Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Uses of Interface

Packages that use DataType
oracle.javatools.db Contains a metadata API for describing database objects, and retrieving them from a provider of database objects - for example a database. 
oracle.javatools.db.datatypes Classes related to datatypes in the database API. 
oracle.javatools.db.ora Contains the database api implementation for Oracle databases, and additional DBObject implementations for objects specific to Oracle. 
oracle.javatools.db.plsql Classes for dealing with PL/SQL objects. 
oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model Classes that define an offline database's settings and properties. 

Uses of DataType in oracle.javatools.db

Fields in oracle.javatools.db declared as DataType
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BIGINT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BINARY_LARGE_OBJECT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BIT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BIT_VARYING
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BLOB
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_BOOLEAN
          BOOLEAN TYPE
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHAR
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHAR_LARGE_OBJECT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHAR_VARYING
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHARACTER
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHARACTER_LARGE_OBJECT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CHARACTER_VARYING
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_CLOB
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_DATE
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_DEC
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_DECIMAL
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_DOUBLE_PRECISION
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_FLOAT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_INT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_INTEGER
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_INTERVAL
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NATIONAL_CHAR
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NATIONAL_CHAR_VARYING
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NATIONAL_CHARACTER
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NCHAR
          NATIONAL CHARACTER STRING TYPES The length, where specified, can be followed by the word CHARACTERS or OCTETS.
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NCHAR_LARGE_OBJECT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NCHAR_VARYING
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NCLOB
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NUMERIC
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_NVARCHAR
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_REAL
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_REF
          REFERENCE TYPE REF ( ) [ SCOPE ]
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_ROW
          ROW TYPE ROW ( [{, }] )
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_SMALLINT
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_TIME
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_TIME_WITH_TIME_ZONE
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_TIME_WITHOUT_TIME_ZONE
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_TIMESTAMP
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_TIMESTAMP_WITH_TIME_ZONE
static DataType JdbcDatabase.ANSI_VARCHAR

Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return DataType
 DataType PlSqlParameter.getDataType()
          Deprecated. use PlSqlParameter.getDataTypeID() instead
 DataType DBObjectProvider.getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
 DataType AbstractDBObjectProvider.getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
 DataType DatabaseDescriptor.getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Gets the datatype with given name.
 DataType DBObjectProvider.getOrCreateDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Retrieves the datatype represented by a specific name.
 DataType AbstractDBObjectProvider.getOrCreateDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
 DataType PlSqlSubprogram.getReturnType()
          Deprecated. - use getReturnTypeID()
 DataType PlSqlMethod.getReturnType()
          Deprecated. - use getReturnTypeID()
 DataType Procedure.getReturnType()
 DataType[] DBObjectProvider.listSupportedDataTypes()
          Retrieves the list of datatypes supported by this provider.
 DataType[] AbstractDBObjectProvider.listSupportedDataTypes()

Methods in oracle.javatools.db that return types with arguments of type DataType
 java.util.Collection<DataType> DatabaseDescriptor.listPreferredDataTypes()
          Lists the preferred datatypes of this provider.
 java.util.Collection<DataType> DatabaseDescriptor.listSupportedDataTypes()
          Lists the datatypes supported by the described database type.

Methods in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DataType
 void PlSqlParameter.getDataType(DataType datatype)
          Deprecated. use PlSqlParameter.setDataTypeID(oracle.javatools.db.DBObjectID) instead
 boolean DatabaseDescriptor.isValidFKDataType(DataType fktype, DataType reftype)
          Assesses if the datatype of a foreign key column is valid given the datatype of the column which it references.
protected  boolean DatabaseDescriptor.isValidFKDataTypeImpl(DataType fktype, DataType reftype)
 java.lang.String JdbcDatabase.normaliseDefaultValue(DataType type, java.lang.String value)
          Converts default value into a standard form.
 void PlSqlSubprogram.setReturnType(DataType returnType)
          Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
 void PlSqlMethod.setReturnType(DataType returnType)
          Deprecated. - use setReturnTypeID()
 void Procedure.setReturnType(DataType returnType)

Constructors in oracle.javatools.db with parameters of type DataType
PlSqlAttribute(java.lang.String name, DataType dataType)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new attribute with the specified name and default usage of the given datatype.
PlSqlParameter(java.lang.String name, DataType dataType)
          Deprecated. Constructs a new attribute with the specified name and datatype.

