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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: C User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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1.  Introduction to the C Compiler

2.  C-Compiler Implementation-Specific Information

3.  Parallelizing C Code

4.  lint Source Code Checker

5.  Type-Based Alias Analysis

6.  Transitioning to ISO C

7.  Converting Applications for a 64-Bit Environment

8.  cscope: Interactively Examining a C Program

8.1 The cscope Process

8.2 Basic Use

8.2.1 Step 1: Set Up the Environment

8.2.2 Step 2: Invoke the cscope Program

8.2.3 Step 3: Locate the Code

8.2.4 Step 4: Edit the Code

8.2.5 Command-Line Options

8.2.6 View Paths

8.2.7 cscope and Editor Call Stacks

8.2.8 Examples Changing a Constant to a Preprocessor Symbol Adding an Argument to a Function Changing the Value of a Variable

8.2.9 Command-Line Syntax for Editors

8.3 Unknown Terminal Type Error

A.  Compiler Options Grouped by Functionality

B.  C Compiler Options Reference

C.  Implementation-Defined ISO/IEC C99 Behavior

D.  Features of C99

E.  Implementation-Defined ISO/IEC C90 Behavior

F.  ISO C Data Representations

G.  Performance Tuning

H.  Oracle Solaris Studio C: Differences Between K&R C and ISO C


Chapter 8

cscope: Interactively Examining a C Program

cscope is an interactive program that locates specified elements of code in C, lex, or yacc source files. With cscope, you can search and edit your source files more efficiently than you could with a typical editor. cscope has the advantage of supporting function calls, when a function is being called and when it is doing the calling, as well as C language identifiers and keywords.

This chapter provides information about the cscope browser provided with this release.

Note - The cscope program has not yet been updated to understand codes written for the 1999 ISO/IEC C standard. For example, it does not yet recognize the new keywords introduced in the 1999 ISO/IEC C standard.