETUP section.

ALTER-PRINTER attempts to change the attributes of the current printer for the current report. If an attribute does not apply to the current printer, it is ignored. For example, ALTER-PRINTER is ignored if it specifies proportional fonts for a report printed on a line printer. When your program is creating multiple reports and the printer is shared by another report, the attributes are changed for that report as well.



Specifies the new font point size.


Specifies the new font type. Values are PROPORTIONAL or FIXED.


Specifies the new symbol set identifier.


Specifies the new font as a number. (For example, font=3 for Courier and font=4 for Helvetica.)


Specifies the new pitch in characters per inch.

See the DECLARE-PRINTER arguments table for information about these arguments.


Change the font and symbol set for the current printer:

alter-printer font=4 ! Helvetica symbol-set=12U ! PC-850 Multilingual

If the output prints to a PostScript printer, the SYMBOL-SET argument is ignored; however, if the .spf file is kept (-KEEP) and later printed on an HP LaserJet, the symbol set 12U can be used.

See Also

The DECLARE-PRINTER command and the -KEEP command-line flag.

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ALTER-REPORT [HEADING={heading_name_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [HEADING-SIZE={heading_size_int_lit|_var|_col}] [FOOTING={footing_name_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [FOOTING-SIZE={heading_size_int_lit|_var|_col}]


Alters some of the report-specific functionality.

This command enables you to dynamically change the heading or footing sections that are active for the current report. You can also change how much space the heading or footing sections occupy.

If the HEADING or FOOTING value is set to NONE, the section is disabled for the current report.

If the HEADING or FOOTING value is set to DEFAULT, the section reverts to the setting that was in effect when the report was initiated.

If no HEADING or FOOTING value is set, the HEADING-SIZE or FOOTING-SIZE values affect the HEADING/FOOTING currently being used.

If the ALTER-REPORT command was not invoked from within a BEGIN-HEADING or BEGIN-FOOTING section and the page has not been written to, the assignment takes effect immediately; otherwise, it takes effect for the next page.



Specifies the name of the BEGIN-HEADING section to use.


Specifies the amount of space the BEGIN-HEADING section occupies on the page.


Specifies the name of the BEGIN-FOOTING section to use.


Specifies the amount of space the BEGIN-FOOTING section occupies on the page


The following example illustrates the ALTER-REPORT command:

begin-footing 2 name=confidental print 'Company Confidential' (1,1,0) center page-number (2,37,0) end-footing begin-footing 2 name=proprietary print 'Company Proprietary' (1,1,0) center page-number (2,37,0) end-footing begin-report alter-report footing = 'Proprietary' footing-size = 6 ! Increase depth . . . end-report

See Also

The BEGIN-FOOTING and BEGIN-HEADING commands in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicARRAY-ADD, ARRAY-DIVIDE, ARRAY-MULTIPLY, ARRAY-SUBTRACT


ARRAY-ADD{src_num_lit|_var|_col}...TO dst_array_name (element_lit|_var|_col)[field [(occurs_lit|_var|_col)]]... ARRAY-DIVIDE{src_num_lit|_var|_col}...INTO dst_array_name (element_int_lit|_var|_col)[field [(occurs_lit|_var|_col)]]... ARRAY-MULTIPLY{src_num_lit|_var|_col}...TIMES dst_array_name (element_int_lit|_var|_col)[field [(occurs_lit|_var|_col)]]... ARRAY-SUBTRACT{src_num_lit|_var|_col}...FROM dst_array_name (element_int_lit|_var|_col)[field [(occurs_lit|_var|_col)]]...


These four commands perform arithmetic operations on one or more elements in an array.

The following information applies to the array arithmetic commands:



Source values are added to, divided into, multiplied times, or subtracted from the respective destination array fields. All variables must be numeric in type.

dst_array_name ( element_int_lit|_var|_col) [ field [ ( occurs_lit|_var|_col) ] ]

Destination array fields contain the results after the operation. All variables must be numeric in type.


The following example adds &salary and #comm to the first two fields defined in the emps array. The #j'th element of the array is used:

array-add &salary #comm to emps(#j)

The following example subtracts #lost, #count, and 1 from the fields loses, total, and sequence of the #j2'th element of the stats array:

array-subtract #lost #count 1 from stats(#j2) loses total sequence

The following example multiplies occurrences 0 through 2 of the field p in the #i'th element of the percentages array by 2:

array-multiply 2 2 2 times percentages(#i) p(0) p(1) p(2)

The following example divides the #i2'th occurrence of the salesman field of the #j'th element of the commissions array by 100:

array-divide 100 into commissions(#j) salesman(#i2)

The following example uses the ARRAY-ADD command in an SQR program:

begin-setup ! declare arrays create-array name=emps size=1 ! one row needed for this example field=Salary:number=35000 ! initialize to 35,000 field=Comm:number=5000 ! initialize to 5,000 end-setup begin-program do Main end-program begin-procedure Main local ! Show original contents of the arrays, then the modified arrays ! array-add ! retrieve values from the only row of array "emps" get #sal #com FROM emps(0) Salary Comm print 'Array-Add' (+1, 1) print 'Add 1000 to each column' (+1, 1) print 'Salary' (+1, 3) bold underline print 'Comm' (,25) bold underline print #sal (+1, 1) money print #com (,22) money let #salary = 1000 let #commission = 1000 let #j = 0 ! address the array row with variable "#j" ! Add 1000 (in variables) to each column of row 0 (the 1st and only row) array-add #salary #commission TO emps(#j) ! retrieved the new "added" values get #sal #com FROM emps(0) Salary Comm print #sal (+1,1) money print #com (,22) money end-procedure

See Also

The CREATE-ARRAY command for information about creating an array.

The CLEAR-ARRAY command for information about clearing or initializing an array.

The GET, PUT, and LET commands for information about using arrays.

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ASK substitution_variable [prompt]


Retrieves values for a compile-time substitution variable. The retrieval can be by user input or command-line arguments, or as entries in the @file on the command line.

The value of the substitution variable replaces the reference variable in the program. Variables are referenced by enclosing the variable name in braces, for example, '{state_name}'. When the substitution variable is text or date, enclose the brackets with single quotes. Substitutions are made when the program is compiled and are saved in the .sqt file. Each variable can be referenced multiple times.

ASK is used only in the SETUP section and must appear prior to any substitution variable references.

You cannot break the ASK command across program lines.



The variable to be used as the substitution variable.


An optional, literal text string to be displayed as a prompt if the value for the substitution variable is not entered on the command line or in an argument file.


In the following example, state takes the value entered by the user in response to the prompt Enter state for this report:

begin-setup ask state 'Enter state for this report' end-setup ... begin-select name, city, state, zip from customers where state = '{state}' end-select

See Also

Compiling Programs and Using SQR Execute.

The INPUT command for information about input at runtime.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-DOCUMENT




Begins a document paragraph . A document paragraph enables you to write free-form text to create form letters, invoices, and so on.

You can reference database columns, SQR variables, and document markers within a document. Their locations in the document determine where they print on the page. You should not use tabs inside a document paragraph. To indent text or fields, use the spacebar. Note also that if the variables being printed inside a document paragraph are variable in length, you might need to manipulate the variable outside the document paragraph.

Note. A document must be run before you can reference its document markers. Because documents can be printed at relative positions on the page, the actual location of a document marker may not be known by SQR until the document itself has been run.



The location on the page where the document begins. The position can be fixed or relative to the current position. See the POSITION command for a description and examples of the position parameter.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-DOCUMENT command

begin-document (1,1) .b Dear $firstname ... end-document

See Also

Creating Form Letters.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-EXECUTE


BEGIN-EXECUTE [CONNECTION=uq_txt_lit] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [RSV=num_var] [STATUS=list_var|num_var|txt_var] [SCHEMA=txt_lit|txt_var] [PROCEDURE=txt_lit|txt_var [PARAMETERS=(arg1[IN|INOUT|NULL[,argi[IN|INOUT]]...]])] |COMMAND=txt_lit|txt_var |GETDATA=txt_lit|txt_var] [BEGIN-SELECT[BEFORE=sqr_procedure[(arg1[,argi]...]])]] [AFTER=sqr_procedure[(arg1[,argi]...]])]]] col-name type=char|text|number|date[edit-mask] [on-break]... FROM ROWSETS=({m,-n,n-m,m-|all}) |FROM PARAMETER=txt_lit|txt_var END-SELECT] END-EXECUTE


Begins a new construct. In a BEGIN-EXECUTE paragraph, the syntax of BEGIN-SELECT varies as shown in the following syntax:



Identifies a name previously specified with the DECLARE-CONNECTION construct. If you do not specify a name, SQR Server uses the default connection. The default connection is defined by the command-line entries for datasource (DSN), username (USER), and password (PASSWORD). Name is not case-sensitive.


Declares the procedure to run if an error occurs.


Row Set Variable. A global SQR variable containing the row set being retrieved.


Identifies a list or scalar variable that receives the status of the stored procedure.


Identifies the location in the datasource of the object being queried.


The name of the datasource-stored procedure to be run. The name may include spaces. If the datasource is SAP R/3, this procedure is a BAPI.


Scalar variables, list variables, or both of the form list_var | num_lit | txt_lit | txt_var | num_var | any_col. If you do not specify the keywords IN or INOUT, the default value is IN. Specify all parameters in order; leaving any parameters unnamed causes a syntax error. To ignore a parameter, fill its position with the keyword NULL. This results in a null value for that parameter position.


A text string that you pass to the datasource without modification by SQR. This string can include embedded SQR variables.


Names an SQR procedure to be run before or after the row set. The procedure is not performed unless at least one row is returned from the specified row sets.


Special case addition to the BEGIN-SELECT syntax. Available for use with all datasource types, including SAP R/3 and JDBC. Names the row sets from which to retrieve the column variables. If you specify more than one row set, use identical column name/type signatures. Row set numbers must be sequential from left to right within the parentheses, and they must not overlap as in this example: (1–3, 2–4). Numeric literals or #variables are allowed.


Special case addition to the BEGIN-SELECT syntax. Available only for SAP R/3 datasources. Use only with the PROCEDURE keyword. This argument names an output parameter containing one or more rows from which the column variables are to be retrieved.

PROPERTIES = (txt_var | strlit = txt_var | strlit | num_var | num_lit | any_col, … )

Specifies a set of keyword-value pairs that represent modifications to be made to the properties of the datasource (specified by the CONNECTION = statement). An arbitrary number of such pairs can be specified.

Note. This is a similar concept to the PARAMETERS = statement in DECLARE-CONNECTION, with the minor difference that the properties specified here alter the flow of returned information, as opposed to just setting login properties. Can be used in conjunction with any data-access model (Procedure, Command, Getdata). An application of this statement would be in the MDB setting, where it might be used to specify such things as Level, Generation, or Include-Column, for example, PROPERTIES = ( 'SetColumn' = 5 )


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-EXECUTE command

begin-setup declare-variable date $when_ordered text $ship_method integer #theRow integer #theStatus integer #howMany end-declare end-setup input #howMany type=integer input $pword let %parm1 = list($when_ordered, $ship_method, #howMany) declare-connection SAPR3 user=scott parameters=clientno=5;node=starfish; end-declare alter-connection name=SAPR3 password=$pword Begin-Execute connection=SAPR3 rsv=#theRow status=#theStatus on-error=it_failed(#theStatus) procedure='CreditHistory version 5' parameters=(%parm1,'recalculate') print 'proc ran OK, status is ' (+1,1) print #theStatus (,+5) edit 999 Begin-Select before=do_eject after=cleanup city &col=char (1,1) on-break level=1 after=city-tot keyval type=number (1,+1) rcvd type=date (0,+2) from Rowsets=(1) End-Select End-Execute

See Also


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BEGIN-FOOTING footing_lines_int_lit [FOR-REPORTS=(ALL|report_name1[,report_namei]...)] [FOR-TOCS=(ALL|toc_name1[,toc_namei]...)] [NAME={footing_name}] END-FOOTING


Begins the FOOTING section.

The FOOTING section defines and controls the information to be printed at the bottom of each page.

You must define the report_name in a DECLARE-REPORT paragraph. If you do not use DECLARE-REPORT, the footing is applied to all reports. You can also specify FOR-REPORTS=(ALL). Note that the parentheses are required.

You can specify more than one BEGIN-FOOTING section; however, only one can exist for each report. A BEGIN-FOOTING section with FOR-REPORTS=(ALL) can be followed by other BEGIN-FOOTING sections for specific reports, which override the ALL setting.

You must define the toc_name in a DECLARE-TOC paragraph. You can also specify FOR-TOCS=(ALL). Note that the parentheses are required.

You can specify more than one BEGIN-FOOTING section; however, only one section can exist for each table of contents. A BEGIN-FOOTING section with FOR-TOCS=(ALL) can be followed by other BEGIN-FOOTING sections for a specific table of contents, which override the ALL setting.

The BEGIN-FOOTING section can be shared between reports and tables of contents.

You can print outside the footing area of the report—that is, in the body area—from the footing, but you cannot print in the footing area from the body.



The number of lines to be reserved at the bottom of each page.


Specifies the reports to which this footing applies. This argument is required only for a program with multiple reports. If you are writing a program that produces a single report, you can ignore this argument.


Specifies the table of contents to which this heading applies.


Specifies the name to be associated with this footing section. Use this parameter with the ALTER-REPORT command. The name cannot be NONE or DEFAULT.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-FOOTING command

begin-footing 2 for-reports=(customer, summary) print 'Company Confidential' (1,1,0) center page-number (2,37,0) end-footing begin-footing 2 ! For all reports print 'Division Report' (1,1,0) center page-number (2,37,0) end-footing begin-footing 2 for-tocs=(all) print 'Table of Contents' (2,1) let $page = roman(#page-count) ! ROMAN numerals print $page (,64) end-footing

See Also

The ALTER-REPORT command for information about dynamic headings and footings.

The DECLARE-LAYOUT command for information about page layout.

The DECLARE-REPORT command for information about programs with multiple reports.

The DECLARE-TOC command for information about the table of contents.

The END-FOOTING command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-HEADING


BEGIN-HEADING heading_lines_int_lit [FOR-REPORTS=(ALL| report_name1[, report_namei]...)] [FOR-TOCS=(ALL|toc_name1[, toc_namei]...)] [NAME={footing_name}] END-HEADING


Begins a HEADING section.

The HEADING section defines and controls information to be printed at the top of each page.

You must define the report_name in a DECLARE-REPORT paragraph. If you do not use DECLARE-REPORT, the heading is applied to all reports. You can also specify FOR-REPORTS=(ALL). Note that the parentheses are required.

You can specify more than one BEGIN-HEADING section; however, only one can exist for each report. A BEGIN-HEADING section with FOR-REPORTS=(ALL) can be specified followed by other BEGIN-HEADING sections for specific reports, which override the ALL setting.

You must define the toc_name in a DECLARE-TOC paragraph. You can also specify FOR-TOCS=(ALL). Note that the parentheses are required.

You can specify more than one BEGIN-HEADING section; however, only one section can exist for each table of contents. A BEGIN-HEADING section with FOR-TOCS=(ALL) can be specified, followed by other BEGIN-HEADING sections for specific tables of contents, which override the ALL setting.

The BEGIN-HEADING section can be shared between reports and a table of contents.

You can print outside the heading area of the report—that is, in the body area—from the heading, but you cannot print in the heading area from the body.



The number of lines to be reserved at the top of each page.


Specifies the reports to which this heading applies. This is required only for a program with multiple reports. If you are writing a program that produces a single report, you can ignore this argument.


Specifies the table of contents to which this heading applies.


Specifies the name to be associated with this heading section. This option cannot be used if FOR-REPORTS or FOR-TOCS is also specified. Use this parameter with the ALTER-REPORT command. The name cannot be NONE or DEFAULT.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-HEADING command

begin-heading 2 ! Use 2 lines for print $current-date (1,1) edit MM/DD/YY ! heading, print 'Sales for the Month of ' (1,30) ! 2nd is blank. print $month () end-heading begin-heading 2 for-tocs=(all) print 'Table of Contents' (1,1) bold center end-heading

See Also

The ALTER-REPORT command for information about dynamic headings/footings.

The DECLARE-LAYOUT command for information about page layout.

The DECLARE-REPORT command for information about programs with multiple reports.

The DECLARE-TOC command for information about Table of Contents.

The END-HEADING command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-PROCEDURE


BEGIN-PROCEDURE procedure_name [LOCAL|(arg1 [, argi]...)] END-PROCEDURE


Begins a procedure. A procedure is one of the most powerful parts of the SQR language. It enables modularized functions and provides standard execution control.

The procedure name must be unique. The name is referenced in DO commands. Procedures contain other commands and paragraphs (for example, SELECT, SQL, DOCUMENT).

By default, procedures are global. That is, variables or columns defined within a procedure are known and can be referenced outside of the procedure.

A procedure is local when the word LOCAL appears after the procedure name or when the procedure is declared with arguments. That is, variables declared within the procedure are available only within the procedure, even when the same variable name is used elsewhere in the program. In addition, any query defined in a local procedure has local database column variable names assigned that do not conflict with similarly named columns defined in queries in other procedures.

SQR procedures can be called recursively. However, unlike C or Pascal, SQR maintains only one copy of the local variables and they are persistent.

Arguments passed by a DO command to a procedure must match in number:

To reference or declare global variables from a local procedure, add a leading underscore to the variable name, after the initial $, #, or &. (Example: #_amount)

Note. All the SQR-reserved variables, such as #sql-status and $sql-error, are global variables. Within a local procedure, they must be referenced by the leading underscore: #_sql-status or $_sql-error.



Specifies a unique name for this procedure. Procedure names are not case-sensitive.


Specifies that this is a local procedure.

arg1 [, argi]...

Specifies the arguments to be passed to or returned from the procedure. Arguments can be string variables ($arg), numeric variables (#arg), or date variables ($arg). If you want to return a value passed back to the calling DO command, place a colon (:) before the variable name. The arguments of the BEGIN-PROCEDURE and DO commands must match in number, order, and type.


The following example shows a procedure, main, that also runs the procedure print_list for each row returned from the Select statement. No parameters are passed to print_list:

begin-procedure main begin-select name address phone do print_list from custlist order by name end-select end-procedure ! main

In the following example, five arguments are passed to the Calc procedure:

do Calc (&tax, 'OH', &county_name, 12, #amount) begin-procedure Calc(#rate, $state, $county, #months, :#answer) . . . let #answer = ... end-procedure

In the preceding example, the value for :#answer is returned to #amount in the calling DO command.

The following example references global variables:

begin-procedure print-it ($a, $b) print $_deptname (+2,5,20) ! $deptname is print $a (,+1) ! declared outside print $b (,+1) ! this procedure end-procedure

See Also


The Default Database Formats table in the PRINT command description.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-PROGRAM




Begins the PROGRAM section of an SQR program.

After processing any commands in the SETUP section, SQR starts program execution at the BEGIN-PROGRAM section. The PROGRAM section typically contains a list of DO commands, though other commands can be used. This is the only required section in an SQR program.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-PROGRAM command:

begin-program do startup do main do finish end-program

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-SELECT


BEGIN-SELECT[DISTINCT][-Cnn][-Bnn][-XP][-NR][-SORTnn] [-LOCK{RR|CS|RO|RL|XX}][-DBdatabase] [-DBconnectionstring] [LOOPS=nn][ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] {column} [&synonym] {expression &synonym} {[$columnname] &synonym = (char | number | date)} [SQR commands] FROM {table,...|[table:$tablename]} [additional SQL] [$variable] END-SELECT


Begins a SELECT paragraph . A SELECT paragraph is the principal means of retrieving data from the database and printing it in a report. A SELECT paragraph must be inside a PROCEDURE or BEGIN-PROGRAM section.

Note that SELECT * FROM is not a valid SQR SQL statement. BEGIN-SELECT can be placed inside a BEGIN-PROGRAM section.


The table describes the parameters:

Note. The arguments can span multiple lines; however, the first character position cannot be used unless the continuation character terminated the previous line. If the first character position is used with arguments spanning multiple lines, the argument will be misconstrued as a Select column.


Specifies that duplicate rows be eliminated from your query.


(Oracle) Sets the context area size (buffer size for query) to larger or smaller than the default. This option is rarely needed.


(Oracle, ODBC, Sybase CT-Lib) Sets the number of rows to retrieve at one time. This is for performance purposes only. Regardless of this setting, all rows are selected. The default, without using -B, is 10 rows. An overall setting for a program can be indicated on the SQR command line with -B, which can be overridden by a separate -B flag on each BEGIN-SELECT command.


(Sybase) Prevents the creation of a stored procedure for the SELECT paragraph. When -XP is specified, SQR generates a new SQL statement using the current value of any bind variables each time the BEGIN-SELECT is is carried out. This disables the potential performance optimization created by stored procedures. Use this flag if you change the variables frequently during execution and you do not want SQR to automatically create a stored procedure. You can also use -XP if the username/password to your program does not have permission to create stored procedures.

If you do not change variables frequently during execution, the use of stored procedures may optimize your program's performance. In that case, do not use this argument. Note also that -XP is available as a command-line flag.

-XP improves performance when you use bind variables and dynamic query variables in the same query. Each time the dynamic query variable changes in value, a new stored procedure is created. If the dynamic query variable changes often and the query contains bind variables, you create many stored procedures if you do not use -XP.


(ODBC) Specifies the ODBC connection string for this SELECT paragraph only. A connection string has the following syntax:

DSN=data_source_name[;keyword=value[;keyword=value [;...]]]

This option enables you to combine data from multiple databases in one program. For example, a connection string for an Oracle database named ora8 might look like this:


where DSN, UID, and PWD are keywords common to all drivers (representing name, user ID, and password, respectively). Connection string options are always separated by a semicolon (;). Other driver-specific options can be added to the connection string by driver-defined keywords. See your ODBC driver documentation for available options.


Specifies the number of rows to retrieve. After the specified number has been processed, the SELECT loop exits.


Declares a procedure to run if an error occurs due to incorrect SQL syntax. Error trapping should be used with dynamic query variables. SELECT paragraphs without dynamic variables are checked for errors before the program is processed and therefore do not require a special error procedure.

Optionally, you can specify arguments to be passed to the ON-ERROR procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


In this example, duplicate rows are not selected for the city, state, and zip columns because of the distinct keyword. The numbers within parentheses accompanying city, state, and zip define the column positions of these rows. Column names cannot have spaces in front of them.

See Using Column Variables.

begin-select distinct city (1,1,30) state (0,+2,2) zip (1,+3,6) from custlist order by city end-select

In this example, the first two columns may be present when the statement is compiled. The column cust_id is declared to be a number. A runtime error occurs if the database table, as identified by the variable $table_name, declares it to be something other than a number.

begin-select           loops=100 [$col_var_char]        &col1=char [$col_var_num]         &col2=number cust_id                &id=number from [$table_name] [$where clause] [$order_by_clause] end-select

In this example, the embedded SQR command Do Print_Row is carried out once for each row.

begin-select distinct city (1,1,30) state (0,+2,2) zip (1,+3,6) Do Print_Row from custlist order by city end-select

See Also

Selecting Data from the Database, Using Dynamic SQL and Error Checking.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-SETUP




Begins a SETUP section. This optional section is processed prior to the BEGIN-PROGRAM, BEGIN-HEADING, and BEGIN-FOOTING sections.

The SETUP section should be the first section in the program.

The SETUP section contains commands that determine the overall characteristics of the program. The commands used in the SETUP section cannot be used elsewhere unless specified. The SETUP section can include the following commands:


(The BEGIN-SQL command can also be used in BEGIN-PROCEDURE paragraphs.)


(The CREATE-ARRAY command can also be used in the other sections of an SQR program.)


(The DECLARE-VARIABLE command can also be used in LOCAL procedures.)


(The LOAD-LOOKUP command can also be used in the other sections of an SQR program.)


(Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server only.)


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-SETUP command:

begin-setup declare-layout customer_list paper-size=(8.5, 11) left-margin=1.0 right-margin=1.0 end-declare end-setup

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicBEGIN-SQL


BEGIN-SQL[-Cnn][-XP][-NR][-SORTnn] [-LOCK{RR|CS|RO|RL|XX}] [-DBdatabase][-DBconnectionstring] [ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]]...)]! In the SETUP section |[ON-ERROR={STOP|WARN|SKIP}](insetup)! Outside the SETUP section END-SQL


Begins an SQL paragraph . This paragraph can reside in a BEGIN-PROCEDURE, BEGIN-SETUP, or BEGIN-PROGRAM section.

BEGIN-SQL starts all SQL statements except SELECT, which has its own BEGIN-SELECT paragraph. If a single paragraph contains more than one SQL statement, each statement except the last must be terminated by a semicolon (;).

If a single paragraph contains more than one SQL statement, and the -C flag is used, all are assigned the same context area size or logical connection number.

Only non-SELECT statements can be used (except SELECT INTO for Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server). Columns and variables can be referenced in the SQL statements.

Stored Procedures

For Oracle, stored procedures are implemented by PL/SQL in the BEGIN-SQL paragraph. For Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, SQR supports stored procedures with the EXECUTE command.

For some databases, such as Oracle, using DDL statements within a BEGIN-SQL paragraph causes a commit of outstanding inserts, updates, and deletes and releases cursors. For this reason, ensure that these are done in the proper order or the results will be unpredictable.

Oracle PL/SQL

For Oracle, PL/SQL is supported in a BEGIN-SQL paragraph. This requires an additional semicolon at the end of each PL/SQL statement.

For Oracle PL/SQL:

begin-sql declare    varpl varchar2 (25);;    var2 number (8,2);; begin varpl :='abcdefg';; $v1 :=varpl;; $v2 :='1230894asd';; var2 :=1234.56;; #v :=var2;; end;; end-sql

For Oracle stored procedures:

begin-sql begin #dept_number :=get_dept_no($dept_name);; end;; end-sql



(Oracle) Sets the context area size (buffer size for query) to larger or smaller than the default. This option is rarely needed.


(Sybase) Prevents the creation of a stored procedure for the SQL paragraph. When -XP is specified, SQR generates a new SQL statement using the current value of the bind variables each time the BEGIN-SQL is carried out. This disables the performance optimization created by stored procedures. Use this flag if you change the variables frequently during execution and you do not want SQR to automatically create stored procedures. You can also use it if your program does not have permission to create stored procedures.

If you do not change variables frequently during execution, the use of stored procedures optimizes the performance of the program. In that case, do not use this argument.

-XP improves performance when you use bind variables and dynamic query variables in the same query. Each time the dynamic query variable changes in value, a new stored procedure is created. If the dynamic query variable changes often and the query contains bind variables, you create many stored procedures if you do not use -XP.


(ODBC) Specifies the ODBC connection string for this SQL paragraph only. A connection string has the following syntax:


This option enables you to combine data from multiple databases in one program. For example, a connection string for an Oracle named ora8 might look like this:


where DSN, UID, and PWD are keywords common to all drivers (representing name, user ID, and password, respectively). Connection string options are always separated by a semicolon (;). Other driver-specific options can be added to the connection string with driver-defined keywords. See your ODBC driver documentation for available options.


Declares a procedure to run if an error occurs due to incorrect SQL syntax except when the statement is run in a BEGIN-SETUP section. By default, SQR reports any error and then halts; if an error procedure is declared, you can trap errors, report or log them, and continue processing. The procedure is invoked when an error occurs in any SQL statement in the paragraph. After the error procedure ends, control returns to the next SQL statement.

Optionally, you can specify arguments to be passed to the ON-ERROR procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.

If ON-ERROR is used in the SETUP section, it is a condition flag supporting the following conditions:

STOP: Do not run the program.

WARN: Run the program but with a warning message.

