Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Class

Packages that use URLPath
oracle.ide.component Contains graphical components that are implemented using two or more basic controls. 
oracle.ide.controls Contains classes implementing the basic graphical controls, such as, toolbars, toolbar buttons, status bars, tabbed windows, used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.ide.file Classes and interfaces used to track changes to files. 
oracle.ide.index Classes used to build and query indexes of source files. 
oracle.ide.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing JDeveloper's data model. Provides a virtual file system framework based on Public API for the java model. Public implementations of the JavaClassLocator interface. 
oracle.jdeveloper.library The Libraries package provides the library API used by JDeveloper. 
oracle.jdeveloper.model Contains interfaces and classes implementing the Java specific portions of JDeveloper's data model. 

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.component

Methods in oracle.ide.component that return URLPath
static URLPath URLPathEditPanel.editPath(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, URLPath path, boolean supportAnyURL, boolean allowJars, java.lang.String helpID)
          Displays the UI in a dialog for the user to edit a specified path.
 URLPath URLPathEditPanel.getPath()
          Retrieves the current path displayed in the UI.

Methods in oracle.ide.component with parameters of type URLPath
static URLPath URLPathEditPanel.editPath(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, URLPath path, boolean supportAnyURL, boolean allowJars, java.lang.String helpID)
          Displays the UI in a dialog for the user to edit a specified path.
 void URLPathEditPanel.setPath(URLPath path)
          Sets the path being edited.
static void URLPathEditPanel.viewPath(java.awt.Component parent, java.lang.String title, URLPath path, java.lang.String helpID)
          Displays UI for viewing a path.

Constructors in oracle.ide.component with parameters of type URLPath
URLPathEditPanel(URLPath path)
          Creates a new URLPathEditPanel for the specified path.

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.controls

Methods in oracle.ide.controls that return URLPath
 URLPath URLPathField.getURLPath()
          Gets the URLPath for the text in the text field.

Methods in oracle.ide.controls with parameters of type URLPath
 void URLPathField.setURLPath(URLPath path)

Constructors in oracle.ide.controls with parameters of type URLPath
URLPathField(URLPath path)

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.extension

Methods in oracle.ide.extension with parameters of type URLPath
protected  void URLPathHandler.getURLPaths(URLPath newPath, java.lang.String text, localpath)

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.file

Methods in oracle.ide.file with parameters of type URLPath
static Path Path.getInstance(URLPath urlPath)
          Get a path instance containing the locations in a URLPath.

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.index

Methods in oracle.ide.index with parameters of type URLPath
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Project project, URLPath path)
          Deprecated. Use IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace,Project,URLPath).
abstract  Index IndexManager.getIndex(Workspace workspace, Project project, URLPath path)
          Get the index for the given URLPath in the scope of the given project.

Uses of URLPath in oracle.ide.model

Methods in oracle.ide.model that return URLPath
 URLPath ContentSet.getAllRootDirs()
          Returns all root URLs associated with this content set and all constituent content sets recursively.
 URLPath ContentLevel.getDirectoryURLPath()
 URLPath ProjectContent.getJavaRootDirs()
 URLPath ApplicationContent.getJavaRootDirs()
 URLPath ResourcePaths.getProjectResourcesPath()
 URLPath ContentLevelFolder.getRootDirectories()
abstract  URLPath RelativeDirectoryContextFolder.getRootDirectories()
          Retrieves the root directories used to assemble the folder contents.
 URLPath ContentSetFolder.getRootDirectories()
 URLPath RelativeDirectoryElement.getRootDirectories()
          Gets the paths of the root directories for the directories represented by this element.
 URLPath ContentSet.getURLPath()
          Returns the URLPath of the dynamic content path of this ContentSet.

Methods in oracle.ide.model with parameters of type URLPath
 java.util.List OwnerMap.getOwnedNodes( ownerContainerURL, URLPath srcRoots, java.lang.String dirRelPath)
          Deprecated. Utility method for ContentLevelFilter implementations that need to filter out all owned nodes within a particular relative directory.
 void AsynchronousContentLevelFilter.postUpdateDirRequestHandlerSubmitted(URLPath srcRoots, java.lang.String dirRelPath, java.util.List elementList)
          Can be optionally overriden after the asynchronous request from getUpdateDirRequestHandler has been submitted for execution.
 boolean ResourcePaths.setProjectResourcesPath(URLPath urlPath)
abstract  void ContentLevelFilter.updateDir(URLPath srcRoots, java.lang.String dirRelPath, java.util.List elementList, java.util.List subdirList, Context context)
          This method is called whenever a level is expanded during the breadth-first traversal of the project content.