Uses of DataType in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that implement DataType
 class BaseDateTimeDataType
 class BinaryDataType
 class CharacterDataType
 class ComplexType
          Deprecated. use Type instead
 class DataTypeSynonym
          DataType implementation that delegates all calls to an underlying DataType that it is a "synonym" for.
 class DateDataType
 class NumericDataType
 class ObjectType
 class PredefinedDataType
 class TimeStampTZDataType
 class UserDataType
          Defines a data type that we 'discovered' when importing or navigating a database, usually from a foreign database, or for un-imported object types.

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes that return DataType
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.createUserDataType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class provider)
          Used to create a "user" datatype for types that are discovered that we didn't already know about (usually from a foreign database, or for un-imported object types.
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.findAnsiType(java.lang.String name)
          Returns the registered ansi datatype with the given name (if one exists).
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.findDataType(java.lang.String name, java.lang.Class provider)
          Returns the DataType regsitered with a given name against the (provider class, and all superclasses)
 DataType[] DataTypeRegistry.getAnsiTypes()
          Returns the ansi types that are registered.
 DataType DataTypeSynonym.getBaseType()
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.getBaseType(DataType synonym)
          Returns the base DataType for this synonym DataType, or null if the given DataType isn't a synonym.
static DataType DataTypeHelper.getDataType(DataTypeUsage usage)
          Returns the DataType that usage is an instance of, or null if usage is null
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.getMappedAnsiType(DataType type)
          Returns the ANSI DataType (if there is one) that this DataType maps to.
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.getMappedType(java.lang.String ansiTypeName, java.lang.Class provider)
          Returns a provider's DataType that maps to an ANSI data type name, or null if there isn't one.
 DataType[] DataTypeRegistry.listDataTypes(java.lang.Class provider)
          Returns the registered DataType instances for a given provider class (and all superclasses)
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.registerSynonym(java.lang.String synonym, DataType baseType, java.lang.Class provider)
          Registers a new synonym for the given DataType in the given provider.

Methods in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type DataType
static java.lang.Object DataTypeHelper.getAttributeValue(java.lang.Object value, DataType dataType, java.lang.String attributeName)
          Returns an attribute value as an object of the type of the attribute.
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.getBaseType(DataType synonym)
          Returns the base DataType for this synonym DataType, or null if the given DataType isn't a synonym.
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.getMappedAnsiType(DataType type)
          Returns the ANSI DataType (if there is one) that this DataType maps to.
 boolean DataTypeRegistry.isRegisteredType(DataType type)
          Returns true if the given type is registered with this registry.
 boolean DataTypeRegistry.isSynonymType(DataType type)
          Returns true if the given type is a synonym for another type.
static boolean DataTypeHelper.isXMLType(DataType type)
 void DataTypeRegistry.mapToAnsiType(DataType type, DataType ansiType)
          Maps a DataType for a Database to an ANSI type.
 void DataTypeRegistry.mapToAnsiType(DataType type, java.lang.String ansiTypeName)
          Maps a DataType for a Database to an ANSI type.
protected static PlsqlNode PredefinedDataType.parseDefaultValue(java.lang.String strDefaultValue, DataType dataType, DBObject dbObject)
          Parse the default value.
 void DataTypeRegistry.registerDataType(DataType type, java.lang.Class provider)
          Registers a DataType against the given provider class.
 void DataTypeRegistry.registerDataType(DataType type, java.lang.Class provider, DataType ansiType)
          Registers a DataType against the given provider class and includes the ANSI equivalent of this type.
 void DataTypeRegistry.registerSynonym(DataType synonymType, DataType baseType, java.lang.Class provider)
          Registers a DataType as a synonym for the given base DataType in the given provider.
 DataType DataTypeRegistry.registerSynonym(java.lang.String synonym, DataType baseType, java.lang.Class provider)
          Registers a new synonym for the given DataType in the given provider.
static void CharacterDataType.validateDefaultValue(java.lang.Object defaultValue, DataType dataType, DataTypeUsage dataTypeUsage, DBObject dbObject)
          Does default validation.

Constructors in oracle.javatools.db.datatypes with parameters of type DataType
DataTypeUsage(DataType dt)

Uses of DataType in oracle.javatools.db.ora

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.ora that implement DataType
 class OracleNumberDataType

Uses of DataType in oracle.javatools.db.plsql

Classes in oracle.javatools.db.plsql that implement DataType
 class PlSqlDatatype
          Representation of a PL/SQL Datatype sucj as a record, varray table etc.
 class Type

Uses of DataType in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model

Methods in oracle.jdeveloper.offlinedb.model that return DataType
 DataType DataTypeSettings.getDataType(java.lang.String typeName)
          Gets a DataType with the given type name.
 DataType[] DataTypeSettings.listDataTypes()
          Lists the DataTypes appropriate to the current settings.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


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