B Command Line Interface Reference

This appendix describes the Command Line Interface (CLI) commands available for an Admin user. Since the CLI is firmware-based, not all commands may be available for your library.

Admin accessible CLI commands include:


This command performs a physical audit on all or part of the library.


Displays help for the audit command, the same as "help audit".

audit *

Initiates a physical audit of the entire library. This command returns immediately and displays no results.


SL8500> audit *
   requestId 9
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1
audit <device address> <address>

Performs a physical audit of a single address and displays the results.

  • <device address> - specifies the robot to use in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • <address> - specifies the slot location to audit in library, rail, column, side, row format.


SL8500> audit 1,4,0,1,0 1,4,-45,1,1
   requestId 9
   Attributes Media Label #EMPTY..
   Object     Location    1,4,-45,1,1
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1
audit <device address> <start address> <end address>

Performs a physical audits of a range of addresses and displays the results.

  • <device address> - specifies the robot to use in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • <start address> <end address> - specifies the starting and ending slot location to audit in library, rail, column, side, row format. Only the row is variable between the start and end addresses.


SL8500> audit 1,4,0,1,0 1,4,-45,1,1 1,4,-45,1,2
   requestId 10
   Attributes Media Label #EMPTY..
   Object     Location    1,4,-45,1,1
   Attributes Media Label EN34410R
   Object     Location    1,4,-45,1,2
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 5
audit multiRowScan {enable | disable | print} <device address>

Enables or disables multiple row scan audit capability to speed up audit time.

  • print - prints the multi-row scan audit state.

  • <device address> - specifies the robot to use in library, rail, column, side, row format.


SL8500> audit multiRowScan print 1,1,0,1,0
   requestId 8401
   Attributes Multi Row Scan enabled
   Object     Robot          1,1,0,1,0
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1


This command is for managing CAPs.


Displays help for the capCommand command, the same as "help capCommand".

capCommand <enable|disable> <device_address>

Enables or disables a CAP on a rail (for bulk CAP only). Certain situations may prevent a CAP from being disabled, such as a reservation by a host.

  • <device address> - specifies the CAP to release in library, rail, column, side, row format.

capCommand forceUnreserve <device address>

Forces the release of a CAP. If cartridges are in the CAP, the reservation changes to "default". If there are no cartridges in the CAP, the reservation changes to "none".

  • <device address> - specifies the CAP to release in library, rail, column, side, row format.

capCommand {lock | unlock} <device address>

Locks or unlocks a CAP specified by the device address.

  • <device address> - specifies the CAP to lock/unlock in library, rail, column, side, row format.


This family of commands displays and controls cleaning and diagnostic cartridge-related functions within the library. Only customers with the media validation feature should use these commands.


Displays help for the cleaning command, the same as "help cleaning".

cleaning list cleaning

Lists all cleaning cartridges in the system slots.


SL8500> cleaning list cleaning
   requestId 9001
   Attributes Expired  false
      Label            CLN0080U
      Location         1,1,-52,1,13
      Max Usage Count  100
      Media Type       9840_Cleaning
      Status           ok
      Usage Count      0
Object Cartridge       cleaning
cleaning import <cap device address> [ to { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | * } ]

Imports cleaning and diagnostic cartridges to system slots. Only one import/export operation is allowed at a time. There must be a minimum 9 empty system slots for SL8500 libraries to allow imports.

  • <cap device address> - specifies the CAP to use for the import operation, in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • to { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | * } - specifies the rail to import cartridge to if possible (optional)


SL8500> cleaning import 1,2,55,1,0 to 1
   requestId 10101
   Message CAP open(ing). Place cartridges to import in CAP, then close CAP.Use CONTINUE cmd to proceed...
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 0
cleaning export <cap device address> cleaning select { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | expired }

Exports selected cleaning cartridges. Only one import/export operation is allowed at a time.

  • <cap device address> - specifies the CAP to use for the export operation, in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • select { 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | expired } - specifies the rail number to export cleaning cartridges from.


SL8500> cleaning export 1,2,55,2,0 cleaning select expired
   requestId 9601
   Address      1.4.-52.1.12
   Success      Cartridge Exported
   Volume Label CLN002CU
   Message CAP open(ing). Remove cartridges, then close CAP.Use CONTINUE cmd to proceed...
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1
cleaning export <cap device address> <cartridge address>

Exports a specific cleaning or diagnostic cartridge to the specified cap. Only one import/export operation is allowed at a time.

