5 Using Oracle Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and Oracle WebLogic Server

Oracle WebLogic Server is a scalable, enterprise-ready Java EE application server. It implements the full range of Java EE technologies, and provides many more additional features such as advanced management, clustering, and Web services. It forms the core of the Oracle Fusion Middleware platform, and provides a stable framework for building scalable, highly available, and secure applications.

This chapter contains the following sections:

5.1 About the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server

Managed Servers host business applications, application components, Web services, and their associated resources. To optimize performance, managed servers maintain a read-only copy of the domain's configuration document. When a managed server starts up, it connects to the domain's administration server to synchronize its configuration document with the document that the administration server maintains. Oracle Fusion Middleware system components (such as SOA, WebCenter, and Identity Management components), as well as customer-deployed applications, are deployed to managed servers in the domain. During configuration, some managed servers are created specifically to host the Oracle Fusion Middleware system components (for example, wls_soa, wls_portal, and wls_forms).

Figure 5-1 shows a simple scenario of the Oracle WebLogic Managed Server. In the left side of the image, the Forms servlet renders the start HTML file and provides the information about the Forms Listener servlet to the client. An HTTP request is then received by the Oracle HTTP Server Listener, which passes it off to the Forms Listener servlet running inside Oracle WebLogic Managed Server, in the right side of the image. The Forms Listener servlet establishes a runtime process and is responsible for on-going communication between the client browser and the runtime process. As more users request Oracle Forms sessions, the requests are received by the Oracle HTTP Server Listener. The HTTP Listener again passes them off to the Forms Listener servlet, which establishes more runtime processes. The Forms Listener servlet can handle many Forms runtime sessions simultaneously. While there is, of course, a limit to the number of concurrent users, the architecture presents a number of opportunities for tuning and configuration to achieve better performance (see the next section).

Figure 5-1 Oracle WebLogic Managed Server and Forms Services

HTTP request flow
Description of "Figure 5-1 Oracle WebLogic Managed Server and Forms Services"

5.2 Working with Forms Managed Server

By default (out-of-the-box installation), the Forms Services Java EE application (formsapp.ear) is deployed on Forms Managed Server (WLS_FORMS). You can manage WLS_FORMS and formsapp.ear using Oracle WebLogic Administration Console or Oracle Enterprise Manager Fusion Middleware Control. Refer to the following topics for more information:

5.2.1 Custom Deployment of Forms Java EE Application

To create a custom managed server and deploy Forms application on it, perform the following steps: Prerequisite Steps

  1. Set the following environment variables to the paths specified:

  2. Specify the JDK path in the system path.

    Enter the path to the Java executable. For example on UNIX operating systems, enter$MW_HOME/jdk<version>/bin in the system path (on Windows operating systems, the path is %MW_HOME%\jdk<version>\bin).

  3. Create a managed server, for example, WLS_FORMS_CUSTOM_APP, as part of the same cluster as the default managed server (WLS_FORMS).

    For more information on adding a managed server, refer to "Adding Additional Managed Servers to a Domain" in Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.

  4. Specify the following properties of the managed server using the WebLogic Administration Console.

    • Classpath: Specify the value: <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/lib/optic.jar (on Windows operating systems: <ORACLE_HOME>\opmn\lib\optic.jar). Replace <ORACLE_HOME> with the absolute path.

    • Arguments: Specify the following values:

      Dclassic.oracle.home=<ORACLE_HOME> -
      Doracle.instance=<ORACLE_INSTANCE> -
      Doracle.instance.name=<ORACLE_INSTANCE_NAME> -Doracle.forms.weblogic=1

      Make sure all the entries are in a single line (without any carriage returns). Replace <ORACLE_HOME>, <ORACLE_INSTANCE> with the absolute paths. Replace <ORACLE_INSTANCE_NAME> with the name of the Oracle Instance (default name asinst_1).

    For more information, refer to "Server Start" in Oracle WebLogic Administration Console Help.

