Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (

Interface JavaType

All Superinterfaces:
Element, JavaElement, JavaHasAnnotations, JavaHasName, JavaHasType, JavaIsGeneric, JavaMember
All Known Subinterfaces:
JavaClass, JavaTypeVariable, JavaWildcardType, SourceClass, SourceTypeParameter
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractClass, AbstractType, BaseFileProvider.BaseClass,, PrimitiveType, WrapperClass

public interface JavaType
extends JavaMember, JavaIsGeneric

JavaType is the common base interface for JavaClass, JavaTypeVariable, and JavaWildcardType. All types may be asked for their superclass, array of interfaces, inheritance hierarchy, and array of members. Type variables and wildcard types (obviously) declare no members.

Field Summary
static JavaType[] EMPTY_ARRAY
Method Summary
 boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
 int getArrayDimensions()
 JavaType getBaseComponentType()
 JavaClass getClass(java.lang.String name)
          Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> getClasses()
          Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 JavaMethod getClinitMethod()
 JavaClass getClosestClass()
          Deprecated. Please use getTypeErasure().
 JavaType getComponentType()
 JavaClass getDeclaredClass(java.lang.String name)
 java.util.Collection<JavaClass> getDeclaredClasses()
          In order to get all inner classes, clients must recurse through direct inner classes.
 JavaMethod getDeclaredConstructor(JavaType[] parameters)
 java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredConstructors()
 JavaField getDeclaredField(java.lang.String name)
 java.util.Collection<JavaField> getDeclaredFields()
 JavaMethod getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name, JavaType[] parameters)
 java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredMethods()
 java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredMethods(java.lang.String name)
 java.lang.String getDescriptor()
          Gets the descriptor for this type, as defined by the JVMS2.
 JavaField getField(java.lang.String name)
          Iteratively searches for a field declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.util.Collection<JavaField> getFields()
          Iteratively retrieves all fields declared in this class and its hierarchy.
 java.util.Set<JavaType> getHierarchy()
          Recursively gets the full list of all resolved superclasses and super-interfaces.
 java.util.Collection<JavaType> getInterfaces()
          The name "getInterfaces" was chosen to be consistent with java/lang/Class.
 JavaMethod getMethod(java.lang.String name, JavaType[] parameters)
          Iteratively searches for a method declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getMethods()
          Iteratively retrieves all methods declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getMethods(java.lang.String name)
          Iteratively retrieves all methods declared in this class or its hierarchy.
 java.lang.String getName()
          Gets the simplest name of this type with "[]"s if present.
 JavaPackage getPackage()
          Gets the owning package, null if N/A.
 java.lang.String getPackageName()
          Gets the qualified name of the owning package.
 java.lang.String getQualifiedName()
          Gets the fully qualified name of this type in source format.
 java.lang.String getRawName()
          Gets the raw name of this type.
 java.lang.String getSignature()
          Gets the "Signature" attribute of this type, as defined by the JVMS3.
 JavaType getSuperclass()
          The name "getSuperclass" was chosen to be consistent with java/lang/Class.
 CompiledTmpVariable getThisValue()
          In the interest of minimizing the number of tmp variables floating around in the heap, each type may create a value object (when needed) and store it (with a weak reference) for later use.
 JavaClass getTypeErasure()
          Gets the type erasure of this type, as defined by the JLS3.
 java.lang.String getTypeSignature()
          Gets the type signature for this type, as defined by the JVMS3.
 java.lang.String getUniqueIdentifier()
          Gets a unique identifier for this type.
 java.lang.String getUnqualifiedName()
          Gets the name of this type in its unqualified form.
 java.util.Collection<UnresolvedType> getUnresolvedInterfaces()
          When reverse engineering bytecode, some types cannot be resolved if the correct owning project is not associated to the JavaProvider.
 UnresolvedType getUnresolvedSuperclass()
          When reverse engineering bytecode, some types cannot be resolved if the correct owning project is not associated to the JavaProvider. getURL()
          If the input for this type is a *.class file, the returned URL will be for the *.class file.
 java.lang.String getVMName()
          Gets the VM name for this type.
 boolean isAnnotation()
 boolean isArray()
 boolean isAssignableFrom(JavaType subject)
          Consider the following expression where S (subject) represents another type and T (this) represents this type.
 boolean isEnum()
 boolean isExported()
 boolean isInterface()
 boolean isMemberClass()
          True if this is a member type.
 boolean isPrimitive()
 boolean isSubtypeOf(JavaType supertype)
          True if this is a subtype of the indicated argument.
Methods inherited from interface
getActualTypeArguments, getTypeParameter, getTypeParameters, hasActualTypeArguments, hasTypeParameters
Methods inherited from interface
getOwningClass, isAbstract, isPackagePrivate, isPrivate, isProtected, isPublic, isStatic
Methods inherited from interface
getResolvedType, getUnresolvedType
Methods inherited from interface
getAnnotation, getAnnotations, getDeclaredAnnotation, getDeclaredAnnotations
Methods inherited from interface
getElementKind, getFile, getModifiers, getOwner, getSourceElement, isDeprecated, isFinal, isHidden, isSourceElement, isSynthetic, printCompiledInfo

Field Detail


static final JavaType[] EMPTY_ARRAY
Method Detail


JavaClass getClosestClass()
Deprecated. Please use getTypeErasure().