SKIP: Ignore any errors and run the program.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-SQL command:

begin-sql update orders set invoice_num = #next_invoice_num where order_num = &order_num end-sql begin sql delete orders where order_num = &order_num; insert into orders values ($customer_name, #order_num,...) end-sql

See Also

Using Dynamic SQL and Error Checking, Using Additional SQL Statements with SQR.


The -S command-line flag.

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Causes an exit from within an EVALUATE or WHILE command. Execution then continues to the command immediately following the END-WHILE or END-EVALUATE.

This command is used inside a WHILE ... END-WHILE loop or within an EVALUATE command.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCALL, CALL SYSTEM


CALL subroutine USING {src_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{ src_num_lit|_var|_col} {dst_txt_var|_num_var} [param]

To issue operating system commands from within an SQR program, use the following syntax:

CALL SYSTEM USING command status [ WAIT | NOWAIT ]


Issues an operating system command or calls a subroutine that you have written in another language, such as C or COBOL, and passes the specified parameters.

You can write your own subroutines to perform tasks that are awkward in SQR. Subroutines can be written in any language.

Warning! Oracle recommends that the UCALL function not use any database calls because it may cause erroneous results.

Used in an SQR program, CALL has the following format:

CALL ​your_sub USING ​source destination [param_literal] CALL SYSTEM USING ​commandstatus ​[WAIT|NOWAIT]

The CALL SYSTEM is a special subroutine that is provided as part of SQR to enable the program to issue operating system commands. Its arguments, command, status, and WAIT|NOWAIT are described subsequently.

The values of the source and destination variables and the parameter's literal value are passed to your subroutine. Upon return from the subroutine, a value is placed in the destination variable.

You must write the subroutine and call it in one of the supplied UCALL routines. Optionally, you could rewrite UCALL in another language instead.

The source file UCALL.C contains sample subroutines written in C. The UCALL function takes the following arguments:



How Passed


Name of the subroutine.

By reference with a maximum of 31 characters, null terminated.


Source string.

By reference with a maximum of 255 characters, null terminated.


Destination string.

By reference with a maximum of 255 characters.


Source double floating point.

By reference.


Destination double floating point.

By reference.


Subroutine parameter string. It must be a literal.

By reference with a maximum of 80 characters, null terminated.

When you use the CALL command, your arguments are processed in the following way:

The destination arguments can also be used to pass values to your subroutine.

To access your subroutine, add a reference to it in UCALL and pass along the arguments that you need.

You must relink SQR to CALL after compiling a user-defined function that becomes another SQR function.

If you have created a new object file, you must add your subroutine to the link command file: in UNIX/Linux it is called SQRMAKE; in Microsoft Windows it is called SQREXT.MAK. (Alternatively, you could add your routine to the bottom of the UCALL source module that is already included in the link).

Your subroutine and calling SQR program are responsible for passing the correct string or numeric variables and optional parameter string to the subroutine. No checking is performed.



Specifies the name of your subroutine.


Specifies a text column, variable, or literal that is to be input to the called subroutine.


Specifies a numeric column, variable (decimal, float, or integer), or literal that is to be input to the called subroutine.


Specifies a text or numeric variable (decimal, float, or integer) into which the called subroutine is to place the return result.


Specifies an optional alphanumeric string of characters to be passed as a parameter to the subroutine.


Specifies that this CALL command issues an operating system command.


Specifies the operating system command to carry out. The command can be a quoted string, string variable, or column.


Contains the status returned by the operating system. The status must be a numeric variable. The value returned in status is system-dependent as described here:

UNIX/Linux: Zero (0) indicates success. Any other value is the system error code.

PC/ Microsoft Windows: A value less than 32 indicates an error.


(Microsoft Windows only): WAIT specifies that SQR suspend its execution until the CALL SYSTEM command has finished processing. NOWAIT specifies that SQR start the CALL SYSTEM command but continue its own processing while that command is in progress.

For Microsoft Windows, the default is NOWAIT. On UNIX\Linux operating systems, the behavior is always WAIT.


For example, if your program runs under UNIX and you want to make a copy of a file, you can use the following code in your program:

!Executing a UNIX command from an SQR program Let $Command_String='cp /usr/tmp/file1.dat /usr/tmp/file2.dat' Call System Using $Command_String #Status If #Status<>0 Show 'Error executing the command in Unix: '$command End-If

See these sample subroutines included in the UCALL source file:

The following code calls these subroutines:

call todash using $addr $newaddr '/.', ! Convert these to ! dashes call sqroot using #n #n2 ! Put square root of ! #n into #n2 call sqroot using &hnvr #j ! Hnvr is numeric ! database column call system using 'dir' #s ! Get directory listing

The following example uses the SYSTEM argument to issue an operating system command. Some operating systems enable you to invoke a secondary command processor to enter one or more commands and then return to SQR.

! Unix (Type 'exit' to return to SQR) ! let $shell = getenv('SHELL') if isblank($shell) let $shell = '/bin/sh' end-if call system using $shell #unix_status !Windows (Type 'exit' to return to SQR) ! let $comspec = getenv('COMSPEC') let $cmd = comspec || '/c' ||$comspec || ' /k' call system using $cmd #win_status wait

The following step-by-step example shows how to add a user-defined subroutine to SQR so that it can be invoked from SQR with the CALL command. For this example, the C function initcap, which makes the first letter of a string uppercase, is added. The function accepts two parameters. The first parameter is the string to which the initcap function is applied. The second is the resultant string.

To add the initcap function to SQR, you need to make the following modifications to the UCALL.C file that was provided with SQR:

  1. Add the prototype for the initcap function:

    static void initcap CC_ARGS((char *, char *));

  2. Modify the UCALL routine in the UCALL.C file.

    Specifically, add an else if statement at the end of the if statement to check for the initcap function:

    void ucall CC_ARGL((callname, strsrc, strdes, dblsrc, dbldes, params)) ... /* If other subroutines, add "else if..." statement for each */ else if (strcmp(callname,"initcap") == 0) initcap(strsrc, strdes); else sq999("Unknown CALLed subroutine: %s\n", callname); return; }

  3. At the end of the UCALL.C file, add the initcap routine listed in the following example.

    The routine name must be lowercase; however, in your SQR program, it can be referenced by using either uppercase or lowercase.

    static void initcap CC_ARGL((strsrc, strdes)) CC_ARG(char *, strsrc) /* Pointer to source string */ CC_LARG(char *, strdes) /* Pointer to destination string */ { int nIndex; int nToUpCase; char cChar; nToUpCase = 1; for (nIndex = 0; cChar = strsrc[nIndex]; nIndex++) { if (isalnum(cChar)) { if (nToUpCase) strdes[nIndex] = islower(cChar) ? toupper(cChar) : cChar; else strdes[nIndex] = isupper(cChar) ? tolower(cChar) : cChar; nToUpCase = 0; } else { nToUpCase = 1; strdes[nIndex] = cChar; } } strdes[nIndex] = '\0'; }

Note. The CC_ARG macros are defined in the UCALL.C source module. The macros enable the programmer to define a fully prototyped function without concern for whether the C compiler supports the feature.

After these modifications, recompile UCALL.C and relink SQR. See the programming manual for your particular machine for details.

Finally, the following example shows a simple SQR program that uses the initcap function:

begin-program input $name 'Enter the first name '! Get the first name from the user lowercase $name ! Set the first name to all lowercase call initcap using $name $capname ! Now set the first character to uppercase input $last 'Enter the last name ' ! Get the last name from the user lowercase $last ! Set the last name to all lowercase call initcap using $last $caplast ! Now set the first character to uppercase . . .

See Also

The LET command for information about user-defined functions using UFUNC.C that can be used in the context of an expression and that can either or both pass and return any number of arguments.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCLEAR-ARRAY




Resets each field of an array to its initial value.

The CLEAR-ARRAY command resets each field of the named array to the initial value specified for that field in the CREATE-ARRAY command. If no initial value was specified, numeric fields are reset to zero, text fields are reset to null, and date fields are reset to null. CLEAR-ARRAY also releases all memory that was used by the specified array and returns it to its pristine state.



Specifies the name of the array to be cleared.


The following example illustrates the CLEAR-ARRAY command:

clear-array name=custs

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCLOSE


CLOSE {filenum_lit|_var_col}


Closes a file, specified by its file number.

Closes a flat file that was previously opened with the OPEN command.



Specifies the number assigned to the file in the OPEN command.


The following example illustrates the CLOSE command:

close 5 close #j

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCOLUMNS


COLUMNS {int_lit|_var|_col}[int_lit|_var|_col]...


Defines logical columns to be used for PRINT commands.

COLUMNS defines the leftmost position of one or more columns within the current page layout. It sets the first column as current.

You can use COLUMNS for printing data either down the page or across the page, depending on how you use the NEXT-COLUMN and USE-COLUMN commands.

The COLUMNS command applies only to the current report. If you want to print columns in more than one report, you must specify the COLUMNS command for each report.

The USE-COLUMN 0 deselects columns. See USE-COLUMN.



Specifies the left margin position of each column.

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCOMMIT




Causes a database commit.

COMMIT is useful when you are doing many inserts, updates, or deletes in an SQL paragraph. A database commit releases the locks on the records that have been inserted, updated, or deleted. Used with some databases, it also has other effects. For this reason, it should not be used within the scope of an active SELECT paragraph or results will be unpredictable.

When the application finishes, a commit is performed automatically unless a ROLLBACK was done or, for callable SQR, the -XC flag was set.

Other commands or options, such as the CONNECT command and the use of DDL statements for some databases with a BEGIN-SQL paragraph, can also cause the database to do a commit.

COMMIT is an SQR command and should not be used within an SQL paragraph. If COMMIT is used in an SQL paragraph, results will be unpredictable.

Note. The COMMIT command can be used with SQR servers for Oracle, DB2, Informix, and ODBC. For Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server, use BEGIN TRANSACTION and COMMIT TRANSACTION within SQL paragraphs as in the following code segment.


The following example illustrates the COMMIT command:

add 1 to #updates_done if #updates_done > 50 commit move 0 to #updates_done end-if

For Sybase:

... ! Begin Transaction occurred previously begin-sql insert into custlog values (&cust_num, &update_date) end-sql add 1 to #inserts if #inserts >= 50 begin-sql commit transaction; ! Commit every 50 rows begin transaction ! Begin next transaction end-sql move 0 to #inserts end-if ... ! One more Commit Transaction is needed

Warning! Any data being changed by a current transaction is locked by the database and cannot be retrieved in a SELECT paragraph until the transaction is completed by a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement (or COMMIT TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement for Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server).

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCONCAT


CONCAT {src_any_lit|_var|_col} WITH dst_txt_var[[:$]edit_mask]


Concatenates a variable, column, or literal with a string variable.

The contents of the source field are appended to the end of the destination field.

CONCAT can optionally edit the source field before appending it. You can change edit masks dynamically by placing them in a string variable and referencing the variable name preceded by a colon (:).

Also, the source can be a date variable or column. If an edit mask is not specified, the date is converted to a string according to the following rules:



Specifies the source field to be concatenated with the dst_txt_var field.


Contains the result after execution


Specifies an optional edit mask.


The following example illustrates the CONCAT command:

concat &zip_plus_4 with $zip '-xxxx' ! Edit zip plus 4. concat &descrip with $rec :$desc_edit ! Edit mask in variable. concat $date1 with $string ! Concatenate a date.

See Also

The PRINT command for information about the Default Database Formats table, the Time Column Formats table, and edit masks.

The LET command for string functions.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCONNECT


CONNECT {txt_lit|_var|_col}[ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1 [, argi]...)]]


Logs off the database and logs on under a new username and password.

The new username and password can be stored in a string variable, column, or literal.

Warning! The username and password are not encrypted, so beware of security issues.

After each CONNECT, the reserved variable $username is set to the new username.

All database cursors or logons are closed before the CONNECT occurs. You should not issue a CONNECT within a SELECT or an SQL paragraph while a query is actively fetching or manipulating data from the database.



Specifies a username and password for the logon.


Specifies a procedure to be run if the logon fails. If no ON-ERROR procedure is specified and the logon fails, SQR halts with an error message.

Note. You can optionally specify arguments to be passed to the ON-ERROR procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


The following example illustrates the CONNECT command:

connect $new-user on-error=bad-logon($new_user) connect 'sqr/test'

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCREATE-ARRAY


CREATE-ARRAY NAME=array_name SIZE=nn {FIELD=name:type[:occurs] [={init_value_txt_lit|_num_lit}]}...


Creates an array of fields to store and process data.

You can define arrays to store intermediate results or data retrieved from the database. For example, a SELECT paragraph can retrieve data, store it in an array, and gather statistics at the same time. When the query finishes, a summary could be printed followed by the data previously stored in the array.

SQR creates arrays before a program starts to run. The CREATE-ARRAY command can be used in any section of a program.

Commands to process arrays include:


The maximum number of arrays in a program is 128; the maximum number of fields per array is 200.

The following code is a representation of an array emps with three fields in which the CREATE-ARRAY command defines the array:

create-array name=emps size=10 field=name:char='Unknown' field=rate:number:2=10.50 field=phone:char='None'

The name is a simple field (one occurrence), rate has two occurrences, and phone is a simple field. Both array elements and field occurrences are referenced beginning with 0 (zero). The rate is referenced by rate(0) or rate(1). The emps array will contain 10 elements, 0 through 9. All name fields are initialized to Unknown, all phone fields are initialized to None, and all rate fields are initialized to 10.50.



Names the array. The name is referenced in other array commands.


Defines the number of elements in the array.


Defines each field or column in the array. Each field must be defined as type:

DECIMAL[(p)]: Decimal numbers with an optional precision (p).

FLOAT: Double precision floating point numbers.

INTEGER: Whole numbers.


CHAR (or TEXT): Character string.

DATE: Same as date variable.

You can specify an initialization value for each field. Each field is set to this value when the array is created and when the CLEAR-ARRAY command is carried out. If no initialization value is specified, numeric fields (DECIMAL, FLOAT, INTEGER) are set to zero, character fields are set to null, and date fields are set to null. All occurrences of a multiple occurring field are set to the same value. For dates, the initialization string must be formatted as 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.


Fields can optionally have a number of occurrences (occurs); that is, they can be repeated any number of times.


The following example illustrates the CREATE-ARRAY command:

create-array name=custs size=100 field=name:char field=no:number field=state:char field=zip:char field=contacts:char:5 field=last-contacted:date

See Also

The sample report CUSTOMR4.SQR included with SQR.


The LOAD-LOOKUP command for an alternative way to store database tables in memory.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicCREATE-COLOR-PALETTE


CREATE-COLOR-PALETTE NAME = {palette_name_txt_lit} COLOR_1 = {rgb_value} COLOR_2 = {rgb_value} [COLOR_n] = {rgb_value}


Create a color palette.

This command enables you to create a palette of colors. The number of palettes that can be defined in a program is not limited. No gaps are permitted in the palette.



Specifies the name of the color palette.


Specifies the first color in the palette.


Specifies the second color in the palette.


Specifies the nth color in the palette. You can specify up to 64 colors in the palette.


Designates a color reference. This can be expressed as (r,g,b), where r, g, and b are either a numeric literal (0 to 255), a numeric variable, or a numeric column. It can also be expressed as a (c), where c is a string literal, column, or variable that is the name of a color.


The following example illustrates the CREATE-COLOR-PALETTE command:

begin-report create-color-palette name = 'funky' color_1 = ('blue') color_2 = ('red') color_3 = ('orange') Print-Chart Groovy Color-Palette = 'Funky' end-report

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#DEBUG




Causes the current command to be processed during a debugging session.

A -DEBUG[xx] flag in the SQR command line enables conditional compilation of SQR commands. When this flag is used, any command (including other compiler directives) preceded by the word #DEBUG is processed; other commands are ignored.

This is useful for placing DISPLAY, SHOW, PRINT or other commands in your program for testing and for deactivating them when the report goes into production.

The -DEBUG flag can contain a suffix of up to 10 letters or digits. These characters are used to match any letters or digits appended to the #DEBUG preprocess command inside the program. #DEBUG commands with one or more matching suffix characters are processed; other commands are ignored. Commands without any suffix always match.

In addition, for each -DEBUGxx letter, a substitution variable is defined. For example, if the flag -DEBUGab is used on the command line, three substitution variables are defined: debug, debuga, and debugb. These variables can be referenced in #IFDEF commands to enable or disable whole sections of code for debugging.



Represents any letter or digit.


The following SQR command line contains the -DEBUG flag with no suffixes:

sqr myprog sammy/baker -debug

The following SHOW command in the program is carried out if invoked with the previous command line because the -DEBUG flag was used:

#debug show 'The total is ' #grand-tot 999,999,999

In the following code example, the command line contains the -DEBUG flag with the suffixes a, b, and c:

sqr myprog sammy/baker -debugabc

In the following code example, the first three #DEBUG commands are compiled, but the fourth, beginning #debuge, is not because its suffix does not match any of the suffixes on the -DEBUG flag:

#debuga show 'Now selecting rows...' #debug show 'Finished query.' #debugb show 'Inserting new row.' #debuge show 'Deleting row.'

The following code example shows the use of an #IF with a #DEBUG:

#debuga #if {platform}='unix' #debuga show 'Platform is UNIX' #debuga #endif

See Also

The #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF commands.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-CHART


DECLARE-CHART chart_name [DATA-LABELS=data_labels_lit] [COLOR-PALETTE=color_palette_lit] [ITEM-COLOR=(chart_item_keyword_lit, color_value_lit |(r,g,b)] [CHART-SIZE=(chart_width_int_lit,chart_depth_int_lit)] [TITLE=title_txt_lit] [SUB-TITLE=subtitle_txt_lit] [FILL=fill_lit] [3D-EFFECTS=3d_effects_lit] [BORDER=border_lit] [POINT-MARKERS=point_markers_lit] [TYPE=chart_type_lit] [LEGEND=legend_lit] [LEGEND-TITLE=legend_title_txt_lit] [LEGEND-PLACEMENT=legend_placement_lit] [LEGEND-PRESENTATION=legend_presentation_lit] [PIE-SEGMENT-QUANTITY-DISPLAY= pie_segement_quantity_display_lit] [PIE-SEGMENT-PERCENT-DISPLAY= pie_segement_percent_display_lit] [PIE-SEGMENT-EXPLODE=pie_segement_explode_lit] [X-AXIS-LABEL=x_axis_label_txt_lit] [X-AXIS-MIN-VALUE={x_axis_min_value_lit|_num_lit}] [X-AXIS-MAX-VALUE={x_axis_max_value_lit|_num_lit}] [X-AXIS-SCALE=x_axis_scale_lit] [X-AXIS-MAJOR-TICK-MARKS=x_axis_major_tick_marks_lit] [X-AXIS-MINOR-TICK-MARKS=x_axis_minor_tick_marks_lit] [X-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT= {x_axis_major_increment_lit|_num_lit}] [X-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT= x_axis_minor_increment_num_lit] [X-AXIS-TICK-MARK-PLACEMENT= x_axis_tick_mark_placement_lit] [X-AXIS-GRID=x_axis_grid_lit] [Y-AXIS-LABEL=y_axis_label_lit] [Y-AXIS-MIN-VALUE={y_axis_min_value_lit|_num_lit}] [Y-AXIS-MAX-VALUE={y_axis_max_value_lit|_num_lit}] [Y-AXIS-SCALE=y_axis_scale_lit] [Y-AXIS-MAJOR-TICK-MARKS=y_axis_major_tick_marks_lit] [Y-AXIS-MINOR-TICK-MARKS=y_axis_minor_tick_marks_lit] [Y-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT= {y_axis_major_increment_lit|_num_lit}] [Y-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT= y_axis_minor_increment_num_lit] [Y-AXIS-TICK-MARK-PLACEMENT= y_axis_tick_mark_placement_lit] [Y-AXIS-GRID=y_axis_grid_lit] END-DECLARE

Note. If CHART-SIZE is not defined, it must be defined in PRINT-CHART.


Defines the attributes of a chart that can later be displayed by PRINT-CHART.

The DECLARE-CHART command can define the attributes of a chart to be printed as part of a report.

This command can appear only in the SETUP section.

A chart defined with DECLARE-CHART is printed by referencing its name in the PRINT-CHART command. Some or all of the chart attributes can be overridden at runtime with the PRINT-CHART command. As such, DECLARE-CHART is useful when the basic properties of a chart are common to many PRINT-CHART commands.

Note. All DECLARE-CHART attributes can be overridden as part of the PRINT-CHART command. Columns are not supported within the DECLARE-CHART command or the PRINT-CHART command. Attributes that are specified more than once produce a warning, and the first instance is regarded as the actual value. Attributes can be used in any order, with the exception of chart-name, which must follow the DECLARE-CHART keyword.

Also, the FILL specification in the DECLARE-PRINTER command can influence the appearance of the chart. The following table lists the final appearance of the chart with a combination of values for PRINTER.COLOR and CHART.FILL options.
















Specifying Chart Data Series Colors

Color palettes are used in the new graphics to set the colors of each data point in a data series. You specify the color palette to be used in a business chart by creating an SQR COLOR-PALETTE using the CREATE-COLOR-PALETTE command. The following code demonstrates how to create the color palette:

Create-Color-Palette Name = 'Test-Palette' Color_1 = (100,133,238) Color_2 = (0, 0, 255) Color_3 = (0,255,0) Color_4 = (0,0,255) Color_5 = (0,0,0)

Users can specify any number of palettes, with up to 64 colors defined in each palette. If more data points are in the data sets than are defined colors in the palette, the palette resets and continues to set the data point colors from Color_1 to Color_n.

After a color palette has been defined, it can be used within the DECLARE-CHART and PRINT-CHART commands to specify the color palette to be used. The following code example demonstrates the use of a color palette:

Print-Chart test_Chart COLOR-PALETTE = 'Test-Palette'

Specifying Chart Item Colors

Users can specify the foreground and background colors of the individual areas within a business chart using ITEM-COLOR = (rgb-value) within the DECLARE-CHART and PRINT-CHART commands. The following list shows chart item keywords that are valid for ITEM-COLOR:



A unique name to be used for referencing a chart.


The size of the chart frame in standard SQR coordinate units.

The following DECLARE-CHART Command Arguments table describes other arguments for the DECLARE-CHART command.

Note. Oracle does not currently support setting NewGraphics to Yes. You should not use the DATA-LABELS, COLOR-PALETTE, and ITEM-COLOR attributes listed in the following table because they are valid only when NewGraphics=Yes.






If NewGraphics is set to Yes, use this argument to specify whether SQR prints the numeric value above the individual data points. Set to NO to suppress the numeric values.



If NewGraphics is set to Yes, use this argument to specify the name of the color palette to be used to color the individual data points in each chart (for example, bar, slice, point). A valid SQR color-palette must be defined to use COLOR-PALETTE.








If NewGraphics is set to Yes, use this argument to specify the color of an individual item in a chart. Specify a chart item and a valid (r,g,b) color to set the color of the chart item.


NONE | text

Specifies a title for the chart. That text is placed at the top of the chart.


NONE | text

Specifies a subtitle for the chart. That text is placed below the title regardless of whether TITLE is specified.



Specifies the type of filling that is applied to the shapes (bars, pie segments, and so on) in the chart. GRAYSCALE varies the density of black dots. COLOR sends color instructions to the current printer. If the current printer does not support color, then color can appear in a GRAYSCALE fashion. CROSSHATCH uses patterns to fill the shapes representing each data set. With NONE, all graph shapes are filled with white.



Specifies whether the chart depth appears with 3-D effects. If this argument is set to NO, the chart is displayed in the default 2D mode.



If this argument is set to YES, a border is drawn around the chart. If it is set to NO, no border is displayed around the chart.



Specifies whether point markers appear on line charts. If this argument is set to YES, point markers appear on line charts. If it is set to NO, point markers do not appear.



Specifies the type of chart.

See Using Business Charts.



Specifies whether to display a legend.


NONE | text

Specifies the title for the legend. If this argument is set to NONE, no title is displayed in the legend box.



Places the legend in the specified location on the chart. The first portion of the placement parameter (CENTER, UPPER, or LOWER) is the vertical position, and the second portion (RIGHT, LEFT, or CENTER) is the horizontal.



Specifies where the legend appears on the chart. If this argument is set to INSIDE, the legend is presented inside the area defined by the two axes. If it is set to OUTSIDE, the legend is presented within the chart border, but outside of the region represented by the two axes.



Specifies whether quantity is presented for each pie segment. If this argument is set to YES, the quantity is presented.



Specifies whether the percent-of-total number is presented for each pie segment. If this argument is set to YES, the percent-of-total figures is presented.



Controls which pie segments are exploded (selected) within the pie chart. MAX selects the largest segment. MIN selects the smallest segment. USE-3RD-DATA-COLUMN uses the third field in the DATA-ARRAY to determine which pie segments are exploded. This third field should be a CHAR and values of YES or Y indicate that the segment should be exploded.


NONE | text

Specifies a line of text to be displayed below (or alongside) the tick-mark labels on the axis.


AUTOSCALE | number

Specifies the minimum value on the axis. If data values exist that are less than X-AXIS- MIN-VALUE, they are not displayed. AUTOSCALE directs SQR to calculate an appropriate minimum value.


AUTOSCALE | number

Specifies the minimum value on the axis. If data values exist that are less than Y-AXIS- MIN-VALUE, then they are not displayed. AUTOSCALE directs SQR to calculate an appropriate minimum value.


AUTOSCALE | number

Specifies the maximum value on the axis. If data values exist that are greater than X- AXIS-MAX-VALUE, they are not displayed. AUTOSCALE directs SQR to calculate an appropriate maximum value.


AUTOSCALE | number

Specifies the maximum value on the axis. If data values exist that are greater than Y- AXIS-MAX-VALUE, they are not displayed. AUTOSCALE directs SQR to calculate an appropriate maximum value.



Specifies the scale for the axis. LOG specifies a logarithmic scale for the axis. Otherwise, the scale is linear.



Specifies whether to display tick-marks for major increments on the X-axis. If this argument is set to YES, tick-marks appear on the axis between X-AXIS-MIN-VALUE and X-AXIS-MAX-VALUE, according to the X-AXIS-SCALE setting spaced by X-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT.



Specifies whether to display tick-marks for major increments on the Y-axis. If this argument is set to YES, tick-marks appear on the axis between Y-AXIS-MIN-VALUE and Y-AXIS-MAX-VALUE, according to the Y-AXIS-SCALE setting spaced by Y-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT.



Specifies whether to display tick-marks for minor increments on the X-axis. If this argument is set to YES, tick-marks appear on the axis between X-AXIS-MIN-VALUE and X-AXIS-MAX-VALUE, according to the X-AXIS-SCALE setting spaced by X-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT.



Specifies whether to display tick-marks for minor increments on the Y-axis. If this argument is set to YES, tick-marks appear on the axis between Y-AXIS-MIN-VALUE and Y-AXIS-MAX-VALUE, according to the Y-AXIS-SCALE setting spaced by Y-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT.


AUTOSCALE | number

Specifies, for SQR, the increment used for spacing the major tick-marks on the axis. AUTOSCALE directs SQR to determine an appropriate increment.



Specifies, for SQR, the increment used for spacing the minor tick-marks on the axis. These arguments must be set for the X-AXIS- MINOR-TICK-MARKS and the Y-AXIS- MINOR-TICK-MARKS to appear.



Specifies where to place the tick-marks on the axis. INSIDE (or OUTSIDE) directs SQR to place the tick-marks on the inside (or outside) of the axis only. BOTH directs SQR to draw the tick-marks such that they appear on both sides of the axis.



Specifies whether a grid line is drawn for each major tick-mark on the axis. If this argument is set toYES, a dashed grid line is drawn for each major tick-mark. If it is set to NO, no grid line is drawn on the axis.