  • <cap device address> - specifies the CAP to use for the export operation, in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • <cartridge address> - specifies the location of the cartridge to export in library, rail, column, side, row format. The specified cartridge must be in a system slot and must be either a cleaning or diagnostic cartridge.


SL8500> cleaning export 1,2,55,2,0 1,4,-52,1,12
   requestId 9601
   Address      1.4.-52.1.12
   Success      Cartridge Exported
   Volume Label CLN002CU
   Message CAP open(ing). Remove cartridges, then close CAP.Use CONTINUE cmd to proceed...
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1
cleaning threshold list

Displays a list of cleaning cartridge types and their warning thresholds. Each cleaning cartridge type has 4 attributes:

  • Index - cleaning cartridge type used by the "cleaning threshold set" command

  • Media type - the type of cleaning cartridge used

  • Maximum usage count - recommended max usage by tape manufacturer

  • Warning threshold value - user-defined threshold that determines when a warning status is set for a cleaning cartridge once its usage count reaches that threshold.


SL8500> cleaning threshold list
   requestId 15001
   Object     Index               1
              Media Type          SgtUltrium1_Cleaning
              Recommend Max Usage 100
              Warning Threshold   0
   Object     Index               3
              Media Type          T10000_Cleaning
              Recommend Max Usage 50
              Warning Threshold   0
cleaning threshold set <warning threshold value> <list index number>

Sets a warning threshold value for a particular cleaning cartridge type.

  • <warning threshold value> - can be any positive integer up to 1000. A value of 0 indicates no warning threshold.

  • <list index number> - cleaning cartridge type as specified by the index number from the table listing of the "cleaning threshold list" command.


SL8500> cleaning threshold set 55 11
   requestId 15101
   Object      Success true
cleaning driveWarning set { on | off }

Sets the drive cleaning warning flag to either on or off.

  • on - the drive health status will be set to warn if it needs cleaning

  • off - the drive health status is not affected if the drive needs cleaning


This command will either display the current physical library configuration or set library configuration parameters.


Displays help for the config command, the same as "help config".

config complexId set {1 - 127}

Sets the complexId used for SDP for just the library in which the command is executed. If more than one library exists in a complex, the complexId must be set individually for each library in the complex.

config complexId set {1 - 127} <library address>

Sets the complexId used for SDP for a remote library. If more than one library exists in a complex, the complexId must be set individually for each library in the complex.

  • <library address> - specifies the library in library, rail, column, side, row format. For example: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0.

config complexId clear

Clears the complexId number for a library. This command will restart the network stack and cause the SDP ILC IP address to stop responding.

config complexId clear <library address>

Clears the complexId number for a remote library. This command will restart the network stack and cause the SDP ILC IP address to stop responding.

  • <library address> - specifies the library in library, rail, column, side, row format. For example: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0.

config complexId print

Displays the current complexId for the library in which the command is executed.

config ilc print

Display the ilc status.

config ilc {enable | disable}

Enables or disables the Inter-Library Communications (ILC) LAN. If a disable is requested, the library must first be taken offline using the "accessState offline <device address>" command.

config libraryId print

Displays the current library identifier for this library.

config libraryId set {1 - 32}

Sets the libraryId with a value from 1-32. The library must be offline for this command.

config print

Displays the current physical library configuration.

config serviceInfo print

Displays the library service information.

config serviceInfo set

Sets service information: contact 'contactName' phone 'phoneNumber' streetAddr 'streetAddress' city 'city' state 'state' country 'country' zip 'zipCode' description 'description data'.

Currently the maximum string length is 31 characters. Each string must be delimited by ' ' (single quotes) to provide the ability to use spaces and other characters.


SL8500> config serviceInfo set city 'Denver' contact 'Andy' country 'USA' description 'Manager' phone '303 222-4444' state 'C0' streetAddr '1 tape drive' zip '80027'

requestId 1512402
Device serviceInfo
Success true
Failure Count 0
Success Count 1


This command sets the library date in Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).


Displays help for the date command, the same as "help date".

date print

Displays the current system date.

date <MM> / <DD> / <YYYY>

Sets the system date. In a library complex, the library with libraryId = 1 is the master. Change the date on the master library.