Synonymous with getTypeErasure(). If this type is a ...

... JavaClass, then it is returned.

... JavaTypeVariable, then the first bound is returned. There is always at least one bound.

... JavaWildcardType, then the lower bound is returned. There is always at least one lower bound.

The JavaClass most closely approximating the type of this compiled object.


JavaClass getTypeErasure()
Gets the type erasure of this type, as defined by the JLS3. A simple way of thinking of a type erasure is that it's the "closest non-generic class" to this type. You can also think of it as the 1.4-compatible class for this type.

The JavaClass for this type's erasure.


CompiledTmpVariable getThisValue()
In the interest of minimizing the number of tmp variables floating around in the heap, each type may create a value object (when needed) and store it (with a weak reference) for later use.


A value object which has this as its type. May return a different instance each call.


boolean isPrimitive()
True if this type is a primitive type.


boolean isArray()
True if this type is an array type.


JavaType getComponentType()
The component type of this array. For example, if this type is "int[]", this will return the type for "int". If this is not an array type, this returns null (to match the behavior of java/lang/Class).


int getArrayDimensions()
The array dimensions, zero if this is not an array type.


JavaType getBaseComponentType()
The base component type of this array, that is, the type we get when all array dimensions have been removed. For example, if this type is "int[][]", this will return the type for "int". If this is not an array type, this returns null (to match the behavior of java/lang/Class).


boolean isInterface()
True if this is an interface type or an annotation type. False otherwise.


boolean isEnum()
True if this an enumeration type. False otherwise.


boolean isAnnotation()
True if this is an annotation type. False otherwise.


boolean isExported()
True if this is a top-level class or a member inner class. False otherwise (local classes and anonymous classes).


boolean isMemberClass()
True if this is a member type.


java.lang.String getName()
Gets the simplest name of this type with "[]"s if present.

The name of a non-parametrized top-level type of the form "pkg.Cls" is "Cls".

The name of a non-parametrized member type of the form "pkg.Cls.InnerClass" is "InnerClass".

The name of an array type T[] is the name of T suffixed by the appropriate number of "[]"s.

The name of a parametrized type is the same as the name of its raw type. That is, the name of "pkg.Cls<String>" is simply "Cls".

The name of a wildcard type is always "?".

The name of a type parameter should be pretty obvious.

The name of a primitive type should be pretty obvious.

The name of a local inner class is just its name.

An anonymous inner classes does not have a name and will return the empty string.

Specified by:
getName in interface JavaHasName
The simple name of this type with "[]"s if present.


java.lang.String getUnqualifiedName()
Gets the name of this type in its unqualified form.

Unlike getName(), this will contain type parameters in their unqualified form. In other words, for types containing no type parameterization, the behavior is the same as getName().


java.lang.String getQualifiedName()
Gets the fully qualified name of this type in source format. Here, "source format" means the format of a type reference in a source compilation unit. A type's source name uniquely identifies a type in a specific scope but not in the global scope.

The source name of a non-parametrized top-level type of the form "pkg.Cls" is "pkg.Cls".

The source name of a non-parametrized member type of the form T.InnerClass (that is, a member type InnerClass that is a member of type T) is the source name of T suffixed with by ".InnerClass", e.g. "java.util.Map.Entry", "pkg.Cls<?>.InnerClass".

The source name of a parametrized type starts with the source name of the raw type and lists the source name of all of its actual type argumenths, e.g. "java.util.List<java.lang.String>". The source name of an array type T[] is the source name of T suffixed by the appropriate number of "[]"s.

The source name of a wildcard type is the string with which it would appear in a source file. The three possible forms this can take are: "?", "? extends T", "? super T".

The source name of a type parameter is just its name.

The source name of a primitive type should be pretty obvious.

The source name of a local inner class is just its name because a local inner class is referenced, in a source file, by its name.

An anonymous inner classes does not have a source name. It will return the empty string for its source name.

Open for discussion: What should be returned by an anonymous class? Technically, the concept of a source name is irrelevant because anonymous classes may not be referred to in a source compilation unit.

The fully qualified source name for this type, empty for anonymous classes. Example values: java.lang.Object java.util.Map<String,String> java.lang.String[][]


java.lang.String getRawName()
Gets the raw name of this type. Here, we define the raw name to be the fully qualified source name of the raw type.

