Message Conversion Filters Index

Add HTTP Header

Add an HTTP header to the message and base64 encode its value, if necessary.

Set HTTP Verb

Set the HTTP verb (POST, GET, and so on) to use when routing messages to a Web Service.

Set Message

Replace the existing message body with alternative content.

XSLT Transformation

Convert the format of an XML message to another format using an XSLT stylesheet.

Add XML Node

Use this filter to add an XML nodeset to the message.

Compress Multipart/Comound Body Type

Compress a multipart (MIME) message to a Zip file so that it can be archived.

Contivo Conversion

Use the Contivo engine to convert the message from one format to another.

Create REST Request

Create HTTP requests to RESTful Web Services, and configure query string parameters sent with the REST request.

Extract MTOM Content

Extract the base64-encoded contents from an element and create a MIME part with it according to the MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism) specification.

Insert MTOM Content

Insert the base-64 encoded contents of a MIME part into an XML message using MTOM (Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism).

Load File

Load the contents of a specified file, and set it as message content to be processed.

Remove Attachment

Remove all attachments from an XML message.

Remove HTTP Header

Remove a named HTTP header from the message to stop it from reaching the target system.

Remove XML Node

Remove an XML nodeset from the message.