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Oracle® Health Sciences Cohort Explorer Release Content Document
Release 1.0
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Oracle® Health Sciences Cohort Explorer

Release Content Document

Release 1.0


August 2011

1 Introduction

Welcome to the Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer 1.0 Release Content Document.

1.1 Purpose of Document

This Release Content Document (RCD) communicates information about Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer.

1.2 Release Overview

Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer 1.0 is a new product. It provides web based search and query functionality for Patient Cohort identification and selection.

2 Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer

The section describes the product overview of Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer 1.0.

2.1 Product Overview

Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer 1.0 is a new product from Oracle Health Sciences. This product provides web based search and query functionality for Patient Cohort identification and selection. It is a thin client application that does not require installation, and can be accessed on any computer with a compatible browser as long as you have a valid username and password.

The predefined data mart combined with intuitive ad hoc reporting capabilities empower users and business teams to rapidly build their own Cohort Queries. OHSCE 1.0 is also packaged with a series of out-of-the-box reports and dashboards, fully integrated with this dedicated data mart.

OHSCE includes the following components:

  • Cohort Data Mart (CDM) - Predefined facts and dimensions to derive and store business attributes and associated descriptive terms. CDM is designed for fast, real-time querying for patient cohorts satisfying various criteria.

  • Reports - Predefined tables and charts using Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE).

  • Dashboards - Predefined functional dashboards presenting reports by user roles.

  • User Roles - Customizable roles with access granularity to the level of individual pages in dashboards.

    Support for creating new roles and modifying predefined roles.

  • ETL - A set of ETL scripts that let you transform and load data into the Cohort Data mart from the Healthcare Data Model. You will be able to optionally select the modes of patient de-identification, and to implement de-identification of your own choosing.

Cohort explorer is also integrated with Oracle Health Sciences Clinical Development Center (CDC), letting expert users use the CDC Query builder functionality to generate and save highly complex queries.

2.2 Features

The section describes the features of Cohort Explorer 1.0.

2.2.1 Dashboard Pages and Reports

All Dashboard pages and reports are implemented in Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition, providing a rich user experience for visualizing charts and tables, letting you drill down to further details as required.

OHSCE 1.0 is delivered with the following functionality:

  • Summary Dashboard Page - Provides a comprehensive selection of reports focused on patient admitted, diagnoses given, treatments performed, biospecimen samples collected, consent status of patients, and demographic information for patients.

  • Query Patients Page - Provides you with an easy to use web-based interface allowing for real-time querying for patient cohorts and specimen samples based on over 350 filtering criteria.

  • List Patients in Cohort Page - Lists all the patients selected for a cohort along with their medical event information including diagnoses, diagnostic tests, medications, procedures, biospecimen obtained without giving away patient identity as per HIPAA requirement.

  • Timelines of Patients in Cohort Page - Shows temporal bar plots of patients' medical events including diagnoses, diagnostic tests, medications, procedures, biospecimen collection dates allows you to configure which patients and what time range to look at.

  • List Patients Page - Lets you select any set of patients for a cohort using the Select Patient IDs prompt and provides you with the information such as patients' medical events including diagnoses, diagnostic tests, medications, procedures, biospecimen obtained without giving away patient identity as per HIPAA requirement.

  • Patient Timelines Page - Lists temporal events for each patient in a cohort as bars within a table. Temporal viewing is available for diagnoses, diagnostic tests, medications, procedures, biospecimen collection dates allows you to configure which patients and what time range to look at.

  • Individual Patient Details Page - Provides you with a simple web-based interface for querying for details on individual patient based on Patient Identifier and without revealing patient's identity. By default, all patient information is de-identified as per HIPAA requirement.

2.2.2 Protocol Queries

The CDC query builder functionality lets you create or modify highly complex queries such as trial protocols, based on your role. Protocol query results are available from the Cohort Explorer interface.

2.2.3 Single Sign On Support Between CDC and Cohort Explorer

You can log into CDC and OHSCE with the same username and password when CDC and OHSCE are appropriately configured.

2.2.4 Terminology

This table describes the terms and abbreviations that are used in this document.

Term Definition
OHSCE Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer
CDC Oracle Health Sciences Clinical Development Center (CDC)
OBIEE Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition
CDM Cohort Data Mart
HDM Healthcare Data Mart

3 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle Health Sciences Cohort Explorer Release Content Document, Release 1.0

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