Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface GaugeRenderer

All Known Implementing Classes:
GaugeExportXMLWriter, GaugeSVGWriter, Graphics2DRenderer

public interface GaugeRenderer

For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
This interface provides a method set for implementers to support rendering of DrawableObject insances.

Method Summary
 void applyTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform)
          This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.
 void drawAndFillArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Arc2D instance, using the given colors.
 void drawAndFillArea(java.awt.geom.Area area, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Area instance, using the given colors.
 void drawAndFillPolygon(java.awt.Polygon polygon, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Polygon instance, using the given colors.
 void drawAndFillRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Rectangle instance, using the given colors.
 void drawAndFillRoundedRect(java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D roundRect, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color and rounded with the given arc width and height.
 void drawAndFillShape(java.awt.Shape shape, java.awt.Color borderColor, java.awt.Color fillColor, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given colors.
 void drawArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of an outline represented by the given Arc2D instance, using the given color as its border color.
 void drawArea(java.awt.geom.Area area, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of an area outlined according to the given Area object, using the given color as its border color.
 void drawImage(java.lang.String imgURL, java.awt.Image image, int x, int y, int width, int height, java.awt.image.ImageObserver imgObs)
          This method supports the drawing of an image.
 void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of a line with the given color.
 void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int thickness, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of a line with the given thickness and color.
 void drawPolygon(java.awt.Polygon poly, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of the outline of a polygon defined by the specified Polygon object using the given instance of Color.
 void drawRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color.
 void drawShape(java.awt.Shape shape, java.awt.Color c)
          This method supports the drawing of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given color as its border color.
 void drawString(DrawableObject.Label label, int x, int y, java.awt.Font f, java.awt.Color c, double angle)
          This method supports the drawing of text in the given color at the location specified by the point at x1 and y1.
 void fillArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc, java.awt.Color c, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the filling of the given arc with the given color.
 void fillArea(java.awt.geom.Area area, java.awt.Color c, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the filling of an area outlined according to the given Area object, using the given color.
 void fillPolygon(java.awt.Polygon poly, java.awt.Color c, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the filling of the given polygon using the provided color as its border color.
 void fillRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect, java.awt.Color c, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the filling of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color.
 void fillShape(java.awt.Shape shape, java.awt.Color c, oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient, java.util.Map sfxMap)
          This method supports the filling of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given color as its fill color.
 java.awt.geom.AffineTransform getTransform()
          This method gets the current AffineTransform object.
 void setTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform)
          This method allows an reset of the current transform to the given AffineTransform object.

Method Detail


void drawShape(java.awt.Shape shape,
               java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given color as its border color.

shape - Instance of Shape
c - Color instance representing the intended color of the shape


void fillShape(java.awt.Shape shape,
               java.awt.Color c,
               oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
               java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the filling of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given color as its fill color.

shape - Instance of Shape
c - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the shape
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawAndFillShape(java.awt.Shape shape,
                      java.awt.Color borderColor,
                      java.awt.Color fillColor,
                      oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                      java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Shape instance, using the given colors.

shape - Instance of Shape
borderColor - Color instance representing the intended borderColor of the shape
fillColor - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the shape
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc,
             java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of an outline represented by the given Arc2D instance, using the given color as its border color.

arc - Instance of Arc2D
c - Color instance representing the intended color of the arc


void fillArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc,
             java.awt.Color c,
             oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
             java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the filling of the given arc with the given color.

arc - Instance of Arc2D
c - Color instance indicating the fill color of the arc
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawAndFillArc(java.awt.geom.Arc2D arc,
                    java.awt.Color borderColor,
                    java.awt.Color fillColor,
                    oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                    java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Arc2D instance, using the given colors.

arc - Instance of Arc2D
borderColor - Color instance representing the intended borderColor of the arc
fillColor - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the arc
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this arc


void drawArea(java.awt.geom.Area area,
              java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of an area outlined according to the given Area object, using the given color as its border color.

area - Instance of Area
c - Color instance indicating the fill color of the arc


void fillArea(java.awt.geom.Area area,
              java.awt.Color c,
              oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
              java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the filling of an area outlined according to the given Area object, using the given color.

