Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


Interface Content

public interface Content

DesignTime@Runtime content abstraction for modification purposes. Used to modify the underlying components in a running system. It restricts the changes to those designed to be modified. An ADF application is represented by objects at all the MVC layers. This family of interfaces allows the client code to interact on a simple abstraction and have the implementation do the right things with all the cooperating layers and artifacts in the application. It's expected that this interface can be implemented by various view layer technologies, most especially, ADF Swing and ADF Faces.

Nested Class Summary
static interface Content.ComponentRef
          This interface allows content technology wrapping between the findComponent and insertChild methods.
Method Summary
 ContentUsage createUsage(java.lang.String defName)
          Create a new default usage that can be added to this content.
 ContentUsage createUsage(java.lang.String defName, java.lang.String elementName, java.lang.String namespaceURL)
          Create a new usage that can be added to this content using the creator registered with the registerUsageCreator in ContentFactory.
 Content.ComponentRef findComponent(java.lang.String uniqueId)
          Find the component that matches the given id.
 void insertChild(Content.ComponentRef parent, ContentUsage newChild)
          Insert a usage into the content inside of the parent component.

Method Detail


Content.ComponentRef findComponent(java.lang.String uniqueId)
Find the component that matches the given id. Ex: In Faces this translates to the clientId, not sure yet about other view techs. May need to be changed later.

uniqueId - each component is known by a unique string representation
the logical customizable component that can then be passed as the parent in a call to insertFragment.


ContentUsage createUsage(java.lang.String defName)
Create a new default usage that can be added to this content. A default usage is what would most commonly be referred to as a region. That is, some other content referred to in this content. At runtime the content is dynamically added to this content. Making changes to the reference in this content through parameters on the usage is allowed, but changing the included content directly from this content is not. Changing the other content directly would affect all usages. The usage definition must be available in the application. This creates a usage object for the given definition type. If no matching definition can be found an exception is thrown.

defName - contains the fully qualified def name of the usage to add
the customizable object (or null if it doesn't exist) //RF: TODO: check out the exception in adf-faces-dt
See Also:


ContentUsage createUsage(java.lang.String defName,
                         java.lang.String elementName,
                         java.lang.String namespaceURL)
Create a new usage that can be added to this content using the creator registered with the registerUsageCreator in ContentFactory. Both the elementName and namespaceURL are used to lookup the factory class.

defName -
elementName - the view document element name
namespaceURL - the view document namespace URL
the content usage that was factoried based on the element and namespace


void insertChild(Content.ComponentRef parent,
                 ContentUsage newChild)
Insert a usage into the content inside of the parent component. Adds the given usage inside the parent component. When successfully added to the content, the model will also reflect a new binding created for the usage.

parent - The component within the content to insert into, which was retrieved by a call to findComponent
newChild - the usage to add to the view Note: Any content specific requirements will be met Ex: All changes are registered with the faces change API.

Oracle Fusion Middleware Design Time Java API Reference for Oracle ADF Faces and Data Visualization Components
11g Release 2 (


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