2 ADF Faces Demo Application

This chapter describes the ADF Faces demo application that can be used in conjunction with this developers guide.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 About the ADF Faces Demonstration Application

ADF Faces includes a demonstration application that allows you both to experiment with running samples of the components and architecture features, and view the source code.

The demo application contains the following:

  • Tag guide: Demonstrations of ADF Faces components, validators, converters, and miscellaneous tags, along with a property editor to see how changing attribute values affects the component. Figure 2-1 shows the demonstration of the selectManyCheckbox component. Each demo provides a link to the associated tag documentation.

    Figure 2-1 Tag Demonstration

    Tag demonstration
  • Skinning: Demonstrations of skinning on the various components. You can see, for example, how changing style selectors affects how a component is displayed. Figure 2-2 shows how setting certain style selectors affects the inputNumberSpinbox component.

    Figure 2-2 Skinning Demonstration

    Skinning demonstration
  • Feature demos: Various pages that demonstrate different ways you can use ADF components. For example, the File Explorer is an application with a live data model that displays a directory structure and allows you to create, save, and move directories and files. This application is meant to showcase the components and features of ADF Faces in a working application, as shown in Figure 2-3.

    Figure 2-3 File Explorer Application

    File Explorer demo application

    Other pages demonstrate the main architectural features of ADF Faces, such as layout components, Ajax postback functionality, and drag and drop. Figure 2-4 shows the demonstration on using the AutoSubmit attribute and partial page rendering.

    Figure 2-4 Framework Demonstration

    Framework demonstration
  • Visual designs: Demonstrations of how you can use types of components in different ways to achieve different UI designs. Figure 2-5 shows how you can achieve different looks for a toolbar.

    Figure 2-5 Toolbar Design Demonstration

    Toolbar design
  • Styles: Demonstration of how setting inline styles and content styles affects components. Figure 2-6 shows different styles applied to the panelBox component.

    Figure 2-6 Styles Demonstration

    Setting inline and content styles
  • Commonly confused components: A comparison of components that provide similar functionality. Figure 2-7 shows the differences between the various components that display selection lists.

    Figure 2-7 Commonly Confused Components

    Commonly confused components

Because the File Explorer is a complete working application, many sections in this guide use that application to illustrate key points, or to provide code samples. The source for the File Explorer application can be found in the fileExplorer directory.

The File Explorer application uses the fileExplorerTemplate page template. This template contains a number of layout components that provide the basic look and feel for the application. For more information about layout components, see Chapter 9, "Organizing Content on Web Pages." For more information about using templates, see Chapter 10, "Creating and Reusing Fragments, Page Templates, and Components."

The left-hand side of the application contains a panelAccordion component that holds two areas: the directory structure and a search field with a results table, as shown in Figure 2-8.

Figure 2-8 Directory Structure Panel and Search Panel

Directory panel and search panel

You can expand and collapse both these areas. The directory structure is created using a tree component. The search area is created using input components, a command button, and a table component. For more information about using panelAccordion components, see Section 9.9, "Displaying or Hiding Contents in Accordion Panels and Tabbed Panels." For more information about using input components, see Chapter 11, "Using Input Components and Defining Forms." For more information about using command buttons, see Chapter 20, "Working with Navigation Components." For more information about using tables and trees, see Chapter 12, "Using Tables and Trees."

The right-hand side of the File Explorer application uses tabbed panes to display the contents of a directory in either a table, a tree table or a list, as shown in Figure 2-9.

Figure 2-9 Directory Contents in Tabbed Panels

panel tabs show contents

The table and tree table have built-in toolbars that allow you to manipulate how the contents are displayed. In the table an list, you can drag a file or subdirectory from one directory and drop it into another. In all tabs, you can right-click a file, and from the context menu, you can view the properties of the file in a popup window. For more information about using tabbed panes, see Section 9.9, "Displaying or Hiding Contents in Accordion Panels and Tabbed Panels." For more information about table and tree table toolbars, see Section 12.9, "Displaying Table Menus, Toolbars, and Status Bars." For more information about enabling drag and drop, see Chapter 33, "Adding Drag and Drop Functionality." For more information about using context menus and popup windows, see Chapter 15, "Using Popup Dialogs, Menus, and Windows."

The top of the File Explorer application contains a menu and a toolbar, as shown in Figure 2-10.

Figure 2-10 Menu and Toolbar


The menu options allow you to create and delete files and directories and change how the contents are displayed. The Help menu opens a help system that allows users to provide feedback in dialogs, as shown in Figure 2-11.

Figure 2-11 Help System

help system

The help system consists of a number of forms created with various input components, including a rich text editor. For more information about menus, see Section 16.2, "Using Menus in a Menu Bar." For more information about creating help systems, see Section 19.5, "Displaying Help for Components." For more information about input components, see Chapter 11, "Using Input Components and Defining Forms."

Within the toolbar of the File Explorer are controls that allow you navigate within the directory structure, as well as controls that allow you to change the look and feel of the application by changing its skin. Figure 2-12 shows the File Explorer application using the simple skin.

Figure 2-12 File Explorer Application with the Simple Skin

File Explorer using the Simple Skin

For more information about toolbars, see Section 16.3, "Using Toolbars." For more information about using skins, see Chapter 28, "Customizing the Appearance Using Styles and Skins."

2.2 Downloading and Installing the ADF Faces Demo Application

In order to view the demo application (both the code and at runtime), install JDeveloper, and then download and open the application within JDeveloper.

You can download the ADF Faces demo application from the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) web site. Navigate to
and click the ADF Faces Rich Client Components Demo link in the Download section of the page. The resulting page provides detailed instructions for downloading the WAR file that contains the application, along with instructions for deploying the application to a standalone server, or for running the application using the Integrated WebLogic Server included with JDeveloper.

If you do not want to install the application, you can run the application directly from OTN by clicking the ADF Faces Rich Client Components Hosted Demo link.