Uses of URLPath in

Methods in that return URLPath
static URLPath URLPath.getURLPath(HashStructure hash, java.lang.String urlPathName)
          Retrieves the URLPath that is stored within the specified HashStructure at the specified name.
static URLPath URLPath.newURLPathFromString(java.lang.String entries)
          This is a factory method for creating a URLPath instance based on a typical path string, such as that that is returned by System.getProperty( "java.class.path" ).
 URLPath FilePath.toURLPath()
          Produces an URLPath that represents a path that is equivalent to this FilePath.

Methods in with parameters of type URLPath
 void URLPath.add(URLPath urlPath)
          Adds the entries from the specified URLPath to this instance.
protected  void URLPath.copyToImpl(URLPath copy)
          Design pattern for supporting strongly typed copying.
protected  boolean URLPath.equalsImpl(URLPath urlPath)
          This is a helper method for equals(Object) that can also be used by subclasses that implement equals(Object).
 void URLPath.remove(URLPath urlPath)
static boolean URLPath.setURLPath(HashStructure hash, java.lang.String urlPathName, URLPath urlPath)
          Stores the specified URLPath into the HashStructure at the specified name.

Constructors in with parameters of type URLPath
PackageClassChooser(int scope, URLPath path)
          Creates a new PackageClassChooser that is configured to browse the specified URLPath.
URLPath(URLPath urlPath)
          Copy constructor.

Uses of URLPath in

Methods in with parameters of type URLPath
static JavaModel JavaModel.getInstance(URLPath sourcepath, URLPath classpath)
          Fetch a JavaManager instance for the given project.
 JavaModel JavaModelFactory.newInstance(URLPath sourcepath, URLPath classpath)
          Creates a new JavaModel instance for the given arguments.

Uses of URLPath in

Methods in with parameters of type URLPath
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getClassLocator(URLPath urlPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given URLPath for locating class files.
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getClassLocatorInterruptibly(URLPath urlPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given URLPath for locating class files.
static PathClassLocator PathClassLocator.getInstance(URLPath sourcePath, URLPath classPath)
          Get a PathClassLocator instance.
static PathClassLocator PathClassLocator.getInstanceInterruptibly(URLPath sourcePath, URLPath classPath)
          Get a PathClassLocator instance.
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getPathLocator(URLPath sourcePath, URLPath classPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given source and class paths for locating source and class files.
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getPathLocatorInterruptibly(URLPath sourcePath, URLPath classPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given source and class paths for locating source and class files.
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getSourceLocator(URLPath urlPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given URLPath for locating source files.
 BaseClassLocator ClassLocatorFactory.getSourceLocatorInterruptibly(URLPath urlPath)
          Fetch a BaseClassLocator instance for the given URLPath for locating source files.

Uses of URLPath in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries that return URLPath
static URLPath JspLibraryUtils.removeDeployedJars(URLPath urlPath, Project project)
          Removes JAR file entries from the given URL path that have already been deployed to project's WEB-INF/lib folder.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.jsp.libraries with parameters of type URLPath
static URLPath JspLibraryUtils.removeDeployedJars(URLPath urlPath, Project project)
          Removes JAR file entries from the given URL path that have already been deployed to project's WEB-INF/lib folder.

Uses of URLPath in oracle.jdeveloper.library

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.library that return URLPath
 URLPath AddinJDK.getClassPath()
 URLPath AddinLibrary.getClassPath()
 URLPath JPaths.getClassPath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getClassPath()
 URLPath LegacyLibrary.getClassPath()
 URLPath LegacyLibraryDefinition.getClassPath()
 URLPath LegacyJDK.getClassPath()
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getClassPath()
 URLPath Library.getDefaultClassPath()
          Deprecated. use getClassPath()
 URLPath AbstractLibrary.getDefaultClassPath()
          Deprecated. use getClassPath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getDefaultClassPath()
          Deprecated. use getClassPath
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getDefaultClassPath()
          Deprecated. use getClassPath()
 URLPath Library.getDefaultDocPath()
          Deprecated. use getDocPath()
 URLPath AbstractLibrary.getDefaultDocPath()
          Deprecated. use getDocPath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getDefaultDocPath()
          Deprecated. use getDocPath
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getDefaultDocPath()
          Deprecated. use getDocPath()
 URLPath Library.getDefaultSourcePath()
          Deprecated. use getSourcePath()
 URLPath AbstractLibrary.getDefaultSourcePath()
          Deprecated. use getSourcePath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getDefaultSourcePath()
          Deprecated. use getSourcePath
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getDefaultSourcePath()
          Deprecated. use getSourcePath()
 URLPath AddinJDK.getDocPath()
 URLPath AddinLibrary.getDocPath()
 URLPath JPaths.getDocPath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getDocPath()
 URLPath LegacyLibrary.getDocPath()
 URLPath LegacyLibraryDefinition.getDocPath()
 URLPath LegacyJDK.getDocPath()
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getDocPath()
 URLPath AddinJDK.getSourcePath()
 URLPath AddinLibrary.getSourcePath()
 URLPath JPaths.getSourcePath()
 URLPath ExternalLibrary.getSourcePath()
 URLPath LegacyLibrary.getSourcePath()
 URLPath LegacyLibraryDefinition.getSourcePath()
 URLPath LegacyJDK.getSourcePath()
 URLPath LibraryAdapter.getSourcePath()