  5. Perform the following steps to create a folder structure in ORACLE_HOME:

    1. On UNIX operating systems, create a new folder for the custom application.

      For example, create customapp as follows:

      mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/customapp

      Create a Java folder in customapp and create a symbolic link for the folder as follows:

      For example:

      cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp

      ln -s $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/java

      Copy the application files to the new folder.

      For example:

      cp -rpf $ORACLE_HOME/forms/j2ee $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/

    2. On Windows operating systems, use the following commands to create a folder structure under ORACLE_HOME directory:

      mkdir %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\java

      mkdir %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee

      cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp

      xcopy /S /E %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\java %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\java

      xcopy /S /E %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\j2ee %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee Override the Default Servlet Alias and the Context Root

  1. Extract the EAR file.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee

    jar xvf formsapp.ear

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee

    jar xvf formsapp.ear

  2. Extract the WAR file.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/warfile

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/warfile

    jar xvf $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/formsweb.war

    On Windows operating systems:

    mkdir %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\warfile

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\warfile

    jar xvf %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\formsweb.war

  3. Override the servlet alias in web.xml deployment descriptor that is located in the WEB-INF folder.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/warfile/WEB-INF

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\warfile\WEB-INF

    Edit web.xml in an editor and replace frmservlet with customservlet (entries under tags <Servlet-Name>, <url-pattern>, <welcome-file>).

  4. Repackage the WAR file.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/warfile

    jar cvfM formsweb.war ./*

    mv formsweb.war $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\warfile

    jar cvfM formsweb.war .\*

    copy formsweb.war %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\

    del formsweb.war

  5. Override the application context root in application.xml deployment descriptor that is located in the META-INF folder.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/META-INF

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\META-INF

    Edit application.xml, change context-root to customapp.

  6. Modify the codebase and serverURL entries in formsweb.cfg.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/config

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee\config

    Edit formsweb.cfg and change the context-root entries in serverURL and codebase parameters.

    For example, Change serverURL=/forms/lservlet to serverURL=/customapp/lservlet.Change codebase from /forms/java to customapp/java.

  7. Repackage the EAR file.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    cd $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee

    jar cvfM customapp.ear META-INF/MANIFEST.MF APP-INF/* config/* formsweb.war META-INF/*

    On Windows operating systems:

    cd %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee

    jar cvfM customapp.ear META-INF\MANIFEST.MF APP-INF\* config\* formsweb.war META-INF\*

  8. Clean the extracted EAR file contents. On UNIX operating systems:

    rm -rf META-INF APP-INF config META-INF formsweb.war

    On Windows operating systems:


    DEL formsweb.war Create the Deployment Plan

  1. Create a folder in customapp named 11.1.2.

    For example, on UNIX operating systems:

    mkdir -p $DOMAIN_HOME/deploymentplans/customapp/11.1.2

    On Windows operating systems,

    mkdir %DOMAIN_HOME%\deploymentplans\customapp\11.1.2

  2. Copy the following entries to a file $DOMAIN_HOME/deploymentplans/customapp/11.1.2/plan.xml (on Windows operating systems, %DOMAIN_HOME%\deploymentplans\customapp\11.1.2\plan.xml). Example 5-1 describes a deployment plan with application name of customapp and managed server name of WLS_FORMS_CUSTOM_APP. Ensure you make the following changes:

    • Replace the custom application name, location of EAR file, and managed server with the names and locations in your environment.

    • Replace <DOMAIN_HOME>, <ORACLE_HOME> with the absolute paths.