This code example declares a basic sales chart using DECLARE-CHART. For each region, the SUB-TITLE, DATA-ARRAY, and other elements are overridden to provide the chart with the specific features desired.

begin-setup declare-chart base_sales_chart chart-size = (30, 20 ) title = 'Quarterly Sales' sub-title = none fill = color 3d-effects = yes type = stacked-bar legend-title = 'Product' x-axis-grid = yes end-declare end-setup begin-program print-chart base_sales_chart sub-title = 'Region I' data-array = reg1_sales data-array-row-count = #rows_reg1 data-array-column-count = 2 y-axis-max-value = #max_of_all_regions y-axis-min-value = #min_of_all_regions legend = no print-chart base_sales_chart sub-title = 'Region II' data-array = reg2_sales data-array-row-count = #rows_reg2 data-array-column-count = 2 y-axis-max-value = #max_of_all_regions y-axis-min-value = #min_of_all_regions legend = no end-program begin-procedure chart_region_sales ($sub, $ary, #rows, #cols, #max_of_all_regions, #min_of_all_regions) print-chart base_sales_chart (20, 15 ) sub-title = $sub data-array = all sales data-array-row-count = #rows data-array-column-count = #cols data-array-column-labels = ('Q1', 'Q2', 'Q3', 'Q4' ) y-axis-max-value = #max_of_all_regions y-axis-min-value = #min_of_all_regions chart-size = (50, 30) end-procedure

See Also

The PRINT-CHART command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-COLOR-MAP


In the SETUP section:

DECLARE-COLOR-MAP color_name = ({rgb}) color_name = ({rgb}) . . . END-DECLARE


Defines colors in an SQR report.

The DECLARE-COLOR-MAP command in the BEGIN-SETUP section defines or redefines colors in an SQR report. You can define an endless number of entries.



A color_name is composed of alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9), the underscore (_) character, and the hyphen (-) character. It must start with an alphabetical (A–Z) character and is not case-sensitive. The name none is reserved and cannot be assigned a value. A name in the format (RGBredgreenblue) cannot be assigned a value. The name default is reserved and cannot be assigned a value. Default is used during execution when a referenced color is not defined in the runtime environment.


red_lit | _var | _col, green_lit | _var | _col, blue_lit | _var | _col where each component is a value in the range of 000 to 255. In the BEGIN-SETUP section, only literal values are allowed.

The default colors implicitly installed with SQR include:


















The following example illustrates the DECLARE-COLOR-MAP command:

begin-setup declare-color-map light_blue = (193, 222, 229) end-declare end-setup

See Also

The ALTER-COLOR-MAP, SET-COLOR, and GET-COLOR commands in this section.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-CONNECTION


In the SETUP section:

DECLARE-CONNECTION connection_name_txt_lit DSN={uq_txt_lit} [USER={uq_txt_lit}] [PASSWORD={uq_txt_lit}] [PARAMETERS=keyword_str=attr_str;[,keyword_str=attr_str ;...]] END-DECLARE

In the body of the report:

DECLARE-CONNECTION connection_name DSN={uq_txt_lit|_var} [USER={uq_txt_lit|_var}] [PASSWORD={uq_txt_lit|_var}] [PARAMETERS=keyword_str=attr_str;[, keyword_str=attr_str;...]] END-DECLARE


Defines the datasource logon parameters prior to logon. Can be used to override the default connection logon parameters.



A user-defined name for describing a datasource connection.


Traditional logon semantics.

PARAMETERS = keyword_str=attr_str;

Defines a list of keyword-attribute pairs required by a datasource driver for logon. No syntax restriction exists for these entries apart from the delimiting semicolons (;) and equal signs (=). The keywords must match the logon property names listed for a datasource.


This optional keyword prevents SQR from automatically creating additional logins to datasources that are busy handling a previous query. Creating a new login in such cases is the default behavior for SQR, which allows a single CONNECTION declaration to be used in a subquery. The behavior, while allowing dynamic logins as needed, causes problems when you are doing both DDL (BEGIN-SQL) and DML (BEGIN-SELECT) against temporary tables in certain vendors' datasources. In such cases, you must fetch from the temporary table using the same login in which it was created. Here, you should code the CONNECTION as NO-DUPLICATE=TRUE, and then use that connection in both the table creation logic of BEGIN-SQL and the row fetching logic of BEGIN-SELECT.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-CONNECTION command:

declare-connection SAPR3-1 dsn=SAPR3 username=guest password=guest end-declare

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-IMAGE


DECLARE-IMAGE image_name [TYPE=image_type_lit] [IMAGE-SIZE=(width_num_lit,height_num_lit)] [SOURCE=file_name_lit] END-DECLARE

Note. If TYPE, IMAGE-SIZE, and SOURCE are not defined in DECLARE-IMAGE, they must be defined in PRINT-IMAGE.


Declares the type, size, and source of an image to be printed.

The DECLARE-IMAGE command defines and names an image. This image can then be placed in a report at the position specified in the PRINT-IMAGE command.

Note. If the image file is unrecognizable, or has incomplete header information, a box (either shaded, for HP printers, or having a diagonal line through it in the case of postscript) appears where the image is expected.



Specifies a unique name for referencing the image declaration.


Specifies the image type. Types can be EPS-FILE, HPGL-FILE, GIF-FILE, JPEG-FILE, or BMP-FILE (for Microsoft Windows).


Specifies the width and height of the image in SQR coordinates.


Specifies the name of a file containing the image. The file must be in the SQRDIR directory or you must specify the full path.

Note. If the file is not in the SQRDIR directory, the full path or no path should be given. You cannot specify a relative path, because you must know where to run the file from.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-IMAGE command:

declare-image officer-signature type = eps-file source = 'off_sherman.eps' image-size = (40, 5) end-declare

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-LAYOUT


DECLARE-LAYOUT layout_name [PAPER-SIZE=({paper_width_num_lit[uom], paper_depth_num_lit[uom]}|{paper_name})] [FORMFEED=form_feed_lit] [ORIENTATION=orientation_lit] [LEFT-MARGIN=left_margin_num_lit[uom]] [TOP-MARGIN=top_margin_num_lit[uom]] [RIGHT-MARGIN=right_margin_num_lit[uom] |LINE-WIDTH=line_width_num_lit[uom] |MAX-COLUMNS=columns_int_lit] [BOTTOM-MARGIN=bottom_margin_num_lit[uom] |PAGE-DEPTH=page_depth_num_lit[uom] |MAX-LINES=lines_int_lit] [CHAR-WIDTH=char_width_num_lit[uom]] [LINE-HEIGHT=line_height_num_lit[uom]] END-DECLARE


Defines the attributes for the layout of an output file .

The DECLARE-LAYOUT command describes the characteristics of a layout to be used for an output file. A layout can be shared by more than one report. If no DECLARE-LAYOUT is defined or if a DECLARE-REPORT does not reference a defined layout, a layout named DEFAULT is created with the default attribute values shown in the DECLARE-LAYOUT Command Arguments table. For an example of how DECLARE-LAYOUT relates to DECLARE-REPORT, see the DECLARE-REPORT examples in this document.

You can define as many layouts as are necessary for the requirements of the application. You can override the DEFAULT layout attributes by defining a layout called DEFAULT in your program. Each layout name must be unique.

SQR maps its line and column positions on the page by using a grid determined by the LINE-HEIGHT and CHAR-WIDTH arguments. That is, SQR calculates the number of columns per row by dividing the LINE-WIDTH by the CHAR-WIDTH and calculates the number of lines by dividing the PAGE-DEPTH by the LINE-HEIGHT. Each printed segment of text is placed on the page using this grid. Because the characters in proportional fonts vary in width, a word or string may be wider than the horizontal space you have allotted, especially in words containing uppercase letters or boldfaced characters. To account for this behavior, you can either move the column position in the PRINT or POSITION statements or indicate a larger CHAR-WIDTH in the DECLARE-LAYOUT command.

The DECLARE-LAYOUT command selects the proper fonts. In addition, the parameter interacts with PAPER-SIZE in the following way:



A unique layout name to be used for referencing the layout and its attributes.

uom (unit of measure)

An optional suffix that denotes the unit of measure to apply to the preceding value.


An option of PAPER-SIZE. This name is associated with predefined dimensions.

This table lists valid unit of measure suffixes:






0.001388 inch



0.01388 inch



0.03937 inch



0.3937 inch



1.0000 inch

This table lists valid paper names for the paper_name parameter.






8.5 in

11 in



8.5 in

14 in



8.27 in

11.69 in



7.25 in

10.5 in



7.17 in

10.12 in



4.125 in

9.5 in



3.875 in

7.5 in



4.33 in

8.66 in



6.378 in

9.016 in


This table describes the arguments of the DECLARE-LAYOUT command:


Choice or Default UOM

Default Value




8.5 in, 11 in

Physical size of the page. The first parameter is the width of the page. The second parameter is the depth or length. It may also be a predefined name. (See the table of valid paper names.) Note that when ORIENTATION= LANDSCAPE, the default values are 11 in, 8.5 in.




Specifies whether formfeeds are to be written at the end of each page.




Portrait pages are printed vertically. Landscape pages are printed horizontally. Printing in landscape for the printer type HPLASERJET requires landscape fonts.



0.5 in

Amount of blank space to leave at the left side of the page.



0.5 in

Amount of blank space to leave at the top of the page.



0.5 in

Amount of blank space to leave at the right side of the page. If you specify LINE-WIDTH or MAX-COLUMNS, you cannot use this parameter.



7.5 in

Length of the line. If you specify RIGHT-MARGIN or MAX-COLUMNS, you cannot use this parameter.


 NA (not applicable)


Maximum number of columns in a line. If you specify RIGHT-MARGIN or LINE-WIDTH, you cannot use this parameter.



0.5 in

Amount of blank space to leave at the bottom of the page. If you specify PAGE-DEPTH or MAX-LINES, you cannot use this parameter.



10 in

Depth of the page. If you specify BOTTOM-MARGIN or MAX-LINES, you cannot use this parameter.




Maximum number of lines printed on the page. If you specify PAGE-DEPTH or BOTTOM-MARGIN, you cannot use this parameter.



12 pt

Size of each SQR line on the page. An inch has 72 points. If LINE-HEIGHT is not specified, it follows the value for POINT-SIZE, if specified. The default value of 12 points yields 6 lines per inch. For the printer type LINEPRINTER, this value is used only to calculate the TOP-MARGIN and BOTTOM-MARGIN (for example, not in computing the position on the page).



7.2 pt

Size of each SQR horizontal character column on the page (for example, the distance between the locations (1, 12) and (1, 13)). For the printer type LINEPRINTER, this value is used only to calculate the TOP-MARGIN and BOTTOM-MARGIN (not for computing the position on the page).


This example illustrates the ability to specify these parameters using a different measurement system, such as metric:

! declare-layout my-layout ! Results in: paper-size=(a4) ! paper-size=(210mm, 297mm) left-margin=12.7 mm ! top-margin=12.7mm right-margin=25.4 mm ! left-margin=12.7mm end-declare ! right-margin=25.4mm ! bottom-margin=12.7mm ! orientation=portrait ! columns=67 ! lines=64

This example changes the page dimensions and also changes the left and right margins to be 1 inch:

! declare-layout large-paper ! Results in: paper-size=(14, 11) ! paper-size=(14in, 11in) left-margin=1 ! top-margin=0.5in right-margin=1 ! left-margin=1.0in end-declare ! right-margin=1.0in ! bottom-margin=0.5in ! orientation=portrait ! columns=120 ! lines=60

This example retains the default page dimensions and changes the left and right margins to be 1 inch:

declare-layout default ! Results in: left-margin=1 ! paper-size=(8.5in, 11in) right-margin=1 ! top-margin=0.5in end-declare ! left-margin=1.0in ! right-margin=1.0in ! bottom-margin=0.5in ! orientation=portrait ! columns=65 ! lines=60

This example changes the orientation to landscape; the default page dimensions (8.5 in and 11 in) are swapped, the columns and rows are recalculated, and all other values remain the same:

declare-layout default ! Results in: orientation=landscape ! paper-size=(11in, 8.5in) end-declare ! top-margin=0.5in ! left-margin=0.5in ! right-margin=0.5in ! bottom-margin=0.5in ! orientation=landscape ! columns=100 ! lines=45

This example changes the orientation to landscape; the default page dimensions (8.5 in and 11 in) are swapped, and the top margin is set to 1 inch:

declare-layout my_landscape ! Results in: orientation=landscape ! paper-size=(11in, 8.5in) top-margin=1 ! top-margin=1.0in end-declare ! left-margin=0.5in ! right-margin=0.5in ! bottom-margin=0.5in ! orientation=landscape ! columns=100 ! lines=43

This example illustrates how to specify the page dimensions using one of the predefined names (note that the orientation has also changed because this example is an envelope):

declare-layout envelope ! Results in: paper-size=(com-10) ! paper-size=(4.125in, 9.5in) end-declare ! top-margin=0.5in ! left-margin=0.5in ! right-margin=0.5in ! bottom-margin=0.5in ! orientation=landscape ! columns=85 ! lines=18

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-PRINTER


DECLARE-PRINTER printer_name [FOR-REPORTS=(report_name1[,report_namei]...)] [TYPE=printer_type_lit] [INIT-STRING=initialization_string_txt_lit] [RESET-STRING=reset_string_txt_lit] [COLOR=color_lit] [POINT-SIZE=point_size_num_lit] [FONT-TYPE=font_type_int_lit] [SYMBOL-SET=symbol_set_id_lit] [STARTUP-FILE=file_name_txt_lit] [PITCH=pitch_num_lit] [FONT=font_int_lit] [BEFORE-BOLD=before_bold_string_txt_lit] [AFTER-BOLD=after_bold_string_txt_lit] END-DECLARE


Overrides the printer defaults for the specified printer type.

Each printer has a set of defaults as listed in the DECLARE-PRINTER Command Arguments table. The DECLARE-PRINTER command overrides these defaults.

Use the DECLARE-PRINTER command in the SETUP section to define the characteristics of the printer or printers to be used. If you need to change some of the arguments depending on the runtime environment, you can use the ALTER-PRINTER command in any part of the program except the PROGRAM and SETUP sections.

A program can contain no more than one DECLARE-PRINTER command for each printer type for each report. If you do not provide a printer declaration, the default specifications are used. You can override the default printer attributes by providing a DECLARE-PRINTER specification for each printer. The names are:

This table lists the arguments, provides the possible choices or measure, lists the default values, and describes the arguments.


Choice or Measure




NA (not applicable) 


The name of the reports that use this printer definition. The default is ALL, for all reports. This argument is required only for a program with multiple reports. If you are writing a program that produces only a single report, you can ignore this argument.




The output type specific to each printer. LINEPRINTER (LP) files can be viewed by a text editor. POSTSCRIPT (PS) files require you to know PostScript to understand what will be shown on the printer. HPLASERJET (HP) files are binary files and cannot be edited or viewed. HTML (HT) files can be viewed by a browser.




Sends control or other characters to the printer at the beginning of the report. This parameter is designed primarily for the LINEPRINTER and has limited use with other printer types. Specify nondisplay characters by placing their decimal values inside angle brackets. For example, <27> is the ESC or escape character.




Sends control or other characters to the printer at the end of the report. This parameter is designed primarily for the LINEPRINTER and has limited use with other printer types. Specify nondisplay characters by placing their decimal values inside angle brackets. For example, <27> is the ESC or escape character.


Yes, No


Specifies whether this printer can print in color.




This argument does not apply to LINEPRINTER printers. It is the beginning size of the selected font.



Depends on the font

This argument applies only to HPLASERJET printers and needs to be specified only for font types not defined in the Fonts Available for HP LaserJet Printers in the SQR table.


HP defined sets


This argument applies only to HPLASERJET printers. The default value of 0U is for the USASCII symbol set. For a complete list of the symbol sets, see the HP LaserJet Technical Reference Manual.


file name


This argument applies only to POSTSCRIPT printers. This argument is used to specify an alternate startup file. Unless otherwise specified, the default startup file is located in the directory pointed to by the environment variable SQRDIR.




This argument is for HPLASERJET printers only. If you specify a fixed pitch font, you should also indicate the pitch.




This is the font number of the typeface to use. For HPLASERJET printers, this is the typeface value as defined by Hewlett-Packard. For a complete list of the typeface numbers, see the HP LaserJet Technical Reference Manual.

For POSTSCRIPT printers, SQR supplies a list of fonts and arbitrary font number assignments in the file POSTSCRI.STR. The font numbers are the same as those for HP LaserJet printers, wherever possible, so that you can use the same font number for reports to be printed on both types of printers. You can modify the font list in POSTSCRI.STR to add or delete fonts. Read the POSTSCRI.STR file for instructions. The Fonts Available for HP LaserJet Printers in SQR table lists the fonts available in SQR internally. The Fonts Available for PostScript Printers table lists the fonts available in the SQR POSTSCRI.STR file.


any string


The BEFORE-BOLD and AFTER-BOLD arguments are for LINEPRINTER printers only. They specify the character string to enable or disable boldfacing. If the string contains blank characters, enclose it in single quote marks ('...'). To specify nonprintable characters, such as ESC, enclose the decimal value inside angle brackets as shown here: BEFORE-BOLD=<27>[r ! Turn on bold AFTER-BOLD=<27>[u ! Turn it off

These arguments work with the BOLD argument of the PRINT command.


any string



This table lists the fonts that are available in SQR for use with the FONT argument for HPLASERJET printer types.





Line printer















Times Roman



Letter Gothic















Cooper Black



Coronet Bold






Bauer Bodini Black Condensed



Century Schoolbook



University Roman


The font that you choose—in orientation, typeface, and point size—must be an internal font, available in a font cartridge, or downloaded to the printer.

For fonts not listed in the Fonts Available for HP LaserJet Printers in SQR table, you must indicate the font style using the FONT-TYPE argument to ensure that the correct typeface is selected by the printer.

This table lists the fonts that are available in SQR for use with the FONT argument for PostScript printer types:



Boldface Type Available








Times Roman



Avant Garde Book

NA (not applicable)


Palatino Roman






Zapf Dingbats



Zapf Chancery Medium Italic



Bookman Light



New Century Schoolbook Roman



Courier Oblique



Helvetica Oblique



Times Italic



Avant Garde Demi



Avant Garde Book Oblique



Avant Garde Demi Oblique



Palatino Oblique



New Century Schoolbook Italic



Helvetica Narrow



Helvetica Narrow Oblique



Bookman Demi



Bookman Light Italic



Bookman Demi Italic


Other type faces can be added to the POSTSCRI.STR file.

Different fonts are available in SQR for Microsoft Windows when you are printing with Microsoft Windows printer drivers (using the -PRINTER:WP command-line flag). When you use the -PRINTER:WP flag, your report is sent directly to the default Microsoft Windows printer. To specify a nondefault Microsoft Windows printer, enter -PRINTER:WP:{printer name}. The {printer name} is the name assigned to your printer. For example, to send output to a Microsoft Windows printer named NewPrinter, you would use -PRINTER:WP:NewPrinter. If your printer name has spaces, enclose the entire argument in quotes.

Fonts are specified by number in the FONT qualifier of the ALTER-PRINTER command.

This table lists the fonts that are available when you are printing with Microsoft Windows printer drivers:


Windows Font/Name



Courier New



Courier New









Times New Roman



Times New Roman














Note. Fonts 6, 8, and 800 are not supplied with Microsoft Windows. You can get these fonts by purchasing the ADOBE Type Manager (ATM). The advantage of using ATM fonts is the compatibility for PostScript printer fonts. The Symbol font uses the SYMBOL_CHARSET instead of the usual ANSI_CHARSET character set. You can add more fonts by editing the appropriate Fonts section in the sqr.ini file.

See Using the PSSQR.INI File and the PSSQR Command Line.



A unique name to be used for referencing a printer definition and its attributes.

Note. The DECLARE-PRINTER Command Arguments table describes the other arguments of the DECLARE-PRINTER command. The table lists the options, default values, and description of each of the arguments.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-PRINTER command:

declare-printer HP-definition ! Default HP definition type=HP ! for all reports font=4 ! Helvetica symbol-set=12U ! PC-850 Multilingual end-declare declare-printer PS-Sales ! PS definition for-reports=(sales) ! for the Sales report type=PS font=5 ! Times-Roman end-declare

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-PROCEDURE


DECLARE-PROCEDURE [FOR-REPORTS=(report_name1[,report_namei]...)] [BEFORE-REPORT=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-REPORT=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [BEFORE-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] END-DECLARE


Declares procedures that are triggered when a specified event occurs.

The DECLARE-PROCEDURE command can be used to define SQR procedures that are to be invoked before or after a report is printed or before the beginning or end of each page.

Issue the DECLARE-PROCEDURE in the SETUP section. For multiple reports, you can use the command as often as required to declare procedures required by all the reports. If you issue multiple DECLARE-PROCEDURE commands, the last one takes precedence. In this way, you can use one command to declare common procedures for ALL reports and others to declare unique procedures for individual reports. The referenced procedures can accept arguments.

If no FOR-REPORTS are specified, ALL is assumed. Initially, the default for each of the four procedure types is NONE. If a procedure is defined in one DECLARE-PROCEDURE for a report, that procedure is used unless NONE is specified.

Use the USE-PROCEDURE command to change the procedures to be used at runtime. To disable a procedure, specify NONE in the USE-PROCEDURE statement.



Specifies one or more reports that use the given procedures. This argument is required only for a program with multiple reports. If you are writing a program that produces only a single report, you can ignore this argument.


Specifies a procedure to be run at the time of the execution of the first command that causes output to be generated (PRINT). It can be used, for example, to create a report heading.


Specifies a procedure to be run just before the report file is closed at the end of the report. It can be used to print totals or other closing summary information. If no report was generated, the procedure does not run.


Specifies a procedure to be run at the beginning of every page, just before the first output command for the page. It can be used, for example, to set up page totals.


Specifies a procedure to be run just before each page is written to the file. It can be used, for example, to display page totals.

You can optionally specify arguments to be passed to any of the procedures. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-PROCEDURE command:

declare-procedure ! These procedures will before-report=report_heading ! be used by all reports after-report=report_footing end-declare declare-procedure ! These procedures will for-reports=(customer) ! be used by the customer before-page=page_setup ! report after-page=page_totals end-declare

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-REPORT


DECLARE-REPORT report_name [TOC=toc_name] [LAYOUT=layout_name] [PRINTER-TYPE=printer_type] END-DECLARE


Defines reports and their attributes.

Issue the DECLARE-REPORT in the SETUP section.

You can use the DECLARE-REPORT command to declare one or more reports to be produced in the application.

You must use this command when developing applications to produce more than one report.

Multiple reports can share the same layout and the same printer declarations or each report can use its own layout or printer definitions if the report has unique characteristics.

When you are printing multiple reports, unless report names are specified by the -F command-line flag, the first report declared is generated with the name of program.lis, where program is the application name.

Additional reports are generated with names conforming to the rules dictated by the OUTPUT-FILE-MODE setting in the sqr.ini file.

When the -KEEP or -NOLIS flag is used, the first intermediate print file (.spf file) is generated with a name of program.spf and additional reports are generated with names conforming to the rules dictated by the OUTPUT-FILE-MODE setting in the sqr.ini file.



Specifies the name of the report.


Specifies the name of the table of contents for this report.


Specifies the name of the layout for this report. If no layout is specified, the default layout is used.


Specifies the type of printer to be used for this report. If no printer type is specified, the default, LINEPRINTER, is used for this report. If no DECLARE-PRINTER is specified, DEFAULT-LP is used. Valid values for PRINTER-TYPE are HT, HP, PD, PS, LP, HTML, HPLASERJET, POSTSCRIPT, and LINEPRINTER.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-REPORT command:

declare-layout customer_layout left-margin right-margin end-declare declare-layout summary_layout orientation=landscape end-declare declare-report customer_detail toc=detailed layout=customer_layout printer-type=postscript end-declare declare-report customer_summary layout=summary_layout printer-type=postscript end-declare . . . use-report customer_detail ...print customer detail... use-report customer_summary ...print customer summary...

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-TOC


DECLARE-TOC toc_name [FOR-REPORTS=(report_name1[,report_namei]...)] [DOT-LEADER=YES|NO] [INDENTATION=position_count_num_lit] [BEFORE-TOC=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-TOC=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [BEFORE-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [ENTRY=procedure-name [(argi [,argi] ...)]] END-DECLARE


Defines the table of contents and its attributes.

Use DECLARE-TOC in the SETUP section.

You can use the DECLARE-TOC command to declare one or more tables of contents for the application.

A table of contents can be shared between reports.



Specifies the name of the table of contents.


Specifies one or more reports that use this table of contents.


Specifies whether a dot leader precedes the page number. The default setting is NO.


Specifies the number of spaces by which each level is indented. The default setting is 4.


Specifies a procedure to be run before the application generates the table of contents. If no table of contents is generated, the procedure does not run.


Specifies a procedure to be run after the application generates the table of contents. If no table of contents is generated, the procedure does not run.


Specifies a procedure to be run at the start of every page.


Specifies a procedure to be run at the end of each page.


Specifies a procedure that is run to process each table of contents entry (instead of SQR doing it for you). When this procedure is invoked, the following SQR-reserved variables are populated with data about the TOC entry:

#SQR-TOC-LEVEL contains the level.

#SQR-TOC-TEXT contains the text.

#SQR-TOC-PAGE contains the page number.

These are global variables. If the procedure is local, you must precede it with an underscore (for example, #_sqr-toc-page). These three SQR-reserved variables are valid only within the scope of the ENTRY procedure. They can be referenced outside the scope, but their contents are undefined.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-TOC command:

begin-setup declare-toc common for-reports=(all) dot-leader=yes indentation=2 end-declare end-setup . . . toc-entry level=1 text=$Chapter toc-entry level=2 text=$Heading . .

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDECLARE-VARIABLE


DECLARE-VARIABLE [DEFAULT-NUMERIC={DECIMAL[(prec_lit)]|FLOAT|INTEGER}] [DECIMAL[(prec_lit)]num_var[(prec_lit)][num_var [(prec_lit)]]...] [FLOAT num_var[num_var]...] [DATE date_var[date_var]...] [INTEGER num_var[num_var]...] [TEXT string_var[string_var]...] END-DECLARE


Enables you to explicitly declare a variable type.

You can set the default numeric type externally, using the -DNT command-line flag or the DEFAULT-NUMERIC setting in the Default-Settings section of the sqr.ini file. However, the setting in the DECLARE-VARIABLE command takes precedence over all other settings. If the command has not been used, then the -DNT command-line flag takes precedence over the setting in the sqr.ini file.

In addition to FLOAT, INTEGER, and DECIMAL, you can set DEFAULT-NUMERIC in the sqr.ini file and the -DNT command-line flag to V30. With V30, the program acts in the same manner as in versions prior to release 4.0; that is, all variables are FLOAT. V30 is not a valid setting for the DEFAULT-NUMERIC setting in the DECLARE-VARIABLE command.

The DECLARE-VARIABLE command enables you to determine the type of variables to use. This command can appear only in the SETUP section or as the first statement of a local procedure. The placement of the command affects its scope. When used in the SETUP section, it affects all variables in the entire program. Alternatively, when it is placed in a local procedure, its effect is limited to the scope of the procedure. If the command is in both places, the local declaration takes precedence over the SETUP declaration.

In addition to declaring variables, this command enables you to specify the default numeric type using the DEFAULT-NUMERIC setting as FLOAT, INTEGER, or DECIMAL. When dealing with money or when more precision is required, use the DECIMAL qualifier.