The raw name of a parametrized top-level or member or local inner type is the source name of its type erasure, as defined by the JLS3. Think of the raw name as the source name with all parametrization stripped out.

The raw name of an array type T[] is the raw name of T suffixed by the appropriate number of "[]"s.

The raw name for any other type is the same as its source name.

The source name of the raw type. If "the raw type" does not apply to this type, then the source type is returned.


java.lang.String getVMName()
Gets the VM name for this type. The JVMS3 defines an internal name format for raw classes. We call this the VM name of a type. It's useful for loading known types such as "java/lang/Object" and "java/lang/Throwable". Here is how we define the "VM name" for all types:

The VM name of a non-parametrized top-level type of the form "pkg.Cls" is "pkg/Cls".

The VM name of a non-parametrized member-level type of the form "pkg.Cls.InnerClass" is "pkg/Cls$InnerClass".

The VM name of a parametrized type is the VM name of the raw type. Because parametrization is stripped at run-time, we will omit it from the VM name.

The VM name of an array type T[] is the VM name of T suffixed by the appropriate number of "[]"s.

The VM name of a local inner class or anonymous inner class is a string that uniquely identifies it from all other types and is usually prefixed with the VM name of its directly enclosing class. For example, an anonymous inner class belonging to the type "pkg.Cls" may return "pkg/Cls$1".

The VM name of any other type is the same as its source name.

The raw name, also known as the VM name, of this type. e.g. "java/lang/Object", "java/util/Map$Entry"


java.lang.String getDescriptor()
Gets the descriptor for this type, as defined by the JVMS2. Note: The descriptor is equivalent to the type signature of this type's erasure.

For jdk < 1.5, the "FieldDescriptor" is returned (JVMS2). For jdk < 1.5, descriptors and signatures are the same thing.

For jdk >= 1.5, a type signature of the type erasure is returned.

Note: Do not confuse a type's descriptor with a method's descriptor. The descriptor of the type of a method is the field descriptor describing its return type. The descriptor of a method describes parameter types.

The descriptor as defined in the JVMS2. Always non-null. Example values: "I", "Ljava/lang/Object;"


java.lang.String getTypeSignature()
Gets the type signature for this type, as defined by the JVMS3.

A JavaClass returns its "ClassTypeSignature" (JVMS3). A JavaClass is uniquely identified by its type signature. Example value: Ljava/util/List;

A JavaTypeVariable returns its "TypeVariableSignature" (JVMS3). A type variable is uniquely identified by the combination of its owning declaration AND its type signature. Example value: TE;

A WildcardType returns its "TypeArgument" value (JVMS3). A wildcard type is uniquely identified by its type signature. Example values: * +Ljava/lang/Object;.

The type signature as defined in the JVMS3. Always non-null.


java.lang.String getSignature()
Gets the "Signature" attribute of this type, as defined by the JVMS3.

The "Signature" attribute for a field is the "ClassTypeSignature" for its type.

The "Signature" attribute for a method involves the "ClassSignature"s for its type parameters and the "ClassTypeSignature"s of its remaining constituent types.

A JavaClass returns its "ClassSignature" (JVMS3).

A JavaTypeVariable does not have a class signature, but will return a string for use in a class signature or a method signature.

A WildcardType does not have a class signature and may not part of a class signature. Its return value is undefined.

The class signature as defined in the JVMS3. "A signature is a string representing the generic type of a field or method, or generic type information for a class declaration." Always non-null.


java.lang.String getUniqueIdentifier()
Gets a unique identifier for this type. Two types are equal iff their unique identifiers are equal.

Specified by:
getUniqueIdentifier in interface JavaMember
The unique identifier for this type.


JavaPackage getPackage()
Gets the owning package, null if N/A.

The owning compile-model package, null if this is a primitive or an array type. Type parameters and wildcard types return the owning package of the enclosing class.


java.lang.String getPackageName()
Gets the qualified name of the owning package. Provided for convenience.

The qualified name of the owning package. Empty if none.


JavaType getSuperclass()
The name "getSuperclass" was chosen to be consistent with java/lang/Class.

The resolved superclass.

If this is a JavaClass: Null for java/lang/Object and primitive types, non-null otherwise. Where no base class was declared, java/lang/Object is returned, even for interfaces.

If this is a JavaType: Null if no superclass was declared AND an interface was declared.

If this is a JavaWildcardType: Always null.


UnresolvedType getUnresolvedSuperclass()
When reverse engineering bytecode, some types cannot be resolved if the correct owning project is not associated to the JavaProvider. This method returns the superclass of this type in the form of an UnresolvedType.

An UnresolvedType.


java.util.Collection<JavaType> getInterfaces()
The name "getInterfaces" was chosen to be consistent with java/lang/Class.

