Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Class DBUtil

  extended by oracle.javatools.db.DBUtil
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class DBUtil
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.Comparator<DBObject>

Utility class associated with the DB package.


Nested Class Summary
static class DBUtil.IDQuery
          When querying for reference IDs of an object this enum is used to define whether to query for different kinds of reference.
Constructor Summary
protected DBUtil()
Method Summary
static boolean areEqualIgnoreNullValues(java.util.Map map1, java.util.Map map2)
          Compares the given maps following the rule that the following entries are considered equal: a missing key a key with null value a key with a value that is an empty Collection
static boolean areNamesAndTypesEqual(DBObject obj1, DBObject obj2)
          Convinience method to check whether the names and types of two objects are the same.
 int compare(DBObject o1, DBObject o2)
          Compares the two objects, if they are both DBObjects.
static java.lang.String createUUID()
          Creates a new UUID for use in an IdentifierBasedID or as any other unique identifier.
static void ensureDerivedPropertiesBuilt(SystemObject object, DBObjectProvider pro)
          INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.
static void ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject object, java.lang.String... props)
          Ensures that the given object is loaded from its DBObjectProvider.
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
static java.lang.String[] filterSchemaObjectTypes(java.lang.String[] objectTypes)
          Filters the given array of types so that it only contains types that are SchemaObjects.
static DBObject findChildInCopy(DBObject orig, DBObject copy, DBObject origChild)
          Given a child of an original object, finds the matching child of the copy using the TemporaryObjectIDs in the copy.
<T extends DBObject>
findChildren(DBObject obj, java.lang.Class<T>... clz)
          Finds owned objects of the given class under the given object.
<T extends DBObject>
findParentOfType(DBObject child, java.lang.Class<T> clz)
          Search the parent heirachy of the given object (including the given object) and if an object is found that is of the given type, it is returned.
static java.util.Collection<DBObject> findUsagesIn(DBObject used, DBObject searchRoot)
          Looks for usages of the given "used" object within the owned object heirachy of the given search object.
static void forceObjectReset(SystemObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Forces the provider to reset the given object so that its properties will all be rebuilt from the underlying provider.
static java.lang.String getDBObjectName(DBObjectID id)
          Gets the name of a DBObject from the DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved.
static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getFrozenProperties(DBObject obj)
          Gets the properties map for a given object frozen in its current state.
static java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj)
          Returns the fully qualified name of the given object by prepending the parent's name (if one exists) followed by a dot.
static java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj, boolean incSchema)
          Returns the fully qualified name of the given object, optionally with the schema prepended.
static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> getNameComparator()
          Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by name first, and then by type.
static DBObjectID getOriginalID(DBObject dbo)
          Returns the Original Id of a copied DBObject.
static DBObject getProviderDefinition(DBObject obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema on the top (schema) level parent and then recursing the heirachy to find a match by name and type of the object given.
static DBObject getProviderDefinition(ReferenceID refID, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to locate the referenced object in the given provider.
<T extends DBObject>
getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name, schema and type.
<T extends SchemaObject>
getProviderDefinition(T obj, DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String schemaName)
          Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema.
<T extends SystemObject>
getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.
static java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> getReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
static java.util.Collection<Pair<DBObjectID,DBObject>> getReferenceIDsAndReferers(DBObject obj, boolean recurse, DBUtil.IDQuery query, java.lang.String... types)
          Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.
static FKConstraint[] getReferences(Constraint ucon, DBObjectProvider prov)
          Get the Foreign Keys which reference a unique constraint Given a contraint and an Offline provider, this method uses the constraint manager registered with the provider to build an array of the foreign keys which reference this contraint.
static Schema getSchema(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject until it finds a SchemaObject and if found returns that SchemaObject's Schema.
static java.lang.String getSchemaName(DBObjectID dbObjectID)
          Returns the name of the schema from a DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved.
static SchemaObject getSchemaObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SchemaObject, it is returned.
static SystemObject getSystemObject(DBObject obj)
          Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SystemObject, it is returned.
static java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> getTemporaryIDMap(DBObject... objs)
static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> getTypeComparator()
          Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by type first, and then by name.
static java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.util.Collection existing, java.lang.String base)
          Returns a unique name given the Collection of existing names from the base name given.
static java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.util.Collection existing, java.lang.String base, boolean increment)
          Returns a unique name given the Collection of existing names from the base name given.
static DBObject getUppermostParent(DBObject obj)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given object.
static DBObjectID getUppermostParent(DBObjectID id)
          Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given id.
 int hashCode()
static boolean isCompoundName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String quote)
          Return true if the name contains an unquoted '.'
static boolean isDangling(DBObjectID refID)
          Returns true if it is passed a dangling reference.
static boolean isInternalRef(DBObjectID ref, DBObject obj)
          Returns true if the given DBObjectID is referencing an object that is under the same parent heirachy as the given DBObject.
<D extends DBObject>
makeClonedCopy(D object)
          Makes a clone of the original object.
<D extends DBObject>
makeTemporaryCopy(D object)
          Makes a copy of the original object, with temporary reference ids.
static boolean needsBuilding(DBObject obj)
          Tests whether the given object needs building - i.e.
static boolean needsBuilding(DBObject obj, java.lang.String property)
          Tests whether the given object property needs building - i.e.
static boolean needsDerivedPropertiesBuilding(SystemObject obj)
          INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.
static java.lang.String quoteName(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String quote)
          Deprecated. assumes that doubling up works as an escape. Use a DBObjectProvider or DatabaseDescriptor instead.
static boolean replaceAllIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the all IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
static boolean replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject obj, java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
          Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.
static DBObject resolveInOtherProvider(BaseObjectID id, DBObjectProvider pro)
          Attempts to resolve the given ID in a provider that is not the id's own.
static void resumeTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String timestampKey)
          Indicates to the given provider that the timestamp suspension for the given key has finished.
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> sortIntoSchemas(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject... objs)
          Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects.
<T> T[]
stripNulls(T[] objs)
          Returns an array containing all the non-null elements from the given array.
static void suspendTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider pro, java.lang.String timestampKey)
          Usage must be proceeded immediatly by a try block, for which the finally contains a call to resumeTimestamps.
static void updateObjectAndIDs(DBObject oldVersion, DBObject newVersion)
          Copys the newVersion to the old version and updates the oldVersion with the IDs from the newVersion.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


