3 Installing StorageTek Library Console

Oracle's StorageTek Library Console (SLC) is a GUI application for configuring, monitoring, and managing the SL8500 tape library.


Customer data on tape cartridges is never available to SLC or the library. The external data interface of the tape drives is separate from the library infrastructure.

Selecting an SLC Version

You can perform the procedures in this document with any of the following SLC versions, unless otherwise noted.

  • Standalone — SLC runs remotely from any system that has a network connection to the library.

  • Web-launched — SLC is installed on a web server (or server running a web application such as Tomcat, Apache or GlassFish), allowing individual clients to use a browser to access SLC.

  • Local Operator Panel — SLC is pre-installed on the library, enabling library operators to access most SLC functions directly at the library.

Downloading the SLC Media Pack

The media pack includes the web-launched SLC server, web-launched SLC client, and the standalone SLC.

  1. Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud at:


  2. Click Sign In/Register.

  3. Search for SLC, and then select Oracle StorageTek Library Console version. Click Select Platform.

  4. Verify Oracle StorageTek Library Console is listed under Selected Products, and then click Continue.

  5. Read the terms and restrictions. Indicate your acceptance, and then click Continue.

  6. Save the zip file. Extract the media pack to the desired location.

Installing Standalone (Remote) SLC

  1. Uninstall all previous versions of SLC before updating.

  2. Download and extract the standalone SLC media pack (see "Downloading the SLC Media Pack").

  3. Select the SLC installer file for your operating system (refer to the media pack readme).

  4. Review the information. Click Next.

  5. Specify where to install SLC. Click Next.

  6. Specify where to create the SLC shortcut icons. Click Next.


    On Solaris, you cannot choose the default root directory. Oracle recommends /u-sr/bin or a similar location.
  7. Verify the information is correct. Click Install.

  8. Click Done.

Supported Platforms

  • Solaris 10 SPARC, Solaris 10 x86

  • Windows Server 2008 SP2 64-bit, Windows 2012 Enterprise Server

  • Windows 7 SP1 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit

  • Oracle Unbreakable Linux 5 (2.6.18) 32-bit

  • SUSE Enterprise Linux 10.2 (2.6.16) 32-bit

Security Considerations

SLC interfaces with the primary library interface (PLI) over SSL, which provides a secure communication path between the library and the SLC session. This prevents unauthorized network users from monitoring library activity.

Installing Web-launched SLC

You only need to install web-launched SLC updates on the server. You can update the web-launched SLC server while it is running. After the updates are installed, they are downloaded automatically when a client starts the application.

  1. Download and extract the web-launch SLC server (.war) file (see "Downloading the SLC Media Pack").

  2. Deploy the file on the server (refer to the web server documentation).

Minimum Browser Requirements

  • Internet Explorer 8 (on Windows 7: 64 bit)

  • Firefox 17.0.2 ESR (on Windows 7: 64 bit)

Security Considerations

The web-launched SLC is digitally signed, which guarantees that the software has been issued by Oracle Corporation and has not been altered or corrupted since it was created. As a Java Web Start process, the web-launched SLC includes the security features provided by the Java 2 platform.


You are responsible for implementing all appropriate additional security systems, including firewalls, and user access.

Upgrading SLC on the Local Op Panel

  1. Select Tools > Diagnostics, and then select the Library in the device tree.

  2. Click the Activate Code tab.

  3. In the Target list, select the code package to activate (in this case SLConsole).

  4. In the Available Versions section, select the code version to activate. Click the Activate button.

  5. When the activation process finishes, click OK.