Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use Context The build system interfaces that extension writers need to implement in order to listen for build events. 
javax.ide.command Command execution classes. 
javax.ide.debug Debbuger API used by extensions to initiate a debugging session. 
javax.ide.editor The editor interfaces that extension writers need to implement in order to add a new editor to an IDE. 
javax.ide.log The interfaces that extension writers use and need to implement in order to add a new log pages to an IDE. The property page extension classes that extension writers need to implement in order to add their own property panels to an IDE preferences UI and to the project settings UI. 
javax.ide.view IDE view support classes and interfaces. 
javax.ide.wizard The wizard interfaces that extension writers use and need to implement in order to add a new wizards to an IDE. 
oracle.ide.javaxide Bridges the standard IDE API (JSR198) to JDeveloper's extension API. 

Uses of Context in

Methods in that return Context
 Context BuildEvent.getContext()
          Get the context currently used to build.

Methods in with parameters of type Context
abstract  void context)
          Start a build of the objects selected in the Context.

Constructors in with parameters of type Context
BuildEvent(BuildSystem buildSystem, Context context)
BuildEvent(BuildSystem buildSystem, Context context, boolean success)

Uses of Context in javax.ide.command

Methods in javax.ide.command that return Context
protected  Context Command.getContext()
          Gets the ide current Context.

Methods in javax.ide.command with parameters of type Context
 boolean InvokeHandler.invoke(IDEAction action, Context context)
          Invoke the specified action in the specified context.
 void Command.setContext(Context context)
          Sets Context associated with command
 boolean UpdateHandler.update(IDEAction action, Context context)
          Update the specified action based on the specified context.

Uses of Context in javax.ide.debug

Methods in javax.ide.debug that return Context
abstract  Context Connector.getContext()
          Get the Context used to create this connector.

Methods in javax.ide.debug with parameters of type Context
abstract  ClientConnector Debugger.getClientConnector(Context context)
          Creates a client connector for a debugging session.
abstract  ServerConnector Debugger.getServerConnector(Context context)
          Creates a server connector for a debugging session.

Uses of Context in javax.ide.editor

Methods in javax.ide.editor that return Context
 Context Editor.getContext()
          Get the context for this editor.

Methods in javax.ide.editor with parameters of type Context
 void context)
          This method is called to open the editor.
abstract  Editor EditorManager.openEditor(Context context, java.lang.String typeID)
          Opens a document in the editor identified by the given editor type identifier.

Uses of Context in javax.ide.log

Methods in javax.ide.log with parameters of type Context
abstract  LogPage LogManager.openPage(Context context, java.lang.String pageClass)
          Open and display the page identified by the given type identifier.

Uses of Context in

Methods in with parameters of type Context
 void PropertyPage.onEntry(java.util.prefs.Preferences preferences, Context context)
          Method called when this page is selected by the user.
 void PropertyPage.onExit(java.util.prefs.Preferences preferences, Context context)
          Method called when users leave this page for another page and when they press the dialog's OK button.

Uses of Context in javax.ide.view

Methods in javax.ide.view that return Context
abstract  Context View.getContext()
          Gets the current view context.

Methods in javax.ide.view with parameters of type Context
 URISelectionDialog IDEDialogs.getDirectorySelectionDialog(java.lang.String title, location, Context context, GUIPanel parent)
          Creates a "directory selection" dialog.
 URISelectionDialog IDEDialogs.getFileSelectionDialog(java.lang.String title, location, Context context, GUIPanel parent)
          Creates a "file selection" dialog.
 boolean URISelectionDialog.Validator.validate([] uri, Context context)
          Method called when the user presses the OK button of the URISelectionDialog.

Uses of Context in javax.ide.wizard

Methods in javax.ide.wizard with parameters of type Context
 boolean Wizard.invoke(Context context)
          Invokes the object, usually called by the IDE from the button that launches the wizard.
 boolean WizardManager.invokeWizard(Context context, java.lang.String id)
          Invokes a wizard with the specified execution context and parameters.
 boolean Wizard.isAvailable(Context context)
          Called when the availability of the wizard must be determined.

Uses of Context in oracle.ide.javaxide

Methods in oracle.ide.javaxide that return Context
abstract  Context ModelInteropUtils.getJavaxIdeContext(Context oracleContext)
          Get the Javax IDE context for an Oracle IDE context.

Methods in oracle.ide.javaxide with parameters of type Context
 Context ModelInteropUtils.getOracleContext(Context jideContext)
          Get the Oracle IDE context for a Javax IDE context.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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