protected DBUtil()
Method Detail


public int compare(DBObject o1,
                   DBObject o2)
Compares the two objects, if they are both DBObjects.

Specified by:
compare in interface java.util.Comparator<DBObject>
See Also:
getNameComparator(), getTypeComparator()


public boolean equals(java.lang.Object obj)
Specified by:
equals in interface java.util.Comparator<DBObject>
equals in class java.lang.Object


public int hashCode()
hashCode in class java.lang.Object


public static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> getTypeComparator()
Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by type first, and then by name. (both alphabetically).


public static java.util.Comparator<DBObject> getNameComparator()
Returns a Comparator that will compare DBObjects by name first, and then by type. (both alphabetically).


public static java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> getTemporaryIDMap(DBObject... objs)


public static <D extends DBObject> D makeTemporaryCopy(D object)
Makes a copy of the original object, with temporary reference ids.

object - The original DBObject
The copy of the object, with the same data, but using temporary object ids.
See Also:
DBObject#copyTo(java.lang.Object, boolean)


public static <D extends DBObject> D makeClonedCopy(D object)
Makes a clone of the original object. The copy will have the same ids as the given object. If the given object is a temporary copy of an original object, the clone will also be a temoprary copy of the same original object. If the given object is partially built, the clone will have the same built status.

object - The original DBObject
a clone of the object.


public static java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.Object> getFrozenProperties(DBObject obj)
Gets the properties map for a given object frozen in its current state. Any iteration/get/set will not further build the properties.


public static boolean needsBuilding(DBObject obj)
Tests whether the given object needs building - i.e. it supports lazy loading and is not fully loaded yet. Use in conjunction with ensureObjectBuilt(oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject, java.lang.String...) to build objects that need it and process any errors.


public static boolean needsBuilding(DBObject obj,
                                    java.lang.String property)
Tests whether the given object property needs building - i.e. it supports lazy loading and the given property is not loaded yet. Use in conjunction with ensureObjectBuilt(oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject, java.lang.String...) to build objects that need it and process any errors.


public static void ensureObjectBuilt(SystemObject object,
                                     java.lang.String... props)
                              throws DBException
Ensures that the given object is loaded from its DBObjectProvider. A UI operation for editing a SchemaObject should call this to ensure that any errors in loading the object are properly processed. Lazy loading generally swallows any DBException associated with object building so this method also allows utilities to properly display that error to the user.

object - the object to build
DBException - thrown if an error is encountered building the object.


public static boolean needsDerivedPropertiesBuilding(SystemObject obj)
INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.