      Example 5-1 Example of Deployment Plan

      <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
      <deployment-plan xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/deployment-plan" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
          <module-descriptor external="false">
          <module-descriptor external="false">
          <module-descriptor external="true">
          <module-descriptor external="false">
          <module-descriptor external="false">
      </deployment-plan> Deploy the Custom EAR file

Deploy the custom EAR file using WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) commands. For example, on UNIX operating systems:


On Windows operating systems: %MW_HOME%\oracle_common\common\bin\wlst.cmd

Use the WLST deploy command to deploy the application:

wls:/offline> connect('weblogic','welcome1')

wls:/ClassicDomain/serverConfig> deploy('customapp', '<ORACLE_HOME>/customapp/j2ee/customapp.ear', 'WLS_FORMS_CUSTOM_APP', 'nostage','<DOMAIN_HOME>/deploymentplans/customapp/11.1.2/plan.xml')

Be sure to make the following changes in the command:

  • Replace customapp with actual context root.

  • Replace <DOMAIN_HOME>, <ORACLE_HOME> with the absolute paths. Post-Patching Tasks

After applying Oracle Fusion Middleware 11gR2 Patch Sets, perform the following steps for custom deployments:

  1. Copy the Forms J2EE application files to the customapp directory. On Unix operating systems:

    cp -rpf $ORACLE_HOME/forms/j2ee/* $ORACLE_HOME/customapp/j2ee/*

    On Windows operating systems:

    xcopy /S /E %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\java %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\java

    xcopy /S /E %ORACLE_HOME%\forms\j2ee %ORACLE_HOME%\customapp\j2ee

  2. Repeat the steps in "Override the Default Servlet Alias and the Context Root".

  3. Restart the custom managed server. Test the Custom Deployment

Test the deployment using the URL: http://<Host>:<Port Number>/<context root>/<servlet name>.

For the example in this section, the URL would be http://<Host>:<Port Number>/customapp/customservlet.

5.2.2 Expanding Forms Managed Server Clusters

To improve the scalability and performance of Forms deployments on high-end machines (multiprocessor and high-memory configuration machines), expand the Forms Managed Server cluster (cluster_forms). Perform the following manual steps to expand the Forms Managed Server cluster:

  1. Perform the following steps to add a new Managed Server to the cluster (cluster_forms):

    1. Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, you can choose to either clone the default Forms Managed Server (WLS_FORMS) or create a new Managed Server (for example, WLS_FORMS_1, with port number 9010).

      For more information on using Fusion Middleware Control to manage the new or cloned managed server, see Section 5.2.3, "Registering Forms Java EE Applications".

    2. In the Server Properties page, add the newly created Managed Server to the Forms cluster cluster_forms.

    3. In the General Tab, assign a port number to the Managed Server.

    4. Assign a machine to the Managed Server.

  2. Perform the following steps to edit the configuration of the new managed server:

    1. Using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console, in the Server Start Tab, set the following Server Start properties.

    2. Add the following system properties without any carriage returns to the arguments:

      -Dclassic.oracle.home=<ORACLE_HOME location>-Doracle.instance=<ORACLE_INSTANCE location>-Doracle.instance.name=<ORACLE_INSTANCE Name>


    3. Add the following to the CLASSPATH: <ORACLE_HOME>/opmn/lib/optic.jar:<FMW_HOME>/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ldap_11.1.1/ldapjclnt11.jar:<FMW_HOME>/oracle_common/jlib/rcucommon.jar

  3. Activate the changes and start the new Managed Server.

  4. Add the new Managed Server's host and port information to the WebLogicCluster entry in forms.conf.

    <Location /forms>

    SetHandler weblogic-handler

    WebLogicCluster <HostName>:9001, <HostName>:9010

    DynamicServerList OFF


  5. Restart OHS.

5.2.3 Registering Forms Java EE Applications

To use Fusion Middleware Control to manage the new or cloned managed servers under the default Forms WLS cluster, you register the Forms Java EE applications.

