Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use CompareModel Contains classes and interfaces for compare / merge components, including diff algorithms, model classes and some view implementations.   
oracle.jdeveloper.merge Contains classes for merge editor abstractions, including an editor addin, commands, a controller, and utilities. 

Uses of CompareModel in

Methods in that return CompareModel
 CompareModel first, CompareContributor second)
          Compare two contributors, returning a model of the differences between the two.
static CompareModel CompareModelFactory.createCompareModel(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second)
          Compare the first contributor to the second contributor and return a model describing the differences.
static CompareModel CompareModelFactory.createCompareModel(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second, CompareType type)
          Compare the first contributor to the second contributor and return a model describing the differences.
static CompareModel CompareModelFactory.createCompareModel(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second, CompareType type, CompareAlgorithm compareAlgorithm)
static CompareModel CompareModelFactory.createMergeModel(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second, CompareContributor ancestor)
          Merge the first contributor and the second contributor based on a third and return a model of conflicting differences.
static CompareModel CompareModelFactory.createMergeModel(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second, CompareContributor ancestor, CompareType type)
          Merge the first contributor and the second contributor based on a third and return a model of conflicting differences.
 CompareModel CompareView.getModel()
          Get the model for this view.
 CompareModel CompareMergeAlgorithm.merge(CompareContributor first, CompareContributor second, CompareContributor ancestor)
          Merge two contributors based on a third, returning a model of the conflicting differences between the two.

Methods in with parameters of type CompareModel
static CompareView CompareViewFactory.createCompareView(CompareModel model)
          Create a compare view suitable for displaying the specified model.
static CompareView CompareViewFactory.createCompareView(CompareModel model, CompareViewBias bias)
          Create a compare view suitable for displaying the specified model.
static CompareView CompareViewFactory.createMergeView(CompareModel model)
          Create a merge view suitable for displaying the specified model.
static CompareView CompareViewFactory.createView(CompareModel model, CompareMode mode, java.lang.Class<? extends CompareView> viewClass)
          Create a view suitable for displaying the specified model.
static CompareView CompareViewFactory.createView(CompareModel model, CompareMode mode, Thunk<java.lang.Class<? extends CompareView>> viewClass)
 void CompareView.setModel(CompareModel model)
          Set the model for this view.

Uses of CompareModel in

Methods in that return CompareModel
protected  CompareModel BaseCompareView.createModel(CompareDifference[] differences)
protected  CompareModel SequenceCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected abstract  CompareModel BaseCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected  CompareModel BaseCompareView.createMutableModel(CompareModel compareModel)
 CompareModel BaseCompareView.getCompareModel()
 CompareModel BaseCompareView.getModel()

Methods in with parameters of type CompareModel
protected  javax.swing.Action BaseCompareView.createMarkAllResolvedAction(CompareModel compareModel)
protected  CompareModel SequenceCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected abstract  CompareModel BaseCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected  CompareModel BaseCompareView.createMutableModel(CompareModel compareModel)
static boolean CompareViewUtil.equal(CompareModel model, block, ContributorKind contributor1, ContributorKind contributor2)
protected  void BaseCompareView.initializeView(CompareModel compareModel)
protected  void BaseCompareView.markAllResolved(CompareModel compareModel)
          Mark all differences in the given model as resolved.
protected  void BaseCompareView.setCompareModel(CompareModel compareModel)
 void BaseCompareView.setModel(CompareModel compareModel)
protected  void BaseCompareView.updateModel(CompareModel model)

Uses of CompareModel in

Methods in with parameters of type CompareModel
protected  void ListCompareView.initializeView(CompareModel compareModel)

Uses of CompareModel in

Methods in that return CompareModel
protected  CompareModel WedgeCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected  CompareModel WedgeCompareView.createMutableModel(CompareModel compareModel)

Methods in with parameters of type CompareModel
protected  CompareModel WedgeCompareView.createModel(CompareModel compareModel, CompareDifference[] differences)
protected  CompareModel WedgeCompareView.createMutableModel(CompareModel compareModel)
protected  void WedgeCompareView.initializeView(CompareModel model)

Uses of CompareModel in oracle.javatools.patch

Methods in oracle.javatools.patch that return CompareModel
 CompareModel PatchCompareView.getModel()

Methods in oracle.javatools.patch with parameters of type CompareModel
 void PatchCompareView.setModel(CompareModel compareModel)

Uses of CompareModel in oracle.jdeveloper.merge

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge that return CompareModel
protected  CompareModel BaseMergeEditor.createMergeModel(Context context)
          Creates a merge compare model, based on the current editor context.
protected abstract  CompareModel BaseMergeEditor.createMergeModelImpl(Context context)
          Creates a merge compare model, based on the current editor context (implementor).
protected  CompareModel BaseTextMergeEditor.createMergeModelImpl(Context context)
          Creates a merge compare model, based on the current editor context (implementor).
protected  CompareModel BaseTextMergeEditor.createMergeModelSS(Context context)
 CompareModel MergeEngine.executeMerge()
          Executes a three-way merge.
static CompareModel MergeContext.getModel(Context context)

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.merge with parameters of type CompareModel
protected  void BaseMergeEditor.initializeMergeModel(CompareModel mergeModel)
protected  boolean BaseMergeEditor.saveMergeImpl(Context context, CompareModel compareModel)
          Deprecated. only required for dynamic editor behaviors; merge editors should now be statically registered against a derivative type of BaseMergeNode.
protected  boolean BaseTextMergeEditor.saveMergeImpl(Context context, CompareModel compareModel)
          Deprecated. only required for dynamic editor behaviors; merge editors should now be statically registered against a derivative type of BaseMergeNode.
static void MergeContext.setModel(Context context, CompareModel model)
protected abstract  boolean BaseMergeEditor.validateContent(CompareModel compareModel)
          Validate the content of the merged result.
protected  boolean BaseTextMergeEditor.validateContent(CompareModel model)

Uses of CompareModel in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.vcs.versionhistory with parameters of type CompareModel
protected  CompareView VersionHistoryViewer.createCompareView(CompareModel model)

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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