The DECLARE-VARIABLE command, the -DNT command-line flag, and the DEFAULT-NUMERIC setting in the sqr.ini file affect the way numeric literals are typed. If V30 is specified, then all numeric literals are FLOAT (just as in versions prior to release 4.0); otherwise, the use or lack of a decimal point determines the type of the literal as either FLOAT or INTEGER, respectively. Finally, not specifying the DECLARE-VARIABLE command, the -DNT command-line flag, and the DEFAULT-NUMERIC setting in the sqr.ini file is the same as specifying V30.



Specifies the default type for numeric variables. Unless explicitly declared otherwise, a numeric variable assumes the variable type. This qualifier overrides any setting from the command-line flag -DNT or the DEFAULT- NUMERIC entry in the [Default-Settings] section of the sqr.ini file. If -DNT was not specified on the command line and the sqr.ini file entry has no DEFAULT-NUMERIC entry, then the default numeric type is FLOAT.


Specifies that the numeric variables that follow are decimal variables with a precision specified with prec_lit. The precision can be assigned to the group of variables or to each individual variable. The precision is the total number of digits used to represent the number. This precision can range from 1 to 38. The default value is 16. The range of decimal numbers is from –9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999E±4096 to +9.9999999999999999999999999999999999999E± 4096


Specifies that the numeric variables that follow are used as double-precision floating point. The range and precision of these numbers are machine-dependent.


Specifies that the date variables that follow can contain a date in the range of January 1, 4713 BC to December 31, 9999 AD.


Specifies that the numeric variables that follow are used as integers with a range of –2147483648 to +2147483647.


Specifies that the string variables that follow are text variables.


The following example illustrates the DECLARE-VARIABLE command:

begin-setup declare-variable default-numeric=float decimal #decimal(10) integer #counter date $date end-declare end-setup . . let $date = strtodate('Jan 01 2004','Mon DD YYYY') print $date (1,1) position (+2,1) let #counter = 0 while #counter < 10 let #decimal = sqrt(#counter) add 1 to counter print #decimal (+1,1) 9.999999999 end-while do sub1($date, 'day', 10) do sub2 . . begin-procedure sub1(:$dvar, $units, #uval) declare-variable date $dvar integer #uval end-declare let $dvar = dateadd($dvar, $units, #uval) print $dvar (+1,1) position (+2,1) end-procedure . . begin-procedure sub2 LOCAL declare-variable date $mydate end-declare let $mydate = dateadd($_date, 'year', 5) print $mydate (+1,1) position (+2,1) end-procedure . .

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#DEFINE


#DEFINE substitution_variable value


Declares a value for a substitution variable within the body of the report (rather than using the ASK command).

#DEFINE is useful for specifying constants such as column locations, printer fonts, or any number or string that is used in several locations in the program. When the value of the number or string must be changed, you need only change the #DEFINE command. All references to that variable change automatically, which makes modifying programs much simpler.

If the ASK command is used to obtain the value of a substitution variable that has already been defined, ASK uses the previous value and the user is not prompted. This enables you to predefine some variables and not others. When the report runs, ASK requests values for only those variables that have not had a value assigned.

You can use #DEFINE commands inside an include file. This is a method of gathering commonly used declarations into one place, and reusing them for more than one report.

The value in the #DEFINE command can have embedded spaces and does not need to be enclosed within quotes. The entire string is used as is.

The #DEFINE command cannot be broken across program lines.



The variable to be used as the substitution variable. The substitution variable is used to substitute any command, argument, or part of a SQL statement at compile time.


The value to be substituted.


This code example defines several constants:

#define page_width 8.5 #define page_depth 11 #define light LS^10027 #define bold LS^03112 #define col1 1 #define col2 27 #define col3 54 #define order_by state, county, city, co_name

This code example from a report uses the definitions from the preceding example:

begin-setup declare-printer contacts type=hp paper-size=({page_width}, {page_depth}) end-declare end-setup begin-heading 5 print 'Company Contacts' (1,1) center print 'Sort: {order_by}' (2,1) center print 'Company' (4,{col1}) print 'Contact' (4,{col2}) print 'Phone' (4,{col3}) end-heading begin-procedure main begin-select company (1,{col1}) print '{bold}' (0,{col2}) ! Print contact in boldface. contact () print '{light}' () ! Back to lightface. phone (0,{col3}) ! Note: There must be enough next-listing ! space between col2 from customers ! and col3 for both order by {order_by} ! font changes and the end-select ! contact field. end-procedure

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDISPLAY


DISPLAY {any_lit|_var|_col} [[:$]edit_mask|NUMBER|MONEY|DATE][NOLINE]


Displays the specified column, variable, or literal.

The DISPLAY command can display data to a terminal. The data is displayed to the current location on the screen. If you want to display more than one field on the same line, use NOLINE on each display except the last.

Dates can be contained in a date variable or column, or a string literal, column, or variable. When a date variable or column is displayed without an edit mask, the date appears in the following manner:

When the program displays a date in a string literal, column, or variable using EDIT or DATE, the string uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats as listed in the Default Database Formats table, or the database-independent format SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]].

If you require more control over the display, use the SHOW command.



The text, number, or date to be displayed.


Causes the field to be edited before being displayed. For additional information regarding edit masks, see the PRINT command.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the NUMBER-EDIT-MASK of the current locale. This option is not valid with date variables.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the MONEY-EDIT-MASK of the current locale. This option is not valid with date variables.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the DATE-EDIT-MASK of the current locale. This option is not valid with numeric variables. If DATE-EDIT-MASK has not been specified, the date is displayed by the default format for that database (see the Default Database Formats table).


Suppresses the carriage return after the field is displayed.


The following segments illustrate the various features of the DISPLAY command:

! ! Display a string using an edit mask ! display '123456789' xxx-xx-xxxx

Produces the following output:

123-45-6789 ! ! Display a number using an edit mask ! display 1234567.89 999,999,999.99

Produces the following output:

1,234,567.89 ! ! Display a number using the default edit mask (specified in SQR.INI) ! display 123.78

Produces the following output:

123.780000 ! ! Display a number using the locale default numeric edit mask ! alter-locale number-edit-mask = '99,999,999.99' display 123456.78 number

Produces the following output:

123,456.78 ! ! Display a number using the locale default money edit mask ! alter-locale money-edit-mask = '$$,$$$,$$9.99' display 123456.78 money

Produces the following output:

$123,456.78 ! ! Display a date column using the locale default date edit mask ! begin-select dcol from tables end-select alter-locale date-edit-mask = 'DD-Mon-YYYY' display &dcol date

Produces the following output:

01-Jan-2004 ! ! Display two values on the same line ! display 'Hello' noline display ' World'

Produces the following output:

Hello World ! ! Display two values on the same line with editing of the values ! alter-locale money-edit-mask = '$$,$$$,$$9.99' let #taxes = 123456.78 display 'You owe ' noline display #taxes money noline display ' in back taxes.'

Produces the following output:

You owe $123,456.78 in back taxes.

See Also

The SHOW command for information about screen control.

The LET command for information about copying, editing, or converting fields.

The EDIT parameter of the PRINT command for a description of the edit masks.

The ALTER-LOCALE command for a description of the arguments NUMBER-EDIT-MASK, MONEY-EDIT-MASK, and DATE-EDIT-MASK.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDIVIDE


DIVIDE {src_num_lit|_var|_col} INTO dst_num_var [ON-ERROR={HIGH|ZERO}][ROUND=nn]


Divides one number into another.

The source field is divided into the destination field and the result is placed in the destination. The source is always first, the destination always second.

When dealing with money-related values (dollars and cents), use decimal variables rather than float variables. Float variables are stored as double-precision floating-point numbers, and small inaccuracies can appear when many numbers are divided in succession. These inaccuracies can appear due to the way different hardware and software implementations represent floating point numbers.



Divided into the contents of dst_num_var.


Contains the result after execution.


Sets the result to the specified number when a division by zero is attempted. If ON-ERROR is omitted and a division by zero is attempted, SQR halts with an error message.


Rounds the result to the specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For float variables, this value can be from 0 to 15. For decimal variables, this value can be from 0 to the precision of the variable. For integer variables, this argument is not appropriate.


The following example illustrates the DIVIDE command:

divide 37.5 into #price ! #price / 37.5 divide &rate into #tot on-error=high divide #j into #subtot on-error=zero

Note. In the preceding example, High is the maximum value and zero is the lowest value.

See Also


The LET command for a discussion of complex arithmetic expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicDO


DO procedure_name[(arg1[, argi]...)]


Invokes the specified procedure.

When the procedure ends, processing continues with the command following the DO command. You can use arguments to send values to or receive values from a procedure.

Arguments passed by a DO command to a procedure must match in number:

When a field in a DO command receives a value back from a procedure (a colon indicates that it is a back value, that is, a value that is being returned), it must be a string, numeric, or date variable, depending on the procedure argument; however, a date can be returned to a string variable and vice versa.

When a date is passed to a string, the date is converted to a string according to the following rules:



Specifies the name of the procedure to be run.

arg1 [, argi ]

Specifies the arguments to be passed to the procedure. Arguments can be any type of variable or constant value.


The following example illustrates the DO command:

do get_names do add_to_list ($name) do print_list ('A', #total, &co_name, $name)

See Also

The BEGIN-PROCEDURE command for information about passing arguments.

The PRINT command for information about date and time formats.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#ELSE




Compiles the code following the #ELSE command when a preceding #IF, #IFDEF, or #IFNDEF command is FALSE. (#ELSE is a compiler directive that works with the #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF compiler directives.)

See Also

The #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF commands for a description of each compiler directive.

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ELSE is an optional command in an IF command.

See Also

The IF command for a description and example.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicENCODE


ENCODE src_code_string_lit INTO dst_txt_var


Assigns a nondisplay or display character to a string variable.

The ENCODE command can define nondisplay characters or escape sequences sent to an output device. These characters or sequences can perform complex output device manipulations. The ENCODE command also displays characters not on the keyboard. If your keyboard does not have the euro symbol, use the ENCODE feature to create a string variable for it.

The encode characters can be included in a report at the appropriate location using a PRINT or PRINT-DIRECT command.

Unicode (UCS-2) code that points from <1> to <65535> can be defined in the ENCODE command.



Specifies a string of characters to be encoded and placed in dst_txt_var.


Contains the result after execution.


The following example illustrates the ENCODE command:

encode '<27>L11233' into $bold ! Code sequence to turn bold on. print $bold () code-printer=lp

See Also

The chr function described in the Miscellaneous Functions table under the LET command.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEND-DECLARE, END-DOCUMENT, END-EVALUATE, END-FOOTING, END-HEADING




Completes a section or paragraph.

The END-DECLARE command completes a paragraph started with:


Other END- commands complete the corresponding BEGIN- command:


Each command must begin on its own line.


The following example illustrates the BEGIN-FOOTING and END-FOOTING commands:

begin-footing 2 print 'Company Confidential' (1) center end-footing

See Also

DECLARE-paragraph, BEGIN-section

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#END-IF, #ENDIF




Ends an #IF, #IFDEF, or #IFNDEF command. (#END-IF is a compiler directive.)

#ENDIF (without the hyphen) is a synonym for #END-IF.


The following example illustrates the #END-IF compiler directive:

#ifdef debuga show 'DebugA: #j = ' #j edit 9999.99 show 'Cust_num   = ' &cust_num #end-if

See Also

The #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF commands for a description of each compiler directive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEND-IF



Ends an IF command.

See Also

The IF command for a description and example.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEND-PROCEDURE, END-PROGRAM, END-SELECT, END-SETUP, END-SQL, END-WHILE




Completes the corresponding section or paragraph.

Each END- command completes the corresponding BEGIN- command:


Each command must begin on its own line.


The following example illustrates the END-PROGRAM command:

begin-program do main end-program

See Also

BEGIN-section, WHILE

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEVALUATE


EVALUATE {any_lit|_var|_col}

This command is equivalent to case/switch in C or Java. The general format of an EVALUATE command is:

EVALUATE {any_lit|_var|_col} WHEN comparison_operator {any_lit|_var|_col} SQR_Command... [BREAK] [WHEN comparison_operator {any_lit|_var|_col} SQR_Command... [BREAK]] [WHEN-OTHER SQR_Command... [BREAK]] END-EVALUATE


Determines the value of a column, literal, or variable and takes action based on that value.

The EVALUATE command is useful for branching to different commands depending on the value of a specified variable or column.

EVALUATE commands can be nested.

Evaluating a date variable or column with a string results in a date comparison (chronological, not a byte-by-byte comparison as is done for strings). The string must be in the proper format as shown in the following list:



Specifies a text or numeric column; a text, numeric, or date variable; or a text or numeric literal to be used in the evaluation. In short, this is an evaluation argument.


Any valid comparison operator. See the list of operators in the #IF command.

See #IF.


Specifies the evaluation expression. The evaluation argument is compared with the argument, beginning from the first WHEN. If the expression is TRUE, SQR processes the commands after the WHEN. If the expression is FALSE, SQR processes the next WHEN expression. Each WHEN must be on its own line.

If more than one WHEN expression appears directly before a set of commands, any one of them, if TRUE, causes the commands to be carried out.


Causes an immediate exit of the EVALUATE command. Use BREAK at the end of a set of commands.


Signifies the start of default commands to be processed if all other WHEN expressions are FALSE. WHEN-OTHER must appear after all other WHEN expressions.


The following example illustrates the EVALUATE command:

evaluate &code when = 'A' move 1 to #j break when = 'B' when = 'C' move 2 to #j ! Will happen if &code is B or C. break when > 'D' move 3 to #j ! Move 3 to #j and continue checking. when > 'H' add 1 to #j  ! Add 1 to #j and continue checking. when > 'W' add 2 to #j break when-other if isnull (&code) do null_code else move 0 to #j ! Unknown code. end-if break end-evaluate

See Also

The commands IF and LET for comparison operators.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEXECUTE (Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server)


EXECUTE [-XC][ON-ERROR=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [DO=procedure[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [@#status_var=]stored_procedure_name [[@param=]{any_col|_var|_lit}[,...]] [INTO any_coldata_type[(length_int_lit)] [,...]][WITH RECOMPILE]

The syntax of this command generally follows that of the Sybase Transact-SQL EXECUTE command, with the exception of optional arguments and the INTO argument.


Runs a stored procedure in Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server database.

If the stored procedure specified in stored_procedure_name contains a SELECT query, the EXECUTE command must specify an INTO argument to process the values from the query. If no INTO argument is specified, then the values from the query are ignored.

EXECUTE retrieves just the first row when the following conditions are met:

This is useful for queries returning a single row.



(Sybase only) Specifies that the EXECUTE command share the same connection as the DO=procedure it can invoke. This argument is required to share Sybase temporary tables.


Declares an SQR procedure to run if an error occurs. If ON-ERROR is omitted and an error occurs, SQR halts with an error message. For severe errors (for example, passing too few arguments) SQR halts, even if an error procedure is specified.

You can specify arguments to be passed to the ON-ERROR procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


Specifies an SQR procedure to run for each row selected in the query. Processing continues until all rows have been retrieved. You can specify arguments to be passed to the procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


Returns the procedure status in the specified numeric variable. The status is returned only after selected rows are retrieved.


Names the stored procedure to run.


Names the parameter to pass to the stored procedure. Parameters can be passed with or without names. If used without names, they must be listed in the same sequence as defined in the stored procedure.


Specifies the value passed to the stored procedure. It can be a string, numeric, or date variable, a previously selected column, a numeric literal, or a string literal.


Indicates that the parameter receives a value from the stored procedure. The parameter must be a string, numeric, or date SQR variable. Output parameters receive their values only after rows selected have been retrieved. If you specify multiple output parameters, they must be in the same sequence as defined in the stored procedure.


Indicates where to store rows that are retrieved from the stored procedure's SELECT statement. The INTO argument contains the names of the columns with data types and lengths (if needed). You must specify the columns in the same sequence and match the data type used in the stored procedure's SELECT statement.

If the stored procedure contains more than one SELECT query, only the first query is described with the INTO argument. Rows from subsequent queries are ignored.


Causes the query to recompile each time it is run rather than using the plan stored with the procedure. Normally, this is not required or recommended.


The following code example invokes the stored procedure get_total with two parameters: a string literal and a string variable. The result from the stored procedure is stored in the variable #total.

execute get_total 'S. Q. Reporter' $State #Total Output

The following code example invokes the stored procedure get_products with two parameters. The stored procedure selects data into five column variables. The SQR procedure print_products is called for each row retrieved. The return status from the stored procedure is placed in the variable #proc_return_status.

execute do=print_products @#proc_return_status= get_products @prodcode=&code, @max=#maximum INTO &prod_code int, &description char (45), &discount float, &restock char, &expire_date datetime begin-procedure print_products print &prod_code (+1,1) print &description (+5,45) print &discount (+5) edit 99.99 print &restock (+5) match Y 0 5 Yes N 0 5 No print &expire_date (+5,) edit 'Month dd, yyyy' end-procedure

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEXIT-SELECT




Exits a SELECT paragraph immediately.

EXIT-SELECT causes SQR to jump to the command immediately following the END-SELECT command.

Use EXIT-SELECT when you need to end a query before all rows have been retrieved.


The following example illustrates the EXIT-SELECT command:

begin-select cust_num, co_name, contact, city, state, zip, employees add &employees to #tot_emps if #tot_emps >= 5000 exit-select ! Have reached required total emps. end-if do print_company from customers order by employees desc end-select

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicEXTRACT


EXTRACT {dst_txt_var|date_var} FROM {{src_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{src_date_var|_col}} {start_num_lit|_var}{length_num_lit|_var}


Copies a portion of a string into a string variable.

You must specify the starting location of the string as an offset from the beginning of the string and its length. An offset of 0 (zero) begins at the leftmost character; an offset of 1 begins one character beyond that, and so on.

If the source is a date variable or column, it is converted to a string before the extraction according to the following rules:

If the destination is a date variable, the string extracted from the source must be in one of the following formats:


dst_txt_var | date_var

Specifies a text or date variable into which the extracted string is placed.

{src_txt_lit|_var|_col}| {src_date_var|_col}

Specifies a text or date variable, column, or literal from which the string is to be extracted.


Specifies starting location of the string to be extracted.


Specifies length of the string to be extracted.


The following example illustrates the EXTRACT command:

extract $state from $record 45 2 extract $foo from "SQR Rocks" 0 4 ! $foo='SQR' code from &phone 0 3 extract $zip_four from &zip 5 4 extract $rec from $tape_block #loc #rec_len

Note. Oracle recommends that you not use the EXTRACT command when processing strings.

See Also

The substr function described in the Miscellaneous Functions table under the LET command.


The PRINT command for information about default date and time formats

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicFIND


FIND {{obj_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{date_var|_col}} IN {{src_txt_var|_col}|{date_var|_col}} {start_int_lit|_var} dst_location_int_var


Determines the location of a character sequence within a string.

FIND searches the specified string for a character sequence and, if the string is found, returns its location as an offset from the beginning of the specified string. If the sequence is not found, FIND returns –1 in dst_location_int_var.

You must specify an offset from which to begin the search and supply a numeric variable for the return of the location.

If the source or search object is a date variable or column, it is converted to a string before the search according to the following rules:



Specifies a text variable, column, or literal that is to be sought in src_txt_var|_col.

{src_txt_var|_col}| {date_var|_col}

Specifies a text variable or column to be searched.


Specifies the starting location of the search.


Specifies the returned starting location of the leftmost character of the matching text in {src_txt_var|_col| date_var|_col }.


The following example illustrates the FIND command:

find 'aw.2' in &code5 0 #loc find ',' in &name 0 #comma_loc if #comma_loc = -1 ...comma not found...

See Also

The instr function described in the Miscellaneous Functions table under the LET command.


The PRINT command for information about default date and time formats.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGET


GET dst_any_var...FROM src_array_name(element) [field[(occurs)]]...


Retrieves data from an array and places it into a date, string, or numeric variable.



Date, string, or numeric variables (not database columns) can be destination variables. Numeric variables (decimal, float, integer) are copied from number fields. String variables are copied from the char, text, or date field. Date variables are copied from the char, text, or date field.

When a date field is copied to a string variable, SQR converts the date to a string in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting. If this has not been set, SQR uses the first database-dependent format listed in the Default Database Formats table.

If the destination is a date variable, the string extracted from the source must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, or one of the database-dependent formats (see the Default Database Formats table), or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.


If the array's field names are listed, SQR takes the values from the fields and occurrences specified. If the array's field names are not listed, the values are taken from consecutively defined fields in the array.


Array element and field occurrence numbers can be numeric literals (such as 123) or numeric variables (such as #j). If no field occurrence is stated, occurrence zero is used.


The following code example copies $name, $start_date, and #salary from the first three fields in the #jth element of the emps array:

get $name $start_date #salary from emps(#j)

The following code example copies #city_tot and #county_tot from the fields cities and counties in the #jth element of the states array:

get #city_tot #county_tot from states(#j) cities counties

The following code example copies $code from the #jth occurrence of the code field in the #nth element of the codes array:

get $code from codes(#n) code(#j)

See Also

The PUT command for information about moving data into an array.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGET-COLOR


GET-COLOR [PRINT-TEXT-FOREGROUND=({color_name_var |{rgb})] [PRINT-TEXT-BACKGROUND=({color_name_var |{rgb})]


Retrieves the current colors.

The GET-COLOR command is allowed wherever the PRINT command is allowed. If the requested color settings do not map to a defined name, the name is returned as RGBredgreenblue, where each component is a three-digit number—for example, RGB127133033. You can use this format wherever you use a color name. The color name 'none' is returned if no color is associated with the specified area.



Defines the color in which the text prints.


Defines the color to print as a background behind the text.


A color_name is composed of alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9), the underscore (_) character, and the hyphen (-) character. The name must start with an alphabetical (A–Z) character and is not case-sensitive. The name 'none' is reserved and cannot be assigned a value. A name in the format (RGBredgreenblue) cannot be assigned a value. The name 'default' is reserved and can be assigned a value. 'Default' is used during execution when a referenced color is not defined in the runtime environment.


red_lit | _var | _col, green_lit | _var | _col, blue_lit | _var | _col where each component is a value in the range of 000 to 255. In the BEGIN-SETUP section, only literal values are allowed.

The default colors implicitly installed with SQR include:


















The following example illustrates the GET-COLOR command:

begin-setup declare-color-map light_blue = (193, 222, 229) end-declare end-setup begin-program alter-color-map name = 'light_blue' value = (193, 233, 230) print 'Yellow Submarine' () foreground = ('yellow') background = ('light_blue') get-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) set-color print-text-foreground = ('purple') print 'Barney' (+1,1) set-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) end-program

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGOTO


GOTO label


Skips to the specified label.

Labels must end with a colon (:) and can appear anywhere within the same section or paragraph as the GOTO command.



Specifies a label within the same section or paragraph.


The following example illustrates the GOTO command:

begin-select price if &price < #old_price goto next end-if print &price (2,13,0) edit 999,999.99 ... next: add 1 to #count from products end-select

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicGRAPHIC BOX, GRAPHIC HORZ-LINE, GRAPHIC VERT-LINE


The GRAPHIC commands have the following syntax:

GRAPHIC ({line_int_lit|_var},{column_int_lit|_var}, {width_int_lit|_var}) BOX {depth_int_lit|_var} [rule_width_int_lit|_var[shading_int_lit|_var]] GRAPHIC ({line_int_lit|_var},{column_int_lit|_var}, {length_int_lit|_var}) HORZ-LINE [rule_width_int_lit|_var] GRAPHIC ({line_int_lit|_var},{column_int_lit|_var}, {length_int_lit|_var}) VERT-LINE [rule_width_int_lit|_var]


Draws a box or line.

After GRAPHIC commands are carried out, SQR changes the current print location to the starting location of the graphic. This is different from the way the PRINT command works.

The GRAPHIC command has the following variations:

The following sections describe the individual GRAPHIC commands:



BOX draws a box of any size at any location on the page. Boxes can be drawn with any size rule and can be shaded or left empty.

width and depth

The width is the horizontal size in character columns; depth is the vertical size in lines. The top left corner of the box is drawn at the line and column specified. The bottom right corner is calculated by the width and depth. You can specify relative placement with (+), (-), or numeric variables, as with regular print positions.


The default rule width is 2 decipoints (an inch has 720 decipoints). The top horizontal line is drawn just below the base of the line above the starting point. The bottom horizontal line is drawn just below the base of the ending line. Therefore, a one-line deep box surrounds a single line.


A number between 1 and 100, specifying the percentage of shading to apply. 1 is very light, and 100 is black. If no shading is specified, the box is blank. Specify a rule-width of zero if you do not want a border.


HORZ-LINE draws a horizontal line from the location specified, for the length specified. Horizontal lines are drawn just below the base.


The default rule width is 2 decipoints.


VERT-LINE draws a vertical line from the location specified for the length (in lines) specified. Vertical lines are drawn just below the base line of the line position specified to just below the base line of the line reached by the length specified. To draw a vertical line next to a word printed on line 27, position the vertical line to begin on line 26, for a length of 1 line.


The default rule width is 2 decipoints.


The following code example shows the GRAPHIC BOX command:

graphic (1,1,66) box 58 20 ! Draw box around page graphic (30,25,10) box 10 ! Draw a 10-characters-wide-by-10- characters-long⇒ box graphic (1,1,66) box 5 0 8 ! Draw 5 line shaded box (without border) graphic (50,8,30) box 1 ! Draw box around 1 line

The following code example shows the GRAPHIC HORZ-LINE command:

graphic (4,1,66) horz-line 10 ! Put line under page heading graphic (+1,62,12) horz-line ! Put line under final total

The following code example shows the GRAPHIC VERT-LINE command:

graphic (1,27,54) vert-line ! Draw lines between columns graphic (1,52,54) vert-line graphic (3,+2,4) vert-line 6 ! Red line the paragraph

See Also

The ALTER-PRINTER and DECLARE-PRINTER commands for information about setting and changing the FONT, FONT-TYPE, POINT-SIZE, and PITCH.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#IF


#IF {txt_lit|num_lit}comparison_operator {txt_lit|num_lit}


Indicates that the commands following #IF are to be compiled when the expression is TRUE. (#IF is a compiler directive.)

SQR has five compiler directives that enable different pieces of SQR code to be compiled, depending on the existence or value of substitution variables (not program variables, such as string, numeric, or date).

Substitution variables defined automatically for each -DEBUGxxx letter can also be used with the #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF directives. They can enable or disable entire sections of an SQR program from the command line, depending on the -DEBUGxxx flag.

You can nest #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF directives to a maximum of 10 levels.

The #IF, #IFDEF, and #IFNDEF directives cannot be broken across program lines.

The following table lists the compiler directives.





#IF {option}='A'

Compiles the commands following the #IF directive if the substitution variable option is equal to 'A'. The test is not case-sensitive. Only one simple expression is allowed per #IF command.



Compiles the commands following the #ELSE directive when the #IF expression is FALSE.



Ends the #IF directive. #ENDIF can also be typed #END-IF (with a hyphen).


#IFDEF option

Compiles the commands following the #IFDEF directive if the substitution variable option is defined.


#IFNDEF option

Compiles the command following the #IFNDEF directive if the substitution variable option is not defined.


txt_lit | num_lit

Any text or numeric literal.


Any of the comparison operators as shown here:


!=Not Equal

<>Not Equal

<Less than

>Greater than

<=Less than or equal

>=Greater than or equal


The following example illustrates the #IF compiler directive:

begin-setup ask type 'Use Male, Female or Both (M,F,B)' end-setup begin-procedure Main #if {type} = 'M' ...code for M here #else #if {type} = 'F' ...code for F here #else #if {type} = 'B' ...code for B here #else show 'M, F or B not selected. Report not created.' stop #endif ! for B #endif ! for F #endif ! for M #ifdef debug show 'DEBUG: Cust_num = ' &cust_num edit 099999 #endif #ifndef debugB ! DebugB turned on with -DEBUGB on do test_procedure ! SQR command line. #endif

See Also

The #DEBUG command for information about the -DEBUG command-line flag.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicIF


IF logical_expression

IF commands have the following structure:

IF logical_expression SQR Command... [ELSE SQR Command...] END-IF


Carries out commands depending on the value of a condition.