Perform the following steps to register the Forms Java EE applications:

  1. Create a sample WLST script as shown in Example 5-2. In this example, the script is named formsappRegistration.py.

    Example 5-2 Sample WLST Script

    # formsappRegistration.py
    # Workaround script to register/unregister Forms J2EE application Mbean
    # as a member of Forms System Component Mbean
    from javax.management import ObjectName, Attribute
    from jarray import array
    import getopt, sys
    # function prints the usage
    def usage():
         message = "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
     + \
                   "\nUsage : " + \
                   "\n $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh " + sys.argv[0] + "
     --adminServerName=<admin server name> --asinstName=<Oracle Instance name>
     --managedServer=<newly added Forms managed server name>  --formsappName=<forms
     J2EE application name> -o <option> " + \
                   "\n \n valid options - registerApp or unregisterApp" + \
                   "\n \nexamples:" + \
                   "\n  $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh " + sys.argv[0] +"
     --adminServerName=AdminServer --asinstName=asinst_1 --managedServer=WLS_FORMS1
     --formsappName=formsapp -o registerApp " + \
                   "\n $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh " + sys.argv[0] + "
     --adminServerName=AdminServer --asinstName=asinst_1 --managedServer=WLS_FORMS1
     --formsappName=formsapp -o unregisterApp " + \
         print message
    # getFormsCompMbeanObjectName - function to generate the Forms System Component
    #                                                      Mbean ObjectName.
    def getFormsCompMbeanObjectName(asInstName, adminServerName):
        frmCompONameString = "oracle.as.management.mbeans.register:" \
                             + "Location="+ adminServerName + ",type=SystemComponent,name=/" \
                             + asinstName +"/forms,instance=" + asinstName \
                             + ",component=forms,EMTargetType=oracle_forms";
        print frmCompONameString
        frmCompOName = ObjectName(frmCompONameString)
        return frmCompOName
    # getFormsAppMbeanObjectName - function to generate the Forms J2EE application 
    #                                                    ObjectName.
    def getFormsAppMbeanObjectName(appName, managedServer):
        frmappONameString = "com.bea:Name="+formsappName+ "#11.1.2,Location=" +\
                            managedServer+ ",Type=AppDeployment"
        frmappOName = ObjectName(frmappONameString)
        return frmappOName
    # doesMemberExist - utility function to check if app is already registered as a
    def doesMemberExist(member, list):
        for item in list:
            if item == member:
                return 1
        return None
    #  registerFormsApp - registers Forms J2EE application Mbean as a member of 
    #                              Forms System Component Mbean
    def registerFormsApp(formsCompMbean, frmappMbean):
        membersArray = mbs.getAttribute(formsCompMbean,"Members")
        membersList = membersArray.tolist()
        if membersList == []:
            print "Members list is empty"
            print "Members list is not empty"
            if doesMemberExist(frmappMbean, membersList):
                print "Member already registered, skipping registration"
                print "Member is not found, append it to the members list"
                membersArray = array(membersList, ObjectName)
                membersAttrib = Attribute("Members",membersArray)
                mbs.setAttribute(formsCompMbean, membersAttrib)
    #  unregisterFormsApp - unregisters Forms J2EE application Mbean as a member of 
    #                              Forms System Component Mbean
    def unregisterFormsApp(formsCompMbean, frmappMbean):
        membersArray = mbs.getAttribute(formsCompMbean,"Members")
        membersList = membersArray.tolist()
        if membersList == []:
            print "Members list is empty"
            print "Members list is not empty"
            if doesMemberExist(frmappMbean, membersList):
                print "Found the Member, removing it."
                membersArray = array(membersList, ObjectName)
                membersAttrib = Attribute("Members",membersArray)
                mbs.setAttribute(formsCompMbean, membersAttrib)
                print "Member not found, skipping unregister"         
    # execution starts here
    if len(sys.argv) != 7 :
        print "invalid arguments passed to the script"
    # trim the first argument which is the name of the script
    args = sys.argv[1:7]
    optlist, args = getopt.getopt(args,'o', [ 'adminServerName=','asinstName=','managedServer=','formsappName='])
    options = dict(optlist)
    adminServerName = options["--adminServerName"]
    asinstName = options["--asinstName"]
    managedServer = options["--managedServer"]
    formsappName  = options["--formsappName"]
    if adminServerName == [] or \
       managedServer == [] or formsappName == [] or not args:
        print "invalid arguments passed to the script "
    argument = args[0]
    print "enter the WLST connection paramters ..."
    frmcompMbean = getFormsCompMbeanObjectName(asinstName,adminServerName)
    print frmcompMbean
    frmappMbean = getFormsAppMbeanObjectName(formsappName,managedServer)
    print frmappMbean
    if argument == "registerApp":
        print "registering Forms J2EE application " + formsappName
    elif argument == "unregisterApp":
        print "unregistering Forms J2EE application " + formsappName
        print "invalid option passed to the scripts ..."
    print "done... "
  2. Execute the script. You can use the help argument for more information as shown in Example 5-3.

