Visual Merchandising allows Merchandising users to select assets to organize and edit directly from a preview session. Visual Merchandising then automatically updates the preview session with the merchandiser’s saved changes.

Visual Merchandising works through sensors, which detect specific elements encountered in a JSP when rendering an HTML page in a preview session launched in Merchandising. These sensors fire events that are detected by event listeners, which then insert CSS classes, called item identifiers, to class tag attributes when the HTML page is rendered. Item identifiers contain the repository item type and repository ID of the most recently accessed category, product, or SKU. When Merchandising users right-click a marked asset in a preview session, these classes are used to display the Visual Merchandising pop-up-menu.

You can configure Visual Merchandising to automatically insert item identifiers, but we recommend that you explicitly tag JSP pages for use with Visual Merchandising so you can more precisely control where item identifiers are inserted. You tag JSP pages for Visual Merchandising by inserting <preview:repositoryItem> tags in JSP pages.

The <preview:repositoryItem> tags work through calls to the setExplicitIdentifier method of the /atg/dynamo/service/preview/PreviewTaggingUtils component. PreviewTaggingUtils invokes the setExplicitIdentifier method of the /atg/dynamo/service/preview/fluoroscope/sensor/PreviewTaggingSensor component that fires events of type PreviewTaggingSensor.ExplicitIdentifierPreviewTaggingSensorEvent. This event updates the class attribute of a tagged page element (category or product) with an item identifier that starts with atgRepo-atgrep:/ and include an asset URI composed of the repository name, item descriptor name, and repository ID. For example, the following class string identifies a specific product: atgRepo-atgrep:/ProductCatalog/product/xprod2015. Merchandising uses the item identifier to display the Visual Merchandising menu when a Merchandising user right-clicks the asset during a preview session.

For more information, see Tagging Pages for Visual Merchandising.