The array of resolved super-interfaces. May be zero-length. Will include all implicit base interfaces, e.g. all array types implement java/lang/Cloneable. Returns a collection of JavaType's.


java.util.Collection<UnresolvedType> getUnresolvedInterfaces()
When reverse engineering bytecode, some types cannot be resolved if the correct owning project is not associated to the JavaProvider. This method returns the set of interfaces this type implements in the form of UnresolvedType's.

The collection of UnresolvedType's.


java.util.Set<JavaType> getHierarchy()
Recursively gets the full list of all resolved superclasses and super-interfaces. Order is depth-first, classes before interfaces, left-to-right.

The full list of base classes and base interfaces does not have duplicates.

Here, the definition of "hierarchy" is the set of types that this type inherits members from. That is, "hierarchy" is defined by the "inherits from" relationship rather than from the "is a subtype of" relationship.

The array of ALL base classes and base interfaces (including java.lang.Object). Returns a collection of JavaType's.


boolean isAssignableFrom(JavaType subject)
Consider the following expression where S (subject) represents another type and T (this) represents this type.
   void method( S subject )
     T variable = subject;
Notice that because the parameter subject is not a constant-value, the assignment conversion will not perform the implicit narrowing conversion.

NOTE: At the current writing, isAssignableFrom does not perform auto-boxing.

True if the above assignment is allowed. False if the answer is not known or if the answer is no (i.e. a compile error would be generated).


boolean isSubtypeOf(JavaType supertype)
True if this is a subtype of the indicated argument. Defined by JLS 4.10.


java.util.Collection<JavaField> getDeclaredFields()
The array of all compile-model fields, synthetic or not, including enum constants. Returns a collection of JavaField's.


JavaField getDeclaredField(java.lang.String name)
name - Require non-null.
The first matching compile-model declared field. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredConstructors()
The array of all compiled-model constructors, synthetic or not. Returns a collection of JavaMethod's.


JavaMethod getDeclaredConstructor(JavaType[] parameters)
parameters - Null indicates an empty parameter list.
The first matching compile-model declared constructor. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredMethods()
The array of all compile-model methods that are not constructors. (What about the synthetic method? Returns a collection of JavaMethod's.


java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getDeclaredMethods(java.lang.String name)
TThe array of matching compile-model declared methods.


JavaMethod getDeclaredMethod(java.lang.String name,
                             JavaType[] parameters)
parameters - Null indicates an empty parameter list.
The first matching compile-model declared method. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaClass> getDeclaredClasses()
In order to get all inner classes, clients must recurse through direct inner classes.

The array of all direct compile-model inner classes, including local and anonymous classes, synthetic or not. Note that inner classes, including local and anonymous classes, are direct inner classes of the most enclosing class. Hence, inner classes declared within an inner class of the current class are not direct inner classes of the current class. Returns a collection of JavaClass's.


JavaClass getDeclaredClass(java.lang.String name)
The matching compile-model declared member class. Null if none.


JavaMethod getClinitMethod()
The method belonging to this JavaType. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaField> getFields()
Iteratively retrieves all fields declared in this class and its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order. This list, unlike reflection, includes: private fields, package-private fields, and hidden fields.

The implicit length field for array types is not reflected by this method.

A collection of JavaField's.


JavaField getField(java.lang.String name)
Iteratively searches for a field declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order.

The implicit length field for array types is not reflected by this method.

name - Require non-null.
The first matching field. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getMethods()
Iteratively retrieves all methods declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order. This list, unlike reflection, includes: private methods and package-private methods. This list does not include constructors

A collection of JavaMethod's.


java.util.Collection<JavaMethod> getMethods(java.lang.String name)
Iteratively retrieves all methods declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order.

name - Require non-null.
A collection of JavaMethod's with the matching name.


JavaMethod getMethod(java.lang.String name,
                     JavaType[] parameters)
Iteratively searches for a method declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order.

name - Require non-null.
parameters - Null indicates an empty parameter list.
The first matching method. Null if none.


java.util.Collection<JavaClass> getClasses()
Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order. This list, unlike reflection, includes: private member classes and package-private member classes.

A collection of JavaClass's.


JavaClass getClass(java.lang.String name)
Iteratively retrieves all member classes declared in this class or its hierarchy. The hierarchy dictates search order.

Note: Be careful not to get this confused with JavaProvider.getClass( String ).

The first matching member class. Null if none.

getURL getURL()
If the input for this type is a *.class file, the returned URL will be for the *.class file. If the client wants a *.java URL, the client should get the source element and then ask it what it's URL is.

The URL for this JavaType. Null if none.


boolean equals(java.lang.Object o)
equals in class java.lang.Object
True if o is a JavaType and has the same signature as this class.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Java API Reference for Oracle Extension SDK
11g Release 2 (


Copyright © 1997, 2011, Oracle. All rights reserved.