    Example 5-3 Sample Script Execution

    $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh formsappRegistration.py help 
    Usage :
     $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh formsappRegistration.py
     --adminServerName=<admin server name> --asinstName=<Oracle Instance name>
     --managedServer=<newly added Forms managed server name>  --formsappName=<forms
     J2EE application name> -o <option> 
     valid options - registerApp or unregisterApp
      $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh formsappRegistration.py
     --adminServerName=AdminServer --asinstName=asinst_1 --managedServer=WLS_FORMS1
     --formsappName=formsapp -o registerApp
     $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin/wlst.sh formsappRegistration.py
     --adminServerName=AdminServer --asinstName=asinst_1 --managedServer=WLS_FORMS1
     --formsappName=formsapp -o unregisterApp
  3. When prompted, enter the administration server username, password, and connection information.

  4. Accept the default server URL.

  5. Example 5-4 shows a sample of the execution and results of server registration.

    Example 5-4 Sample Execution and Results

    $FMW_HOME/oracle_common/common/bin ( ) -> ./wlst.sh formsappRegistration.py –
    adminServerName=AdminServer --asinstName=asinst_1 --managedServer=WLS_FORMS1 –
    formsappName=formsapp -o registerApp
    CLASSPATH=. . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . .
    . . . . . . . . . . .
    Your environment has been set.
    Initializing WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) ...
    Welcome to WebLogic Server Administration Scripting Shell
    Type help() for help on available commands
    enter the WLST connection paramters ...
    Please enter your username :weblogic
    Please enter your password :
    Please enter your server URL [t3://localhost:7001] :
    Connecting to t3://localhost:7001 with userid weblogic ...
    Successfully connected to Admin Server 'AdminServer' that belongs to domain 
    Warning: An insecure protocol was used to connect to the
    server. To ensure on-the-wire security, the SSL port or
    Admin port should be used instead.
    registering Forms J2EE application formsapp
    Location changed to domainRuntime tree. This is a read-only tree with DomainMBean
    as the root.
    For more help, use help(domainRuntime)
    Members list is not empty
    Member is not found, append it to the members list
    Disconnected from weblogic server: AdminServer

5.2.4 Modification of Forms J2EE Application Deployment Descriptors

Post-deployment, Forms J2EE application deployment descriptors (weblogic.xml, web.xml, application.xml and weblogic-application.xml) cannot be modified in Oracle WebLogic Server.

As a workaround, perform the following steps to customize the Forms J2EE application deployment descriptors and redeploy the application:

  1. Back up the default formsapp deployment plan, $DOMAIN_HOME/deploymentplans/formsapp/11.1.2/plan.xml.

  2. Add the deployment descriptors customizations to the Forms J2EE application's deployment plan. See the "Modifying the Deployment Plan" for an example.


    For more information on updating the deployment plan, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Deploying Applications to Oracle WebLogic Server.

  3. Using the WebLogic Administration Console, update the forms application (redeploy) and select the option Update this application in place with new deployment plan changes.