The expression is evaluated as a logical TRUE or FALSE. A value or expression that evaluates to nonzero is TRUE.

Each IF command must have a matching END-IF command.

IF commands can be nested.

Comparing a date variable or column with a string results in a date comparison (chronological, not a byte-by-byte comparison as is done for strings). The string must be in the proper format as described in the following list:



Any valid logical expression. See the LET command for a description of logical expressions.


The following example illustrates the IF command:

if &price > &old_price and instr(&code, 'M', 1) > 0 add 1 to #price_count if #price_count > 50 show 'More than 50 prices found.' noline input $x 'Continue? (Y/N)' if upper($x) = 'N' stop end-if end-if else add 1 to #old_price_count end-if if #rows ! Will be TRUE if #rows is non-zero. do print-it end-if if $date1 > 'Apr 21 2004 23:59' do past_due end-if

See Also

The LET command for a description of logical expressions.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#IFDEF


#IFDEF substitution_variable


Indicates that the following commands are to be compiled when the substitution variable has been declared by an ASK or #DEFINE command, or by the -DEBUG flag on the SQR command line. (#IFDEF is a compiler directive.)



The variable to be used as the substitution variable.

See Also

The #IF command for a description of each compiler directive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#IFNDEF


#IFNDEF substitution_variable


Indicates that the following commands are to be compiled when the substitution variable has not been declared by an ASK or #DEFINE command, or by the -DEBUG flag on the SQR command line. (#IFNDEF is a compiler directive.)



The variable to be used as the substitution variable.

See Also

The #IF command for a description of each compiler directive.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topic#INCLUDE


#INCLUDE filename_lit


Includes an external source file in the SQR report specification.

You may want to keep commonly used routines in a single file and reference or include that file in programs that use the routine. For example, you might have a set of #DEFINE commands for different printers to control initialization, font changes, and page size declarations. You can reference the appropriate include file depending on which printer you want to use.

Include files can be nested up to four levels. Variable substitution scanning takes place before the #INCLUDE command is processed. This enables you to substitute all or part of the include file name at runtime, adding flexibility for controlling which file is included for the run.



A file name that is valid for the platform on which the application is to be compiled.


The following example illustrates the #INCLUDE command:

#include 'gethours.dat' ! Common procedure. #include 'XYZheader.dat' ! Common report heading for XYZ Company. #include 'printer{num}.dat' ! Include printer definitions for ! printer {num}, which is passed ! on the command line: ! SQR REP1A SAM/JOE 18 ! where 18 is the arbitrary number ! assigned your printer ! definition file, 'printer18.dat'. ! The report would contain the ! command: ASK num ! in the SETUP section, preceding ! this #include statement.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicINPUT


INPUT input_var[MAXLEN=nn][prompt] [TYPE={CHAR|TEXT|NUMBER|INTEGER|DATE}] [STATUS=num_var][NOPROMPT][BATCH-MODE] [FORMAT={txt_lit|_var|_col}]


Accepts data entered by the user at a terminal.

Use MAXLEN to prevent the user from entering data that is too long. If an INSERT or UPDATE command references a variable for which the length is greater than the length defined in the database, the SQL is rejected and SQR halts. If the maximum length is exceeded, the terminal beeps (on some systems, this may cause the screen to flash instead).

If prompt is omitted, SQR uses the default prompt. Enter [$|#]var: . In either case, a colon (:) and two spaces are added to the prompt.

Specifying TYPE causes data type checking to occur. If the string entered is not the type specified, the terminal beeps and an error message is displayed. The INPUT command is then rerun. If TYPE=DATE is specified, then input_var can be a date or text variable; however, TYPE=DATE is optional if input_var is a date variable. If a numeric variable is used, it is validated as a numeric variable. The types CHAR, TEXT, and DATE are invalid types. The data types supported are described in the following table:

Data Type



Any character. This is the default datatype.


A floating point number in the format [+|-]9999.999[E[+|- ]99]


An integer in the format [+|-]99999


A date in one of the following formats:





Specifying STATUS causes the INPUT command to finish regardless of what the user enters. No error message is displayed. A nonzero error code is stored in the indicated numeric variable if the length or datatype entered is incorrect.

The following table lists the values of the STATUS argument of the INPUT command:

Status Value





Bad type (did not match the datatype of TYPE).


Too long (longer than MAXLEN, or the input for an INTEGER variable is < –2147483648 or > +2147483647).


No arguments remain on the command line. The command was ignored.

By using NOPROMPT and STATUS with the SHOW command, you can write a sophisticated data entry routine.

FORMAT can be used only with dates. It can be a date edit mask or the keyword DATE. Use the keyword DATE if the date must be in the format as specified with the INPUT-DATE-EDIT-MASK setting for the current locale. If FORMAT has not been set, use a database-independent format for the data as listed in the datatypes table.



Specifies a text, numeric, or date variable for the input data.


Specifies the maximum length for the data.


Specifies the prompt displayed to the user.


Specifies the datatype required for the input.


Specifies a numeric variable for a return status code.


Prevents the prompt from being displayed before the INPUT command is processed.


If BATCH-MODE is specified and no more arguments are in the command line, a value of 3 is returned in the STATUS variable and the user is not prompted for input.


Specifies the format for entering a date. The Date Edit Format Codes table lists date edit format codes.


The following example shows several INPUT commands:

input $state maxlen=2 'Please enter state abbreviation' input #age 'Enter lower age boundary' type=integer input $start_date 'Enter starting date for report' type=date input $date_in format='Mon dd yyyy' input $date format=date

The following example shows another INPUT command:

show clear-screen (5,32) reverse 'CUSTOMER SUMMARY' normal Try_again: show (12,20) 'Enter Start Date: ' clear-line input $start-date noprompt status=#istat type=date if #istat != 0      show (24,1) 'Please enter date in format DD-MON-YY' beep      goto try_again end-if show (24,1) clear-line ! Clear error message line.

The following example illustrates the use of the BATCH-MODE option:

begin-program while (1) input $A status=#stat batch-mode if #stat = 3 break else do procedure ($a) end-if end-while end-program

See Also


The INPUT-DATE-EDIT-MASK setting in the chapter “Using the PSSQR.INI File and the PSSQR Command Line.”

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLAST-PAGE


LAST-PAGE position [pre_txt_lit[post_txt_lit]]


Places the last page number on each page, as in page n of m.

The text strings specified in pre_txt_lit and post_txt_lit are printed immediately before and after the number.

Using LAST-PAGE causes SQR and SQRT to delay printing until the last page has been processed so that the number of the last page is known.



Specifies the position for printing the last page number. See the POSITION command for a description of the position parameter.


Specifies a text string to be printed before the last page number.


Specifies a text string to be printed after the last page number.


The following example illustrates the LAST-PAGE command:

begin-footing 1 page-number (1,37) 'Page ' ! Will appear as last-page () ' of ' '.' ! "Page 12 of 25." end-footing

See Also


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LET dst_var=expression


Assigns the value of an expression to a string, numeric, or date variable.

Valid expressions are formed as a combination of operands, operators, and functions. String, numeric, date, and array field operands can be used in an expression and embedded functions. SQR supports a standardized set of mathematical operators and logical comparison operators working within a carefully defined set of precedence rules. SQR also provides a rich set of mathematical, string, date, and file manipulation functions along with a number of special purpose utility functions. All combined, the SQR expression provides a powerful tool that can be tailored to suit any information processing need. The following detail outlines the specific behavior of each expression component: (1) the operand, (2) the operator, and (3) the function.



A string, numeric, or date variable or array field to which the result of the expression is assigned.


The expression to evaluate.


Operands form the backbone of an SQR expression. Operands do not have to be the same type. You can combine string, numeric, and array field operands to form a valid expression. SQR performs a sequence of automatic operand conversions when it evaluates expressions that contain dissimilar operand types. As the expression is evaluated, operands of lower precision are converted to match the operand of higher precision. Consider the following code example:

let  #answer = #float * #decimal / #integer

Because the multiply and divide operators are equal in precedence, the expression is evaluated as (#float * #decimal) / #integer. Working from the inside out, the #float variable is converted to a decimal type in which a multiply is performed yielding the simplified expression (#decimal)/#integer. SQR now converts the #integer operand to a decimal type before performing the final divide. When finished with the expression evaluation, SQR converts the result to match the type of the #answer variable.

Converting operands of lower precision to operands of higher precision preserves the number of significant digits. The number of significant digits is not lost when an integer is converted to float or decimal. In a similar manner, the number of significant digits is preserved when floating point operands are converted to the decimal type. The number of significant digits is sacrificed only when the final result is converted to match the type of the #answer variable and this variable is less precise than the highest of the operands being evaluated. In the example, precision is not lost if the #answer is declared as a decimal type. SQR considers integer variables as the lowest in the precision hierarchy, followed by float and then decimal.

Here are a few simple expression examples:

let #discount = round (&price * #rate / 100, 2) let $name = $first_name || ' ' || $last_name let customer.total (#customer_id) = customer.total (#customer_id) + #invoice_total if not range(upper($code), 'A', 'G') ...processing when out of range... let store.total (#store_id, #qtr) = store.total (#store_id, #qtr) + #invoice_total let $date1 = strtodate ('Apr 10 2004', 'MON DD YYYY')

The following sections list operators and functions supported in expressions.


Operators of the same precedence are processed in the sequence in which they appear in the expression, from left to right. Use parentheses to override the normal precedence rules. All numeric types (decimal, float, integer) are supported for all operators.

This table lists operators in descending order of precedence (operators listed in the same row within the table have the same precedence):




Concatenate two strings or dates

+, -

Sign prefix (positive or negative)



*, /, %

Multiply, divide, remainder: a % b = mod(a,b) for integers

+, -

Plus, minus

Note. SQR distinguishes between a sign prefix and arithmetic operation by the context of the expression.

>, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, =

Comparison operators: greater than, less than, greater or equal to, less than or equal to, not equal to (!= or <>), equal to.


Logical NOT


Logical AND

or, xor

Logical OR, XOR (exclusive OR)


This section lists numeric, file-related, and miscellaneous functions. The functions are listed in alphabetical order.

Function arguments are enclosed in parentheses and can be nested. Arguments referenced as x, y, or z indicate the first, second, or third argument of a function. Otherwise, functions take a single argument or no arguments. All arguments are evaluated before a function is evaluated.

Not all functions support all numeric types (decimal, float, integer). Certain functions do not support the decimal type directly, but convert input decimal operands to the float type before the function is evaluated. The following table annotates the functions that directly support the decimal type and the ones that do not.

Use parentheses to override the normal precedence rules.

This table describes numeric functions:




Returns the absolute value of num_value. This function returns a value of the same type as num_value.


dst_var ​= abs(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #dabsvar = abs(#dvar)


Returns the arccosine of num_value in the range of 0 to p radians. The value of num_value must be between –1 and 1. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = acos(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #facosvar = acos(#fvar)


Returns the arcsine of num_value in the range of –p/2 to p/2 radians. The value of num_value must be between –1 and 1. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = asin(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fasinvar = asin(#fvar)


Returns the arctangent of num_value in the range of –p/2 to p/2 radians. The value of num_value must be between –1 and 1. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = atan(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fatanvar = atan(#fvar)


Returns a value representing the smallest integer that is greater than or equal to num_value. This function returns a value of the same type as num_value.


dst_var = ceil(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fceilvar = ceil(#fvar)


Returns the cosine of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = cos(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fcosvar = cos(#fvar)


Returns the hyperbolic cosine of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = cosh(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fcoshvar = cosh(#fvar)


Returns a value expressed in degrees of num_value, which is expressed in radians. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = deg(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fdegvar = deg(#fvar)


Returns the value of 10 raised to num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = e10(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fe10var = e10(#fvar)


Returns the value of e raised to num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = exp(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fexpvar = exp(#fvar)


Returns a value representing the largest integer that is less than or equal to num_value. This function returns a value of the same type as num_value.


dst_var = floor(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #ffloorvar = floor(#fvar)


Returns the natural logarithm of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = log(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #flogvar = log(#fvar)


Returns the base-10 logarithm of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = log10(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #flog10var = log10(#fvar)


Returns the fractional remainder, f, of x_value/ y_value such that x_value = i * y_value + f, where i is an integer, f has the same sign as x_value, and the absolute value of f is less than the absolute value of y_value. The arguments are promoted to the type of the greatest precision and the function returns a value of that type.


dst_var = mod(x_value,y_value)

x_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

y_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fmodvar = mod(#fxvar, #fyvar)


Returns the value of x_value raised to the power of y_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = power(x_value,y_value)

x_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

y_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fpowervar = power(#fxvar, #fyvar)


Returns a value expressed in radians of num_value, which is expressed in degrees. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = rad(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

place_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fradvar = rad(#fvar)


Returns a value that is num_value rounded to place_value digits after the decimal separator. This function returns a value of the same type as num_value.


dst_var = round(num_value,place_value⇒ )

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

place_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #frndvar = round(#fvar, #fplace) ⇒ (#x, #y)


Returns a –1, 0, or +1 depending on the sign of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = sign(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fsignvar = sign(#fvar)


Returns the sine of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = sin(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fsinvar = sin(#fvar)


Returns the hyperbolic sine of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = sinh(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fsinhvar = sinh(#fvar)


Returns the square root of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = sqrt(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fsqrtvar = sqrt(#fvar)


Returns the tangent of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = tan(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #ftanvar = tan(#fvar)


Returns the hyperbolic tangent of num_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = tanh(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #ftanhvar = tanh(#fvar)


Returns a value that is num_value truncated to place_value digits after the decimal separator. This function returns a value of the same type as num_value.


dst_var = trunc(num_value,place_value⇒ )

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression.

place_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #ftruncvar = trunc(#fvar,⇒ #fplace)

The transcendental functions sin, cos, tan, sinh, cosh, and tanh take their arguments in radians. The functions asin, acos, and atan return radian values. To convert from radians to degrees or degrees to radians, use the rad or deg functions as shown here:

let #x = sin(rad(45)) ! Sine of 45 degrees. let #y = deg(asin(#x)) ! Convert back to degrees.

If arguments or intermediate results passed to a numeric function are invalid for that function, SQR halts with an error message.

For example, passing a negative number to the sqrt function causes an error. Use the cond function described in the Miscellaneous Functions table to prevent division by zero or other invalid function or operator argument values.

The following table lists file-related functions. These functions return 0 (zero) when successful; otherwise, they return the system error code.




Deletes the file filename. The function returns either a 0 (zero) to indicate success or the value returned from the operating system to indicate an error.


stat_var ​= delete(filename)

filename = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

stat_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fstatus = delete($filename)


Determines whether the file filename exists. The function returns either a 0 (zero) to indicate success or the value returned from the operating system to indicate an error.


stat_var ​= exists(filename)

filename = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

stat_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fstatus = exists($filename)


Renames old_filename to new_filename. The function returns either a 0 (zero) to indicate success or the value returned from the operating system to indicate an error.


stat_var = rename(old_filename,new_filename)

old_filename = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

new_filename = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

stat_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #fstatus = rename($old_filename, $new_⇒ filename)

The following table lists miscellaneous functions. These functions return a string value unless otherwise indicated.

In these functions where a string argument is expected and a date variable, column, or expression is entered, SQR converts the date to a string according to the following rules:

Except where noted in an individual function, if a string variable, column, or expression is entered where a date argument is expected, the string must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats listed in the Default Database Formats table, or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.




Returns a pointer to the starting address of the specified array field. The value returned from this function can be used only by a user-defined function. See the routine printarray in the file UFUNC.C for complete instructions on how to use this function.


array_var = array(array_name,field_name)

array_name = text literal, column, variable, or expression

field_name = text literal, column, variable, or expression

array_var = text variable


let #fstatus = printarray(array('products',⇒ 'name'), 10, 2, 'c')


Returns the numeric value for the first character in str_value. This function returns a float value.


ascii_var = ascii(str_value)

str_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

ascii_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #fascii = ascii($filename)


Returns the numeric value for the first character (rather than byte) of the specified string.


ascii_var = asciic(str_value)

str_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

ascii_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #fascii = asciic($filename)


Returns a string that is composed of a character with the numeric value of num_value.


dst_var = chr(num_value)

num_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = text variable.


let $svar = chr(#num)


Returns y_value if the x_value is nonzero; otherwise, returns z_value. If y_value is numeric, the z_value must also be numeric; otherwise, date and textual arguments are compatible. If either the y_value or z_value is a date variable, column, or expression, a date is returned. The return value of the function depends on which value is returned.


dst_var = cond(x_value,y_value,z_value)

x_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

y_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

z_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = Any variable


let #avg = #total / cond(&rate != 0, &rate, 1)


Returns a date after adding (or subtracting) the specified units to the date_value.


dst_var = dateadd(date_value,units_value,⇒ quantity_value)

date_value = date variable or expression.

units_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression. Valid units are 'year', 'quarter', 'week', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', and 'second'.

quantity_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to float.

dst_var = date variable


let $date = dateadd($startdate, 'day', 7.5)


Returns the difference between the specified dates expressed in units_value. The function returns a float value. The result can be negative if the first date is earlier than the second date.


dst_var = datediff(date1_value,date2_value,⇒ units_value)

date1_value = date variable or expression.

date2_value = date variable or expression.

units_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression. Valid units are 'year', 'quarter', 'week', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', and 'second'

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #diff = datediff($date1, $date2, 'hour')


Returns the current local date and time from the client machine.


dst_var = datenow()

dst_var = date variable


let $date = datenow()


Converts the date date_value to a string in the format format_mask.


dst_var = datetostr(date_value [, ​format_mask])

date_value = date variable or expression.

format_mask = text literal, column, variable, or expression. The keyword DATE can be used to specify the DATE-EDIT-MASK setting from the current locale. If this argument is not specified, the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting is used. If this has not been set, the first database-dependent format listed in the Default Database Formats table is used.

dst_var = text variable

Example: let $formdate = datetostr($date, 'Day Mon DD, YYYY') let $localedate = datetostr($date, DATE)


Formats source_value according to edit_mask and returns a string containing the result.


dst_var = edit(source_value,edit_mask)

source_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

edit_mask = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable

Example: )

let $phone = edit(&phone, '(xxx) xxx-xxxxx')⇒ let $price = edit(#price, '999.99')⇒ let $today = edit($date, 'DD/MM/YYYY'


Returns the value of the specified environment variable. If the environment variable does not exist, an empty string is returned.


dst_var = getenv(env_value)

env_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $myuser = getenv('USER')


Returns the numeric position of sub_value in source_value or 0 (zero) if not found. The search begins at offset offset_value. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = instr(source_value,sub_value,offset_⇒ value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

sub_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #offset = instr(&description, 'auto', 10)


Performs the same functionality as the instr function except that the starting point and returned value are expressed in bytes rather than in characters.


dst_var = instrb(source_value,sub_value,offset_⇒ value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

sub_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let #offset = instrb(&description, 'auto', 10)


Returns a value of 1 (one) if source_val is an empty string, null string, or composed entirely of white-space characters; otherwise, returns a value of 0 (zero).


dst_var = isblank(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #blank = isblank(&description)


Returns a value of 1 (one) if source_val is null; otherwise, returns a value of 0 (zero).


dst_var = isnull(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #null = isnull($date)


Returns the number of characters in source_value.


dst_var = length(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #length = length(&description)

Note. Oracle recommends that you use either the lengthp or lengtht function instead of the length function.


(Multibyte versions of SQR only) Has the same functionality as the length function except that the return value is expressed in bytes rather than in characters.


dst_var = lengthb(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #length = lengthb(&description)

Note. Oracle recommends that you use either the lengthp or lengtht function instead of the lengthb function.


Returns the length of a given string in print positions.


dst_var = lengthp(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #printlen = lengthp(&string)


Returns the length of a given string in bytes when converted (transformed) to a specified encoding.


dst_var = lengtht(source_value,encoding_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

encoding_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #sjislen = lengtht($string, 'Shift-JIS')


Converts the contents of source_value to lowercase and returns the result.


dst_var = lower(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $lower = lower(&description)


Pads the source_value on the left to a length of length_value using pad_value and returns the result.


dst_var = lpad(source_value,length_value,pad_⇒ value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

pad_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = text variable.


let $lpad = lpad($notice, 25, '.')


Trims characters in source_value from the left until a character is not in set_value and returns the result.


dst_var = ltrim(source_value,set_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

set_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $ltrim = ltrim(&description, '.')


Returns y_value if the x_value is null; otherwise, returns x_value. If x_value is numeric, y_value must also be numeric; otherwise, date and textual arguments are compatible. In any case, the x_value determines the type of expression returned. The return value of the function depends on which value is returned.


dst_var = nvl(x_value,y_value)

x_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

y_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = Any variable


let $city = nvl(&city, '-- not city --')

If x_value is a date and y_value is textual, y_value is validated according to the following rules:

For DATETIME columns and SQR DATE variables, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats (see the Default Database Formats table), or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.

For DATE columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT setting, or the format listed in the DATE Column Formats table.

For TIME columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT setting, or the format as listed in the TIME Column Formats table.


Returns a value of 1 (one) if x_value is between y_value and z_value; otherwise, returns a value of 0 (zer0). If the first argument is text or numeric, the other arguments must be of the same type. If the first argument is a date, the remaining arguments can be dates, text, or both. You can also perform a date comparison on a mix of date and text arguments, for example, where x_value is a date and y_value and z_value are text arguments. In a comparison of this sort, y_value must represent a date that is earlier than that of z_value.


dst_var = range(x_value,y_value,z_value)

x_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

y_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

z_value = Any literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #inrange = range(&grade, 'A', 'D')⇒ let #inrange = range($date, $startdate,⇒ $enddate)⇒ let #inrange = range($date, $startdate, '15-Apr-⇒ 04')⇒ let #inrange = range(#price, #low, #high)

If x_value is a date and y_value and/or z_value is textual, then y_value and/or z_value is validated according to the following rules:

For DATETIME columns and SQR DATE variables, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats (see the Default Database Formats table), or the database-independent format 'SYYYYM­MDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.

For DATE columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT setting, or the format listed in the table DATE Column Formats.

For TIME columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT setting, or the format as listed in table TIME Column Formats.


Inspects the contents of source_value and replaces all occurrences of from_string with to_string and returns the modified string.


dst_var = replace(source_value,from_string,to_⇒ string)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

from_string = text literal, column, variable, or expression

to_string = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable

Example: let $replaced = replace($paragraph, 'good',⇒ 'excellent')


Returns a string that is the character representation of source_value expressed in lowercase roman numerals.


dst_var = roman(source_value)

source_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $roman = roman(#page-count)


Pads the source_value on the right to a length of length_value using pad_value and returns the result.


dst_var = rpad(source_value,length_value,pad_⇒ value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

pad_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $rpad = rpad($notice, 25, '.')


Trims characters in source_value from the right until a character is not in set_value and returns the result.


dst_var = rtrim(source_value,set_value)

source_value = date, or text literal, column, variable, or expression

set_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $rtrim = rtrim(&description, '.')


Converts the string source_value in the format format_mask to a date type.


dst_var = strtodate(source_value [, ​format_mask])

source_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

format_mask = text literal, column, variable, or expression that describes the exact format of the source_value. The keyword DATE can be used to specify the DATE-EDIT-MASK setting from the current locale. If this argument is not specified, then source_value must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats (see the Default Database Formats table), or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'. Valid format codes are specified in the Date Edit Format Codes table.

dst_var = date variable

Example: let $date = strtodate($str_date, 'Mon DD, YYYY') let $date = strtodate($str_date, DATE)


Extracts the specified portion source_value. The extraction begins at offset_value (origin is 1) for a length of length_value characters.


dst_var = substr(source_value,offset_value,⇒ length_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

dst_var = text variable.


let $piece = substr(&record, 10, #len)

Note. Oracle recommends that you use either the substrp or substrt function instead of the substr function.


Has the same functionality as the substr function except that the starting point and length are expressed in bytes rather than in characters.


dst_var = substrb(source_value,offset_value,⇒ length_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

dst_var = text variable.


let $piece = substrb(&record, 10, #len)

Note. Oracle recommends that you use either the substrp or substrt function instead of the substrb function.


Returns a substring of a given string starting at a specified print position into the string and of a specified print length.


dst_var = substrp(source_value,offset_value,⇒ length_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable.


let $sub = substrp(&string, #printpos, #printlen)


Returns a substring of a given string starting at a specified byte and byte length in a given encoding.


dst_var = substrt(source_value,offset_value,⇒ length_value,encoding_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression.

offset_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

length_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression. The value is always converted to integer.

encoding_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression.

dst_var = text variable.


let $sjisPrep = substrt(&string, 1, 10, 'Shift-⇒ JIS')


Converts source_value to a string, using maximum precision.


dst_var = to_char(source_value)

source_value = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $string = to_char(#number)


Converts the specified string in the following way: Any occurrence of a double-byte character that also has a single-byte representation (numerals, punctuation, roman characters, and katakana) is converted.


dst_var = to_multi_byte ​(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression


let $multi = to_multi_byte (&text)


Converts source_value to a number. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = to_number(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #value = to_number($number)


Converts the specified string in the following way: For SJIS, EBCDIK290, and EBCDIK1027, any occurrence of a single-byte character that also has a multibyte representation (numerals, punctuation, roman characters, and katakana) is converted. This function also converts a sequence of kana characters followed by certain grammatical marks into a single-byte character that combines the two elements. For all other encodings, the string is not modified.


dst_var = to_single_byte(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression


let $single = to_single_byte (&text)


Inspects the contents of source_value and converts characters that match those in from_set to the corresponding character in to_set and returns the translated string.


dst_var = translate(source_value,from_set,to_⇒ set)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

from_set = text literal, column, variable, or expression

to_set = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $translated = translate(edit(&price,⇒ '999,999.99'),',',',')


Returns a Unicode string that is a specified transform of a given string.


dst_var = transform(source_value, transform_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable or expression

transform_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $hiragana = transform($string, 'ToHiragana')


Returns a Unicode string from the string of hexadecimal values provided.


dst_var = unicode(source_value)

source_value = text literal, column, variable or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $uniStr = unicode('u+5e73 u+2294')


Converts the contents of source_value to uppercase and returns the result.


dst_var = upper(source_value)

source_value = date or text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = text variable


let $upper = upper(&description)


Returns the number of print lines required by source_value. See the PRINTWRAP command for detailed descriptions of the parameters to this function. This function returns a float value.


dst_var = wrapdepth(source_value,wrap_width,⇒ line_height,on,strip)

source_value = text literal, column, variable, or expression

wrap_width = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression

line_height = decimal, float, or integer literal, column, variable, or expression

on = text literal, column, variable, or expression

strip = text literal, column, variable, or expression

dst_var = decimal, float, or integer variable


let #depth = wrapdepth(&description,40,1,'<13>','')

Writing Custom Functions

In addition to using the preceding built-in functions, you can write your own functions in C, using the supplied source file UFUNC.C .

You can pass any number of arguments to your function and values can be returned by the function or passed back in variables.

After editing and recompiling UFUNC.C, you must relink SQR.

The following step-by-step example shows how to add a user-defined function to SQR so that it can be invoked using the LET, IF, or WHILE command.

The example adds the C function random, which returns a random number. The function accepts a parameter that is used as the seed to start a new sequence of numbers. If the seed is zero, then the same sequence is used.