  • <MM> - two digit month

  • <DD> - two digit day

  • <YYYY> - four digit year


This command displays information about the drives or executes the drive utilities such as adiEnable, fastLoad, power, and rewindUnload.


Displays help for the drive command, the same as "help drive".

drive adiEnable {on | off | print}

Turns on or off or prints status of drive discovery with ADI. Once enabled, any subsequently added drives will attempt ADI drive discovery. To enable ADI for all ADI capable drives in the library, the library must be rebooted.

drive fastLoad {on | off | print}

Turns on or off or prints the status of the fastLoad feature. FastLoad changes the behavior of drive mounts (move commands). With fastLoad on, the robot will not wait for a complete load of a PUT to a drive, but will go immediately to the next operation. Also changes the behavior of the rewindUnload command to return immediately, not waiting for the drive to unload. The state of the fastLoad applies to all drives.


This command only affects commands issued in the same CLI session where this command was issued.
drive print { <drive address> | * }

Displays summary drive information: location, state, status, type, firmware version, interface type, in use, serial number, state (online/offline), status (ok, warning, or error), and drive vendor.

  • <drive address> - specifies the drive in library, rail, column, side, row format.

  • * - displays drive information for all drives in the library

drive search {on | off} <drive address>

Causes the green LED on the drive tray to blink. Blinking continues until the search off command issued.Used to locate a drive within the library.

  • <drive address> - specifies the drive in library, rail, column, side, row format.


This command activating certain library features after purchasing a hardware activation permit.


The library must be rebooted when disabling openVolser, dualRobot, partitioning, or redundant electronics.

Displays help for the hwActivation command, same as "help hwActivation".

hwActivation addLicenseFile

Adds a license file. The license file must be named SL8500_license_config.dsf. The full path name being /usr/local/SL8500_license_config.dsf.

hwActivation deleteFile <index>

Deletes the specified installed feature file.

  • <index> - specifies file number to delete as specified in the library controller hwActivation module database. See "hwActivation listFiles".

hwActivation listFiles

Lists the installed feature files in the library controller hwActivation module database.

hwActivation print

Lists all of the enabled features in the library controller hwActivation module database.


This command manages the media validation feature.


Displays help for the mediaValidation command, same as "help mediaValidation"

mediaValidation print { all | poolOnly } { * | @ }

Displays drive locations of the media validation pool.

  • all - lists all drive slots

  • poolOnly - lists only drive slots in the media validation pool

  • * - displays only information for the target library

  • @ - displays information for the entire complex

mediaValidation reservation clear <drive address>

Clears media validation reservation for specified drive.

  • <drive address> - specifies the drive in library, rail, column, side, row format.

mediaValidation stopValidation <drive address>

Stops a validation currently in progress. Cartridge is returned to source storage slot.

  • <drive address> - specifies the drive in library, rail, column, side, row format.


This command is used to configure and display network configuration for the controller card.

network clone [Port 2B IP address] [Port 2A IP address]

Used for redundant electronics configuration. Copies all port, routing, and IP policy configurations to side B HBC. IP addresses are replaced with the ones specified in the command for side B. If no port IP address is specified, then they are not set on side B.

network config print

Displays the target library side (A or B) that is set for network commands.

network config side {a | b}

Sets the target library side for network commands.

network config clear

Clears the network configuration. This command stops network connectivity. Reconfiguration requires access to the serial port on the HBC card.

network export

Exports library network configuration file (.lnc) and generates a network configuration script (.scr). It can only be used in cases where no prior network configurations have been set.

network gateway <IP address>

Sets the external network default gateway.

network gateway clear

Clears the external network default gateway.

network import

Imports a library network configuration file (.lnc).

network ip <IP address>

Sets the IP address of port 2B.

network ip address add <IP address> dev {2A | 2B}

Sets the IP address of a particular port.

network ip address del <IP address> dev {2A | 2B}

Removes the IP address of a port.

network ip address show [dev {2A | 2B}]

Displays the current address information for a particular port or both ports if dev is not specified.

network ip link set dev {2A | 2B} {up | down}

Sets the operation status of a port, which controls whether a port can send and receive Ethernet traffic.