  4. Restart the Forms J2EE application using the WebLogic Administration Console.

Modifying the Deployment Plan

In this example, the deployment plan is modified to override the Forms Servlet testMode parameter and set it to true. To modify the deployment plan, perform the following steps:

  1. Enter the following commands:

    mkdir –p $CLASSIC_ORACLE_HOME/forms/j2ee/backup
    cd $CLASSIC_ORACLE_HOME/forms/j2ee
    cp $DOMAIN_HOME/deploymentplans/formsapp/11.1.2/plan.xml backup/
    vi $DOMAIN_HOME/deploymentplans/formsapp/11.1.2/plan.xml
  2. Modify the deployment plan. The following is a sample of the deployment plan with the added entries highlighted in bold:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <deployment-plan xmlns="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/deployment-plan" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:schemaLocation="http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/deployment-plan http://xmlns.oracle.com/weblogic/deployment-plan/1.0/deployment-plan.xsd" global-variables="false">
        <module-descriptor external="false">
        <module-descriptor external="false">
        <module-descriptor external="true">
        <module-descriptor external="false">
        <module-descriptor external="false">
  3. Restart the Forms J2EE application using the WebLogic Administration Console.

5.3 Performance/Scalability Tuning

The steps for tuning the Forms Listener servlet are similar to steps for tuning any high throughput servlet application. You have to take into account resource management and user needs for optimal tuning of your particular Forms Services configuration. For more information, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance Guide available on OTN at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html.

5.3.1 Limit the number of HTTPD processes

To control spawning HTTPD processes (which is memory consuming) set the KeepAlive directive in the Oracle HTTP Listener configuration file (httpd.conf): KeepAlive Off

KeepAlive specifies whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than one request per connection). If you must use KeepAlive On, for example, for another application, make sure that KeepAliveTimeout is set to a low number for example, 15 seconds, which is the default. The KeepAlive setting is used to maintain a persistent connection between the client (Browser) and the OHS server. It does not have anything to do with the OHS to Oracle WebLogic Server connection.

5.3.2 Set the MaxClients Directive to a High value

You can let the HTTP Listener determine when to create more HTTPD processes. Therefore, set the MaxClients directive to a high value in the configuration file (httpd.conf). However, you need to consider the memory available on the system when setting this parameter.

MaxClients=256 indicates that the listener can create up to 256 HTTPD processes to handle concurrent requests.

If your HTTP requests come in bursts, and you want to reduce the time to start the necessary HTTPD processes, you can set MinSpareServers and MaxSpareServers (in httpd.conf) to have an appropriate number of processes ready. However, the default values of 5 and 10 respectively are sufficient for most sites.

5.4 Load Balancing Oracle WebLogic Server

The Forms Listener servlet architecture allows you to load balance the system using any of the standard HTTP load balancing techniques available.

The Oracle HTTP Server Listener provides a load balancing mechanism that allows you to run multiple WebLogic instances on the same host as the HTTP process, on multiple, different hosts, or on any combination of hosts. The HTTP Listener then routes HTTP requests to Oracle WebLogic Managed Server instances.

The following scenarios are just a few of the possible combinations available and are intended to show you some of the possibilities. The best choice for your site will depend on many factors.

For a complete description of this feature, refer to the Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance Guide (available on OTN at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html).

The following images illustrate four possible deployment scenarios:

  • Figure 5-2 shows the Oracle HTTP Server balancing incoming requests between multiple Oracle WebLogic Managed Servers on the same host as the Oracle HTTP Listener.

  • Figure 5-3 shows the Oracle HTTP Server balancing incoming requests between multiple Oracle WebLogic Managed Servers on a different host to the Oracle HTTP Listener.

  • Figure 5-4: shows the Oracle HTTP Server balancing incoming requests between multiple Oracle WebLogic Managed Servers on multiple different hosts and multiple different hosts each running an Oracle HTTP Listener.

  • Figure 5-5: shows the Oracle HTTP Server balancing incoming requests between multiple Oracle WebLogic Managed Servers on a single host but with multiple different hosts each running an Oracle HTTP Listener.

