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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Performance Analyzer Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library |
1. Overview of the Performance Analyzer
3. Collecting Performance Data
4. The Performance Analyzer Tool
5. The er_print Command Line Performance Analysis Tool
Commands That Control the Function List
Commands That Control the Callers-Callees List
cprepend function-name [N | ADDR]
cappend function-name [N | ADDR]
Commands That Control the Call Tree List
Commands That Control the Leak and Allocation Lists
Commands That Control the Source and Disassembly Listings
source|src { filename | function_name } [ N]
disasm|dis { filename | function_name } [ N]
Commands That Control Searching For Source Files
Commands That Control Hardware Counter Dataspace and Memory Object Lists
mobj_define mobj_type index_exp
Commands That Control Index Object Lists
indxobj_define indxobj_type index_exp
Commands for the OpenMP Index Objects
Commands That List Experiments, Samples, Threads, and LWPs
Commands That Control Filtering of Experiment Data
Specifying a Filter Expression
Listing Keywords for a Filter Expression
Selecting Samples, Threads, LWPs, and CPUs for Filtering
Commands That Control Load Object Expansion and Collapse
object_show object1,object2,...
object_hide object1,object2,...
object_api object1,object2,...
object_select object1,object2,...
name { long | short } [ :{ shared_object_name | no_shared_object_name } ]
viewmode { user| expert | machine }
Commands That Print Other Information
Commands That Set Defaults Only For the Performance Analyzer
6. Understanding the Performance Analyzer and Its Data
The following commands are in support of the Thread Analyzer. See the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3: Thread Analyzer User’s Guide for more information about the data captured and shown.
Writes a list of all data races in the experiments. Data-race reports are available only from experiments with data-race-detection data.
Writes the detailed information for the given race_id. If the race_id is set to all, detailed information for all data races is shown. Data race reports are available only from experiments with data race detection data.
Writes a list of all detected real and potential deadlocks in the experiments. Deadlock reports are available only from experiments with deadlock-detection data.
Writes the detailed information for the given deadlock_id. If the deadlock_id is set to all, detailed information for all deadlocks is shown. Deadlock reports are available only from experiments with deadlock-detection data.