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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Installation Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Preparing for Installation

Software Installation Overview

System Requirements

Choosing Local or Remote Display of the Installer

Preparing for Installation Using a Remote Display

Installing to an NFS-Mounted Filesystem

To Prepare for Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio Software on an NFS-mounted Filesystem

Choosing an Installation Method

2.  Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software

3.  Uninstalling the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software

4.  Troubleshooting

A.  Command-Line Options for the Installer,Uninstaller,and install_patches Utility

B.  Adding Swap Space

C.  Oracle Solaris 12.3 Components and Packages

D.  Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions

E.  Version Numbers of the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Components


Choosing Local or Remote Display of the Installer

You can display the installer either locally or remotely while you are installing the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 software:

Preparing for Installation Using a Remote Display

  1. On the display computer, enable client access to the X server by typing the following on the command line:
    xhost + source-computer-name

    Replace source-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname command entered on the source computer, which is the computer that contains the product DVD or downloaded files.

  2. Log in to the source computer and become a superuser (root).
    rlogin source-computer-name -l rootname
    Password: root-password
  3. On the source computer, set the display to the monitor that is attached to the display computer.

    If you use the C shell, type:

    setenv DISPLAY display-computer-name:n.n

    If you use the Bourne shell, type:

    DISPLAY=display-computer-name:n.n export DISPLAY

    If you use the Korn shell, type:

    export DISPLAY=display-computer-name:n.n

    Replace display-computer-name with the output of the /usr/bin/hostname entered on the display computer.