When adding functions to UFUNC, remember the following considerations:

To add the random function to SQR, add the following modifications to the UFUNC.C file that was provided with SQR:



Number of Arguments







PVR max,





PVR max,





PVR split,





PVR printarray,





PVR random,

/* Last entry must be NULL -- do not change */ "", '\0', 0, "", 0 };

At the end the of UFUNC.C file, add the following random routine. The routine name must be lowercase; however, in your SQR program it can be referenced in either uppercase or lowercase.

static void random CC_ARGL((argc, argv, result)) CC_ARG(int, argc) /* The number arguments passed */ CC_ARG(double *, argv[]) /* The argument list */ CC_LARG(double *, result) /* Where to store result */ { if (*argv[0] != 0) srand(*argv[0]); *result = rand(); return; }

After these modifications, recompile UFUNC.C and relink SQR. See the programmer's reference manual for details about your particular machine.

This is a simple SQR program that uses the random function:

begin-program do get-random-number do process-calculations end-program begin-procedure let #seed = 44 let #ran = random(#seed) end-procedure begin-procedure process-calculations . . .


These examples show some complex expressions:

let #j = ((#a + #b) * #c) ^ 2 if #j > 2 and sqrt(#j) < 20 or #i + 2 > 17.4 while upper(substr(&descrip,1,#j+2)) != 'XXXX' and not isnull(&price) let #len = length(&fname || &initial || &lname) + 2 let $s = edit(&price * &rate, '99999.99') let summary.total(#j) = summary.total(#j) + (&price * &rate) if summary.total(#j) > 1000000 let store.total (#store_id, #dept) = store.total (#store_id, #dept) + #total let #diff = datediff(datenow(), strtodate('1995','YYYY'),'day') let $newdate = dateadd(datenow(),'month',50) let $date1 = datetostr(strtodate(&sale_date), 'Day Month DD, YYYY')

SQR analyzes LET, IF, and WHILE expressions when it compiles your code and saves the result in an internal format so that repetitive execution is at maximum speed.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLOAD-LOOKUP


In the SETUP section:

LOAD-LOOKUP NAME=lookup_table_name TABLE=database_table_name KEY=key_column_name RETURN_VALUE=return_column_name [ROWS=initial_row_estimate_int_lit] [EXTENT=size_to_grow_by_int_lit] [WHERE=where_clause_txt_lit] [SORT=sort_mode] [QUIET] [SCHEMA=schema_name] [PROCEDURE=procedure_name] [COMMAND=command_string] [GETDATA=getdata_string] [PARAMETERS=(...)] [FROM-ROWSET=(m,n,-n,m-,all)] [FROM-PARAMETER=rowset_name]

In the body of the report:

LOAD-LOOKUP NAME=lookup_table_name TABLE=database_table_name KEY=key_column_name RETURN_VALUE=return_column_name [ROWS=initial_row_estimate_lit|_var|_col] [EXTENT=size_to_grow_by_lit|_var|_col] [WHERE=where_clause_txt_lit|_var|_col] [SORT=sort_mode] [QUIET] [SCHEMA=schema_name] [PROCEDURE=procedure_name] [COMMAND=command_string] [GETDATA=getdata_string] [PARAMETERS=(...)] [FROM-ROWSET=(m,n,-n,m-,all)] [FROM-PARAMETER=rowset_name]


Loads an internal table with columns from the database. Enables a quick search using the LOOKUP command.

Use the LOAD-LOOKUP command in conjunction with one or more LOOKUP commands.

LOAD-LOOKUP retrieves two columns from the database, the KEY field and the RETURN_VALUE field. Rows are ordered by KEY and stored in an array.

LOAD-LOOKUP commands specified in the SETUP section are always loaded and cannot reference variables for the ROWS, EXTENT, and WHERE arguments.

When you use the LOOKUP command, SQR searches the array (with a binary search) to find the RETURN_VALUE corresponding to the KEY referenced in the lookup.

Usually this type of lookup can be done with a database join , but joins take substantially longer. However, if your report is small and the number of rows to be joined is small, a lookup table can be slower because the entire table has to be loaded and sorted for each report run.

By default, SQR lets the database sort the data. This works well if the database and SQR both use the same character set and collating sequence. The SORT argument enables you to specify the sorting method if this is not true. Additionally, if the machine that SQR is running on is faster than the machine that the database is running on, letting SQR perform the sort could decrease the execution time of the report.

The only limit to the size of a lookup table is the amount of memory that your computer has available. You could conceivably load an array with many thousands of rows. The binary search is performed quickly regardless of how many rows are loaded.

Except for the amount of available memory, the number of lookup tables that can be defined is unlimited.



The name of the lookup table. The array name is referenced in the LOOKUP command.


The name of the table in the database, where the KEY and RETURN_VALUE columns or expressions are stored.


The name of the column that is used as the key in the array that is used for looking up the information. Keys can be character, date, or numeric data types. If the key is numeric, SQR permits only integers with 12 digits or fewer for the KEY column. Keys can be any database-supported expression. See the RETURN_VALUE argument.


The name of the column (expression) that is returned for each corresponding key.

The following example is for ORACLE. See your database manual for the correct syntax.



The initial size of the lookup table. This argument is optional, and if it is not specified, a value of 100 is used.


The amount to increase the array when it becomes full. This argument is optional, and if it is not specified, a value of 25% of the ROWS value is used.


A WHERE clause used to select a subset of all the rows in the table. If it is specified, the selection begins after the word WHERE. The WHERE clause is limited to 255 characters.


The sorting method to be used. The following values are permitted:

DC: Database sorts data, case-sensitive sort

DI: Database sorts data, case-insensitive sort

SC: SQR sorts data, case-sensitive sort

SI: SQR sorts data, case-insensitive sort

The default is SC or the method specified by the -LL command-line flag. The DI method is applicable only to databases that provide this feature and have been installed in that manner.


Suppresses the message Loading lookup array... when the command is carried out. The warning message stating the number of duplicate keys found is also suppressed.


The following command loads the array states with the columns abbr and name from the database table stateabbrs, where country is USA.

load-lookup name=states rows=50 table=stateabbrs key=abbr return_value=name where=country='USA'

The preceding array is used in the example for the LOOKUP command to retrieve the full text of a state name from the abbreviation.

The following example uses the LOOKUP command to validate data entered by a user using an INPUT command:

get_state: input $state 'Enter state abbreviation' uppercase $state lookup states $state $name if $name = '' ! Lookup didn't find a match show 'No such state.' goto get_state end-if

Enclose any command argument with embedded spaces within single quotes, as shown in the following example:

where='country=''USA'' and region = ''NE'''

The entire WHERE clause is surrounded by quotes. The two single quotes around USA and NE are translated to one single quote in the SQL statement.

The following example uses joins in a LOAD-LOOKUP command by including two tables in TABLE and the join in WHERE:

load-lookup name=states rows=50 sort=sc table='stateabbrs s, regions r' key=abbr return_value=name where='s.abbr = r.abbr and r.location = ''ne'''

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLOOKUP


LOOKUP lookup_table_name{key_any_lit|_var|_col} {ret_txt_var|_date_var}


Searches a lookup table (an array) for a key value and returns the corresponding text string.

Speeds up processing for long reports. For example, if you want to print the entire state name rather than the abbreviation, you could use LOAD-LOOKUP and then LOOKUP to do this.



Specifies the lookup table. This table must have been loaded previously with a LOAD- LOOKUP command.

key_any_lit | _var | _col

The key used for the lookup.

ret_txt_var | _date_var

A string variable into which the corresponding value is returned.


The following example works in conjunction with the example for the LOAD-LOOKUP command:

lookup states &state_abbr $state_name

This example searches the states lookup table for a matching &state_abbr value; if the value is found, the example returns the corresponding state name in $state_name. If it is not found, a null is placed in $state_name.

See Also

The LOAD-LOOKUP command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicLOWERCASE




Converts the contents of a text variable to lowercase.



Specifies a text variable to be converted to lowercase.


The following example illustrates the LOWERCASE command:

input $answer 'Type EXIT to stop' lowercase $answer ! Allows user to enter ! upper or lowercase. if $answer = 'exit' ...etc...

See Also

The lower function listed in the Miscellaneous Functions table.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMBTOSBS


MBTOSBS {txt_var}


Converts a double-byte string to its single-byte equivalent.

This command converts the specified string in the following way: any occurrence of a double-byte character that also has a single-byte representation (numerals, punctuation, roman characters, and katakana) is converted.



Specifies the string to be converted.

See Also

The TO_SINGLE_BYTE function of the LET command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMOVE


MOVE {src_any_lit|_var|_col} TO dst_any_var [[:$]format_mask|NUMBER|MONEY|DATE]


Moves the source field to the destination field. Optionally, you can reformat the field using the format_mask argument. Source and destination fields can be different types: numeric, text, or date. MOVE is also useful for converting from one type to another; however, date and numeric variables are incompatible.

When a date variable or column is moved to a string variable, the date is converted according to the following rules:

Finally, as the example shows, the edit mask can be contained in a string variable.


src_any_lit | _var | _col

Specifies any source column, variable, or literal. Note that a date can be stored in a date variable or column, or a string literal, column, or variable. When you are using a date format_mask or the keyword DATE with the MOVE command, the source, if a string literal, column, or variable, must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats as listed in the Default Database Formats table, or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]'.


Specifies a destination variable.


Specifies an optional format mask. For additional information regarding edit masks, see the PRINT command.


Indicates that src_any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the NUMBER-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. This option is not legal with date variables. (See the ALTER_LOCALE command.)


Indicates that src_any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the MONEY-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. This option is not legal with date variables. (See the ALTER_LOCALE command.)


Indicates that src_any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted using the DATE-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. This option is not legal with numeric variables. (See the ALTER_LOCALE command.)


The following example illustrates the various features of the MOVE command:

! ! Convert a string in place ! move '123456789' to $ssn move $ssn to $ssn xxx-xx-xxxx show '$SSN = ' $ssn

Produces the following output:

$SSN = 123-45-6789  ! ! Convert a number to a string using an edit mask ! move 1234567.89 to #value move #value to $value 999,999,999.99 show '$Value = ' $value

Produces the following output:

$Value = 1,234,567.89  ! ! Convert a number to a string using a variable edit mask ! move 123 to #counter move '099999' to $mask move #counter to $counter :$mask show '$Counter = ' $counter

Produces the following output:

$Counter = 000123  ! ! Convert a number to a string using the default edit mask ! ! SQR, by default, outputs six digits of precision. ! If you require more or less precision, specify an edit mask. ! move 123.78 to #defvar move #defvar to $defvar show '$DefVar = ' $defvar

Produces the following output:

$DefVar = 123.780000  ! ! Convert the number to a string using the locale default ! numeric edit mask ! alter-locale number-edit-mask = '99,999,999.99' move 123456.78 to #nvar move #nvar to $nvar number show '$NVar = ' $nvar

Produces the following output:

$NVar = 123,456.78  ! ! Convert the money value to a string using the locale default ! money edit mask ! alter-locale money-edit-mask = '$9,999,999.99' move 123456.78 to #mvar move #mvar to $mvar money show '$MVar = ' $mvar

Produces the following output:

$MVar = $ 123,456.78   ! ! Convert the date column to a string using the locale default ! date edit mask ! begin-select dcol from tables end-select alter-locale date-edit-mask = 'Mon-DD-YYYY' move &dcol to $dvar date show '$DVar = ' $dvar

Produces the following output:

$DVar = Jan-01-2004   ! ! Reset date to first day of the month ! ($date1 and $date2 have been defined as date variables) ! let $date1 = datenow() move $date1 to $date2 'MMYYYY' show '$Date2 = ' $date2 edit 'MM/DD/YY HH:MI'

Produces the following output if the report was run in October of 2004:

$Date2 = 10/01/04 00:00   ! ! Convert date to a string ! ($date1 has been defined as a date variable) ! move $date1 to $str_date 'DD-MON-YYYY' show '$Str_Date = ' $str_date

Produces the following output:

$Str_Date = 01-DEC-2004   ! ! Convert string (in partial format of SYYYYMMDDHHMISSNNN) to a ! date ! move '20041129' to $date1 show '$Date1 = ' $date1 edit 'Mon DD YYYY HH:MI'

Produces the following output:

$Date1 = Nov 29 2004 00:00

See Also

The LET command for information about copying, editing, or converting fields.

The EDIT parameter of the PRINT command for a description of the edit masks.

The ALTER-LOCALE command for a description of the arguments NUMBER-EDIT-MASK, MONEY-EDIT-MASK, and DATE-EDIT-MASK.

The PRINT command regarding the default date-time components as a result of moving an incomplete date to a date variable.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicMULTIPLY


MULTIPLY {src_num_lit|_var|_col} TIMES dst_num_var [ROUND=nn]


Multiplies the first field by the second and places the result into the second field.

When dealing with money-related values (dollars and cents), use decimal variables rather than float variables. Float variables are stored as double-precision floating-point numbers, and small inaccuracies can appear when the program multiplies many numbers in succession. These inaccuracies can appear due to the way different hardware and software implementations represent floating point numbers.


src_num_lit | _var | _col

Specifies a numeric source column, variable, or literal.


Specifies a destination numeric variable.


Rounds the result to the specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For float variables, this value can be from 0 to 15. For decimal variables, this value can be from 0 to the precision of the variable. For integer variables, this argument is not appropriate.


The following example illustrates the MULTIPLY command:

multiply &quantity times #cost multiply 1.5 times #result

See Also

The ADD command for more information.

The LET command for a discussion of complex arithmetic expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNEW-PAGE


NEW-PAGE [erase_from_line_num_lit|_var|_col]


Writes the current page and begins a new one.

For line printers, this command can optionally erase the old page starting at a specified line. After this action is performed, the location on the page is unchanged—that is, the value of #current-line is the same. The default action is to erase the entire page and reset #current-line to its initial value for the page.

In reports in which an overflow page is needed, sometimes retaining information from the first page on succeeding pages is useful.

Each NEW-PAGE occurrence adds a form feed character to the output file unless you specify FORMFEED=NO in the DECLARE-LAYOUT for this program in the SETUP section.

Note. A NEW-PAGE automatically occurs if page overflow is detected. Tabular reports do not require explicit NEW-PAGE commands; use NEXT-LISTING instead.


erase_from_line_num_lit | _var | _col

Specifies a numeric column, variable, or literal for line printers.


The following example illustrates the NEW-PAGE command:

! Write current page, then erase it ! beginning at line 5. new-page 5

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNEW-REPORT


NEW-REPORT {report_filename_txt_lit|_var|_col}


Closes the current report output file and opens a new one with the specified file name.

This command is normally used with single reports only. When used with multiple report declarations, this command affects the current report only.

The internal page counter is reset to 1 when NEW-REPORT is run.

Note. SQR does not create a report output file until the first page is completed. NEW-REPORT might not create a new file, for example, if no data is selected and nothing is printed on the page.


{report_filename_txt_lit | _var | _col}

Specifies a new file name.


The following example shows the NEW-REPORT command:

new-report 'rep2a.lis' new-report $next-file

Assign the report file name within an SQR report by issuing the NEW-REPORT command before printing. You might even prompt for the file name to use, as shown in the following example:

begin-report input $file 'Enter report file name' new-report $file ...

After execution of this command, the reserved variable $sqr-report is updated to reflect the new report name.

See Also


The -F command-line flag.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNEXT-COLUMN


NEXT-COLUMN [AT-END={NEWLINE|NEWPAGE}] [GOTO-TOP={num_lit|_var|_col}] [ERASE-PAGE={num_lit|_var|_col}]


Sets the current position on the page to the next column defined with the COLUMNS command.



Takes effect if the current column is the last one defined when NEXT-COLUMN is invoked.


Causes the current line in the next column to be num_lit|_var|_col. This argument is useful when you are printing columns down the page.


Specifies where to begin erasing the page when an AT-END=NEWPAGE occurs.


The following example prints columns across the page:

columns 10 50 ! Define two columns begin-select name (0,1,20) phone (0,+3,0) edit (xxx)bxxx-xxxx next-column at-end=newline ! Print names ! across the page from phonelist ! within two columns. order by name end-select

The following example prints columns down the page:

columns 10 50 move 55 to #bottom_line begin-select name (0,1,20) phone (0,+3,0) edit (xxx)bxxx-xxxx if #current-line >= #bottom_line next-column goto-top=1 at-end=newpage else position (+1,1) end-if from phonelist order by name end-select

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicNEXT-LISTING


NEXT-LISTING[NO-ADVANCE] [SKIPLINES={num_lit|_var|_col}] [NEED={num_lit|_var|_col}]


Ends the current set of detail lines and begins another.

NEXT-LISTING is used in tabular reports. This command causes a new vertical offset in the page to begin.

After NEXT-LISTING is run, line 1 is reset one line below the deepest line previously printed in the page body. That is, if you then write PRINT (1, 5), the string is printed on the next available line starting in column 5. Note that the SQR-reserved variable #current-line still reflects the actual line number within the page body.

The value of SKIPLINES must be a nonnegative integer. If it is less than 0 (zero), then 0 is assumed.

The value of NEED must be an integer greater than 0. If it is less than or equal to 0, then 1 is assumed.



Suppresses any line movement when no printing has occurred since the previous NEXT-LISTING or NEW-PAGE. The default increments the line position even when nothing was printed.


Causes the specified number of lines to be skipped before setting up the new offset.


Specifies the minimum number of lines needed to begin a new listing or set of detail lines. If this number of lines does not exist, a new page is started. You can use NEED to prevent a group of detail lines from being broken across two pages.


The following example shows the NEXT-LISTING command:

begin-select cust_num  (1,1) edit 099999 ! Each detail group prints city (,+3) ! starting on line 1 since name (2,10,30) ! NEXT-LISTING keeps address (,+2) ! moving line 1 down the next-listing skiplines=1 need=2 ! page. NEED=2 keeps 2 from customers order by cust_num ! line detail groups from end-select ! breaking across pages.

Note. The NEXT-LISTING command automatically issues a Use-Column 1 command if columns are active.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicOPEN


OPEN {filename_lit|_var|_col} AS {filenum_num_lit|_var|_col} {FOR-READING|FOR-WRITING|FOR-APPEND} {RECORD=length_num_lit[:FIXED|:FIXED_NOLF|:VARY]} [STATUS=num_var]


Opens an operating system file for reading or writing. After a file is opened, it remains open until explicitly closed by the CLOSE command. A maximum of 256 files can be opened at one time.


{filename_lit | _var | _col}

Specifies the file name. The file name can be literal, variable, or column. This makes prompting for a file name at runtime easy.

{filenum_num_lit | _var | _col}

Specifies a number that identifies the file in the application. All file commands use the file number to reference the file. File numbers can be numeric variables and literals. The number can be any positive integer less than 64,000.


When a file is opened for reading, SQR procures all data sequentially. SQR does not allow for random access of information.


When a file is opened for writing, a new file is created. If a file of the same name already exists, it can be overwritten (this depends on the operating system).


When a file is opened in append mode, the current file contents are preserved. All data written is placed at the end of the file. SQR creates the file if one does not already exist. For existing files, make sure that the attributes used are the same as those used when the file was created. Failure to do this causes the unpredictable results.


For the VARY file type , this is the maximum size for a record. For the FIXED file type , this is the size of each record without the line terminator. For the FIXED_NOLF file type , this is the size of each record.


This file type assumes that all records contained within the file are the same length. Terminate each record by a line terminator (system-dependent). You can use this file type when writing or reading binary data.


This file type specifies that all records contained within the file are the same length with no line terminators. When writing records, SQR pads short records with blank characters to ensure that each record is the same length. This file type can be used when SQR is writing or reading binary data.


This file type specifies that the records can be of varying length. Each record is terminated by a line terminator (system-dependent). Only records containing display characters (no binary data) can be used safely. When SQR is reading records, any data beyond the maximum length specified is ignored. This is the default file type.


Sets the numeric variable to zero if the OPEN command succeeds and to –1 if it fails. Without the STATUS argument, a failure on OPEN causes SQR to halt. By using a STATUS variable, you can control what processing occurs when a file cannot be opened.


This section contains two examples: a regular open command and an expanded command:

open 'stocks.dat' as 1 for-reading record=100 open 'log.dat' as 5 for-writing record=70 open $filename as #j for-append record=80:fixed open $filename as 2 for-reading record=80:fixed_nolf open $filename as 6 for-reading record=132:vary status=#filestat if #filestat != 0 ... error processing ... end-if

An encoding directive added to the OPEN command allows differently encoded files to be managed in a single run of SQR. When no ENCODING is specified on the OPEN command, SQR uses the file input or output encoding specified in the INI file unless the file is UCS-2 encoded and auto-detection of UCS-2 files is enabled. The complete syntax of the OPEN command is:

OPEN {filename_lit | _var | _col} AS {filenum_num_lit | _var | _col} { FOR-READING | FOR-WRITING | FOR-APPEND } { RECORD = length_num_lit[:FIXED | :FIXED_NOLF | :VARY]} [ STATUS = num_var ] [ ENCODING = { _var | _col | ASCII | ANSI | SJIS | JEUC | EBCDIC | EBCDIK290 | EBCDIK1027 | UCS-2 | UTF-8 | others... }

The ENCODING directive is allowed only when you are converting to Unicode internally.

See Also

The READ, WRITE, and CLOSE commands for information about using files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPAGE-NUMBER


PAGE-NUMBER position[pre_txt_lit[post_txt_lit]]


Places the current page number on the page.

The text specified in pre_txt_lit and post_txt_lit is printed immediately before and after the number.



Specifies the position of the page number. See the POSITION command for a description and examples of the position parameter.


Specifies a text string to be printed before the page number.


Specifies a text string to be printed after the page number.


The following example shows the PAGE-NUMBER command:

begin-footing 1 page-number (1,37) 'Page ' ! Will appear as last-page () ' of ' '.' ! "Page 12 of 25." end-footing

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPOSITION


POSITION position [@document_marker[COLUMNS{num_lit|_var|_col} [num_lit|_var|_col]...]]


Sets the current position on a page.



A position qualifier consisting of (line, column, width), where column and width are numbers that denote characters and spaces. Line, column, and width are all optional. If line or column is omitted, the print position is set by default to the current position, which is the position following the last printed item. Width is set by default to the width of the text that is being printed. A plus sign or minus sign indicates relative positioning in SQR. A plus sign moves the print position forward from the current position, and a minus sign moves it back.


References a location defined in a document paragraph . In this case, the position used is the location of that marker in the text of the document.


Defines columns beginning at the location of the document marker. The columns defined are relative to the position of the document marker.

When COLUMNS is used, the entire command cannot be broken across more than one program line.


The following example shows the POSITION command:

position (12,5) ! Set current position to line 12, column 5. position (+2,25) ! Set position 2 lines down, at 25th column. position () @total_location ! Set position to document print #total () edit 999,999,999 ! marker @total_location. position () @name_loc columns 1 30 print name () ! Columns are defined at @name_loc and next-column ! 29 characters to the right of @name_loc print title ()

See Also

Creating Form Letters.

The COLUMNS command for more information.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPRINT


PRINT {any_lit|_var|_col} position[format_command[format_cmd_params]...]...


Puts data on the page at a specified position.

See Changing Fonts.


{any_lit | _var | _col}

Specifies the data to be printed.

Dates can be contained in a date column or variable, or in a string literal, column, or variable. When you are using EDIT or DATE with the PRINT command, a date in a string literal, column, or variable must be in an acceptable format. See the description of EDIT for further details.


A position qualifier consisting of (line, column, width), where column and width are numbers that denote characters and spaces. Line, column, and width are all optional. If line or column is omitted, the print position is set by default to the current position, which is the position following the last printed item. Width is set by default to the width of the text that is being printed. Position can be relative. See the POSITION command for a full description and examples of relative positioning.

format_command [format_cmd_params]

Specifies optional formatting commands and parameters.

Format Commands

The PRINT command has the following format commands::

Note. The SHADE and BOX format options are not supported for output to HTML format.

Some of these format commands can be used in combination with others and some are mutually exclusive. The following tables show which can be used together. An X indicates that they can be used together.
































































































































































































The following sections describe the PRINT format commands.


BOLD causes the string or number to print in bold type.

For HP LaserJet printers, the appropriate boldface font must be loaded in the printer.

For PostScript printers, the appropriate boldface must be defined in the PostScript startup file, postscri.str.

See the DECLARE-PRINTER Command Arguments table for information about which fonts can be in boldface font.

For line printers, when the BEFORE-BOLD and AFTER-BOLD arguments on the DECLARE-PRINTER command are used, the specified strings are added before and after the data that is to be in boldface. If BEFORE-BOLD and AFTER-BOLD are not specified, BOLD has no effect.

For example:

print &name (+1, 20) bold print 'Your account is in arrears' (1,1) bold


BOX draws a one-line-deep graphical box around the printed data. This option has no effect for line printers.

For example:

print &grand_total (+5, 20) box print 'Happy Birthday !!' (1,1) box

Note. For HP LaserJet printers using proportional fonts, BOX and SHADE cannot determine the correct length of the box because it varies with the width of the characters printed. BOX and SHADE work well with fixed-pitch fonts and with all PostScript fonts.

Note. The BOX format option is not supported for output to HTML format.


CENTER centers the field on a line. The position qualifier for column is ignored. For example:

print 'Quarterly Sales' (1) center CODE-PRINTER

CODE-PRINTER has the following syntax:

CODE-PRINTER = ​printer_type

Valid values for printer_type are HT, HP, PS, LP, HTML, HPLASERJET, POSTSCRIPT, and LINEPRINTER.


Adds nondisplay characters to the program for the purpose of sending a sequence to the printer. CODE-PRINTER causes the string to be placed behind the page buffer, rather than within it, so alignment of printed data is not affected by the white space consumed by the nondisplay characters. Only strings can be printed by means of CODE-PRINTER.

Because the report might be printed on different types of printers, you should specify for which type this data is to be used. The report is ignored if it is printed to a different type. If necessary, you can send a different sequence to another type with a second PRINT statement.

For example:

encode '<27>[5U' into $big_font encode '<27>[6U' into $normal_font ... print $big_font (0, +2) code-printer=lp print &phone () edit '(xxx) xxx-xxxx' print $normal_font () code-printer=lp

In the previous example, the two CODE-PRINTER arguments put the $big_font and $normal_font sequences into the output, without overwriting any data in the page buffer. Sequences printed with the CODE- PRINTER argument are positioned by the regular line and column positioning. However, unlike the PRINT command, the current print location after execution is the beginning location where the CODE-PRINTER string was placed. Multiple coded strings printed using the same line and column location appear in the output in the same sequence in which they were printed.


You cannot use DATE with numeric columns or variables. DATE indicates that the field is to be formatted with the DATE-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. (See the ALTER_LOCALE command.) If this entry is not set, then the date is printed according to the following rules shown in the Date table.

Column Type

Default Mask

If not set



See the Default Database Formats table for the format that is used.



See the DATE Column Formats table for the format that is used.



See the TIME Column Formats table for the format that is used.


EDIT has the following syntax:

EDIT edit_format

EDIT causes each field to be edited before it is printed. The three types of edits are::

The following table lists the text edit format characters:




Use character in field.


Insert blank.

~ (tilde)

Skip character in field.


Reverse sequence of string for languages such as Hebrew. The optional number indicates right justification within length indicated.

Any other character, such as punctuation, in a text edit mask is treated as a constant and is included in the edited field.

The characters 8, 9, 0, V, and $ are illegal in a text edit mask because they are used to indicate that the mask is for a numeric edit.

The following table lists the numeric edit format characters:




Digit, zero fill to the right of the decimal point, trim leading blanks (left-justify the number).


Digit, zero fill to the right of the decimal point, space fill to the left.


Digit, zero fill to the left.


