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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Installation Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Preparing for Installation

Software Installation Overview

System Requirements

Choosing Local or Remote Display of the Installer

Preparing for Installation Using a Remote Display

Installing to an NFS-Mounted Filesystem

To Prepare for Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio Software on an NFS-mounted Filesystem

Choosing an Installation Method

2.  Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software

3.  Uninstalling the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Software

4.  Troubleshooting

A.  Command-Line Options for the Installer,Uninstaller,and install_patches Utility

B.  Adding Swap Space

C.  Oracle Solaris 12.3 Components and Packages

D.  Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions

E.  Version Numbers of the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Components


Installing to an NFS-Mounted Filesystem

To install the Oracle Solaris Studio software on an NFS-mounted filesystem, you must run the installer on a supported system regardless of where the NFS partition is mounted. In the following procedure, the server is the machine with the physical disk on which the installed software will reside, and the client is the machine on which you run the installer and which NFS-mounts the filesystem from the server.

Note - The best way to share the product image as an NFS-mounted filesystem is to export it from a supported system. Run the installer on the server and share the directory in which the software is installed. Use the following NFS install procedure only if your NFS server is not a supported platform for the product.

After mounting the filesystem you can install the Oracle Solaris Studio product on the server by running the graphical user interface (GUI) installer or non-GUI installer on the client machine. You would specify the directory on which you mounted the filesystem as the installation directory for the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 software.

If you specify the --nfs-server option when you run the installer, the installer does not check the installation server for the required Solaris OS patches.

After you have installed the software, any machine that is running the Oracle Solaris 10 OS can mount the filesystem from the server on which you installed the software, and run the software. Each client machine that runs the software must have the required OS patches installed (see Appendix D, Patch Identification Numbers and Descriptions. You can install the patches using the install_patches utility (see Installing the Required Oracle Solaris OS Patches.

To uninstall Oracle Solaris Studio software installed on an NFS-mounted filesystem, you must run the uninstaller on the same client machine you used to install the software, and you must mount the filesystem prior to running the uninstaller.

To Prepare for Installing the Oracle Solaris Studio Software on an NFS-mounted Filesystem

  1. On the server machine, share the filesystem with the appropriate options. It is essential that root on the client machine on which the installer will be run have full access to the NFS filesystem:
    share -F nfs -o root=client-machine,rw filesystem
  2. On the client machine, mount the shared filesystem with read/write access:
    mount server-machine:filesystem installation-directory