See Also:
ensureDerivedPropertiesBuilt(oracle.javatools.db.SystemObject, oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider)


public static void ensureDerivedPropertiesBuilt(SystemObject object,
                                                DBObjectProvider pro)
                                         throws DBException
INTERNAL ONLY - this is not a finished API yet.

Performs a "declarative build" which fills in any derived properties on the given object. Certain objects have a secondary build which builds derived information not directly associated with the dictionary (or persistence). For example this will attempt to build a View's SQLQuery (which will result in the building of any referenced Tables).

object - the object to ensure that all the derived properties are built on.
DBException - if there is any error performing the build.
For internal use only. Application developers should not use this
this is not a finished API.


public static java.util.Collection<DBObjectID> getReferenceIDs(DBObject obj,
                                                               boolean recurse,
                                                               DBUtil.IDQuery query,
                                                               java.lang.String... types)
Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.

obj - the object to query
recurse - whether to recurse to any child (owned) objects
query - the kind of reference to include
types - the types of object being referenced reqired (is used to filter by checking each id's type).
all reference ID property values from the object and its children (may contain duplicates if the same object is referenced more than once).


public static java.util.Collection<Pair<DBObjectID,DBObject>> getReferenceIDsAndReferers(DBObject obj,
                                                                                         boolean recurse,
                                                                                         DBUtil.IDQuery query,
                                                                                         java.lang.String... types)
Collects all the reference ID properties for the given object and its children and returns them after filtering as required.

obj - the object to query
recurse - whether to recurse to any child (owned) objects
query - the kind of reference to include
types - the types of object being referenced reqired (is used to filter by checking each id's type).
all reference ID property values from the object and its children (may contain duplicates if the same object is referenced more than once).


public static boolean isInternalRef(DBObjectID ref,
                                    DBObject obj)
Returns true if the given DBObjectID is referencing an object that is under the same parent heirachy as the given DBObject. The "parent heirachy" includes all objects under the uppermost DBObject.

ref - the reference to check
obj - the object to inspect the parent heirachy of
true if the ref is referencing an object under the uppermost parent of the given object.
See Also:
getUppermostParent(DBObject), getUppermostParent(DBObjectID)


public static boolean replaceReferenceIDs(DBObject obj,
                                          java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
Replaces the referencing IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.

If the object has not been built, or been partially built, only build properties will be replaced.

obj - the object whose reference IDs (and children) are to be processed
idMap - the mappings of old to new IDs.
true if anything was changed.


public static boolean replaceAllIDs(DBObject obj,
                                    java.util.Map<DBObjectID,DBObjectID> idMap)
Replaces the all IDs in the given object and all child objects with the given key/value mapping.

If the object has not been built, or been partially built, only build properties will be replaced.

obj - the object whose IDs (and children) are to be processed
idMap - the mappings of old to new IDs.
true if anything was changed.


public static void updateObjectAndIDs(DBObject oldVersion,
                                      DBObject newVersion)
Copys the newVersion to the old version and updates the oldVersion with the IDs from the newVersion. The result of which is that newVersion will be identical to oldVersion, including the IDs.

Note this is relatively crude. To properly preserve child lists you should diff the objects and use a DifferenceApplier to apply the changes.


public static <T extends DBObject> java.util.Collection<T> findChildren(DBObject obj,
                                                                        java.lang.Class<T>... clz)
Finds owned objects of the given class under the given object.

Type Parameters:
T - the object type we're looking for
obj - the object to look under for objects of the given type (including obj itself)
clz - the class(es) of object to find
all found objects (order is not guarenteed or significant )


public static DBObject findChildInCopy(DBObject orig,
                                       DBObject copy,
                                       DBObject origChild)
Given a child of an original object, finds the matching child of the copy using the TemporaryObjectIDs in the copy. The copy is assumed to have been created using DBUtil.makeTemporaryCopy().

orig - The original object containing the child
copy - The copy of the parent
origChild - The child of the original
the matchin child of the copy


public static java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.util.Collection existing,
                                             java.lang.String base)
Returns a unique name given the Collection of existing names from the base name given. Assumes that any numbers on the end of the base are incrementable to create a unique name.