Dollar sign, optionally floats to the right.


Treated as a 9, but if a value is zero, the field is converted to blanks.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes the comma and period characters to be transposed when the edit occurs. This is to support monetary values for which periods delimit thousands and commas delimit decimals. (Example: 1.234,56).


Scientific format. The number of 9s after the decimal point determines the number of significant digits displayed. The E can be uppercase or lowercase; the display follows the case of the mask.


Implied decimal point.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes a minus to appear at the right of the number.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes angle brackets (< >) to be displayed around the number if the number is negative.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes parentheses to be displayed around the number if the number is negative.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes floating parentheses to be displayed around the number if the number is negative.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes NA to be displayed if the numeric column variable is null. The case of NA follows that of the mask.


Entered at the end of the mask, causes blanks to be displayed if the numeric column variable is null.


Decimal point.



Characters other than those listed in the Numeric Edit Format Characters table are illegal for numeric edit masks and cause errors during processing.

The following table shows sample edit masks and resulting fields:




































< 123>



( 123)


















$ 12.34















(216) 991-0551










The following example shows some uses of edit masks:

print #total (7,55,0)  edit $999,999.99 ! $ 12,345.67 print #total (7,55,0)  edit $$$9,999.99 ! $12,345.67 print #total (7,55,0)  edit 999,999.99pr ! < 12,345.67>(if neg) print #comm  (7,55,0)  edit b99,999.99 ! Blank if zero print &cnum  (16,1,0)  edit 099999 ! 001234 print #cat   (5,10,0)  edit 9.999E ! 1.235E+04 print #phone (16,60,0) edit (xxx)bxxx-xxxx ! (216) 397-0551 print #total (7,55,0)  edit £££9,999.99 ! Dollar-Symbol £

The following table lists the date edit format codes:




Last 3, 2, or 1 digit of the year. On input, for calculating the 4-digit year, the current century, decade, or both are used. For example, a 9 using the Y mask would result in the year 1999 if the current year is in the 1990s.


4-digit year, S prefixes BC dates with "-".


Last 2 digits of year; for years in other centuries. See the Date Edit Format Code-RR table.


Century; S prefixes BC dates with "–".


BC/AD indicator.


Quarter of year (1,2,3,4; JAN–MAR=1).


Roman numeral month (I–XII; JAN=I).


Week of year (1–53) when week 1 starts on the first day of the year and continues to the seventh day of the year.


Week of the month (1–5) when week 1 starts on the first day of the month and ends on the seventh.


Day of year (1–366).


Day of month (1–31).


Day of week (1–7). Sunday is the first day of the week.


Name of day.


Abbreviated name of day.


Japanese Imperial Era. Returns the name of the Japanese Imperial Era in the appropriate kanji (Heisei is the current era).


Year of the Japanese Imperial Era. Returns the current year within the Japanese Imperial Era.

Note. The common Japanese date format is 'YYYY<nen>MM<gatsu>DD<nichi>' where <nen>, <gatsu>, and <nichi> are the kanji strings for year, month, and day respectively.


Julian day; the number of days since Jan 1, 4713 BC. Numbers specified with J must be integers.


Meridian indicator.


Assumes 24-hour clock unless meridian indicator is specified.


Hour of day (1–12).


Hour of day (0–23).


Seconds past midnight (0–86399).


Fractions of a second. Precise to microseconds; however, for most hardware and databases, this much accuracy is not attainable.


Name of month.


Abbreviated name of month.


Month (01–12; JAN=01).


Minute (0–59).


Second (0–59).


Used to concatenate different masks.

Note. If the last two digits of the year are between 00 and 49, the return date is in the current century. If the last two digits of the year are between 50 and 99, the return date is in the century after the current one.

Last 2 Digits of Current Year

2-Digit Year is 00–49

2-Digit Year is 50–99


The return date is in the current century.

The return date is in the century before the current one.


The return date is in the century after the current one.

The return date is in the current century.

All masks can be used by the strtodate function except for CC, SCC, Q, W, and WW.

A backslash forces the next character into the output from the mask. For example, a mask of The cu\rre\nt \mo\nth is Month results in the output string of The current month is January. Without the backslashes, the output string would be The cu04e7t january is January.

A vertical bar can be used as a delimiter between format codes; however, in most cases the bar is not necessary. For example, the mask 'YYYY|MM|DD' is the same as 'YYYYMMDD'.

Any other character, such as punctuation, in a date edit mask is treated as a constant and is included in the edited field. If the edit mask contains spaces, it must be enclosed in single quotes (').

The masks MON, MONTH, DAY, DY, AM, PM, BC, AD, and RM are case-sensitive and follow the case of the mask entered. For example, if the month is January, the mask Mon yields Jan and MON yields JAN.

All other masks are case-insensitive and can be entered in either uppercase or lowercase. In addition, National Language Support is provided for the following masks: MON, MONTH, DAY, DY, AM, PM, BC, and AD.

See the ALTER-LOCALE command in the SQR Samples section for additional information.

If the value of the date field being edited is Mar 14 2004 9:35, the edit masks produce the results in the following table.

Edit Mask






'Month dd, YYYY'

March 14, 2004






09:35 AM









In addition to being used with the EDIT argument, edit masks can be used with the MOVE, CONCAT, DISPLAY, and SHOW commands, and with the edit function of the LET command. You edit the field using the supplied mask before storing or displaying it.

When a date with missing date components, time components, or both is displayed or printed, the defaults are as shown in this list:

For example, assuming today is September 7, 2004, the following assignment would produce an equivalent date-time of September 1, 2004 13:21:00.000000:

let $date1 = strtodate('13:21','HH:MI')

Edit masks can be changed dynamically by storing them in a string variable and referencing the variable name preceded by a colon (:). For example:

move '$999,999.99' to $mask print #total (5,10) edit :$mask show #total edit :$mask

When a date that is stored in a string literal, column, or variable is printed with an edit mask, it must be in one of the following formats:

When a date column or variable is printed without an edit mask, the date is printed in the format specified by the environment variable SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT or the corresponding setting in the sqr.ini file. If this has not been set, then the date is printed in the primary database format (the first entry) listed in the Default Database Formats table.

This applies to DISPLAY, MOVE, and SHOW commands as well as PRINT.

The following table lists default date formats for each database.


Default Database Formats













DATE Column Formats









TIME Column Formats






FILL fills the page with the specified character or string as indicated by the print position and length.

The following example prints a line of stars and then a line of dashes followed by stars:

print '*' (1,1,79) fill ! Fill line with *'s print '-*' (+1,20,40) fill ! Fill with '-*' characters.


When you specify a color on the PRINT command, its scope is that of the PRINT command. If you do not define the specified color name, then the setting for default is used. Use the color name none to deactivate color for the specified area.

PRINT {any_lit|_var|_col} [FOREGROUND =({color_name_lit|_var|_col}|{rgb})] [BACKGROUND =({color_name_lit|_var|_col}|{rgb})]


MATCH has the following syntax:

MATCH match_text { line_num_lit|_var|_col } { column_num_lit|_var|_col } print_text ...

MATCH compares a field to a list of key values and if a match is found, prints the corresponding string at the specified line and column. If the match_text contains white space, it must be enclosed in single quotes ('). Any number of match texts can be tested, but each must have its own line, column, and print_text. If a match is not found, the unmatched field is printed at the position specified in the parentheses. Line and column positions for each matched string are treated as fixed or relative positions depending on the type of positioning used in the position qualifier for the PRINT command. For example:

print &type_buyer (20,12) match A 20 12 Casual B 20 22 Impulsive C 21 12 Informed D 21 22 Choosey

To use relative line and fixed-column positioning, for example, you could use the following code:

print $state (0,25) match OH 0 25 Ohio MI 0 37 Michigan NY 0 25 'New York'

The column positions are treated as fixed locations due to the fixed 25 positions declared in parentheses.


MONEY indicates that the column or variable is to be formatted using the MONEY-EDIT-MASK from the current locale (see the ALTER_LOCALE command). This can be used only with a numeric column or variable.


NOP suppresses the print command, causing no operation to be carried out. This argument is useful for temporarily preventing a field from printing. For example:

print &ssn (1,1) nop Hide the social security number.


NUMBER indicates that the column or variable is to be formatted with the NUMBER-EDIT-MASK from the current locale (see the ALTER-LOCALE command). This argument can be used only with a numeric column or variable.


ON-BREAK has the following syntax:

ON-BREAK [PRINT={ALWAYS|CHANGE|CHANGE/TOP-PAGE|NEVER}] [SKIPLINES={num_lit|_var|_col}] [PROCEDURE=procedure_name[(arg1[ ,argi]...)]] [AFTER=procedure_name[(arg1[ ,argi]...)]] [BEFORE=procedure_name[(arg1[ ,argi]...)]] [SAVE=txt_var] [LEVEL=nn] [SET=nn]

ON-BREAK causes the specified action in a tabular report when the value of a field changes (a break occurs). The default action prints the field only when its value changes (PRINT=CHANGE). ON-BREAK has the following qualifiers:

Following is the sequence of events for a query containing ON-BREAK fields:

  1. Any BEFORE procedures are processed in ascending LEVEL sequence before the first row of the query is retrieved.

  2. When a break occurs in the query, the following events occur:

  3. After the query finishes (at END-SELECT) any AFTER procedures are processed in descending level sequence, for example:

    begin-select state (+1,1,2) on-break level=1 after=state-tot skiplines=2 county (,+2,14) on-break level=2 after=cnty-tot skiplines=1 city (,+2,14) on-break level=3 after=city-tot ... end-select

    The breaks are processed in the following way:

Now when state breaks, this sequence of procedures is run:

When program flow enters the query at BEGIN-SELECT, the three BEFORE procedures are run in sequence:

After the last row is retrieved, at END-SELECT, the three AFTER procedures are run in sequence:

The SAVE qualifier saves the previous break value in the specified string variable for use in an AFTER procedure. You may want to print the previous break field with a summary line:

print &state (+1,1) on-break after=state-tot save=$old-state

The SET qualifier enables you to have subreports with leveled breaks. Because the ON-BREAKs are separated into sets, the associated leveled breaks in each set do not interfere with each other.

begin-select state (+1,1,2) on-break set=1 after=state-tot level=1

SET=1 associates this leveled break with other breaks having the same set number.


Draws a one-line deep, shaded graphical box around the printed data. For line printers, this argument has no effect.

print 'Company Confidential' (1,1) shade print &state (+2, 40) shade

Note. For HP LaserJet printers using proportional fonts, BOX and SHADE cannot determine the correct length of the box because it varies with the width of the characters printed. BOX and SHADE work well with fixed-pitch fonts and with all PostScript fonts.

Note. The SHADE format option is not supported for output to HTML format.


UNDERLINE prints the specified data with underlined characters. For line printers, UNDERLINE generates backspace and underscore characters, which emulates underlining. For example:

print &name (+1, 45) underline print 'Your account is in arrears' (1,1) underline


WRAP wraps text at word spaces. Additional text is moved to a new line. WRAP has the following syntax:

WRAP {line_length_lit|_var|_col} {max_lines_lit|_var|_col}[KEEP-TOP] [STRIP=strip_chars][ON=break_chars][R] [LINE-HEIGHT={line_height_lit|_var|_col}] line_length_lit|_var|_col

WRAP specifies the maximum paragraph width in characters.

Note. After a string wraps, the current position is one character to the right of the last character in the column. When a string ends on the last position of a line, an implicit line feed causes the new current position to be the first character of the following line. In the SETUP section, use the DECLARE-LAYOUT command to make the page width one character wider than the right edge of the wrapped text to avoid generating an implicit line feed.

In this example, the line position is 1 for each of the three wrapped fields: note1, note2, and note3.

print &comment (48,20,0) wrap 50 3 ! Paragraph is 50 ! characters wide, ! with a maximum ! depth of 3 lines. print &note1 (1,20,30) wrap 30 4 print &note2 (1,+2,30) wrap 30 4 print &note3 (1,+2,30) wrap 30 4

The current print position after a wrap occurs at the bottom right edge of the wrapped paragraph. To continue printing on the same line, you must use a fixed line number for the next field.


Specifies the maximum paragraph depth in lines. Usually, the line length and maximum lines are indicated with numeric literals. However, WRAP can also reference numeric variables or columns. This is useful when you want to change the width or depth of a wrapped paragraph during report processing. The numeric variable can optionally be preceded by a colon (:), for example:

print $comments (1,30) wrap #wrap_width 6 print $message (5,45) wrap #msg_wid #msg_lines

KEEP-TOP retains the current line position except if a page break occurs, in which case, line 1 is used as the current line position. The default action is to set the next print position at the bottom of the wrapped data.

In the following example, the column &resolution prints on the same line as the first line of the column &instructions:

print &phone (+1,10) edit '(xxx) xxx-xxxx' print &instructions (+1,10,30) wrap 6 30 keep-top print &resolution (0,+3,25)

The STRIP and ON arguments affect which characters are to be converted before wrapping, and which characters force a wrap to occur.

Both arguments accept regular characters and nondisplay characters for which decimal values are surrounded by angled brackets, <nn>, where nn is a decimal number between 1 and 255, representing the character in the current character set of the operating system. For example, to print a long data type that contains embedded carriage returns, the setup would be:

print &long_field (5,20) wrap 42 30 on=<13>

The paragraph wraps at each carriage return, rather than at the usual word boundaries. If the ON character is not found within the width specified for the paragraph, the wrap occurs at a word space. The following example converts the STRIP characters to spaces before wrapping on either a line feed <10> or a space (the default):

print &description (20,10) wrap 50 22 strip=/\^@<13> on=<10>

WRAP can also be used to print reversed characters, for support of languages such as Hebrew. An R after the length and max_lines arguments causes the field to be reversed before the wrap takes place. In addition, the entire paragraph is right-justified within the length indicated.

! Reverse wrap, in 30 character field. print &comment (2,35) wrap 30 5 r print $notes (1,50) wrap 50 7 r

LINE-HEIGHT specifies the number of lines to skip between each line of the wrapped data. By default, a value of 1 (single space) is assumed. The following example prints the comment column with one blank line between each printed line for a maximum of four printed lines:

print &comment (1,1) wrap 40 4 line-height = 2 ! Double space text

See Also

The LET command for information about copying, editing, or converting fields.

The ALTER-LOCALE command for a description of the arguments NUMBER-EDIT-MASK, MONEY-EDIT-MASK, and DATE-EDIT-MASK.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPRINT-BAR-CODE


PRINT-BAR-CODE position {TYPE={bar_code_type_num_lit|_var|_col}} {HEIGHT={bar_code_height_num_lit|_var|_col}} {TEXT={bar_code_txt_lit|_var|_col}} [CAPTION={bar_code_caption_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [CHECKSUM={checksum_lit}]


Prints industry standard bar codes. SQR supports the bar code types listed in the following table.



Text Length

Text Type




11, 13, or 16





11, 13, or 16





12, 14, or 17





7, 9, or 12




3 of 9 (Code 39)

1 to 30

9, X, p



Extended 3 of 9

1 to 30

9, X, x, p, c



Interleaved 2 of 5

2 to 30




Code 128

1 to 30

9, X, x, p, c




1 to 30




Zip+4 Postnet

5, 9, or 11




MSI Plessey

1 to 30




Code 93

1 to 30

9, X, p



Extended 93

1 to 30

9, X, x, p









1 to 30





Specifies the position of the upper left corner. Position parameters can be relative. See the POSITION command for examples of relative positioning. Document markers are not allowed. After the statement runs, the current position is returned to this location; however, the next listing line is the next line below the bottom of the bar code. (This is different from the way the PRINT command works.)


Specifies the type of bar code to be printed. Types are shown in the Bar Code Types table.


Specifies the height of the bar code in inches. The height must be between 0.1 and 2 inches. The code prints to the nearest one-tenth of an inch. For Zip+4 Postnet, the height of the bar code is fixed. The height should be between 0.2 and 2.0 for Zip+4 Postnet. If it is less than 0.2, the bar code extends above the position specified.


Specifies the text to be encoded and printed. The number and type of text characters permitted or required depends on the bar code type. See the Bar Code Types table for specifications.


Specifies optional text to be printed under the bar code in the current font. SQR attempts to center the caption under the bar code; however, for proportional fonts this may vary slightly.

CAPTION is not valid for Zip+4 Postnet. If specified, it is ignored.


Specifies an optional check sum to be computed and printed within the bar code. Valid values are YES and NO, where NO is the default.

Note. Some barcode types ignore the CHECKSUM qualifier. See the Bar Code Types table for those barcode types for which CHECKSUM is relevant.


This example shows how to use the PRINT-BAR-CODE command to create a UPC-A bar code:

begin-program print 'Sample UPC-A Barcode' (1,1) print-bar-code (3,1) type=1 ! UPC-A height=0.3 text='01234567890' caption='0 12345 67890' end-program

This example shows how to use the PRINT-BAR-CODE command to create a ZIP+4 Postnet code:

begin-program print 'Sample Zip+4 Postnet' (1,1) print 'John Q. Public' (3,1) print '1234 Main Street' (4,1) print 'AnyTown, USA 12345-6789' (5,1) print-bar-code (7,1) type=10 height=0.2 text='12345678934' end-program

Note. SQR does not check bar code syntax. See your bar code documentation for the proper formatting of certain bar codes.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPRINT-CHART


PRINT-CHART[chart_name]position DATA-ARRAY-ROW-COUNT={x_num_lit|_var|_col} DATA-ARRAY-COLUMN-COUNT={x_num_lit|_var|_col} DATA-ARRAY=array_name [DATA-LABELS=data_labels_lit | _var | _col] [COLOR-PALETTE=color_palette_lit | _var | _col]] [ITEM-COLOR=(Chart_item_keyword, txt_lit |var | (r,g,b))] [DATA-ARRAY-COLUMN-LABELS={NONE|array_name| {({txt_lit|_var}[,{txt_lit|_var}]...)}}] [CHART-SIZE=(chart_width_num_lit|_var, chart_depth_num_lit|_var)] [TITLE={title_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [SUB-TITLE={subtitle_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [FILL={fill_lit|txt_var|_col}] [3D-EFFECTS={3d_effects_lit|txt_var|_col}] [BORDER={border_lit|txt_var|_col}] [POINT-MARKERS={point_markers_lit|txt_var|_col}] [TYPE={chart_type_lit|txt_var|_col}] [LEGEND={legend_lit|txt_var|_col}] [LEGEND-TITLE={legend_title_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [LEGEND-PLACEMENT={legend_placement_lit|txt_var|_col}] [LEGEND- PRESENTATION={legend_presentation_lit|txt_var|_col}] [PIE-SEGMENT-QUANTITY-DISPLAY= {pie_segment_quantity_display_lit|txt_var|_col}] [PIE-SEGMENT-PERCENT- DISPLAY={pie_segment_percent_display_lit |txt_var|_col}] [PIE-SEGMENT-EXPLODE={pie_segment_explode_lit |txt_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-LABEL={x_axis_label_txt_lit|_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-MIN-VALUE={x_axis_min_value_lit|_num_lit|_var |_col}] [X-AXIS-MAX-VALUE={x_axis_max_value_lit|_num_lit|_var |_col}] [X-AXIS-SCALE={x_axis_scale_lit|txt_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-MAJOR-TICK-MARKS={x_axis_major_tick_marks_lit |txt_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-MINOR-TICK-MARKS={x_axis_minor_tick_marks_lit |txt_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT={x_axis_major_increment_lit |_num_lit|_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT={x_axis_minor_increment_lit |_num_lit|_var|_col}] X-AXIS-TICK-MARK-PLACEMENT= {x_axis_tick_mark_placement_lit|txt_var|_col}] [X-AXIS-GRID={x_axis_grid_lit|txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-LABEL={y_axis_label_lit|txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MIN-VALUE={y_axis_min_value_lit|_num_lit |_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MAX-VALUE={y_axis_max_value_lit|_num_lit |_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-SCALE={y_axis_scale_lit|txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MAJOR-TICK-MARKS={y_axis_major_tick_marks_lit |txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MINOR-TICK-MARKS={y_axis_minor_tick_marks_lit |txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MAJOR-INCREMENT={y_axis_major_increment_lit |_num_lit|_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-MINOR-INCREMENT={y_axis_minor_increment_lit |_num_lit|_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-TICK-MARK-PLACEMENT= {y_axis_tick_mark_placement_lit|txt_var|_col}] [Y-AXIS-GRID={y_axis_grid_lit|txt_var|_col}]

Note. If you do not define CHART-SIZE with this command, you must define it with DECLARE-CHART.


Prints a chart. Only PostScript printers or HP printers that support HPGL (generally, this is HPLaserJet 3 and higher) render chart output.

The PRINT-CHART command directs SQR to generate a chart according to the named chart, if any, and the overridden attributes, if any.

Note. PRINT-CHART can be used without referencing a named chart if all required attributes for the DECLARE-CHART are supplied in addition to all its required parameters. The PRINT-CHART command directs SQR to display the chart on the current page using the attribute values at the moment the command is carried out. Manipulation of chart attribute values has no effect on the appearance of the chart after the PRINT-CHART command has been carried out. For example, if you issue a PRINT-CHART with TITLE=$ttl and $ttl='Encouraging Results', and then change the value of $ttl to 'Discouraging Results' immediately afterward, then the chart is printed with first value, 'Encouraging Results'. PRINT-CHART expects the DATA-ARRAY to be organized in a particular way. See the Chart Array Field Types (fewer than four fields) table for details. PRINT-CHART fills the area defined by CHART-SIZE as much as possible while maintaining an aesthetically pleasing ratio of height to width. In cases in which the display area is not well suited to the chart display, the chart is centered within the specified region, and the dimensions are scaled to accommodate the region. Do not be alarmed if the chart does not fit exactly inside the box that you have specified. It means that SQR has accommodated the shape of the region to provide the best looking chart possible. Chart commands used to send output to a line printer are ignored. Only PostScript printers or HP printers that support Hewlett Packard's HPGL (generally, this is HP LaserJet model 3 and higher) render chart output. If you attempt to print a chart to a LaserJet printer that does not support HPGL, the HPGL command output might become part of your output, leaving one or more lines of meaningless data across your report.

All the attributes defined for DECLARE-CHART are valid for the PRINT-CHART command. PRINT-CHART has five additional parameters. The position of the chart is described with the first parameter. The data that supports the chart is defined in the additional attributes: DATA-ARRAY, DATA-ARRAY-ROW-COUNT, DATA-ARRAY-COLUMN-COUNT, and DATA-ARRAY-COLUMN-LABELS.

As mentioned, each chart type meets a specific organizational requirement. The Chart Array Field Types (fewer than four fields) table describes these requirements.

Note. If the first field in the array designated by DATA-ARRAY is of type CHAR, then the value on the x-axis is the contents of that column. If the first field is not of type CHAR, then the value of the x-axis is the row number of the array designated by DATA-ARRAY, beginning with 1. Pie charts show the character value in the legend area. Histograms show the character value on the y-axis. XY-Scatter charts do not use the character value and none is needed in the array.

Note. If a PIE chart contains many small slices, the user must set the PIE-SEGMENT-QUANTITY-DISPLAY argument, the PIE-SEGMENT-PERCENT-DISPLAY argument, or both to NO to prevent the values from one slice overwriting the values of another slice.

Chart Type

Field 0

Field 1

Field 2

Field 3


Type=char Pie segment labels, the names associated with each segment

Type=num The value associated with each pie segment

(Optional) Type=char Pie segment explode flag setting, 'Y' or 'N'



Type=char X-Axis values

Type=num Series 1 Y-Axis values

(Optional) Type=num Series 2 Y-Axis values

(Optional) Type=num Series 3… Y-Axis values


Type=num Series 1 X-Axis values

Type=num Series 1 Y-Axis values

(Optional) Type=num Series 2 X-Axis values

(Optional) Type=num Series 2 ... Y-Axis values


Type=char X-Axis values

Type=num Series 1 Y-Axis offset

Type=num Series 1 Y-Axis duration

(Optional) Type=Num Series 2 ... Y-Axis offset


Chart Type

Field 0

Field 1

Field 2

Field 3

Field 4


Type=char X-Axis values

Type=num High value

Type=num Low value

Type=num Closing value

(Optional) Type=num Opening value



Specifies the name of the chart from the DECLARE-CHART command. This name is not necessary if you specify the CHART-SIZE and all other pertinent attributes in the PRINT-CHART command.


(row, column) Specifies the position of the upper left corner. Position parameters can be relative. See the POSITION command for examples of relative positioning. Document markers are not allowed. After execution, the current position is returned to this location; however, the next listing line is the next line below the bottom of the chart area. (This is different from the way the PRINT command works.)


Specifies the name of the array containing the data to be plotted. This must be the name of an array defined with CREATE-ARRAY.


Specifies the number of rows or sets of data to be used from the DATA-ARRAY. If the DATA-ARRAY has a greater number of rows, only DATA-ARRAY-ROW- COUNT is included in the chart.


Specifies the number of columns to be used from the DATA-ARRAY. If the DATA-ARRAY has a greater number of columns, only DATA-ARRAY- COLUMN-COUNT is included in the chart.


Specifies labels for each Y-Axis value of the data set (fields) in DATA-ARRAY. These labels are displayed in the legend box. Column labels are ignored for pie charts. See the Chart Array Field Types (fewer than four fields) table for applicable fields for each type of chart.

For definitions of the other arguments, see the DECLARE-CHART Command Arguments table.


In this example, a pie chart is printed without explicit reference to a chart declared with DECLARE-CHART. All necessary arguments must be supplied in PRINT-CHART.

. . create-array name=unit_sales size=12 field=product:char field=units:number field=explode:char . . print-chart (15, 20) title = 'Green City Store Sales' sub-title = '(Second Quarter)' chart-size = (50, 28) type = pie data-array = unit_sales data-array-column-count = 3 data-array-row-count = 7 3d-effects = yes fill = color

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPRINT-DIRECT




Writes directly to the print output file without using the SQR page buffer.

PRINT-DIRECT can be used for special applications that cannot be accomplished directly with PRINT commands, such as initializing a page with graphics or other special sequences. Because this text is often printer-dependent and because the report can be printed on different types of printers that require different control characters, you can use the PRINTER qualifier to specify the printer type. If no PRINTER qualifier is specified, the command applies to all printer types.

When using PRINT-DIRECT in conjunction with PRINT commands, be aware that the SQR page buffer is copied to the output file only when each page is full or when a NEW-PAGE command is issued. One approach is to use PRINT-DIRECT commands inside a BEFORE-PAGE or AFTER-PAGE procedure (declared with the DECLARE-PROCEDURE command) so that they are coordinated with the information coming out of the page buffer.



Specifies that no carriage return and line feed is to be printed. By default, printed text is followed by a carriage return and line feed character.


Specifies the type of printer to which this text applies.

{txt_lit | _var | _col}

The text to be printed.


The following example shows the PRINT-DIRECT command:

print-direct printer=ps '%%Page: ' $page-number print-direct nolf printer=lp reset

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPRINT-IMAGE


PRINT-IMAGE[image_name]position [TYPE={image_type_lit|_var|_col}] [IMAGE-SIZE=(width_num_lit|_var|_col,height_num_lit |_var|_col)] [SOURCE={file_name_txt_lit|_var|_col}]

Note. If TYPE, IMAGE-SIZE, and SOURCE are not defined in PRINT-IMAGE, they must be defined in DECLARE-IMAGE.


Prints an image.

The PRINT-IMAGE command can be placed in any section of a report with the exception of the SETUP section. The image file pointed to can be any file of the proper format.

PRINT-IMAGE can be used without referencing a named image if all required attributes for the DECLARE-IMAGE are supplied in addition to all its required parameters.



Specifies the name of an image specified by a DECLARE-IMAGE.