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.library with parameters of type URLPath
 JDK AddinLibraryList.loadJDK(java.lang.String name, URLPath clsPath, URLPath srcPath, URLPath docPath, exeURL, VersionNumber version, sdkBinDir)
          Deprecated. since This method should be called only by the internal implementation of JLibraryManager, and is not intended for general use.
 void AbstractLibrary.setClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
 void JPaths.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void ExternalLibrary.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyLibraryDefinition.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyJDK.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void LibraryAdapter.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void Library.setDefaultClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
          Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
 void AbstractLibrary.setDefaultClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
          Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setDefaultClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
 void ExternalLibrary.setDefaultClassPath(URLPath clsPath)
          Deprecated. use setClassPath
 void LibraryAdapter.setDefaultClassPath(URLPath path)
          Deprecated. use setClassPath(URLPath)
 void Library.setDefaultDocPath(URLPath docPath)
          Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
 void AbstractLibrary.setDefaultDocPath(URLPath docPath)
          Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setDefaultDocPath(URLPath docPath)
 void ExternalLibrary.setDefaultDocPath(URLPath docPath)
          Deprecated. use setDocPath
 void LibraryAdapter.setDefaultDocPath(URLPath path)
          Deprecated. use setDocPath(URLPath)
 void Library.setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
          Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
 void AbstractLibrary.setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
          Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
 void ExternalLibrary.setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
          Deprecated. use setSourcePath
 void LibraryAdapter.setDefaultSourcePath(URLPath path)
          Deprecated. use setSourcePath(URLPath)
 void AbstractLibrary.setDocPath(URLPath docPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setDocPath(URLPath docPath)
 void JPaths.setDocPath(URLPath docPath)
 void ExternalLibrary.setDocPath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyLibraryDefinition.setDocPath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyJDK.setDocPath(URLPath path)
 void LibraryAdapter.setDocPath(URLPath path)
 void AbstractLibrary.setSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
 void AddinLibrary.setSourcePath(URLPath srcPath)
 void JPaths.setSourcePath(URLPath sourcePath)
 void ExternalLibrary.setSourcePath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyLibraryDefinition.setSourcePath(URLPath path)
 void LegacyJDK.setSourcePath(URLPath path)
 void LibraryAdapter.setSourcePath(URLPath path)
 void DynamicLibraryProvider.updateClassPath(Project project, URLPath classPath)
          Is called when we are building the classpath for a project.

Constructors in oracle.jdeveloper.library with parameters of type URLPath
AddinJDK(java.lang.String name, URLPath clsPath, URLPath srcPath, URLPath docPath, exeURL, VersionNumber version, sdkBinDir)
AddinLibrary(java.lang.String name, URLPath clsPath, URLPath srcPath, URLPath docPath, java.lang.Boolean deployed)
AddinLibrary(java.lang.String name, URLPath clsPath, URLPath srcPath, URLPath docPath, java.lang.Boolean deployed, java.lang.Boolean forceExtInit, java.lang.String providerExtension)

Uses of URLPath in oracle.jdeveloper.model

Fields in oracle.jdeveloper.model declared as URLPath
protected  URLPath LibraryModel.clsPath
protected  URLPath LibraryModel.docPath
protected  URLPath LibraryModel.srcPath

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model that return URLPath
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getClassPath()
 URLPath TechnologySpecificSupportProvider.getClassPathIfProjectLibrary(Dependable dep, boolean onlyDeployLibs)
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getDocPath()
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getProjectSourcePath()
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getRunClassPath()
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getRunClassPath(boolean onlyDeployLibs)
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getRunClassPath(boolean onlyDeployLibs, boolean onlyStaticLibs)
          The runclasspath of the paths configuration.
 URLPath PathsConfiguration.getSourcePath()
 URLPath ContentSetPanel.getURLPath()
          Returns a copy of the path given by the list of urls displayed in this panel.

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.model with parameters of type URLPath
 void LibraryModel.setClassPath(URLPath path)
 void LibraryModel.setDocPath(URLPath path)
 boolean PathsConfiguration.setProjectSourcePath(URLPath urlPath)
 void LibraryModel.setSourcePath(URLPath path)

Uses of URLPath in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.changelist that return URLPath
 URLPath ChangeListProjectContent.getBaseURLPath()

Uses of URLPath in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.webapp.utils that return URLPath
static URLPath ProjectRunClassPathClassLoaderUtils.getExpandedRunClassPath(Project project)
          Returns (a copy of) the cached expanded URLPath dsecribing the Run ClassPath for the given Project

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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