public static java.lang.String getUniqueName(java.util.Collection existing,
                                             java.lang.String base,
                                             boolean increment)
Returns a unique name given the Collection of existing names from the base name given. The boolean parameter sets whether to increment any numbers at the end of base, or keep them as part of the name.

if NAME1 exists and increment is true - base NAME1 -> NAME2
if NAME1 exists and increment is false - base NAME1 -> NAME1_1


public static java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj)
Returns the fully qualified name of the given object by prepending the parent's name (if one exists) followed by a dot. Recurses up the heirachy. Does not include the schema.


public static java.lang.String getFullyQualifiedName(DBObject obj,
                                                     boolean incSchema)
Returns the fully qualified name of the given object, optionally with the schema prepended.


public static Schema getSchema(DBObject obj)
Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject until it finds a SchemaObject and if found returns that SchemaObject's Schema. This will return null for a Schema object itself as a Schema isn't owned by a Schema.


public static <T extends DBObject> T findParentOfType(DBObject child,
                                                      java.lang.Class<T> clz)
Search the parent heirachy of the given object (including the given object) and if an object is found that is of the given type, it is returned.

child - the object to start searching the parent heirachy from
clz - the type of object to search for
a parent that is an instanceof clz, or null if one isn't found


public static SchemaObject getSchemaObject(DBObject obj)
Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SchemaObject, it is returned.


public static SystemObject getSystemObject(DBObject obj)
Recurses up the tree of parents for this DBObject, and if the top object in the chain is a SystemObject, it is returned.


public static DBObject getUppermostParent(DBObject obj)
Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given object. If the given object has no parent it is returned (as it is already at the top of the chain, even if that chain only has a length of one).

obj - the object to query
the uppermost object in the parent heirachy for the given object


public static DBObjectID getUppermostParent(DBObjectID id)
Gets the top most object in the parent chain for the given id. If the given id has no parent it is returned (as it is already at the top of the chain, even if that chain only has a length of one).

id - the DBObjectID to query
the uppermost id in the parent heirachy for the given id


public static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> sortIntoSchemas(SystemObject... objs)
Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects. SystemObjects that aren't SchemaObjects will be mapped to the null key.


public static java.util.Map<Schema,java.util.Collection<SystemObject>> sortIntoSchemas(java.util.Collection<? extends SystemObject> objs)
Sorts the given list of objects into a map of Schema to objects. SystemObjects that aren't SchemaObjects will be mapped to the null key.


public static <T extends DBObject> T getProviderDefinition(T obj,
                                                           DBObjectProvider pro)
                                                throws DBException
Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name, schema and type.

obj - the object to query in the provider by type, schema and name.
pro - the provider to get the definition from
the definition, if any, the provider had that matches the object's name, type and schema.


public static DBObject getProviderDefinition(DBObject obj,
                                             DBObjectProvider pro,
                                             java.lang.String schemaName)
                                      throws DBException
Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema on the top (schema) level parent and then recursing the heirachy to find a match by name and type of the object given.

obj - the object to find in the provider
pro - the provider to get the definition from
schemName - the schema to search
the definition, if any, the provider had that matches the object's name, type and schema.


public static <T extends SchemaObject> T getProviderDefinition(T obj,
                                                               DBObjectProvider pro,
                                                               java.lang.String schemaName)
                                                    throws DBException
Gets the definition for the given object from the provider by querying name and type in the given schema.

obj - the object to query in the provider by type, schema and name.
pro - the provider to get the definition from
schemaName - the name of the schema to be searched
the definition, if any, the provider had that matches the object's name, type and schema.


public static <T extends SystemObject> T[] getProviderDefinitions(T[] objs,
                                                                  DBObjectProvider pro)
                                                       throws DBException
Gets the definitions for the given objects from the database by querying name, schema and type.

objs - the objects whose definitions are to be retrieved from the provider
pro - the provider to get the definitions from
the definitions that the provider has, if any. The array can have null elements in if the provider has no matching definition or if the corresponding element in the objs array was null.


public static DBObject getProviderDefinition(ReferenceID refID,
                                             DBObjectProvider pro)
                                      throws DBException
Attempts to locate the referenced object in the given provider.



public static <T> T[] stripNulls(T[] objs)
Returns an array containing all the non-null elements from the given array.


public static java.lang.String quoteName(java.lang.String name,
                                                    java.lang.String quote)
Deprecated. assumes that doubling up works as an escape. Use a DBObjectProvider or DatabaseDescriptor instead.

