The following table explains the control parameters recognized by the REST Web Services server.




Use this parameter to control whether setting a value on a repository item property will add the value to an existing set of values or replace them. This only applies to repository item properties that hold multiple values. See Appending Values to Repository Item Properties.


For requests which return an array or ordered list, adding this parameter with an integer value allows the caller to specify the number of elements to return. Used with atg-rest-index.


Use this parameter to specify the container and element Java classes for nested object property values. See Nested Multiple Value Objects in Input.


Use this parameter to specify a Java class when you are setting an object property value. See Object Values in Input.


The number of references to traverse when rendering output. By default it is zero which causes only the top level object to be returned.


Use this parameter to specify which form handler values should be processed first. See Form Value Priority.


Use this parameter to send the REST Web Server a POST HTTP request but have it process the request as if it used a different HTTP method.

For example you can use this control parameter to include message body data in a POST HTTP request but have the server process the request as if it used the GET method.

Set the value of this parameter to GET, PUT, or DELETE.


Use this parameter to specify the entry in an array or ordered list that will be the starting point when that array or ordered list is returned by the server. Set the value of the parameter to the integer value of the starting position.

Use this parameter with atg-rest-count.


Use this parameter to override the default input format configured for the server.

Set the value of this parameter to json or xml.


Use this parameter to control whether the REST Web Services server will accept standard JSON markup for setting collection or map values on repository item properties. See JSON Markup Input for Multiple Value Repository Item Properties.


Use this parameter to specify the Java method signature when calling an overloaded method.

This parameter is only needed if two or more instances of the overloaded method have the same number of arguments.


Use this parameter to set the value of a component or repository item property to null. Set the property and include this parameter as the new value. See Setting Properties to Null.


Use this parameter to override the default output format configured for the server. See Choosing Output Markup. Set the value of this parameter to json or xml.


Use this parameter to specify the Java classes for multiple values in JSON functional parameters. The atg-rest-param-class-types parameter includes three components, container-class, element-class, and key-class.

For example, if a functional parameter is a java.util.ArrayList<String>, set the atg-rest-param-class-types as shown below.


Use the key-class attribute when the container-class implements java.util.Map. For example


See Specifying Java Classes for Multiple Value Input.


Use this parameter to apply property filter templates to individual REST Web Services Requests. See Filtering Templates.


Use this parameter to apply property filtering to individual REST Web Services Requests. See Filtering for One Request.


Use this parameter to specify that the REST Web Services server should return exceptions it encounters when invoking form handlers in the HTTP response. See Returning Form Handler Exceptions.


Use this parameter to specify that the REST Web Services server should return the properties of the form handler objects it invokes in the HTTP response. See Returning Form Handler Properties.


Include RQL query strings in this parameter. See Performing RQL Queries.


Include this parameter to cause the server to return OK (200) for success rather than CREATED (201) or GONE (410).


Use this parameter to create transient repository items. Include the parameter with the value true with a REST Web Services request to create a repository item. See Transient Items.


Use this parameter to specify an identifying string that the REST Web Services server will include in the HTTP response. See Identifying a Response.