You can configure your production server to omit certain site visits when it logs site visit information. You can omit site visits based on:

To filter specific site visitors from the site visit records loaded in your data warehouse:


Include a comma-separated list of Internet Protocol (IP) addresses in the ignoreIPAddresses property. The site visit data logger will ignore site visits from those IP addresses.

You can use regular expressions in the values for ignoreIPAddresses. The regular expression syntax that you use must conform to the patterns recognized by the class java.util.regex.Pattern ( The first pattern in the example shown below uses regular expressions to match any IP address that starts with the octet “10” and contains any one, two, or three digits in the following octets. The periods in the pattern are escaped with two backslash characters so that they are interpreted as literal period characters. The regular expression requires only one backspace to escape the period. The second backslash protects the first from interpretation by the Java byte code compiler. This and other important information about java.util.regex.Pattern regular expressions are explained in the documentation for that class.

The following example configures the data logger to ignore site visits from any IP addresses in which the first octet is 10 and an additional specific IP address.


Include a comma-separated list of HTTP_USER_AGENT identifiers in the ignoreUserAgents property. If the HTTP_USER_AGENT reported by a site visitor’s user agent (for example, a Web browser or Web crawler) matches one of the values you configure, the site visit data logger will ignore the entire HTTP session.

You can use regular expressions in the values for ignoreUserAgents. The regular expression syntax that you use must conform to the patterns recognized by the class java.util.regex.Pattern ( The example shown below uses regular expressions to match any string of characters before and after “searchEngineBot.” See important information about the way java.util.regex.Pattern regular expressions are interpreted in the documentation for that class. For example, you must use two backslash characters to escape special characters in your regular expressions. The second backslash protects the first from interpretation by the Java byte code compiler.

The following example configures the data logger to ignore site visits from any user agent that contains the string “searchEngineBot” in its HTTP_USER_AGENT identifier.


Include a comma-separated list of context paths in the ignoreContextPaths property. If a site visitor accesses one of the context paths configured in the ignoreContextPaths property, the data logger will ignore the entire HTTP session.

Use the ignoreContextPaths property to ignore an entire Web application. You cannot ignore specific content within a Web application. Application servers define and configure context paths differently. See the documentation for your application server to find out how context paths are defined.

The following example shows the ignoreContextPaths property configured to ignore visits that include the Oracle ATG Web Commerce Reference Store.


The /dyn context path that runs on Oracle ATG Web Commerce servers is a default value of the ignoreContextPaths property. The data logger will never log visits to this Oracle ATG Web Commerce administration Web application.

Note: You cannot use regular expressions in the ignoreContextPaths property. Include each context path you want to ignore in the comma-separated list.