Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Class ManagerAdapter

  extended by oracle.dss.dataView.ManagerAdapter
All Implemented Interfaces:, FormatManager, Manager, PopupManager, RolloverTextManager, SelectionManager, UIBundle

public class ManagerAdapter
extends java.lang.Object
implements FormatManager, SelectionManager, RolloverTextManager, PopupManager,

See Also:
Serialized Form
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
ManagerAdapter is the "do-nothing" default fallback manager implementation for all managers. It is a singleton class.

Constructor Summary
protected ManagerAdapter()
          Hidden default constructor for the one and only instance of this class.
Method Summary
 boolean canSelectComponent(Dataview view, ComponentHandle component)
          Can the given component be selected?
 boolean canSelectComponents(Dataview view)
          Can any components be selected?
 java.lang.Object clone()
          Must be able to clone the manager
 void componentSelected(Dataview view, ComponentHandle component)
          The given component was selected.
 void dataSourceChanged()
          This implementation does nothing.
 java.lang.Object formatDataValue(DataviewCommon view, java.lang.Object data, int column, int row, int[] pageHPos, ViewFormat vf)
          Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.
 java.util.Vector getBundles()
          Retrieves the vector of rule bundles that this manager uses to format Dataview items.
static ManagerAdapter getInstance()
 javax.swing.JPopupMenu getPopupMenu(Dataview view, ComponentHandle id)
          Return a complete JPopupMenu.
 java.lang.String getRolloverText(Dataview view, ComponentHandle component, int x, int y, int modifiers)
          Return the rollover text to display over the given component at the given location within the component.
 RuleBundle getUIBundle()
          Get the RuleBundle used by the UI.
 void setBundles(DataviewCommon view, java.util.Vector bundles)
          Specifies the vector of RuleBundle objects to use.
 void setUIBundle(DataviewCommon view, RuleBundle bundle)
          Set the RuleBundle used by the UI.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected ManagerAdapter()
Hidden default constructor for the one and only instance of this class.

Method Detail


public void dataSourceChanged()
This implementation does nothing.

Specified by:
dataSourceChanged in interface Manager


public static ManagerAdapter getInstance()
a ManagerAdapter object
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
Return the one and only instance of this class that all dataviews share.


public java.lang.Object formatDataValue(DataviewCommon view,
                                        java.lang.Object data,
                                        int column,
                                        int row,
                                        int[] pageHPos,
                                        ViewFormat vf)
Given a data object return a formatted version of that data object for the given data plane location.

Specified by:
formatDataValue in interface FormatManager
view - the view needing formatting resolution
data - the data to format
column - the across location of this data item
row - the down location of this data item
pageHPos - the hPos of the page on which this data item resides
vf - ViewFormat which may be used in the formatting
the formatted data item, as a String


public boolean canSelectComponents(Dataview view)
Can any components be selected?

Specified by:
canSelectComponents in interface SelectionManager
view - the view needing selection resolution
true if the view should allow selection of any components; if false, canSelectComponent will not be called.


public boolean canSelectComponent(Dataview view,
                                  ComponentHandle component)
Can the given component be selected?

Specified by:
canSelectComponent in interface SelectionManager
view - the view needing selection resolution
component - the component that has been clicked on for selection
true if the view should allow the selection


public void componentSelected(Dataview view,
                              ComponentHandle component)
The given component was selected.

Specified by:
componentSelected in interface SelectionManager
view - the view needing selection resolution
component - the component that has been selected


public java.lang.String getRolloverText(Dataview view,
                                        ComponentHandle component,
                                        int x,
                                        int y,
                                        int modifiers)
Return the rollover text to display over the given component at the given location within the component.

Specified by:
getRolloverText in interface RolloverTextManager
view - the view needing selection resolution
component - the component identification.
x - the mouse x location in pixels within the component
y - the mouse y location in pixels within the component
modifiers - any keyboard modifiers in effect at the time.
the string to popup over this component, if any. Return null if no text should be displayed at all. Return "" if an empty label is desired.


public javax.swing.JPopupMenu getPopupMenu(Dataview view,
                                           ComponentHandle id)
Description copied from interface: PopupManager
Return a complete JPopupMenu. The implementor of this method is responsible for processing its own calls from this popup menu.

Specified by:
getPopupMenu in interface PopupManager
view - the view asking for popup informatiuon
id - the component the popup occurred over
an entire JPopupMenu structure, or null, in which case getPopupStrings will be called.


public java.lang.Object clone()
                       throws java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException
Must be able to clone the manager

Specified by:
clone in interface RolloverTextManager
clone in class java.lang.Object
copy of manager-implementing class
java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException - if can't clone


public void setBundles(DataviewCommon view,
                       java.util.Vector bundles)
Specifies the vector of RuleBundle objects to use. The vector is passed by reference. You must call this method explicitly to ensure that proper notification of changes is triggered.

Specified by:
setBundles in interface FormatManager
bundles - The vector of rule bundles that this manager should use.
See Also:


public java.util.Vector getBundles()
Retrieves the vector of rule bundles that this manager uses to format Dataview items. Rule bundle vectors are passed by reference. If you modify the vector that this method returns, call the setBundles method explicitly to set the modified vector.

Specified by:
getBundles in interface FormatManager
The vector of rule bundles that this manager uses.
See Also:


public RuleBundle getUIBundle()
Get the RuleBundle used by the UI.

Specified by:
getUIBundle in interface UIBundle
the RuleBundle used by the UI


public void setUIBundle(DataviewCommon view,
                        RuleBundle bundle)
Set the RuleBundle used by the UI.

Specified by:
setUIBundle in interface UIBundle
view - the view the RuleBundle applies to
bundle - the new RuleBundle used by the UI

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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