4 Logging In To SLC


After an RE failover, log in using the IP address or DNS alias of the newly active library controller (previously the standby controller).

Logging In For the First Time After Library Installation

  1. With the admin user ID, log in to SLC with the first eight characters of the activation password provided by Oracle.

  2. Change the admin password:

    1. Select Tools > User Mgmt

    2. Complete the password fields.

    3. Click Modify.

Logging In to the Standalone SLC

  1. To start SLC on your system, either:

    • Double-click the SLC desktop icon.

    • Select Start > RunSLConsole or Launch > RunSLConsole.

  2. Enter your login information. Click Log on.

Logging In to the Web-launched SLC

To log in using a browser, download Mozilla Firefox from http://www.mozilla.com. On Solaris platforms, you can also log in to the web-launched SLC using the command line.

  1. Obtain the DNS alias or IP address of the SLC server.

  2. Choose a login method:

    • Command line — Available on Solaris only. In the terminal window, enter:

      javaws http://server_ID:port_ID/opel/slc.jnlp

    • Browser — Available on either Windows or Solaris. In a browser on the client system, go to the SLC Web Start application:



    • server_ID — Either the IP address or DNS alias of the SLC server.

    • port_ID — Port ID of the SLC application, typically 8080.

    • opel — The name (context root) of the web-launched SLC application on the server.

  3. Click Launch Now.

  4. Specify the action to take with the slc.jnlp file. Select either:

    • Open with Java Web Start Launcher to start SLC directly.

    • Save to Disk to save the slc.jnlp file to your client and log in to the SLC later.

  5. If this is your first time running the web-launched SLC, complete the digital signature warning dialog box (verify the publisher and click Run).

  6. Enter your SLC login information. Click Log on.

Logging In to the Local Operator Panel

Only one user at a time can log in to the local operator panel.

  1. If the screen is blank, touch the screen anywhere to activate the login screen.

  2. Enter your login information.

  3. Click Log on.

Changing a User Password

Each site has a fixed set of user IDs: admin (customer administrator), service (Oracle support representative), and oem (third-party field service technician). Each user ID is assigned a set of permissions that determines access to utilities within SLC.

  1. Log in to SLC using the account you want to modify.

  2. Select Tools > User Mgmt

  3. Complete the following fields: Current Password, New Password, and Retype Password.

  4. Click Modify.