(row, column) Specifies the position of the upper left corner. Position parameters can be relative. See the POSITION command for examples of relative positioning. Document markers are not allowed. After execution, the current position is returned to this location. (This is different from the way the PRINT command works.)


Specifies the image type. Types can be EPS-FILE, HPGL-FILE, GIF-FILE, JPEG-FILE, or BMP-FILE (for Microsoft Windows).


Specifies the width and height of the image.


Specifies the name of a file containing the image.


For PostScript:

print-image office-signature (50, 20) print-image (50, 20) type = eps-file source = 'sherman.eps' image-size = (10, 3)

For Microsoft Windows:

print-image company-logo (+21, 25) type=bmp-file source='m:\logos\gustavs.bmp' image-size=(75,50)

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicPUT


PUT {src_any_lit|_var|_col}... INTO dst_array_name(element)[field[(occurs)]]...


Moves data into an array.

Columns retrieved from the database and SQR variables or literals can be moved into an array. The array must have been created previously by the CREATE-ARRAY command.

Considerations for Using PUT

When a date variable or column is moved into a text or char array field, the date is converted to a string according to the following rules:

When a string variable, column, or literal is moved to a date array field, the string must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats as listed in the DATE Column Formats table is used, or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]]' is used.


If array fields are listed, data is placed into each field in the sequence in which it is listed, in the occurrence specified for that field.

If array fields are not listed, data is placed into consecutive fields in the order in which they were defined in the CREATE-ARRAY command; data is copied into occurrence zero of each field of the element specified in the array.

field [ ( occurs ) ]

Array element and field occurrence numbers can be numeric literals (123) or numeric variables (#j).

If no occurrence is specified, occurrence zero is used.



The source variable or literal to be moved into the array. Numeric variables, literals, and database columns can be put into number (decimal, float, integer) fields. String variables, literals, and database columns can be put into char, text, or date fields. Date variables can be put into date, char, or text fields.


In the following example, the four variables &name, #count, $date1, and $code are placed in the first four fields defined in the names array. The data is put into the #jth element of the array.

put &name #count $date1 $code into names(#j)

The following command places #j2, #j3, and #j4 into the zero through 2nd occurrences of the tot field in the #jth element of the totals array.

put #j2 #j3 #j4 into totals(#j) tot(0) tot(1) tot(2)

The following command copies #count into the #j2th occurrence of the count field in the #jth element of the states array.

put #count into states(#j) count(#j2)

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicREAD


READ {filenum_lit|_var|_col} INTO {any_var:length_int_lit}...[STATUS=status_num_var]


Reads the next record of a file into the specified variables.

Text and binary data are parsed according to the following criteria:

The total length indicated for the variables must be less than or equal to the length of the record being read.

If no more records exist to read, the #end-file reserved variable is set to 1; otherwise, it is set to 0 (zero). Your program should check this variable after each READ command.

If STATUS is specified, SQR returns 0 if the read is successful; otherwise, it returns the value of errno, which is system-dependent.


filenum_lit|_var | _col

Specifies the number assigned in the OPEN command to the file to be read.

any_var :length_int_lit

Specifies one or more variables into which data from the record that is read are to be put. length_int_lit specifies the length of each field of data.


Specifies an optional variable into which a read status is returned.


The following example shows several READ commands:

read 1 into $name:30 $addr:30 $city:20 $state:2 $zip:5 read 3 into $type:2 #amount:2 #rate:1 $code:5 $date:11 read #j into #sequence:2 $name:20 $title:15

The following example shows a READ command that reads two dates. One is loaded into a date variable; the other is loaded into a string variable, which is then converted to a date using the strtodate function.

. . . declare-variable date $date1 $date2 text $text end-declare . . . read 4 into $date1:18 $text1:18 let $date2 = strtodate($text1,'SYYYYMMDDHHMISSNNN') or let $date2 = strtodate($text1)

The following example shows a READ command with an INSERT loop:

begin-sql begin transaction end-sql while 1 ! Infinite loop, exited by BREAK, below. read 10 into $company:40 $parent:30 $location:50 if #end-file break ! End of file reached. end-if begin-sql insert into comps (name, parent, location) values ($company, $parent, $location) end-sql add 1 to #inserts if #inserts >= 100 begin-sql end transaction; begin transaction end-sql move 0 to #inserts end-if end-while begin-sql end transaction end-sql

See Also

The OPEN, CLOSE, and WRITE commands for information about files.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicROLLBACK




An automatic rollback is performed whenever SQR ends due to program errors. ROLLBACK is useful for testing or for certain error conditions.

ROLLBACK is an SQR command and should not be used inside an SQL paragraph.

Note. The ROLLBACK command can be used with Oracle, DB2 , Informix, and ODBC (Microsoft SQL Server is accessible only with SQR Server for ODBC). For Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server , use BEGIN TRANSACTION and ROLLBACK TRANSACTION within SQL paragraphs as in the following example. See the COMMIT command for an example of ROLLBACK.


The following example shows the ROLLBACK command:

if #error-status = 1 rollback stop end-if

See Also

The COMMIT command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSBTOMBS


SBTOMBS { txt_var }


Converts a single-byte character into a multibyte equivalent.

This command converts the specified string in the following way: Any occurrence of a single-byte character that also has a multibyte representation (numerals, punctuation, roman characters, and katakana) is converted. This command also converts a sequence of a kana character followed by certain grammatical marks into a single multibyte character, which combines the two elements.



Specifies the string to be converted.

See Also

The TO_MULTI_BYTE function of the LET command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSECURITY


SECURITY [SET=(sid [,sid]...)] [APPEND=(sid [,sid]...)] [REMOVE=(sid [,sid]...)] [MODE=mode]


Enables you to mark sections of a report for security purposes.

The SECURITY command can be repeated as many times as desired for the current report. After the SECURITY command is carried out, all subsequent commands for the current report are constrained by the designated sids until the report ends or another SECURITY command runs.

You can use the SECURITY command wherever you use the PRINT command.



Sets the list of security IDs for subsequent commands. The previous list of security IDs is replaced by the specified security IDs. This argument is optional and can be used only once.


Can be any string literal, column, or variable. The value is case-sensitive.


Appends the specified security IDS to the current list. This argument is optional and can be used multiple times.


Removes the specified security IDS from the current list. This argument is optional and can be used multiple times.


Used to enable (reactivate) or disable (suspend) the security feature for the current report. This argument is optional and can be used only once.


Can be any string literal, column, or variable. The value is not case-sensitive and can be either ON or OFF.


The following example shows the SECURITY command:

Begin-Report Security Set=('Directors', 'Vice-Presidents') ​. . ​! Only Directors and VPS can see this ​. ​Security Remove=('Directors') ​. . ​! Only VPS can see this ​. ​Security Mode='Off' ​. . ​! Anybody can see this ​. ​Security Mode='On' Append=('Managers') ​. . ​! Only VPs and Managers can see this ​. ​Security Append=('Engineers') ​. . ​! Only VPs, Managers, and Engineers can see this ​. ​End-report

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSET-COLOR


SET-COLOR [PRINT-TEXT-FOREGROUND=({color_name_lit|_var|_col|{rgb})] [PRINT-TEXT-BACKGROUND=({color_name_lit|_var|_col|{rgb})]


Defines default colors.

The SET-COLOR command is allowed wherever the PRINT command is allowed. If the specified color name is not defined, SQR uses the settings for the color name 'default.' Use the color name 'none' to deactivate color for the specified area.



Defines the color in which the text is printed.


Defines the color to print as a background for the text.

{color_name_lit | _var | _col}

A color_name is composed of alphanumeric characters (A–Z, 0–9), the underscore (_) character, and the hyphen (-) character. It must start with an alphabetical (A–Z) character and is case-insensitive. The name 'none' is reserved and cannot be assigned a value. A name in the format (RGBredgreenblue) cannot be assigned a value. The name 'default' is reserved and can be assigned a value. 'Default' is used during execution when a referenced color is not defined in the runtime environment.


red_lit | _var | _col, green_lit | _var | _col, blue_lit | _var | _col where each component is a value in the range of 000 to 255. In the BEGIN-SETUP section, only literal values are allowed.

The default colors implicitly installed with SQR include:


















The following example shows the SET-COLOR command:

begin-setup declare-color-map light_blue = (193, 222, 229) end-declare end-setup begin-program alter-color-map name = 'light_blue' value = (193, 233, 230) print 'Yellow Submarine' () foreground = ('yellow') background = ('light_blue') get-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) set-color print-text-foreground = ('purple') print 'Barney' (+1,1) set-color print-text-foreground = ($print-foreground) end-program

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSET-GENERATIONS


SET-GENERATIONS=(dimension, hierarchy, dimension, hierarchy, dimension, hierarchy,...,...)


Specifies dimension hierarchy for the previously declared dimension.

Returns the set of members in the dimension 'product' that are at the 5th generation in the dimension's hierarchy. (Returns all 'Brand Name' members (Generation Level 5) under the product hierarchy of 'all products.drink.alcoholic beverages.beer and wine.' This would increase the result set to a list of beers and wines.) Returns the set of members in the dimension 'time' that are at the 1st generation deep into the dimension. (Returns all 'Year' members (Generation Level 1) under the time hierarchy of '2004.Q1.2'. This reduces result set to '2004'.)


The following example shows the SET-GENERATIONS command:

set-generations=('product',5,'time',1 )

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSET-LEVELS


Set-levels=(dimension, level, dimension, level,...,...)


Extends the dimension hierarchy for the previously declared dimension.

Set-levels used with only the previous 'set-members' returns all members under the product hierarchy and the next two generations (Product SubCategory and Brand Name) for the product hierarchy of all products.drink.alcoholic beverages.beer and wine'. Set-levels used with the previous 'set-members' and 'set-generations' returns all members for generation levels 5 through 7 under the product hierarchy of all products.drink.alcoholic beverages.beer and wine.'


The following example shows the SET-LEVELS command:

set-levels=('product',2 )

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSET-MEMBERS


set-members=(dimension, hierarchy, dimension, hierarchy,..., ...)


Returns the set of members in a dimension, level, or hierarchy for which name is specified by a string.


Returns the set of members in the dimension 'product' at the specific hierarchy of 'all products', at a specific level of 'drink', at a specific level of 'alcoholic beverages', at a specific level of 'beer and wine'. Returns the set of members in the dimension 'time' at the specific hierarchy of '2004', at the specific level of 'Q1', at the specific level of '2'.

set-members=('product','all products.drink.alcoholic beverages.beer⇒ and wine','time','2004.Q1.2')

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSHOW




Displays one or more variables or literals on the screen. In addition, cursor control is supported for ANSI terminals.

Any number of variables and screen positions can be used in a single command. Each one is processed in sequence.

Screen locations can be indicated by either fixed or relative positions in the format (A,B), where A is the line and B is the column on the screen. A, B, or both can also be numeric variables. Relative positions depend on where the previous SHOW command ended. If the line was advanced, the screen cursor is usually immediately to the right of the previously displayed value and one line down.

Fixed or relative cursor positioning can be used only within the boundaries of the terminal screen. Scrolling off the screen using relative positioning, for example (+1,1), is not supported. Instead, use a SHOW command without any cursor position when you want to scroll. Also, you cannot mix SHOW and DISPLAY commands while referencing relative cursor positions.

The SHOW command does not advance to the next line if a cursor location (...), CLEAR-SCREEN, CLEAR-LINE, or BEEP is used. (A SHOW command without any of these arguments automatically advances the line.) To add a line advance, add (+1,1) to the end of the line or use an extra empty SHOW command.

Only ANSI terminals are supported for cursor control, screen blanking, line blanking, and display characteristics.

Dates can be contained in a date variable or column, or a string literal, column, or variable. When the program displays a date variable or column without an edit mask, the date is displayed according to the following rules:

When displaying a date in a string literal, column, or variable using EDIT or DATE, the string must be in the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting, one of the database-dependent formats as listed in the Default Database Formats table, or the database-independent format 'SYYYYMMDD[HH24[MI[SS[NNNNNN]]]].



Specifies the position on the screen to begin the display.


Clears the screen and sets the cursor position to (1,1).


Clears a line from the current cursor position to the end of the line.

{any_lit | _var | _col}

Specifies the information to be displayed.


Shows variables under an edit mask. If the mask contains spaces, enclose it in single quotes. For additional information regarding edit masks, see the PRINT command.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted with the NUMBER-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. (See the ALTER-LOCALE command.) This option is not valid for date variables.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted with the MONEY-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. (See the ALTER-LOCALE command.) This option is not valid for date variables.


Indicates that any_lit|_var|_col is to be formatted with the DATE-EDIT-MASK from the current locale. (See the ALTER-LOCALE command.) This option is not valid for numeric variables. If DATE-EDIT-MASK has not been specified, the date is displayed with the default format for that database (see the Default Database Formats table).


Changes the display of characters on terminals that support those characteristics. Some terminals support two or more characteristics at the same time for the same text. To disable all special display characteristics, use NORMAL.


Disables all special display characteristics set with BOLD, BLINK, UNDERLINE, and REVERSE.


Causes the terminal to beep.


Inhibits a line advance.


The following program segments illustrate the various features of the SHOW command:

! ! Show a string using an edit mask ! let $ssn = '123456789' show $ssn edit xxx-xx-xxxx

Produces the following output:

123-45-6789  ! ! Show a number using an edit mask ! show 1234567.89 edit 999,999,999.99

Produces the following output:

1,234,567.89  ! ! Show a number using the default edit mask ! show 123.78

Produces the following output:

123.780000  ! ! Show a number using the locale default numeric edit mask ! alter-locale number-edit-mask = '99,999,999.99' show 123456.78 number

Produces the following output:

123,456.78  ! ! Show a number using the locale default money edit mask ! alter-locale money-edit-mask = '$$,$$$,$$8.99' show 123456.78 money

Produces the following output:

$123,456.78  ! ! Show a date column using the locale default date edit mask ! begin-select dcol from tables end-select alter-locale date-edit-mask = 'DD-Mon-YYYY' show &dcol date

Produces the following output:

01-Jan-2004  ! ! Show two values on the same line ! show 'Hello' ' World'

Produces the following output:

Hello World  ! ! Show two values on the same line with editing of the values ! let #taxes = 123456.78 show 'You owe ' #taxes money ' in back taxes.'

Produces the following output:

You owe $123,456.78 in back taxes.

The following program illustrates the usage of additional options of the SHOW command. Only terminals that support the ANSI escape characters can use the cursor control, screen blanking, line blanking, and display attributes.

begin-program ! ! Produces a menu for the user to select from ! show clear-screen (3,30) bold 'Accounting Reports for XYZ Company' normal (+2,10) '1. Monthly Details of Accounts' (+1,10) '2. Monthly Summary' (+1,10) '3. Quarterly Details of Accounts' (+1,10) '4. Quarterly Summary' ! ! Show a line of text and numerics combined ! show (+2,1) 'The price is ' #price edit 999.99 ' Total = ' #total edit 99999.99 ! ! Put an error message on a particular line ! show (24,1) clear-line 'Error in SQL. Please try again.' beep end-program

See Also

The LET command for information about copying, editing, or converting fields.

The EDIT parameter of the PRINT command for a description of the edit masks.

The ALTER-LOCALE command for a description of the arguments NUMBER-EDIT-MASK, MONEY-EDIT-MASK, and DATE-EDIT-MASK.


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSTOP




The STOP command halts SQR and carries out a ROLLBACK command (not in Sybase, Microsoft SQL Server, or Informix). All report page buffers are flushed if they contain data; however, no headers or footers are printed and the AFTER-PAGE and AFTER-REPORT procedures are not run.

STOP is useful in testing.



Causes the report to finish with the "SQR: End Of Run" message, instead of ending with an error message.


The following example shows the STOP command:

if #error-status = 1 rollback stop else commit stop quiet end-if

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSTRING


STRING {src_any_lit|_var|_col}...BY {delim_txt_lit|_var|_col} INTO dst_txt_var


Concatenates a list of variables, columns, or literals into a single text variable. Each member of the list is separated by the specified delimiter string.

The destination string must not be included in the list of source strings.



Specifies one or more fields to be concatenated, separated by the delim_txt_lit|_var|_col character or characters, and placed into the dst_txt_var variable.

If the source is a date variable or column, it is converted to a string according to the following rules:

For DATETIME columns and SQR DATE variables, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_FORMAT setting.

If this has not been set, SQR uses the first database-dependent format as listed in the Default Database Formats table.

For DATE columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_DATE_ONLY_FORMAT setting.

If this has not been set, SQR uses the format listed in the Default Database Formats table.

For TIME columns, SQR uses the format specified by the SQR_DB_TIME_ONLY_FORMAT setting.

If this has not been set, SQR uses the format as listed in the TIME Column Formats table.


Specifies one or more characters to be used as separator characters between the source fields.


Specifies the destination field for the concatenated result.


The following example shows the STRING command:

string &name &city &state &zip by ' - ' into $show-info ! Result: Sam Mann - New York - NY - 11287 string &cust_num &entry-date &total by ',' into $cust-data ! Result: 100014,12-MAR-04,127 ! Use null delimiter. string &code1 &code2 &code3 by '' into $codes123 ! Result: AGL

See Also

The UNSTRING command for additional information.

The "||" concatenation operator in the Operators table under the LET command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicSUBTRACT


SUBTRACT {src_num_lit|_var|_col} FROM dst_num_var[ROUND=nn]


Subtracts the first value from the second and moves the result into the second field.

When dealing with money-related values (dollars and cents), use decimal variables rather than float variables. Float variables are stored as double-precision floating-point numbers, and small inaccuracies can appear when you are subtracting many numbers in succession. These inaccuracies can appear due to the way floating point numbers are represented by different hardware and software implementations.


{src_num_lit | _var | _col}

Is subtracted from the contents of dst_num_var.


Contains the result after execution.


Rounds the result to the specified number of digits to the right of the decimal point. For float variables this value can be from 0 (zero) to 15. For decimal variables, this value can be from 0 to the precision of the variable. For integer variables, this argument is not appropriate.


The following example shows the SUBTRACT command:

subtract 1 from #total      ! #total - 1 subtract &discount from #price ! #price - &discount

See Also

The ADD command for more information.

The LET command for information about complex arithmetic expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicTOC-ENTRY


TOC-ENTRY TEXT={src_txt_lit|_var|_col} [LEVEL={level_num_lit|_var|_col}]


Enter the text in the table of contents at the desired level.



Specifies the text to be placed in the table of contents.


Specifies the level at which to place the text. If this argument is not specified, the value of the previous level is used.


The following example shows the TOC-ENTRY command:

toc-entry text = &heading toc-entry text = &caption level=2

See Also

The DECLARE-TOC command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUNSTRING


UNSTRING {{src_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{src_date_var|_col}} BY {delim_txt_lit|_var|_col} INTO dst_txt_var...


Copies portions of a string into one or more text variables.

Each substring is located by means of the specified delimiter. The source string must not be included in the list of destination strings.

If more destination strings than substrings are found in the source strings, the extra destination strings are each set to an empty string.

If more substrings are found in the source string than in the destination strings, the extra substrings are not processed. The programmer is responsible for ensuring that enough destination strings are specified.

If the source is a date variable or column, it is converted to a string according to the following rules:


{src_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{ src_date_var|_col}

Specifies the source field to be parsed.


Specifies one or more characters to be used to delimit the fields within {src_txt_lit|_var|_col}|{src_date_var|_col}


Specifies one or more destination fields to receive the results.


The following example shows the UNSTRING command:

unstring $show-info by ' - ' into $name $city $state $zip unstring $cust-data by ',' into $cust_num $entry-date $total

See Also


The substr and instr functions in the Miscellaneous Functions table under the LET command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUPPERCASE




Converts a string variable to uppercase.



Specifies a text variable to be converted to uppercase.


The following example shows the UPPERCASE command:

input $state 'Enter state abbreviation' uppercase $state     ! Force uppercase.

See Also

The upper function in the Miscellaneous Functions table under the LET command.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUSE


USE database


Uses the named database rather than the default database associated with your username. (Sybase and Microsoft SQL Server only.)

Use USE in the SETUP section only. When used, it must appear at the top of your report, before any queries are defined.

To reference more than one database in a program, specify secondary databases explicitly. For example:

from sqdb.sqr.customers

You cannot issue the Sybase or Microsoft SQL Server USE command from within an SQL paragraph.



Specifies the name of the database to use.


The following example shows the USE command:

begin-setup use pubs end-setup

See Also

Invoking SQR Execute.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUSE-COLUMN


USE-COLUMN {column_number_int_lit|_var|_col}


Sets the current column.

The column must have been defined previously with the COLUMNS command.

To stop printing within columns, use a column number of 0 (zero). Printing returns to normal; however, the columns remain defined for subsequent NEXT-COLUMN or USE-COLUMN commands.



Specifies the number of the defined column (not the location on the page). For example, if five columns are defined, the column_number_int_lit|_var|_col can be 1 to 5.


The following example shows the USE-COLUMN command:

use-column 3     ! Print total in 3rd column. print #total () 999,999 use-column 0     ! End of column printing.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUSE-PRINTER-TYPE


USE-PRINTER-TYPE printer-type


Sets the printer type to be used for the current report.

The USE-PRINTER-TYPE command sets or alters the printer type to be used for the current report. The USE-PRINTER-TYPE command must appear before the first output is written to that report. If output has already been written to the report file, the USE-PRINTER-TYPE command is ignored.



Specifies the printer type to be used for the current report. See DECLARE-PRINTER for valid types.


The following example shows the USE-PRINTER-TYPE command:

use-report customer_orders use-printer-type PostScript print (1, 1) 'Customer Name: ' print () $customer_name

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUSE-PROCEDURE


USE-PROCEDURE [FOR-REPORTS=(report_name1[,report_namei]...)] [BEFORE-REPORT=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-REPORT=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [BEFORE-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]] [AFTER-PAGE=procedure_name[(arg1[,argi]...)]]


Changes the procedure usage.

The USE-PROCEDURE command must be issued in the PROGRAM or PROCEDURE sections of an SQR program. USE-PROCEDURE is a runtime command; its compile-time equivalent is DECLARE-PROCEDURE. You can use the command as often as required to change to the necessary procedures required by the reports. If you issue multiple USE-PROCEDURE commands, each remains in effect for that report until altered by another USE-PROCEDURE command for that report. In this way, you can use one to change common procedures for ALL reports and others to change unique procedures for individual reports. The referenced procedures can accept arguments.

If no FOR-REPORTS is specified, ALL is assumed. Initially, the default for each of the four procedure types is NONE. If a procedure is defined in one DECLARE-PROCEDURE for a report, that procedure is used unless NONE is specified.

You can change the BEFORE-REPORT only before the first output is written to that report, because that causes the BEFORE-REPORT procedure to be run.



Specifies the reports that are to use these procedures. This argument is required only for a program with multiple reports. If you are writing a program that produces a single report, you can ignore this argument.


Specifies a procedure to run at the time of execution of the first command, which causes output to be generated. You can use the command, for example, to create a report heading.


Specifies a procedure to run just before the report file is closed at the end of the report. This argument can be used to print totals or other closing summary information. If no report was generated, the procedure does not run.


Specifies a procedure to run at the beginning of every page, just before the first output command for the page. It can be used, for example, to set up page totals.


Specifies a procedure to run just before each page is written to the file. This argument can be used, for example, to display page totals.

You can also specify arguments to be passed to the procedure. Arguments can be any variable, column, or literal.


The following example shows the USE-PROCEDURE command:

use-procedure ! These procedures will for-reports=(all) ! be used by all reports before-report=report_heading after-report=report_footing use-procedure ! These procedures will for-reports=(customer) ! be used by the customer before-page=page_setup ! report after-page=page_totals use-procedure ! The after-report for-reports=(summary) ! procedure will be after-report=none ! disabled for the ! summary report

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicUSE-REPORT


USE-REPORT {report_name_lit|_var|_col}


For programs with multiple reports, enables the user to switch between reports.

The USE-REPORT command specifies which report files the subsequent report output is to be written to. An application can contain several USE-REPORT statements to control several reports.

You must specify the report name and report characteristics in a DECLARE-REPORT paragraph and in the associated DECLARE-LAYOUT and DECLARE- PRINTER paragraphs.



Specifies the report to become the current report. All subsequent PRINT and PRINT-DIRECT statements are written to this report until the next USE- REPORT is encountered.


The following example shows the USE-REPORT command:

use-report customer_orders use-printer-type PostScript print (1, 1) 'Customer Name: ' print () $customer_name

See Also


Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWHILE


WHILE logical_expression

The general format of a WHILE command is:

WHILE logical_expression SQR_commands... [BREAK] SQR_commands... END-WHILE


Begins a WHILE ... END-WHILE loop.

The WHILE loop continues until the condition being tested is FALSE.

An expression returning 0 (zero) is considered FALSE; an expression returning nonzero is TRUE.

BREAK causes an immediate exit of the WHILE loop; SQR continues with the command immediately following END-WHILE.

WHILE commands can be nested to any level and can include or be included within IF and EVALUATE commands.



A valid logical expression. See the LET command for a description of logical expressions.


This example shows an IF nested within a WHILE:

while #count < 50 do get_statistics if #stat_count = 100 break     ! Exit WHILE loop. end-if add 1 to #count end-while

You can use single numeric variables in your expression to make your program more readable, for example, when using flags:

move 1 to #have_data ... while #have_data ...processing... end-while

This example sets up an infinite loop:

while 1 ...processing... if ... break     ! Exit loop end-if end-while

Any complex expression can be used in the WHILE command, as shown in this example:

while #count < 100 and (not #end-file or isnull(&state)) ... end-while

See Also

The LET command for a description of expressions.

Click to jump to top of pageClick to jump to parent topicWRITE


WRITE {filenum_lit|_var|_col} FROM {{{txt_lit|_var|_col}|{date_var|_col}|num_col} [:len_int_lit]}|{num_lit|_var:len_int_lit}}... [STATUS=status_num_var]


Writes a record to a file from data stored in variables, columns, or literals.

The file must already be opened for writing.

If length is specified, the variable is either truncated at that length or padded with spaces to that length. If length is not specified (for string variables or database columns), the current length of the variable is used.

When you are writing numeric variables, the length argument is required. Only 1-byte, 2-byte, or 4-byte binary integers are written. Floating point values are not supported directly in the WRITE command. However, you can first convert floating point numbers to strings and then write the string.

When you are writing binary data, you must open the file using the FIXED or FIXED-NOLF qualifiers. The file is not portable across platforms because binary numbers are represented differently.

When writing a date variable or column, the date is converted to a string according to the following rules:

Text literals take the length of the literal.

Files opened for writing are treated as having variable-length records. If you need a fixed-length record, specify a length for each variable written to the file.

The total length of the variables and literals being written must not be greater (but can be less) than the record length specified when the file was opened. Records are not padded, but are written with the total length of all variables in the WRITE command.

If STATUS is specified, SQR returns 0 if the write is successful; otherwise, it returns the value of errno, which is system-dependent.


filenum_lit|_var |_col

Specifies the number assigned in the OPEN command to the file to be written.

{{txt_lit|_var|_col}| {date_var|_col}|num_col} [:len_int_lit]}| {num_lit|_var:len_int_lit}

Specifies one or more variables to be written. len_int_lit specifies the length of each field of data.


Specifies an optional variable into which a write status is returned.


The following example shows the WRITE command:

write 5 from $name:20 $city:15 $state:2 write 17 from $company ' - ' $city ' - ' $state ' ' $zip write #j2 from #rate:2 #amount:4 #quantity:1 move #total to $tot 99999.99 ! Convert floating point to string. write 1 from $tot let $date1 = datenow() ! Put the current date and time ! into DATE variable write 3 from $date1:20

See Also