See Also:
DBObjectProvider.getExternalName(java.lang.String), DatabaseDescriptor.getExternalName(java.lang.String, java.lang.String)


public static boolean isCompoundName(java.lang.String name,
                                     java.lang.String quote)
Return true if the name contains an unquoted '.'

name -


public static boolean isDangling(DBObjectID refID)
Returns true if it is passed a dangling reference.

refID -
true if param is a dangling reference


public static DBObjectID getOriginalID(DBObject dbo)
Returns the Original Id of a copied DBObject. Drill down throught the temporary Object Ids to the original ID. If this is null, return the object name.

a - DBObject
the original-most ID in the chain


public static java.util.Collection<DBObject> findUsagesIn(DBObject used,
                                                          DBObject searchRoot)
Looks for usages of the given "used" object within the owned object heirachy of the given search object.

used - the object to look for usages of
searchRoot - the object to search within
a collection of all the DBObjects in the "searchRoot" owned objects heirachy that reference "used" by ID.


public static FKConstraint[] getReferences(Constraint ucon,
                                           DBObjectProvider prov)
Get the Foreign Keys which reference a unique constraint Given a contraint and an Offline provider, this method uses the constraint manager registered with the provider to build an array of the foreign keys which reference this contraint.


public static java.lang.String getDBObjectName(DBObjectID id)
Gets the name of a DBObject from the DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved.

id - the ID to inspect/resolve
the name of the object the ID references


public static java.lang.String getSchemaName(DBObjectID dbObjectID)
Returns the name of the schema from a DBObjectID, or the empty string if the DBObjectID can't be resolved. If the referenced object is not a SchemaObject this will not traverse the parent heirachy. It is designed as a test that the ID is infact referencing a SchemaObject.

dbObjectID - the ID to inspect/resolve
the name of the schema for the object the ID references


public static DBObject resolveInOtherProvider(BaseObjectID id,
                                              DBObjectProvider pro)
                                       throws DBException
Attempts to resolve the given ID in a provider that is not the id's own. This is useful when retaining references to objects post transfer. If some objects had been transfered to a different provider, and the ID of the original object stored, it is then useful to try and resolve the ID back in the original object's provider.

Importantly this attempts to resolve the ID. If the ID is a reference ID then you might really want to call getProviderDefinition(ReferenceID,DBObjectProvider) to look for a provider definition matching the given reference.

id - the id to attempt to resolve
pro - the provider (other than the id's own provider) to try and find a matching object in
an object to match the given id in the other provider


public static boolean areNamesAndTypesEqual(DBObject obj1,
                                            DBObject obj2)
Convinience method to check whether the names and types of two objects are the same.


public static boolean areEqualIgnoreNullValues(java.util.Map map1,
                                               java.util.Map map2)
Compares the given maps following the rule that the following entries are considered equal:

whether the maps are equal


public static void suspendTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider pro,
                                            java.lang.String timestampKey)
Usage must be proceeded immediatly by a try block, for which the finally contains a call to resumeTimestamps.


  final String key = "MyTimeConsumingOperation" + System.nanoTime();
    DBUtil.suspendTimestamps( pro, key );
    // perform my time consuming operation
    DBUtil.resumeTimestamps( pro, key );

pro - the provider to suspend timestamping for
timestampKey - the key to suspect timestamping with (MUST be unique, and preferably meaningful).


public static void resumeTimestampChecking(DBObjectProvider pro,
                                           java.lang.String timestampKey)
Indicates to the given provider that the timestamp suspension for the given key has finished.

pro - the provider timestamping was originally suspended on
timestampKey - the key for the suspension that is now over
See Also:
suspendTimestampChecking(oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectProvider, java.lang.String)


public static java.lang.String createUUID()
Creates a new UUID for use in an IdentifierBasedID or as any other unique identifier.

a UUID string


public static java.lang.String[] filterSchemaObjectTypes(java.lang.String[] objectTypes)
Filters the given array of types so that it only contains types that are SchemaObjects.


public static void forceObjectReset(SystemObject obj,
                                    DBObjectProvider pro)
                             throws DBException
Forces the provider to reset the given object so that its properties will all be rebuilt from the underlying provider. For a Database this will obviously mean that to get the properties of the object after the reset the underlying Connection will be hit again.

Care must be taken using this method. Any changes to the memory model from the underlying provider will be lost.

pro - the containing provider
obj - the object to reset

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.