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Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Code Analyzer User's Guide     Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 Information Library
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Document Information


1.  Introduction

2.  Collecting Data And Starting the Code Analyzer

Collecting Static Error Data

Collecting Dynamic Memory Access Data

Collecting Code Coverage Data

Starting the Code Analyzer GUI

A.  Errors Analyzed by the Code Analyzer


Collecting Static Error Data

To collect static error data on your C or C++ program, compile the program using the Oracle Solaris Studio 12.3 C or C++ compiler with the -xanalyze=code option. (The -xanalyze=code option is not available in the compilers in previous releases of Oracle Solaris Studio.) When you use this option, the compiler automatically extracts static errors and writes the data to the static subdirectory in the binary_name.analyze directory.

If you compile your program with the -xanalyze=code option and then link it in a separate step, you also need to include the -xanalyze=code option on the link step.

The compilers cannot detect all of the static errors in your code.

After collecting static error data, you can start the Code Analyzer GUI to analyze and display the data (see Starting the Code Analyzer GUI) or recompile the program so that you can collect dynamic memory access or code coverage data.