3 The Home Page

This chapter contains the following section:

3.1 Home Page

The home page contains a dashboard with five charts or graphs that represent important data related to workflow requests, certifications, approvals, and policy violations. You can select whether the dashboard displays vertical charts, horizontal charts, or pie charts.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Identity Analytics Home Page

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-1 .

3.1.1 To Open the Home Page

  1. Log in to Oracle Identity Analytics.

  2. Click Home in the upper right corner of the screen.

    The Home page opens.

3.1.2 My Requests

The My Requests chart shows how many workflow requests are completed and how many are awaiting action from the user. Click the Pending and Completed links to open the requests approval page. Click the "three charts" icon in the bottom-right part of the panel to view a different chart type.

Figure 3-2 My Requests

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-2 .

3.1.3 My Certifications

The My Certifications chart displays information about New, In Progress, and Completed certifications. Click the Pending, In Progress, or Completed links to open the Certification inbox that contains the appropriate certifications. Click the "three charts" icon in the bottom-right part of the panel to view a different chart type.

Figure 3-3 My Certifications

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-3 .

3.1.4 Business Structure Users

The Business Structure Users chart displays the number of users that belong to each business unit. Click the "three charts" icon in the bottom-right part of the panel to view a different chart type.

Figure 3-4 Business Structure Users

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-4 .

3.1.5 Certify/Revoke Statistics

The Certify/Revoke Statistics chart displays the number of roles and accounts that are certified and revoked during a certification process. Click the "three charts" icon in the bottom-right part of the panel to view a different chart type.

Figure 3-5 Certify / Revoke Statistics

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-5 .

3.1.6 Identity Audit Policy Violations

This chart displays the number of open, closed, and risk-accepted identity audit policy violations. Click the links to view the corresponding violations. Click the "three charts" icon in the bottom-right part of the panel to view a different chart type.

Figure 3-6 Identity Audit Policy Violations

Surrounding text describes Figure 3-6 .