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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Overview of the Performance Analyzer

2.  Performance Data

3.  Collecting Performance Data

4.  The Performance Analyzer Tool

5.  The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool

er_print Syntax

Metric Lists

Commands That Control the Function List


metrics metric_spec

sort metric_spec


fsingle function_name [N]

Commands That Control the Callers-Callees List


csingle function_name [N]

cprepend function-name [N | ADDR]

cappend function-name [N | ADDR]



Commands That Control the Call Tree List


Commands That Control the Leak and Allocation Lists



Commands That Control the Source and Disassembly Listings





source|src { filename | function_name } [ N]

disasm|dis { filename | function_name } [ N]

scc com_spec

sthresh value

dcc com_spec

dthresh value

cc com_spec

Commands That Control Searching For Source Files

setpath path_list

addpath path_list

pathmap old-prefix new-prefix

Commands That Control Hardware Counter Dataspace and Memory Object Lists


data_single name [N]


memobj mobj_type


mobj_define mobj_type index_exp

Commands That Control Index Object Lists

indxobj indxobj_type


indxobj_define indxobj_type index_exp

Commands for the OpenMP Index Objects



Commands That Support the Thread Analyzer


rdetail race_id


ddetail deadlock_id

Commands That List Experiments, Samples, Threads, and LWPs






Commands That Control Filtering of Experiment Data

Specifying a Filter Expression

filters filter_exp

Listing Keywords for a Filter Expression


Selecting Samples, Threads, LWPs, and CPUs for Filtering

Selection Lists

Selection Commands

sample_select sample_spec

lwp_select lwp_spec

thread_select thread_spec

cpu_select cpu_spec

Commands That Control Load Object Expansion and Collapse


object_show object1,object2,...

object_hide object1,object2,...

object_api object1,object2,...


object_select object1,object2,...

Commands That List Metrics





Commands That Control Output

outfile {filename|-|--}

appendfile filename

limit n

name { long | short } [ :{ shared_object_name | no_shared_object_name } ]

viewmode { user| expert | machine }

compare { on | off }

Commands That Print Other Information

header exp_id



overview exp_id

statistics exp_id

Commands That Set Defaults

dmetrics metric_spec

dsort metric_spec

en_desc { on | off | =regexp}

Commands That Set Defaults Only For the Performance Analyzer

tabs tab_spec

rtabs tab_spec

tlmode tl_mode

tldata tl_data

Miscellaneous Commands


script file




Expression Grammar

Example Filter Expressions

er_print command Examples

6.  Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data

7.  Understanding Annotated Source and Disassembly Data

8.  Manipulating Experiments

9.  Kernel Profiling


Commands That Control Output

The following commands control er_print display output.

outfile {filename|-|--}

Close any open output file, then open filename for subsequent output. When opening filename, clear any pre-existing content. If you specify a dash (-) instead of filename, output is written to standard output. If you specify two dashes (--) instead of filename, output is written to standard error.

appendfile filename

Close any open output file and open filename, preserving any pre-existing content, so that subsequent output is appended to the end of the file. If filename does not exist, the functionality of the appendfile command is the same as for the outfile command.

limit n

Limit output to the first n entries of the report; n is an unsigned positive integer.

name { long | short } [ :{ shared_object_name | no_shared_object_name } ]

Specify whether to use the long or the short form of function names (C++ and Java only). If shared_object_name is specified, append the shared-object name to the function name.

viewmode { user| expert | machine }

Set the mode to one of the following:


For Java experiments, show the Java call stacks for Java threads, and do not show housekeeping threads. The function list includes a function <JVM-System> representing aggregated time from non-Java threads. When the JVM software does not report a Java call stack, time is reported against the function <no Java callstack recorded>.

For OpenMP experiments, show reconstructed call stacks similar to those obtained when the program is compiled without OpenMP. Add special functions, with the names of form <OMP-*>, when the OpenMP runtime is performing certain operations.


For Java experiments, show the Java call stacks for Java threads when the user’s Java code is being executed, and machine call stacks when JVM code is being executed or when the JVM software does not report a Java call stack. Show the machine call stacks for housekeeping threads.

For OpenMP experiments, show compiler generated functions representing parallelized loops, tasks, and such, which are aggregated with user functions in user mode. Add special functions, with the names of form <OMP-*>, when the OpenMP runtime is performing certain operations. Functions from the OpenMP runtime code are suppressed.


For Java experiments and OpenMP experiments, show the actual native call stacks for all threads.

For all experiments other than Java experiments and OpenMP experiments, all three modes show the same data.

compare { on | off }

Set comparison mode on or off. The default is off so when multiple experiments on the same executable are read, the data is aggregated. If comparison mode is enabled by setting compare on in your .er.rc file, and multiple experiments on the same executable are loaded, separate columns of metrics are shown for the data from each experiment. You can also compare experiments using the er_print compare command.

In comparison mode, the data from the experiments or groups is shown in adjacent columns on the Functions list, the Callers-callees list, and the Source and Disassembly lists. The columns are shown in the order of the loading of the experiments or groups, with an additional header line giving the experiment or group name.