Figure 5-2 Multiple Oracle WebLogic Servers on the same host as the Oracle HTTP Listener

Multiple OC4J instances and HTTP listener on the same host.

Figure 5-3 Multiple Oracle WebLogic Servers on a different host to the Oracle HTTP Listener

Many OC4J instances on different hosts from HTTP listener.

Figure 5-4 Multiple Oracle WebLogic Servers and multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different hosts

Many hosted OC4J instances, many hosted HTTP listeners.

Figure 5-5 Multiple Oracle HTTP Listeners on different hosts with multiple Oracle WebLogic Servers on one host

HTTP listeners, different hosts; OC4J instances same host.

For more information about tuning and optimizing Forms Services with the HTTP Listener and Oracle WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Performance Guide, available on Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/indexes/documentation/index.html.

5.5 Using HTTPS with the Forms Listener Servlet

Using HTTPS with Oracle Forms is no different than using HTTPS with any other Web-based application. HTTPS requires the use of digital certificates (for example, VeriSign). Because Forms Services servlets are accessed via your Web server, you do not need to purchase special certificates for communications between the Oracle Forms client and the server. You only need to purchase a certificate for your Web server from a recognized certificate authority.

5.6 Using an Authenticating Proxy to Run Oracle Forms Applications

The default configuration as set up by the Oracle Fusion Middleware installation process supports authenticating proxies. An authenticating proxy is one that requires the user to supply a username and password in order to access the destination server where the application is running. Typically, authenticating proxies set a cookie to detect whether the user has logged on (or been authenticated). The cookie is sent in all subsequent network requests to avoid further logon prompts.

The codebase and server URL values that are set up by the Oracle WebLogic Server installation process include $ORACLE_HOME/forms/java and /forms/lservlet. As these are under the document base of the page ($ORACLE_HOME/forms), authenticating proxies will work.

5.7 Oracle Forms Services and SSL

To run Oracle Forms Services applications in SSL mode:

  • Create a Wallet to manage certificates.

  • Enable the HTTPS port in Oracle HTTP Server. By default, Oracle HTTP Server has one SSL Port enabled (8890).

  • Enable Web Cache to accept HTTPS connections from Oracle HTTP Server.

For more information on the above topics, see the section "SSL Configuration in Oracle Fusion Middleware" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide.


When you change the Oracle Web Cache port using Enterprise Manager, regenerate the osso.conf and copy the generated osso.conf file to $ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/<OHS_INSTANCE>/moduleconf directory. Restart the Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Web Cache for the changes to take effect.

5.8 Enabling SSL with a Load Balancing Router

Running a Forms application that uses an HTTPS port requires a certificate to be imported. If Oracle Forms is behind a load balancing router, and SSL terminates at it, you need to import the certificate from the load balancing router.

To enable SSL with your Forms applications over a load balancing router:

  1. Start a Web browser and enter the Forms application HTTPS URL containing the fully qualified host name (including port number if required) used by your own Oracle installation. For example: https://example.com:443/forms/frmservlet

    The Security Alert dialog box is displayed.

  2. Click View Certificate.

  3. Click the Details tab in the Certificate dialog.

  4. Click Copy to File...

  5. In the Welcome page of the Certificate Export Wizard, click Next.

  6. In the Export File Format page, select Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER), then click Next.

  7. Enter a file name such as c:\temp\forms, then click Next.

  8. Click Finish.

    A message appears saying that the export was successful.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Close the Certificate Export Wizard, but keep the Security Alert dialog open.

  11. Import the security certificate file that you saved earlier into the certificate store of the JVM you are using. For more information, see the next section.

  12. At the Security Alert dialog, click Yes to accept the security certificate and start the Forms application.

Importing the certificate into Java Plugin

  1. On the client machine, open the Control Panel.

  2. Open Java.

  3. Navigate to Securities tab.

  4. Click Certificate.

  5. Import the certificate that was exported in the previous section.

  6. Click Apply.