  • up - sets port online

  • down - sets port offline

network ip policy {enable | disable} dev {2A | 2B}

Enables or disables policy routing for device 2A or 2B.

network ip policy status

Displays policy routing status for devices 2A and 2B.

network ip policy route {add | del} <IP address> dev {2A | 2B}

Adds or deletes a static route to policy for device 2A or 2B.

network ip policy route {add | del} <IP address> via <Gateway IP address> dev {2A | 2B}

Adds or deletes a static route to policy for device 2A or 2B via gateway.

network ip policy route show [ dev {2A | 2B} ]

Displays policy route information for device 2A or 2B.

network ip route add default via <IP address>

Sets the default gateway routing IP address.

network ip route delete default

Deletes the default gateway routing IP address.

network ip route {add | del} <IP address [/netmask] > dev {1A | 1B | 2A | 2B}

Adds or deletes a static IP (Internet Protocol) routing address for a specified host. This command also enables a user to set the netmask for a particular port.


SL8500>network ip route add dev 1B
network ip route {add | del} <IP address [/netmask] > via <Gateway IP address>

Adds or deletes a static route to a destination network IP gateway address.

network ip route show [dev {2A | 2B}]

Displays the current routing table information or routing table information for a particular port.

network name <host name string>

Sets the host name.

network netmask <netmask>

Sets the external network netmask in xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx form.

network print

Displays the current network configuration for the external Ethernet ports (2A and 2B).


This command displays the current status or disables the partition feature.


Displays help for the partition command, same as "help partition".

partition autoClean set { * | <Partition Id> }

Set auto clean in a specified partition (0, for a non-partitioned library).

partition attribute status { * | <Partition Id> }

Displays the status attributes of a single specified partition or all partitions.

partition disable

Disables partitioning in the library.

partition getCapacity

Displays the capacity values for library or any defined partitions.

partition status

Displays the current partitioning status.

partition setCapacity { <Partition Id> , <Capacity> }

Sets the capacity for the designated partition. Existing partitions not listed in the command will have their capacity set to zero.


SL8500> partition setCapacity 1,200 2,50 3,600
   requestId 7601
   Failure Count 0
   Success Count 1
partition setNonPartitionedHLI

Sets the partition to hli0. If there are any drives in the media validation pool, they must be removed beforehand. If in complex, it sets all the libraries to hli0.

partition set state {online | offline} <Partition Id>

Sets the current state (offline/online) of a specified partition.


This command controls/switches the redundant electronics and retrieves the library controller redundant electronics statuses.


Displays help for the reControl command, same as "help reControl".

reControl status [ <library address> | * ]

Retrieves the redundant electronics status.

  • <library address> - specifies the library in library, rail, column, side, row format. For example: 2, 0, 0, 0, 0.

  • * - retrieves status from all libraries in a complex


This command configures the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). For more information, see the SNMP Reference Guide on OTN.


This command controls configuration for the ssh daemon/server which resides on the HBC. This is the protocol utility which SLC and other various applications use to connect to the library controller.

ssh print

Prints the current ssh daemon protocol settings.

ssh set version1and2

Sets the ssh daemon protocol restriction to v1 and v2. (this is the default). The ssh server is restarted.

ssh set version2

Sets the ssh daemon protocol restriction to v2 only.


This command sets the library time in military time notation.


Displays help for the time command, same as "help time".

time print

Displays the current system time.

time <HH> : <MM>

Sets the system time. Resolution is within one minute. In a library complex, the library with libraryId = 1 is the master. Change the time on the master library.

  • <HH> - two digit hour

  • <MM> - two digit minute

time <HH> : <MM> : <SS>

Sets the system time. Resolution is within one second. In a library complex, the library with libraryId = 1 is the master. Change the time on the master library.

  • <HH> - two digit hour

  • <MM> - two digit minute

  • <SS> - two digit second


This command traces the network route to a specified IP address.

traceRoute <IP Address>

Executes a traceRoute to the IP address specified.


This command displays the customer version and the versions of the software for the device(s) requested.

version print [ <device address> | *]

Displays the software version of code for a device or all devices.

  • <device address> - specifies the device in library, rail, column, side, row format.


This command displays the system and logic card information relative to the library and card related to redundant electronics command is being executed.


Displays the information relating to where the command is being issued.


SL8500> whereAmI
   Host Name: gulibtst02b
   Port 2B IP Address:
   Library Type: SL8500
   HBC side: B
   Active side: B