area - Instance of Area
c - Color instance indicating the fill color of the area
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawAndFillArea(java.awt.geom.Area area,
                     java.awt.Color borderColor,
                     java.awt.Color fillColor,
                     oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                     java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Area instance, using the given colors.

area - Instance of Area
borderColor - Color instance representing the intended borderColor of the area
fillColor - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the area
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this area


void drawPolygon(java.awt.Polygon poly,
                 java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of the outline of a polygon defined by the specified Polygon object using the given instance of Color.

poly - The polygon to draw.
c - The color with which to draw the polygon


void fillPolygon(java.awt.Polygon poly,
                 java.awt.Color c,
                 oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                 java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the filling of the given polygon using the provided color as its border color.

poly - Instance of Polygon
c - Color instance indicating the fill color of the polygon
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawAndFillPolygon(java.awt.Polygon polygon,
                        java.awt.Color borderColor,
                        java.awt.Color fillColor,
                        oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                        java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Polygon instance, using the given colors.

polygon - Instance of Polygon
borderColor - Color instance representing the intended borderColor of the polygon
fillColor - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the polygon
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this polygon


void drawRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect,
              java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color.

rect - Instance of Rectangle
c - Instance of Color to use for the rectangle.


void fillRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect,
              java.awt.Color c,
              oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
              java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the filling of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color.

rect - Instance of Rectangle marking the fill area
c - Instance of Color to use when filling.
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawAndFillRect(java.awt.Rectangle rect,
                     java.awt.Color borderColor,
                     java.awt.Color fillColor,
                     oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                     java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of an outline represented by the given Rectangle instance, using the given colors.

rect - Instance of Rectangle
borderColor - Color instance representing the intended borderColor of the rectangle
fillColor - Color instance representing the intended fill color of the rectangle
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this rectangle


void drawAndFillRoundedRect(java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D roundRect,
                            java.awt.Color borderColor,
                            java.awt.Color fillColor,
                            oracle.dss.presutil.GradientObj gradient,
                            java.util.Map sfxMap)
This method supports the drawing and filling of the given rectangle using the given instance of Color and rounded with the given arc width and height.

roundRect - Instance of RoundRectangle2D marking the fill area
borderColor - Instance of Color to use for the border.
fillColor - Instance of Color to use when filling.
sfxMap - Instance of Map containing SFX attributes for this shape


void drawLine(int x1,
              int y1,
              int x2,
              int y2,
              int thickness,
              java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of a line with the given thickness and color.

x1 - The first point's x coordinate
y1 - The first point's y coordinate
x2 - The second point's x coordinate
y2 - The second point's y coordinate
thickness - Width of the line in pixels
c - Color instance indicating the color of the line.


void drawLine(int x1,
              int y1,
              int x2,
              int y2,
              java.awt.Color c)
This method supports the drawing of a line with the given color. The line drawn will have a default thickness of 1 pixel.

x1 - The first point's x coordinate
y1 - The first point's y coordinate
x2 - The second point's x coordinate
y2 - The second point's y coordinate
c - Color instance indicating the color of the line


void drawString(DrawableObject.Label label,
                int x,
                int y,
                java.awt.Font f,
                java.awt.Color c,
                double angle)
This method supports the drawing of text in the given color at the location specified by the point at x1 and y1.

label - String instance representing the text to draw
x - The first point's x coordinate
y - The first point's y coordinate
f - Font instance indicating the color of the line
c - Color instance indicating the color of the line
angle - The text rotation angle of the label


void drawImage(java.lang.String imgURL,
               java.awt.Image image,
               int x,
               int y,
               int width,
               int height,
               java.awt.image.ImageObserver imgObs)
This method supports the drawing of an image.

imgURL - String instance used to load image
image - Instance of Image to draw; may be null
x - x coordinate of image's top corner
y - y coordinate of image's top corner
width - width of image
height - height of image
imgObs - Instance of ImageObserver; can be null


void applyTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform)
This method allows an application of the given AffineTransform object.

transform - AffineTransform instance to apply


java.awt.geom.AffineTransform getTransform()
This method gets the current AffineTransform object.

Current instance of AffineTransform


void setTransform(java.awt.geom.AffineTransform transform)
This method allows an reset of the current transform to the given AffineTransform object.

transform - AffineTransform instance to set

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.